171 research outputs found

    Judicial notification and the parties’ role in it: An assessment study under the Emirati Federal Civil Procedures Law No. 11 of 1992 and its amendments

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    يتناول هذا البحث موضوعًا غاية في الأهمية هو الإعلان القضائي ودور طرفي الخصومة، المدعي والمدعى عليه، في عملية الإعلان. حيث استحدث المشرع الإماراتي، بموجب القانون الاتحادي رقم 10 لسنة 2014 ، دورًا إيجابيًّا - لم يكن مقررًا في السابق - لطرفي الخصومة في عملية الإعلان. وقد تناولت الدراسة دور طرفي الخصومة المقرر لهما في عملية الإعلان، أيًّا كان المصدر الذي يمنحهما هذا الدور، حيث وجد أن طرفي الخصومة يستمدان دوريهما في عملية الإعلان إما من خلال نص مباشر في القانون، أو من خلال قرار تصدره المحكمة، أو من خلال اتفاق يقوم بينهما على ذلك. وذلك كله وفقًا لما تضمنه القانون. وقد تم تحليل القواعد المقررة والمنظمة لدور الخصوم في عملية الإعلان، وصولًا إلى تقييمها وبيان دقة ما احتوته من تنظيم. وقد انتهت الدراسة إلى تبني توصيات عدة من شأنها أن تؤدي - حال تم الأخذ بها - إلى تحقيق قدر أعلى من العدالة التي جاء القانون المقرر والمنظم لعملية الإعلان - بما في ذلك دور الأطراف فيها - لتحقيقها.This article addresses a very important subject, which is judicial notification and the parties’--both the claimant’s and the defendant’s--role in it. The Emirati legislature, through a newly enacted law, Federal Law No. 10 of 2014, has given the parties a positive role in the notification process. This role was not established in the prior regulations, apart from certain cases. The study in this article deals with the parties’ role in the notification process, regardless of the basis on which this role is given them. According to the conditions established by the law, parties may be given a role in the notification process in a variety of ways: through a direct provision in the law, through a decision made by a court, or through an agreement made between the parties themselves. The legal rules regulating the parties’ role in the notification process are analysed, and the accuracy and sufficiency of these rules are assessed. The study makes more than one recommendation concerning the matter in question. The recommendations, if adopted, will achieve a higher level of justice

    Guiding Questions

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    Guiding Questions for Panels

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    Future Teachers’ Attitudes about Certain Aspects of Information and Communication Technologies

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    Uporaba informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (ICT-a) zauzela je važno mjesto u odgojU i obrazovanjU. Računala su prisutna u velikom broju kućanstava, dječjih vrtića i gotovo u svim osnovnim školama. Stalno obrazovanje roditelja, odgojitelja i učitelja o primjeni ICT-a ima važno mjesto u odgoju i obrazovanju djece. Važno je upoznavanje djece s pozitivnim i negativnim posljedicama uporabe novih tehnologija i pravovremeno interveniranje svih osoba uključenih u odgojno-obrazovni proces ako je riječ o štetnim utjecajima korištenja ICT-a. Uvodno se polazi od razmatranja važnosti uloge roditelja u uporabi ICT-a u odgoju i obrazovanju djece, neadekvatnoj i prekomjernoj uporabi računala, igranju računalnih igara i određenim oblicima ponašanja, prikazuju se američki tehnologijskih standardi potrebni za rad nastavnika i nastavnih sadržaja iz područja informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. U radu se prikazuje istraživanje provedeno na Sveučilištu Jurja Dobrile u Puli o stavovima budućih učitelja o njihovim i o roditeljskim kompetencijama u primjeni ICT-a i negativnim posljedicama prekomjerne uporabe računala i igranja računalnih igara. Dominantni su stavovi da bi roditelji trebali biti bolje upoznati sa sadržajem računalnih igara i da učitelji nisu dovoljno upoznati sa sadržajima računalnih igara, vrstama (žanrovima) igara i s negativnim posljedicama prekomjerne uporabe računala. Iznenađuje „konzervativan" stav ¼ studenata o potrebi permanentnog obrazovanja o ICT-u u budućem radu.The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has an important place within the process of education. Personal computers are present in numerous households, kindergartens, and almost all primary schools. Permanent education of parents, educators and teachers about the application of ICT has an important role in the process of children's education. Familiarising children with positive and negative consequences of the application of new technologies and timely involvement of all persons involved in the process of education contributes to adequate and quality use of new technologies. In the introductory part, the paper deals with the importance of parents' role regarding the use of ICT in children's education, inadequate and excessive use of computers, playing computer games and particular modes of behaviour, and describes the American national educational technology standards for teachers and courses in the field of information and communication technology. The paper brings the research conducted at the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula on the attitudes of future teachers and parents about their competence in applying ITC and negative consequences of excessive use of computers, that is, playing computer games. The dominant attitudes are that parents should be more familiar with the content of computer games and those teachers are not sufficiently familiar with the content of computer games, types (genres) of games and negative consequences of frequent use of computers. It is surprising that even ¼ of students have "conservative" attitude about the need of continuing educatio

    The Attitudes of Students toward the Use of Smartphones

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    Objectives: The aim of the research was to examine the attitudes of students regarding the use of smartphones during the day and at night, their impact on the quality of sleep and the use of social networks and communication tools. Methods: In the research, a survey questionnaire constructed for the needs of this research was used. It consisted of two independent and nine dependent variables. The research was conducted by placing a questionnaire on a Google form. 327 respondents, students studying in Croatia, took part in the research. Findings: The results of the research show that respondents use their smartphones for an average of 3,16 hours a day; they visit the social network Instagram most often (54,1 %), and Snapchat the least (1,5 %). When communicating, most of them use WhatsApp (75,8 %), while Telegram is used by only one respondent (0,3 %). 84,1 % of respondents use their smartphone before going to sleep; almost 89 % of respondents say that their smartphone never wakes them up during the night. Novelty: Mobile phones have become part of everyday life, especially among younger generations. The majority of communication takes place precisely through these devices, communicating through a handful of tools that are available

    A Search for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays with ANITA-3

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    The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a balloon borne radio inter- ferometer, designed to detect the impulsive Askaryan radiation created by ultra-high energy neutrinos interacting in the ice sheets of Antarctica. Previous flights of the experiment have demonstrated an unexpected sensitivity to cosmic rays, detecting the radio emission from geo-magnetically induced transverse currents in extended air showers. The third flight of ANITA (ANITA-3) took place during the austral summer of 2014-15. In this thesis I present two contributions to the ANITA-3 experiment, the tim- ing calibration of the digitizer electronics, and my implementation of a real-time interferometric event prioritizer using a GPU flown with the experiment. Finally, I present a search for neutrinos and cosmic rays in the ANITA-3 data set. No evidence of neutrino interactions is observed, with zero candidate events discovered on a background of 0.11 ± 0.07 leading to the world’s best limit on the ultra-high energy neutrino flux in the energy range 10^19 eV to 10^21 eV. Four isolated, predominantly horizontally polarised events are found in the data. Further work is required to confirm these events have all the properties consistent with radio emission induced by cosmic ray air shower

    Analysis of the performance of the three largest croatian banks on facebook

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    Društvene su mreže postale nezaobilazna aktivnost današnjice, one su izvorišna tema razgovora među ljudima, ponajviše među mladima. One su digitalni medij čiji je razvoj omogućen razvojem interneta i platforme koja podržava takav sustav. Digitalizacija nije uvjetovala samo način na koji korisnici pretražuju sadržaj i dolaze do informacija već i njihovo ponašanje i razmišljanje. Promjena ponašanja i razmišljanja korisnika uvjetovala je i promjene u poslovanju raznih poduzeća, na način da su mnoge tvrtke dio svog poslovanja preselile online.. U posljednje se vrijeme sve više tvrtki okreće društvenim mrežama, ponajviše Facebooku kao neformalnom sredstvu komunikacije putem kojeg mogu promovirati svoje proizvode i usluge, ali i stupiti u interakciju sa korisnicima. Sve su te prednosti privukle i bankarski sektor. Banke u društvenim mrežama imaju odličnu platformu za direktnu komunikaciju s korisnicima. Ciljanim oglašavanjem koje nude mreže poput Facebooka mogu doći do vrlo kvalitetne baze fanova koja će biti zainteresirana za takav sadržaj.Social networking sites have become an unavoidable nowday activity and they are the main conversation topic among people, particularly among young people. They are the digital medium whose development was enabled by the development of the Internet and the platforms which support such a system. Digitalization is not caused just by the way users search content and access to information, but also by their behavior and thinking. Changes in user's behavior and thinking have caused the changes in business for various companies, in a way that many companies have moved part of their business online. Lately, more and more companies are turning to social networks, primarily Facebook as an informal way of communication through which they can promote their products and services, and interact with customers. All these benefits have attracted the banking sector. Banks in social networks have an excellent platform for direct communication with their customers. Through targeted advertising offered by networks like Facebook they can reach very high-quality fan base that will be interested in such content

    Analysis of the performance of the three largest croatian banks on facebook

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    Društvene su mreže postale nezaobilazna aktivnost današnjice, one su izvorišna tema razgovora među ljudima, ponajviše među mladima. One su digitalni medij čiji je razvoj omogućen razvojem interneta i platforme koja podržava takav sustav. Digitalizacija nije uvjetovala samo način na koji korisnici pretražuju sadržaj i dolaze do informacija već i njihovo ponašanje i razmišljanje. Promjena ponašanja i razmišljanja korisnika uvjetovala je i promjene u poslovanju raznih poduzeća, na način da su mnoge tvrtke dio svog poslovanja preselile online.. U posljednje se vrijeme sve više tvrtki okreće društvenim mrežama, ponajviše Facebooku kao neformalnom sredstvu komunikacije putem kojeg mogu promovirati svoje proizvode i usluge, ali i stupiti u interakciju sa korisnicima. Sve su te prednosti privukle i bankarski sektor. Banke u društvenim mrežama imaju odličnu platformu za direktnu komunikaciju s korisnicima. Ciljanim oglašavanjem koje nude mreže poput Facebooka mogu doći do vrlo kvalitetne baze fanova koja će biti zainteresirana za takav sadržaj.Social networking sites have become an unavoidable nowday activity and they are the main conversation topic among people, particularly among young people. They are the digital medium whose development was enabled by the development of the Internet and the platforms which support such a system. Digitalization is not caused just by the way users search content and access to information, but also by their behavior and thinking. Changes in user's behavior and thinking have caused the changes in business for various companies, in a way that many companies have moved part of their business online. Lately, more and more companies are turning to social networks, primarily Facebook as an informal way of communication through which they can promote their products and services, and interact with customers. All these benefits have attracted the banking sector. Banks in social networks have an excellent platform for direct communication with their customers. Through targeted advertising offered by networks like Facebook they can reach very high-quality fan base that will be interested in such content


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    The general aim of this research is to obtain an insight into substance abuse among the pupils of the elementary school Jože Šuran in Višnjan – Branch School in Kaštelir, with the purpose of planning preventive and early interventions aimed at substance abuse, as well as a possible conduction of a further research on a larger sample of examinees. The specific aim is to determine the differences in the use of addictive substances according to age (grades) of pupils, since the risk of experimenting with some addictive substances increases in the adolescence period. The obtained results show a relatively favourable relation between the pupils of the examined school toward substance abuse and are a valuable contribution to the planning of preventive and early interventions regarding this problem.Generalni cilj ovog istraživanja je steći uvid u zlouporabu opojnih sredstva učenika osnovne škole Jože Šurana Višnjan - područna škola Kaštelir u svrhu planiranja preventivnih i ranih intervencija usmijerenih ka tom problemu, kao i eventualnog provođenja daljnjeg istraživanja na većem uzorku ispitanika. Specifični cilj je utvrditi razlike uporabe sredstava ovisnosti po dobi (razredima) učenika, obzirom da se s adolescentskom dobi povećava rizik vezan uz eksperimentiranje s pojedinim sredstvima ovisnosti. Dobiveni podaci pokazuju relativno povoljan odnos učenika promatrane škole prema zlouporabi sredstava ovisnosti i vrijedan su doprinos u planiranju preventivnih i ranih intervencija u odnosu na taj problem


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    When we speak about the potential influence of computer use the most vulnerable segment of the population in particular is that of pupils that go through the process of socialization and who are most susceptible to different influences. The influence of parents on a young person will, in this respect, depend on a serious of characteristics such as the parents’ child-rearing practices, their competence to provide timely and adequate intervention, their personality etc.51 The goals of this work are directed towards detecting the differences for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used and the characteristics of the parents in groups of pupils that perpetrated criminal acts (N=100) treated by the Centre for social care Pula in the period from 01/04/2004 until 31/3/2007. The purpose of the research is to determine precise indicators for the interpretation of this phenomenon, to provide guidelines for prevention and treatment of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts and their parents. The results indicate that the groups of pupils that perpetrated various criminal acts have almost the same characteristics of the parents. There are differences between groups for the purpose of which computers are most frequently used.Kada govorimo o potencijalnom utjecaju uporabe računala najranjiviji dio populacije su upravno učenici koji prolaze kroz proces socijalizacije i u toj su dobi najpodložniji različitim utjecajima. Utjecaji roditelja na mladu osobu će u ovom pogledu ovisiti o nisu obilježja kao što su njihovi odgojni postupci, kompetencije da pravovremeno i odgovarajuće interveniraju, njihova osobnost i sl. Ciljevi ovog rada usmjereni su ka utvrđivanju razlika u obilježjima roditelja između skupina učenika počinitelja različitih kaznenih djela i u svrsi najčešće njihove uporabe računala (N=100) koji su bili u tretmanu Centra za socijalu skrb Pula tijekom tri godine. Svrha istraživanja ukazala bi na preciznije tumačenje pojave, određivanje preventivnih i tretmanskih smjernica za učenike počinitelje različitih kaznenih djela i njihove roditelje. Rezultati pokazuju da promatrane skupine učenika počinitelja različitih kaznenih djela imaju gotovo ista obilježja roditelja, dok se razlikuju u svrsi uporabe računala