197 research outputs found

    Nouveau signalement de Cataetyx laticeps (Bythitidae) en Atlantique nord-ouest

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    2 pages, 2 figures.-- Ichtyologiques notes.[EN] The capture of C. laticeps off Newfoundland constitutes the first record of this species in the Northwestern Atlantic. Known until now from East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, this capture notably extends its range of distribution towards the Northwest.[FR] La capture d’un spécimen de C. laticeps au large de Terre-Neuve constitue le premier signalement de cette espèce dans l’Atlantique nord-ouest. Connue jusqu’à présent de l’Atlantique est et de la Méditerranée, cette capture étend notablement son aire de distribution vers le nord-ouest.The Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) supported this study.Peer reviewe

    Ictiofauna del banco de Galicia: composición taxonómica y aspectos biogeográficos

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    264 páginasEl objetivo general de esta tesis es determinar la composición faunística de peces que habitan el monte submarino del banco de Galicia y sus relaciones biogeográficas. Para ello se han planteado cinco objetivos específicos. 1. Listar las especies identificadas en el banco de Galicia, determinar la composición taxonómica y sus relaciones biogeográficas. 2. Determinar la composición de especies del género Apristurus (Pentanchidae) en el banco de Galicia. 3. Determinar la composición de especies de la familia Halosauridae (Notacanthiformes) en el banco de Galicia. 4. Determinar la composición de especies del género Lepidion (Moridae) en el banco de Galicia, sus relaciones interespecíficas y la descripción de hiperpigmentación melánica en ejemplares del género. 5. Determinar la composición de especies de la familia Bathygadidae (Gadiformes) en el banco de GaliciaLos estudios e investigaciones llevados a cabo en esta tesis doctoral forman parte del proyecto LIFE+ INDEMARESPeer reviewe

    Preliminary evidence about the colonisation process of Kyphosus species (Perciformes: Kyphosidae) in the subtropical–temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean sea

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    A review of the non-native Kyphosus species historically recorded in Galician waters (north-western Spain) based on morphological and molecular characteristics is carried out. The list is composed of 15 specimens recorded from 2002 to 2022, showing a clearly unbalanced ratio in favour of K. vaigiensis with respect to K. sectatrix (6.5:1). A similar analysis was performed by consulting ichthyological literature on the Kyphosus species reported in the subtropical–temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The results seem to reflect a more recent and conspicuous appearance of K. vaigiensis in the Northeast Atlantic–Mediterranean area, suggesting a higher invasive capacity than that of its congener K. sectatrix, perhaps related to its greater mobility. DNA barcoding supports the morphological identification of K. vaigiensis from Galicia and confirms the Atlantic–Mediterranean and Indo–Pacific distribution of the species. In addition, the main distinctive morphological characters found in the ichthyological literature have been revised and the taxonomic status of one published record has been changed. The results indicate the need to monitor non-indigenous marine species in the current global warming scenario of the Anthropocene era.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/2

    Muerte súbita cardiaca

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    Historia clínica: Adulto joven de 28 años sin antecedentes patológicos, que fallece de forma súbita en su domicilio tras un episodio de estrés físico y emocional

    First record of Caprella mutica from the Iberian Peninsula: expansion southwards in European waters

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    The caprellid amphipod, Caprella mutica, is a well-known invasive species, originating in the Sea of Japan, which has been rapidly expanding along the coasts of North America, Europe and Oceania for the last forty years. Caprella mutica is frequently associated with man-made structures, especially those dedicated to aquaculture activities, where it can reach high densities of up to 300,000 ind./m2. A well-established population of C. mutica was recently found by SCUBA-divers in Galician waters (north-west Spain) at 6 different man-made floating structures along Ría de Arousa. The record of this species in this location implies a new southernmost limit of distribution, extending the known distribution range in Atlantic European waters and confirming the continuity of the colonization southwards

    Range extension of the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) southern part of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean

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    The atlantic herring Clupea harengus linnaeus, 1758 is a pelagic clupeid, schooling, plankton-feeding species that inhabits the coastal areas from inshore to well offshore waters, at depths to 200 m (Whitehead, 1986). This target species has been crucial for food security and economic development in northern europe (Martinez-Barrio et al., 2016). Its fishery currently ranks among the five largest fisheries in the world, with nearly 2 million tons of fish landed annually in the last years (Fao, 2010-2019). This species is distributed on both sides of the north atlantic ocean. In the western atlantic, it ranges from labrador to cape Hatteras; in the eastern atlantic, from the northern part of the Bay of Biscay to Greenland, and to the east into the Barents sea (Whitehead, 1985, 1986). In the northeastern atlantic, a large number of intraspecific groups (races, stocks, and populations) are distinguished by their spawning grounds and seasons, otolith morphology and meristic characters (Berg et al., 2017).En prensa0,40

    Geographic Range Expansion and Taxonomic Notes of the Shortfin Neoscopelid Neoscopelus cf. microchir (Myctophiformes: Neoscopelidae) in the North-Eastern Atlantic

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    One specimen of the shortfin neoscopelid Neoscopelus microchir Matsubara, 1943, has been recorded for the first time on the Porcupine Bank, southwestern Ireland, providing a new northern limit of distribution for the eastern Atlantic. Morphometric and meristic parameters confirm the taxonomic identification. However, DNA barcoding shows deficiencies in current taxonomy and the potential occurrence of cryptic species. On this basis, the specimen is cautiously reported as Neosopelus cf. microchir pending a taxonomic revision of the genus.Versión del edito

    Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of June-July 2017

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    A stratified random bottom trawl survey on Flemish Cap was carried out from June 16th to July 15th 2017. The area surveyed was extended up to depths of 800 fathoms (1460 meters) following the same procedures as in previous years and 181 fishing stations planned. The survey was carried out by the R/V Vizconde de Eza with the usual survey gear (Lofoten). A total of 181 valid hauls were made by the vessel R/V Vizconde de Eza, 120 up to 730 meters depth and 61 up to 1460 meters. Survey results including abundance indices of the main commercial species and age distributions for American plaice, Greenland halibut, roughhead grenadier and shrimp are presented. Cod and redfish age distributions are not available for 2017 due to administrative problems. The general indexes for this year are estimated taken into account the traditional swept area (strata 1-19, up to depths of 730 m.) and the total area surveyed (strata 1-34, up to depths of 1460 m.).Versión del editor