58 research outputs found

    Cruise Report: CD149 – RRS Charles Darwin 18th July to 6th August, 2003. Spreading-ridge geometry, hydrothermal activity, and the influence of modern and ancient hotspots on the Carlsberg Ridge - northwestern Indian Ocean

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    Cruise CD149 on board the RRS Charles Darwin aimed to explore the Carlsberg Ridge, Northern Indian Ocean. The cruise recovered multibeam swath bathymetry (EM12), dredge samples from 20 stations, water column profiles from 16 stations and water samples from one station, between 57 and 61.5°E. The initial results were: a discovery of a hydrothermal super plume – a plume signal rising 1200m above the seafloor and extending 30km along the ridge crest (named by the ship’s company as the iGass Plume); recovery of an extinct hydrothermal site with oxidised sulphide chimney fragments; imagery of a megamullion site with recovery of dolerite, flazer gabbro and moderately fresh peridotite from a core complex of lower crust and upper mantle; and fresh basaltic glass samples from 95% of the sites sampled.Until this cruise, the western Carlsberg Ridge was almost unknown, with only two or three poorly located rock samples, no continuous bathymetry, only a few single-track geophysics lines and no exploration for hydrothermal activity. However, the ridge is important since it probably includes the unradiogenic end-member of the Indian Ocean mantle source (at its eastern end), is likely to have a distal influence from the Afar hotspot (at its western end), and has a history of recent changes in spreading geometry reflected in an unusual segmentation pattern. It also represents a distal portion of the midocean ridge system that is connected through its eastern end only, thus having significant implications for the dispersal and colonisation of hydrothermal ecosystems

    Cruise Report: CD149 – RRS Charles Darwin 18th July to 6th August, 2003. Spreading-ridge geometry, hydrothermal activity, and the influence of modern and ancient hotspots on the Carlsberg Ridge - northwestern Indian Ocean

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    Cruise CD149 on board the RRS Charles Darwin aimed to explore the Carlsberg Ridge, Northern Indian Ocean. The cruise recovered multibeam swath bathymetry (EM12), dredge samples from 20 stations, water column profiles from 16 stations and water samples from one station, between 57 and 61.5°E. The initial results were: a discovery of a hydrothermal super plume – a plume signal rising 1200m above the seafloor and extending 30km along the ridge crest (named by the ship’s company as the iGass Plume); recovery of an extinct hydrothermal site with oxidised sulphide chimney fragments; imagery of a megamullion site with recovery of dolerite, flazer gabbro and moderately fresh peridotite from a core complex of lower crust and upper mantle; and fresh basaltic glass samples from 95% of the sites sampled.Until this cruise, the western Carlsberg Ridge was almost unknown, with only two or three poorly located rock samples, no continuous bathymetry, only a few single-track geophysics lines and no exploration for hydrothermal activity. However, the ridge is important since it probably includes the unradiogenic end-member of the Indian Ocean mantle source (at its eastern end), is likely to have a distal influence from the Afar hotspot (at its western end), and has a history of recent changes in spreading geometry reflected in an unusual segmentation pattern. It also represents a distal portion of the midocean ridge system that is connected through its eastern end only, thus having significant implications for the dispersal and colonisation of hydrothermal ecosystems

    RRS Charles Darwin Cruise CD95, 08 Aug-14 Sep 1995. The FLUXES I Programme (hydrothermal energy, chemical and biological fluxes at a ridge segment meso-scale)

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    Cruise CD95 sailed on the RRS Charles Darwin from Barry, South Wales to Ponta Delgada, Azores, 8 August to 14 September 1995. The objectives of the expedition, FLUXES I, were to investigate the energy, chemical and biological fluxes from the Broken Spur hydrothermal vent field at 29°10'N (segment 17 o f the Mid Atlantic Ridge). The methodology of the experiment depended on using the bathymetry and bottom-water structure of segment 17 as a natural laboratory in which the fluxes are integrated over time. The water column density structure is such that the rise height of the hydrothermal plume is effectively limited to a depth greater than that of the surrounding axial valley walls. The only opening is to the south where waters external to the ridge system have access to segment 17. Philosophically, the experiment must measure the chemical, energetic and biological inventory for segment 17. Then by measuring the exchange of vent affected water from the segment with water external to the system, the integration of the components can be deconvolved and fluxes derived. This experiment, funded by the UK's BRIDGE initiative, was designed to form the basis for further data collection to measure the hydrothermal fluxes in segment 17, as endorsed by the InterRidge Meso-Scale Workshop held in Cambridge, UK, on 26 and 27 June 1995. The work was funded by NERC research grant GST/02/1125 to Drs Murton, B.J., German, C.G., Herring, P. and Dixon, D

    Distribution of and hydrographic controls on ferromanganese crusts: Tropic Seamount, Atlantic

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    Hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts are likely to be exploited as resources for critical metals in the near future, yet the processes controlling where and how they grow are poorly understood. Using detailed mapping of seafloor outcrop and well constrained hydrographic modelling alongside scanning electron microscope imagery of samples from the Tropic Seamount, a star-shaped guyot located in the Tropical East Atlantic, we investigate the relationship between currents, ferromanganese crustal texture and the locations and intensity of crustal erosion. Here, we report the distribution of FeMn crusts and explore factors controlling their growth and erosion. We find that just over 35% of the summit plateau of the guyot exposes some form of ferromanganese crust mineralisation, with the rest variably covered by plains of mobile sediment and slim cliff exposures of carbonate. The steep flanks of the guyot largely expose ferromanganese crust both in situ and as debris flows. The strongest currents are located on the upper flanks of the guyot, the central part of its eastern limb, and across the summit plateau. Three categories of surface morphologies are identified; from pristine botryoidal surfaces to flat areas that have been completely polished by the erosive action of currents and sediment. The relationship between the outcrop of crusts, their erosional states and the hydrographic current regime to which they are exposed is complicated. There is a general correlation between the degree of erosion and location across the seamount, with the least eroded being found on the flanks below 2000 m water depth and the most heavily eroded crusts largely restricted to the summit area. Furthermore, the pristine samples all reside in areas that rarely experience current magnitudes over 0.2 m/s, suggesting that above this the currents have the ability to erode ferromanganese crust. However, there is a strong overlap between the measured current magnitudes at the locations of partially and completely eroded crusts, as well as partial overlap with the current magnitudes measured at pristine crust locations. This complexity is likely due to the presence of cliffs and plateaus increasing current magnitudes and turbidity at a scale smaller than the model resolution

    A joint geochemical–geophysical record of time-dependent mantle convection south of Iceland

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    The North Atlantic V-Shaped Ridges (VSRs) provide a spatially extensive and clear record of unsteady mantle convective circulation over >40 My>40 My. VSRs are diachronous ridges of thick crust formed with a periodicity of ∌5 My∌5 My along the Mid Atlantic Ridge, south of Iceland. We present data from a set of dredged basalt samples that shows chemical variation associated with two complete VSR crustal thickness cycles where they intersect the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The new dataset also records chemical variation associated with a VSR crustal thickness cycle along a plate spreading flow-line. Inverse correlations between crustal thickness and both incompatible trace element concentrations and incompatible element ratios such as Nb/Y and La/Sm are observed. Geochemical and crustal thickness observations can be matched using a time-dependent mid-ocean ridge melting model with a basal boundary condition of sinusoidally varying potential temperature. Our observations and models suggest that VSRs are generated when hot patches are carried up the plume stem beneath SE Iceland and spread radially outward within the asthenosphere. These patches are then drawn upward into the melting region when passing beneath the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The geometry of the VSRs and the size of the dynamically supported swell suggest that the Iceland Plume is the strongest plume in the Earth at present, with a volume flux of View the MathML source49±14 km3yr−1

    Research is needed to inform environmental management of hydrothermally inactive and extinct polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits

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    Polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits produced at hydrothermal vents in the deep sea are of potential interest to miners. Hydrothermally active sulfide ecosystems are valued for the extraordinary chemosynthetic communities that they support. Many countries, including Canada, Portugal, and the United States, protect vent ecosystems in their Exclusive Economic Zones. When hydrothermal activity ceases temporarily (dormancy) or permanently (extinction), the habitat and associated ecosystem change dramatically. Until recently, so-called "inactive sulfide" habitats, either dormant or extinct, received little attention from biologists. However, the need for environmental management of deep-sea mining places new imperatives for building scientific understanding of the structure and function of inactive PMS deposits. This paper calls for actions of the scientific community and the emergent seabed mining industry to i) undertake fundamental ecological descriptions and study of ecosystem functions and services associated with hydrothermally inactive PMS deposits, ii) evaluate potential environmental risks to ecosystems of inactive PMS deposits through research, and iii) identify environmental management needs that may enable mining of inactive PMS deposits. Mining of some extinct PMS deposits may have reduced environmental risk compared to other seabed mining activities, but this must be validated through scientific research on a case-by-case basis.FCT: IF/00029/2014/CP1230/CT0002/ UID/05634/2020/ CEECIND005262017/ UID/MAR/00350/2019; Direcao-Geral de Politica do Mar (DGPM) Mining2/2017/005/ Mining2/2017/001info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An integrated kinematic and geochemical model to determine lithospheric extension and mantle temperature from syn-rift volcanic compositions

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    We present an integrated kinematic and geochemical model that determines the composition of melts and their residual source rocks generated by decompression melting of the mantle during continental rifting. Our approach is to construct a unified numerical solution that merges an established lithospheric stretching model which determines the rate and depth at which melting occurs, with several compositional parameterisations of mantle melting to predict the composition of primary melts. We also incorporate a parameterisation for the rare earth elements. Using our approach, we are able to track the composition of the melt fractions and mantle residues as melting progresses. Our unified model shows that primary melt composition is sensitive to rift duration and mantle temperature, with rapid rifting and higher mantle temperatures producing larger melt fractions, at a greater mean pressure of melting, than slower/cooler rifting. Comparison of the model results with primitive basalts recovered from oceanic spreading ridges and rifted margins in the North Atlantic indicates that rift duration and synrift mantle temperature can be inferred independently from the appropriate geochemical data
