999 research outputs found

    Economic and social impacts of logging at national forests - a study case at Brazil

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    Brazil has the largest tropical rainforests in the world and most of them are located at Amazon River basin area. During the last three decades, deforestation are growing very fast in this region, having negative impacts at local and global weather. In order to minimize these impacts and protect part of the biodiversity, Brazilian government established several national forests in this area, but just one have being explored, the Tapajós National Forest (known as Flona Tapajós). This paper evaluates the economic and social features of a reduced impact logging project conducted at Flona Tapajós from 1999 to 2003. It was coordinated by IBAMA (the Brazilian governmental agency responsible for managing National Forests), funded by ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization) and conducted by Treviso Agropecuária Ltda (a private enterprise). This project is locally known as ITTO project. Basing on field interviews and examining IBAMA´s and Treviso´s documents, this paper concludes that ITTO project was highly profitable for the private company, in spite of the company had obeyed all Brazilian working laws, what is not very common at this Brazilian region. Treviso´s internal rate of return was 35.79%. ITTO project impacted significantly the community workers involved with the project and it was able to teach this population how to manage rainforests in order to produce timber without destroying them. The paper ends by suggesting some attitudes that Brazilian government can follow in its discussion about new reduced impact logging projects to be implemented at Flona Tapajós and other national forests by both private enterprises and local communities.

    Shape Memory Actuated Normally Open Permanent Isolation Valve

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    A valve assembly for an in-space propulsion system includes an inlet tube, an outlet tube, a valve body coupling the inlet tube to the outlet tube and defining a propellant flow path, a valve stem assembly disposed within the valve body, an actuator body coupled to the valve body, the valve stem assembly extending from an interior of the valve body to an interior of the actuator body, and an actuator assembly disposed within the actuator body and coupled to the valve stem assembly, the actuator assembly including a shape memory actuator member that when heated to a transition temperature is configured to enable the valve stem assembly to engage the outlet tube and seal the propellant flow path


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    O presente artigo busca explorar a relação entre modernidade e direito. Relação essa que aparece, ao mesmo tempo, paradoxal e contraditória. O direito aparece como um instrumento de dominação e, portanto, ocasiona a subinclusão e sobreinclusão de indivíduos em um capitalismo de massa. Investigar e explorar esse fenômeno a partir da ótica da filosofia e como a figura heroica do flâneur de Walter Benjamin deve se relacionar com o direito

    Green Propellant Landing Demonstration at U.S. Range

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    The Green Propellant Loading Demonstration (GPLD) was conducted December 2015 at Wallops Flight Facility (WFF), leveraging work performed over recent years to bring lower toxicity hydrazine replacement green propellants to flight missions. The objective of this collaboration between NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), WFF, the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB), and Ecological Advanced Propulsion Systems (ECAPS) was to successfully accept LMP-103S propellant at a U.S. Range, store the propellant, and perform a simulated flight vehicle propellant loading. NASA GSFC Propulsion (Code 597) managed all aspects of the operation, handling logistics, preparing the procedures, and implementing the demonstration. In addition to the partnership described above, Moog Inc. developed an LMP-103S propellant-compatible titanium rolling diaphragm flight development tank and loaned it to GSFC to act as the GPLD flight vessel. The flight development tank offered the GPLD an additional level of flight-like propellant handling process and procedures. Moog Inc. also provided a compatible latching isolation valve for remote propellant expulsion. The GPLD operation, in concert with Moog Inc. executed a flight development tank expulsion efficiency performance test using LMP-103S propellant. As part of the demonstration work, GSFC and WFF documented Range safety analyses and practices including all elements of shipping, storage, handling, operations, decontamination, and disposal. LMP-103S has not been previously handled at a U.S. Launch Range. Requisite for this activity was an LMP-103S Risk Analysis Report and Ground Safety Plan. GSFC and WFF safety offices jointly developed safety documentation for application into the GPLD operation. The GPLD along with the GSFC Propulsion historical hydrazine loading experiences offer direct comparison between handling green propellant versus safety intensive, highly toxic hydrazine propellant. These described motives initiated the GPLD operation in order to investigate the handling and process safety variances in project resources between LMP-103S and typical in-space propellants. The GPLD risk reduction operation proved successful for many reasons including handling the green propellant at a U.S. Range, loading and pressurizing a flight-like tank, expelling the propellant, measuring the tank expulsion efficiency, and most significantly, GSFC propulsion personnel's new insight into the LMP-103S propellant handling details

    A valorização dos precedentes e o distanciamento entre os sistemas civil law e common law

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    O presente trabalho aborda a valorização dos precedentes no sistema processual brasileiro. Passa pela análise da configuração histórica do civil law e common law, problematizando a diferença entre as famílias jurídicas tradicionais. Termina por afirmar um distanciamento do sistema processual brasileiro do common law, assumindo uma verdadeira differánce derridiana

    Effect of stripe clearing on 4 grasses species and 2 broadleaves of caldenal

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    En la Región del Espinal, Distrito del Caldén, en la provincia de San Luis existe un fuerte proceso de agriculturización con la consecuente pérdida de remanentes de bosque nativo, peligro de conservación de especies nativas e invasión de especies exóticas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del desmonte en franjas sobre 6 especies del caldenal (4 gramíneas y 2 latifoliadas). El estudio se realizó en un campo a 15 km. al norte de la ciudad de Villa Mercedes (San Luis), sometido a un desmonte en franjas para uso agrícola en el año 2003. En 5 sitios ubicados en franjas remanentes de bosque nativo y 5 en bosque nativo sin desmonte, se trazaron transectas de 39 m de longitud, dirección NS y a lo largo de la misma se registraron las especies presentes en 14 unidades de muestreo de 1 m2. Los datos se analizaron utilizando IBM SPSS Statistics 19, mediante Métodos No Paramétricos, U de Mann-Whitney. El análisis estadístico mostró diferencias significativas (p<0.05) en Digitaria californica, Pappophorum pappiferum, Salsola kali y Cestrum parqui. El estudio demostró que el cultivo entre franjas de bosque nativo produjo un cambio en la frecuencia de poáceas nativas y de latifoliadas.In the region of “Espinal”, Calden Distrct in the province of San Luis there is a strong agriculturization process with the consequent loss of native forest remnants, conserving endangered native species and invasion of exotic species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the stripe clearing on 6 species of caldenal (4 grasses and 2 broa- dleaves). The study was conducted in a field 15 km to the north of the city of Villa Mercedes (San Luis), subjected to a strip-clearing for agricultural use, in the year 2003. On 5 sites into native forest remnants stripes and 5 into without clearing native forest, 39 m long tran- sects were laid, N-S direction, and along the same were recorded the presente species in 14 sampling units of 1 m2. Data were analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 19, through non- parametric methods, Mann-Whitney U. Statistical analysis showed significant differences (p <0.05) in Digitaria californica, Pappophorum pappiferum, Salsola kali and Cestrum par- qui. The study showed that the cultivation of native forest between stripes was a change in the frequency of native grasses and broadleaves.Fil: Ruiz, O. M.. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina;Fil: Luna, H. R.. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina;Fil: Bacha, Emmanuel Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - San Luis; Argentina; Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina;Fil: Pedranzani, H.. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina;Fil: Gabutti, E.G.. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina

    Efecto de la suplementación energética sobre la degradabilidad de la fibra en rumiantes en pastoreo

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    Las condiciones climáticas de la Región Pampeana Semiárida, no permiten tener seguridad en la producción forrajera, dificultando la planificación de la alimentación de los rodeos de cría e invernada sobre todo en invierno. La utilización de una Suplementación energética moderada es una práctica habitual con el objetivo de mejorar la dieta de los animales y cubrir déficit forrajeros, pero se desconoce la influencia sobre la digestión de la fibra y la intensidad de los cambios del ambiente ruminal. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los cambios en la utilización digestiva de la fibra de distintos substratos lignocelulósicos, y estimar variables del ambiente ruminal, en novillos cuya dieta se basó en pastoreo de avena y diferentes niveles de Suplementación energética. El estudio se realizó en el Campo Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía de la UNLPam, con 3 novillos Hereford fistulados de rumen que pastoreaban un verdeo de Avena (Avena sativa cv Cristal). Se utilizó un diseño experimental en Cuadrado Latino de 3 animales y 3 tratamientos, suministrando grano de maíz partido luego de un encierre nocturno en cantidades de MS equivalentes al O% (T1), 0,5% (T2) y 1% (T3) del peso vivo del animal. Se incubaron bolsitas de nylon en el rumen durante 72, 48, 24,12,6,3 Y O horas con diferentes fuentes de fibra: rollo de alfalfa (Medicago sativa), pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula) diferido, el forraje pastoreado (Avena sativa cv Cristal) y Celulosa. Sobre el residuo de las mismas se estimó la degradabilidad efectiva de la Materia Seca (MS) y la degradabilidad efectiva dela fibra en detergente neutro (FDN). También se tomaron muestras de líquido ruminal a las 0,3,6,9,12 Y 18 horas luego del suministro del grano durante 2 días consecutivos, sobre las cuales se midió pH, concentración de amoníaco (NH3) y concentración de ácidos grasos volátiles de cadena corta (AGV). La Degradabilidad Efectiva de la MS y de la FDN de los forrajes mostraron similar comportamiento, con una disminución significativa (p &lt; 0,05) de T3 respecto a T1. En el caso de la celulosa no fue significativa esta disminución de degradabilidad efectiva pero se presento la misma tendencia, atribuyendo este comportamiento en todos los casos a la variación significativa (p &lt; 0,05) de pH que modifica las poblaciones microbianas en rumen al suplementar con niveles crecientes de grano. En el caso del amoníaco su concentración ruminal disminuyó al suplementar (p&lt; 0,05), sin diferencias entre las cantidades de grano aportadas. Los AGV solo mostraron cambios significativos entre T2 y T3. Como conclusión se podría recomendar la suplementación energética con grano molido a niveles de 0,5% del peso vivo como una estrategia para mantener estable el aporte de nutrientes, sin disminuir significativamente la degradabilidad de la dieta base


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    The article explores a reading about recent events in Latin America and, at the same time, analyzes the regime of government established in the new Latin American constitutionalism. To achieve the goal, there is the intertwining of theoretical categories such as abusive constitutionalism and hyperpresidentialism. The question is whether and to what extent the new Latin American constitutionalism would adopt hyperpresidentialism and, from then on, enable the Executive Power to use constitutional powers against the Constitution itself. Faced with intense criticism directed at the organic part of the Constitution in the new Latin American constitutionalism, the essay is a rereading according to a Latin American constitutional theory.O artigo explora uma leitura acerca dos acontecimentos recentes na América Latina e, ao mesmo tempo, realiza uma análise do regime de governo instituído no novo constitucionalismo latino-americano. Para alcançar o objetivo, há o entrelaçamento de categorias teóricas como constitucionalismo abusivo e hiperpresidencialismo. A questão é indagar se e em que medida o novo constitucionalismo latino-americano adotaria um hiperpresidencialismo e, a partir daí, possibilitaria que o Poder Executivo utilizasse os poderes constitucionais contra a própria Constituição. Diante das intensas críticas dirigidas à parte orgânica da Constituição no novo constitucionalismo latino-americano, o ensaio é uma releitura de acordo com uma teoria constitucional latino-american

    SCSBRS 113 - Tio Taka: cultivar de arroz irrigado obtida através de seleção recorrente.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar e discutir os principais resultados que levaram ao lançamento da SCSBRS 113 ? TioTaka para plantio em Santa Catarina e apresentar a metodologia utilizada no desenvolvimento da referida cultivar

    Early repair of hemitruncus: Excellent early and late outcomes

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    ObjectiveAnomalous origin of 1 of the branch pulmonary arteries from the aorta with 2 normal semilunar valves (hemitruncus) is a rare entity. There have been several small case series reported. We report here our single-institution surgical experience with hemitruncus from 1982 to 2006.MethodsA retrospective case review of all cases of conotruncal anomalies at Children’s Hospital Boston revealed 16 patients with hemitruncus. Ten patients had surgery in the neonatal period (<30 days), 4 at 1 to 6 months, 1 at 8 months, and 1 at 2 years. Diagnosis of hemitruncus was the indication for operation in all but 1. Fourteen of the 16 had anomalous right pulmonary artery from aorta, and 2 had left pulmonary artery from aorta. Common associated anomalies included patent foramen ovale in 14, patent ductus arteriosus in 11, and ventricular septal defect in 4. All patients had elevated right ventricular pressures with systemic pressures in 5 and suprasystemic pressures in 9.ResultsThere was 1 operative death in this series in an infant who died from sepsis following ligation of a tracheoesophageal fistula. One patient required reoperation for supravalvar aortic stenosis and right pulmonary artery stenosis 1 year postoperatively. Three patients required 4 catheter-based interventions postoperatively. At 20 years, survival by Kaplan–Meier was 93%; freedom from reoperation, 93%; and freedom from catheter reintervention, 79%.ConclusionsEarly repair of hemitruncus results in excellent hemodynamic and anatomic results. Survival is excellent, with a low incidence of reoperation or reintervention