18 research outputs found

    Adhesion and biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus from food processing plants as affected by growth medium, surface type and incubation temperature

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    This study assessed the effect of different growth media [BHI broth, BHI broth plus glucose (10 g/100 mL) and BHI broth plus NaCl (5 g/100 mL)] and incubation temperatures (28 or 37 ºC) on the adherence, detachment and biofilm formation on polypropylene and stainless steel surfaces (2 x 2 cm coupons) for a prolonged period (24-72 h) by some strains of Staphylococcus aureus (S3, S28 and S54) from food processing plants. The efficacy of the sanitizers sodium hypochlorite (250 mg/mL) and peracetic acid (30 mg/mL) in reducing the number of viable bacterial cells in a preformed biofilm was also evaluated. S. aureus strains adhered in highest numbers in BHI broth, regardless of the type of surface or incubation temperature. Cell detachment from surfaces revealed high persistence over the incubation period. The number of cells needed for biofilm formation was noted in all experimental systems after 3 days. Peracetic acid and sodium hypochlorite were not efficient in completely removing the cells of S. aureus adhered onto polypropylene and stainless steel surfaces. From these results, the assayed strains revealed high capacities to adhere and form biofilms on polypropylene and stainless steel surfaces under the different growth conditions, and the cells in biofilm matrixes were resistant to total removal when exposed to the sanitizers sodium hypochlorite and peracetic acid.Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes meios de crescimento [caldo BHI, caldo BHI adicionado de glucose (10 g/100 mL) e caldo BHI adicionado de NaCl (5 g/100 mL)] e temperaturas de incubação (28 e 37 ºC) sobre a adesão, separação e formação de biofilme sobre superfícies (2 x 2 cm) de polipropileno e aço inoxidável durante longo tempo de incubação (24-72 h) por parte de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus (S3, S58 e S54) isoladas de plantas de processamento de alimentos. Também foi avaliada a eficácia dos sanitizantes hipoclorito de sódio (250 mg/mL) e ácido peracético (30 mg/mL) na redução do número de células bacterianas viáveis presentes em um biofilme pré-formado. As cepas de S. aureus aderiram em número mais elevado quando incubadas em caldo BHI em ambos os tipos de superfícies e temperaturas de incubação testadas. A separação das células das superfícies revelou alta persistência ao longo do período de incubação. Número de células necessário para a formação do biofilme foi detectado depois de três dias de incubação em todos os sistemas experimentais. O ácido peracético e o hipoclorito de sódio não foram eficientes em remover completamente a células de S. aureus aderidas sobre as superfícies de polipropileno e aço inoxidável. Os resultados obtidos revelaram alta capacidade das cepas ensaiadas em aderir e formar biofilme sobre superfícies de polipropileno e aço inoxidável sobre diferentes condições de crescimento e que as células na matriz do biofilme apresentaram-se resistentes à total remoção quando expostas aos sanitizantes hipoclorito de sódio e ácido peracético

    Comparative antimicrobial activities of aerosolized sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and electrochemically activated solutions evaluated using a novel standardized assay

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    The main aim of this study was to develop a standardized experimental assay to enable differential antimicrobial comparisons of test biocidal aerosols. This study represents the first chlorine-matched comparative assessment of the antimicrobial activities of aerosolized sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and electrochemically activated solution (ECAS) to determine their relative abilities to decontaminate various surface-associated health care-relevant microbial challenges. Standard microbiological challenges were developed by surface-associating typed Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis spores, or a clinical methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strain on stainless steel, polypropylene, or fabric. All test coupons were subjected to 20-min biocidal aerosols of chlorine-matched (100 ppm) sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, or ECAS within a standard aerosolization chamber using a commercial humidifier under defined conditions. Biocidal treatment type and material surface had a significant effect on the number of microorganisms recovered from various material surfaces following treatment exposure. Under the conditions of the assay, the order of antimicrobial efficacy of biocidal aerosol treatment was as follows: ECAS>chlorine dioxide>sodium hypochlorite. For all biocides, greater antimicrobial reductions were seen when treating stainless steel and fabric than when treating plastic-associated microorganisms. The experimental fogging system and assay protocol designed within this study were shown capable of differentiating the comparative efficacies of multiple chlorine-matched biocidal aerosols against a spectrum of target organisms on a range of test surface materials and would be appropriate for testing other biocidal aerosol treatments or material surfaces. Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved