47 research outputs found

    N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Equations In Harmonic Superspace

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    We analyze the superfield equations of the 4-dimensional N=4 SYM-theory using light-cone gauge conditions and the harmonic-superspace approach. The harmonic superfield equations of motion are drastically simplified in this gauge, in particular, the basic harmonic-superfield matrices and the corresponding harmonic analytic gauge connections become nilpotent on-shell.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of the conference "Supersymmetry and quantum field theory" dedicated to the memory of prof. D.V. Volkov, Kharkov, July 25-31, 2000; minor corrections include

    Quantum N=3, d=3 Chern-Simons Matter Theories in Harmonic Superspace

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    We develop the background field method for studying classical and quantum aspects of N=3, d=3 Chern-Simons and matter theories in N=3 harmonic superspace. As one of the immediate consequences, we prove a nonrenormalization theorem implying the ultra-violet finiteness of the corresponding supergraph perturbation theory. We also derive the general hypermultiplet and gauge superfield propagators in a Chern-Simons background. The leading supergraphs with two and four external lines are evaluated. In contrast to the non-supersymmetric theory, the leading quantum correction to the massive charged hypermultiplet proves to be the super Yang-Mills action rather than the Chern-Simons one. The hypermultiplet mass is induced by a constant triplet of central charges in the N=3, d=3 Poincare superalgebra.Comment: 1+37 pages, 3 figures; v2: a reference added, to appear in JHE

    Steering between Bloch oscillation and dipole oscillation in parabolic optical waveguide arrays

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    We study the optical oscillations of supermodes in planar optical waveguide arrays with parabolically graded propagation constant in individual waveguide interacting through nearest neighbor couplings. In these arrays, we have identified a transition between a symmetric dipole oscillation (DO) and a symmetry-breaking Bloch oscillation (BO) under appropriate conditions. There exist obvious correspondences between gradon localization and various optical oscillations. By virtue of an analogue between the oscillation of optical system and that of a plane pendulum, we propose a shift of the graded profile to cause a transition from BO to DO. We confirm the optical transition by means of Hamiltonian optics, as well as by the field evolution of the supermodes. The results offer great potential applications in optical switching, which can be applied to design suitable optical devices.Comment: Submitted to JOSA B for publication

    N=3 supersymmetric Born-Infeld theory

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    We construct an off-shell N=3 supersymmetric extension of the abelian D=4 Born-Infeld action starting from the action of supersymmetric Maxwell theory in N=3 harmonic superspace. A crucial new feature of the N=3 super BI action is that its interaction part contains only terms of the order 4k in the N=3 superfield strengths. The correct component bosonic BI action arises as the result of elimination of auxiliary tensor field which is present in the off-shell N=3 vector multiplet in parallel with the gauge field strength. In this new Legendre-type representation, the bosonic BI action is fully specified by a real function of the single variable quartic in the auxiliary tensor field. The generic choice of this function amounts to a wide set of self-dual nonlinear extensions of the Maxwell action. All of them admit an off-shell N=3 supersymmetrization.Comment: 18 pages, latex, no figures, slight changes, acknowledgements adde

    Renormalizable supersymmetric gauge theory in six dimensions

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    We construct and discuss a 6D supersymmetric gauge theory involving four derivatives in the action. The theory involves a dimensionless coupling constant and is renormalizable. At the tree level, it enjoys N = (1,0) superconformal symmetry, but the latter is broken by quantum anomaly. Our study should be considered as preparatory for seeking an extended version of this theory which would hopefully preserve conformal symmetry at the full quantum level and be ultraviolet-finite.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. An arithmetic error in the calculation of the coefficient of the beta function is corrected. Its sign (corresponding to the Landau zero situation) stays the same as in the earlier version

    ABJM models in N=3 harmonic superspace

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    We construct the classical action of the Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena (ABJM) model in the N=3, d=3 harmonic superspace. In such a formulation three out of six supersymmetries are realized off shell while the other three mix the superfields and close on shell. The superfield action involves two hypermultiplet superfields in the bifundamental representation of the gauge group and two Chern-Simons gauge superfields corresponding to the left and right gauge groups. The N=3 superconformal invariance allows only for a minimal gauge interaction of the hypermultiplets. Amazingly, the correct sextic scalar potential of ABJM emerges after the elimination of auxiliary fields. Besides the original U(N)xU(N) ABJM model, we also construct N=3 superfield formulations of some generalizations. For the SU(2)xSU(2) case we give a simple superfield proof of its enhanced N=8 supersymmetry and SO(8) R-symmetry.Comment: 1+35 pages, minor changes, a reference added, published versio

    Superfield Theories in Tensorial Superspaces and the Dynamics of Higher Spin Fields

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    We present the superfield generalization of free higher spin equations in tensorial superspaces and analyze tensorial supergravities with GL(n) and SL(n) holonomy as a possible framework for the construction of a non-linear higher spin field theory. Surprisingly enough, we find that the most general solution of the supergravity constraints is given by a class of superconformally flat and OSp(1|n)-related geometries. Because of the conformal symmetry of the supergravity constraints and of the higher spin field equations such geometries turn out to be trivial in the sense that they cannot generate a `minimal' coupling of higher spin fields to their potentials even in curved backgrounds with a non-zero cosmological constant. This suggests that the construction of interacting higher spin theories in this framework might require an extension of the tensorial superspace with additional coordinates such as twistor-like spinor variables which are used to construct the OSp(1|2n) invariant (`preonic') superparticle action in tensorial superspace.Comment: LaTeX, 30 pages, no figures. V2. Discussion on conventional constraints extended, typos corrected, JHEP style, to appear in JHE

    Nilpotent deformations of N=2 superspace

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    We investigate deformations of four-dimensional N=(1,1) euclidean superspace induced by nonanticommuting fermionic coordinates. We essentially use the harmonic superspace approach and consider nilpotent bi-differential Poisson operators only. One variant of such deformations (termed chiral nilpotent) directly generalizes the recently studied chiral deformation of N=(1/2,1/2) superspace. It preserves chirality and harmonic analyticity but generically breaks N=(1,1) to N=(1,0) supersymmetry. Yet, for degenerate choices of the constant deformation matrix N=(1,1/2) supersymmetry can be retained, i.e. a fraction of 3/4. An alternative version (termed analytic nilpotent) imposes minimal nonanticommutativity on the analytic coordinates of harmonic superspace. It does not affect the analytic subspace and respects all supersymmetries, at the expense of chirality however. For a chiral nilpotent deformation, we present non(anti)commutative euclidean analogs of N=2 Maxwell and hypermultiplet off-shell actions.Comment: 1+16 pages; v2: discussion of (pseudo)conjugations extended, version to appear in JHE

    Scale Invariant Low-Energy Effective Action in N=3 SYM Theory

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    Using the harmonic superspace approach we study the problem of low-energy effective action in N=3 SYM theory. The candidate effective action is a scale and \gamma_5-invariant functional in full N=3 superspace built out of N=3 off-shell superfield strengths. This action is constructed as N=3 superfield generalization of F^4/\phi^4 component term which is leading in the low-energy effective action and is simultaneously the first nontrivial term in scale invariant Born-Infeld action. All higher-order terms in the scale invariant Born-Infeld action are also shown to admit an off-shell superfield completion in N=3 harmonic superspace.Comment: 17 pages; v2: typos correcte