519 research outputs found

    On-chip timing measurement architecture with femtosecond resolution

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    135 MeV Proton Scattering from 13-C

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 78-22774 A02 & A03 and by Indiana Universit

    Analyzing Power Measurements for 13-C(p,p') at 120 MeV

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 81-14339 and by Indiana Universit

    Factorization and infrared properties of non-perturbative contributions to DIS structure functions

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    In this paper we present a new derivation of the QCD factorization. We deduce the k_T- and collinear factorizations for the DIS structure functions by consecutive reductions of a more general theoretical construction. We begin by studying the amplitude of the forward Compton scattering off a hadron target, representing this amplitude as a set of convolutions of two blobs connected by the simplest, two-parton intermediate states. Each blob in the convolutions can contain both the perturbative and non-perturbative contributions. We formulate conditions for separating the perturbative and non-perturbative contributions and attributing them to the different blobs. After that the convolutions correspond to the QCD factorization. Then we reduce this totally unintegrated (basic) factorization first to the k_T- factorization and finally to the collinear factorization. In order to yield a finite expression for the Compton amplitude, the integration over the loop momentum in the basic factorization must be free of both ultraviolet and infrared singularities. This obvious mathematical requirement leads to theoretical restrictions on the non-perturbative contributions (parton distributions) to the Compton amplitude and the DIS structure functions related to the Compton amplitude through the Optical theorem. In particular, our analysis excludes the use of the singular factors x^{-a} (with a > 0) in the fits for the quark and gluon distributions because such factors contradict to the integrability of the basic convolutions for the Compton amplitude. This restriction is valid for all DIS structure functions in the framework of both the k_T- factorization and the collinear factorization if we attribute the perturbative contributions only to the upper blob.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Experimental Investigation into the Influence of Backfill Types on the Vibro-acoustic Characteristics of Leaks in MDPE Pipe

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    Pipe leak location estimates are commonly conducted using Vibro-Acoustic Emission (VAE) based methods, usually using accelerometers or hydrophones. Successful estimation of a leak's location is dependent on a number of factors, including the speed of sound, resonance, backfill, reflections from other sources, leak shape and size. However, despite some investigation into some of the aforementioned factors, the influence of backfill type on a leak's VAE signal has still not been experimentally quantified. A limited number of studies have attempted to quantify the effects of backfill. However, all of these studies couple other variables which could be equally responsible for their observed changes in leak signal. There have been no controlled studies where one variable can be directly compared to one another (i.e. all variables remain constant, only changing backfill type). The aim of this paper is to better characterise the influence of backfill on a leak's VAE signal by individually isolating all variables. For the first time, this paper demonstrates the influence of backfill on leak VAE signal by keeping all other variables consistent. It was found that the backfill type had a strong influence on the frequency and amplitude of leak signals, which is likely to have a significant impact on the accuracy of leak location estimates

    Study of Three-Particle-One-Hole States in 14-C with the 11-B(a,p)14-C Reaction at 120 MeV

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 81-14339 and by Indiana Universit

    Quantum gravity corrections to the Schwarzschild mass

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    Vacuum spherically symmetric Einstein gravity in N4N\ge 4 dimensions can be cast in a two-dimensional conformal nonlinear sigma model form by first integrating on the (N2)(N-2)-dimensional (hyper)sphere and then performing a canonical transformation. The conformal sigma model is described by two fields which are related to the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass and to the radius of the (N2)(N-2)-dimensional (hyper)sphere, respectively. By quantizing perturbatively the theory we estimate the quantum corrections to the ADM mass of a black hole.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX2e, uses epsfig package, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Monogamy of Correlations vs. Monogamy of Entanglement

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    A fruitful way of studying physical theories is via the question whether the possible physical states and different kinds of correlations in each theory can be shared to different parties. Over the past few years it has become clear that both quantum entanglement and non-locality (i.e., correlations that violate Bell-type inequalities) have limited shareability properties and can sometimes even be monogamous. We give a self-contained review of these results as well as present new results on the shareability of different kinds of correlations, including local, quantum and no-signalling correlations. This includes an alternative simpler proof of the Toner-Verstraete monogamy inequality for quantum correlations, as well as a strengthening thereof. Further, the relationship between sharing non-local quantum correlations and sharing mixed entangled states is investigated, and already for the simplest case of bi-partite correlations and qubits this is shown to be non-trivial. Also, a recently proposed new interpretation of Bell's theorem by Schumacher in terms of shareability of correlations is critically assessed. Finally, the relevance of monogamy of non-local correlations for secure quantum key distribution is pointed out, although, and importantly, it is stressed that not all non-local correlations are monogamous.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Invited submission to a special issue of Quantum Information Processing. v2: Published version. Open acces

    Dark soliton states of Bose-Einstein condensates in anisotropic traps

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    Dark soliton states of Bose-Einstein condensates in harmonic traps are studied both analytically and computationally by the direct solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in three dimensions. The ground and self-consistent excited states are found numerically by relaxation in imaginary time. The energy of a stationary soliton in a harmonic trap is shown to be independent of density and geometry for large numbers of atoms. Large amplitude field modulation at a frequency resonant with the energy of a dark soliton is found to give rise to a state with multiple vortices. The Bogoliubov excitation spectrum of the soliton state contains complex frequencies, which disappear for sufficiently small numbers of atoms or large transverse confinement. The relationship between these complex modes and the snake instability is investigated numerically by propagation in real time.Comment: 11 pages, 8 embedded figures (two in color

    Studies of Knock-Out Reactions

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit