790 research outputs found

    Fourth derivative gravity in the auxiliary fields representation and application to the black hole stability

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    We consider an auxiliary fields formulation for the general fourth-order gravity on an arbitrary curved background. The case of a Ricci-flat background is elaborated in full details and it is shown that there is an equivalence with the standard metric formulation. At the same time, using auxiliary fields helps to make perturbations to look simpler and the results more clear. As an application we reconsider the linear perturbations for the classical Schwarzschild solution. We also briefly discuss the relation to the effect of massive unphysical ghosts in the theory.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Quantum Effects in Black Hole Interiors

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    The Weyl curvature inside a black hole formed in a generic collapse grows, classically without bound, near to the inner horizon, due to partial absorption and blueshifting of the radiative tail of the collapse. Using a spherical model, we examine how this growth is modified by quantum effects of conformally coupled massless fields.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure (not included), RevTe

    Anomaly-Induced Effective Action and Inflation

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    In the early Universe matter can be described as a conformal invariant ultra-relativistic perfect fluid, which does not contribute, on classical level, to the evolution of the isotropic and homogeneous metric. If we suppose that there is some desert in the particle spectrum just below the Planck mass, then the effect of conformal trace anomaly is dominating at the corresponding energies. With some additional constraints on the particle content of the underlying gauge model (which favor extended or supersymmetric versions of the Standard Model rather than the minimal one), one arrives at the stable inflation. We review the model and report about the calculation of the gravitational waves on the background of the anomaly-induced inflation. The result for the perturbation spectrum is close to the one for the conventional inflaton model, and is in agreement with the existing Cobe data (see also [hep-th/0009197]).Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX. Contribution to the Proceedings of the EuroConference on Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, 30 September - 5 October 2000. San Feliu, Spai

    Non-local density correlations as signal of Hawking radiation in BEC acoustic black holes

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    We have used the analogy between gravitational systems and non-homogeneous fluid flows to calculate the density-density correlation function of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of an acoustic black hole. The emission of correlated pairs of phonons by Hawking-like process results into a peculiar long-range density correlation. Quantitative estimations of the effect are provided for realistic experimental configurations.Comment: Strongly revised version. 5 pages, 3 eps figure

    Development of DTT single null divertor scenario

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    Abstract This paper focuses on scrape-off layer and divertor modelling of the medium-density single-null scenario of the Divertor Test Tokamak facility (DTT), under construction in Italy. The modelling was performed using the 2D coupled fluid-Monte Carlo code SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. For DTT pump designing, neutral pressure at the pump aperture below the dome is calculated in deuterium-only cases as well as with impurity seeding with various puffing levels. This scenario analysis also allowed the characterization of detachment in DTT and the influence of pumping on detachment itself. Two different radiating impurities, neon and nitrogen, were tested in the high power scenario to evaluate the minimum impurity concentration required to achieve sustainable conditions at DTT divertor. The sensitivity of the model was studied by varying the impurity concentration; the model shows a hysteresis-like behaviour between the impurity influx and the total impurity content by which detachment is strongly influenced

    Biases in the determination of dynamical parameters of star clusters: today and in the Gaia era

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    The structural and dynamical properties of star clusters are generally derived by means of the comparison between steady-state analytic models and the available observables. With the aim of studying the biases of this approach, we fitted different analytic models to simulated observations obtained from a suite of direct N-body simulations of star clusters in different stages of their evolution and under different levels of tidal stress to derive mass, mass function and degree of anisotropy. We find that masses can be under/over-estimated up to 50% depending on the degree of relaxation reached by the cluster, the available range of observed masses and distances of radial velocity measures from the cluster center and the strength of the tidal field. The mass function slope appears to be better constrainable and less sensitive to model inadequacies unless strongly dynamically evolved clusters and a non-optimal location of the measured luminosity function are considered. The degree and the characteristics of the anisotropy developed in the N-body simulations are not adequately reproduced by popular analytic models and can be detected only if accurate proper motions are available. We show how to reduce the uncertainties in the mass, mass-function and anisotropy estimation and provide predictions for the improvements expected when Gaia proper motions will be available in the near future.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Testing Hawking particle creation by black holes through correlation measurements

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    Hawking's prediction of thermal radiation by black holes has been shown by Unruh to be expected also in condensed matter systems. We show here that in a black hole-like configuration realised in a BEC this particle creation does indeed take place and can be unambiguously identified via a characteristic pattern in the density-density correlations. This opens the concrete possibility of the experimental verification of this effect.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Honorable mention in the 2010 GRF Essay Competitio

    Bridge over troubled gas: clusters and associations under the SMC and LMC tidal stresses

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    We obtained SOAR telescope B and V photometry of 14 star clusters and 2 associations in the Bridge tidal structure connecting the LMC and SMC. These objects are used to study the formation and evolution of star clusters and associations under tidal stresses from the Clouds. Typical star clusters in the Bridge are not richly populated and have in general relatively large diameters (~30-35 pc), being larger than Galactic counterparts of similar age. Ages and other fundamental parameters are determined with field-star decontaminated photometry. A self-consistent approach is used to derive parameters for the most-populated sample cluster NGC 796 and two young CMD templates built with the remaining Bridge clusters. We find that the clusters are not coeval in the Bridge. They range from approximately a few Myr (still related to optical HII regions and WISE and Spitzer dust emission measurements) to about 100-200 Myr. The derived distance moduli for the Bridge objects suggests that the Bridge is a structure connecting the LMC far-side in the East to the foreground of the SMC to the West. Most of the present clusters are part of the tidal dwarf candidate D 1, which is associated with an H I overdensity. We find further evidence that the studied part of the Bridge is evolving into a tidal dwarf galaxy, decoupling from the Bridge.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, MNRAS, Accepted 2015 July 2

    Bianchi Type I Cosmology in N=2, D=5 Supergravity

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    The dynamics and evolution of Bianchi type I space-times is considered in the framework of the four-dimensional truncation of a reduced theory obtained from the N=2,D=5 supergravity. The general solution of the gravitational field equations can be represented in an exact parametric form. All solutions have a singular behavior at the initial/final moment, except when the space-time geometry reduces to the isotropic flat case. Generically the obtained cosmological models describe an anisotropic, expanding or collapsing, singular Universe with a non-inflationary evolution for all times.Comment: revised version to appear in PR
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