10,765 research outputs found

    Dark Matter Halo Structure in CDM Hydrodynamical Simulations

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    We have carried out a comparative analysis of the properties of dark matter halos in N-body and hydrodynamical simulations. We analyze their density profiles, shapes and kinematical properties with the aim of assessing the effects that hydrodynamical processes might produce on the evolution of the dark matter component. The simulations performed allow us to reproduce dark matter halos with high resolution, although the range of circular velocities is limited. We find that for halos with circular velocities of [150−200]kms−1[150-200] km s^{-1} at the virial radius, the presence of baryons affects the evolution of the dark matter component in the central region modifying the density profiles, shapes and velocity dispersions. We also analyze the rotation velocity curves of disk-like structures and compare them with observational results.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures (figures 3ab sent by request), 2 tables. Accepted for publication MNRA

    Auditory and visual sequence learning in humans and monkeys using an artificial grammar learning paradigm

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    Language flexibly supports the human ability to communicate using different sensory modalities, such as writing and reading in the visual modality and speaking and listening in the auditory domain. Although it has been argued that nonhuman primate communication abilities are inherently multisensory, direct behavioural comparisons between human and nonhuman primates are scant. Artificial grammar learning (AGL) tasks and statistical learning experiments can be used to emulate ordering relationships between words in a sentence. However, previous comparative work using such paradigms has primarily investigated sequence learning within a single sensory modality. We used an AGL paradigm to evaluate how humans and macaque monkeys learn and respond to identically structured sequences of either auditory or visual stimuli. In the auditory and visual experiments, we found that both species were sensitive to the ordering relationships between elements in the sequences. Moreover, the humans and monkeys produced largely similar response patterns to the visual and auditory sequences, indicating that the sequences are processed in comparable ways across the sensory modalities. These results provide evidence that human sequence processing abilities stem from an evolutionarily conserved capacity that appears to operate comparably across the sensory modalities in both human and nonhuman primates. The findings set the stage for future neurobiological studies to investigate the multisensory nature of these sequencing operations in nonhuman primates and how they compare to related processes in humans

    Spinal release of tumour necrosis factor activates c-Jun N-terminal kinase and mediates inflammation-induced hypersensitivity.

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    BackgroundMounting evidence points to individual contributions of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) and the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway to the induction and maintenance of various pain states. Here we explore the role of spinal TNF and JNK in carrageenan-induced hypersensitivity. As links between TNF and JNK have been demonstrated in vitro, we investigated if TNF regulates spinal JNK activity in vivo.MethodsTNF levels in lumbar cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, spinal TNF gene expression by real-time polymerase chain reaction and TNF protein expression, JNK and c-Jun phosphorylation by western blotting. The role of spinal TNF and JNK in inflammation-induced mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity was assessed by injecting the TNF inhibitor etanercept and the JNK inhibitors SP600125 and JIP-1 intrathecally (i.t.). TNF-mediated regulation of JNK activity was examined by assessing the effect of i.t. etanercept on inflammation-induced spinal JNK activity.ResultsTNF levels were increased in CSF and spinal cord following carrageenan-induced inflammation. While JNK phosphorylation followed the same temporal pattern as TNF, c-jun was only activated at later time points. Intrathecal injection of TNF and JNK inhibitors attenuated carrageenan-induced mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity. TNF stimulation induced JNK phosphorylation in cultured spinal astrocytes and blocking the spinal actions of TNF in vivo by i.t. injection of etanercept reduced inflammation-induced spinal JNK activity.ConclusionsHere we show that spinal JNK activity is dependent on TNF and that both TNF and the JNK signalling pathways modulate pain-like behaviour induced by peripheral inflammation

    QCD Approach to B->D \pi Decays and CP Violation

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    The branching ratios and CP violations of the B→DπB\to D\pi decays, including both the color-allowed and the color-suppressed modes, are investigated in detail within QCD framework by considering all diagrams which lead to three effective currents of two quarks. An intrinsic mass scale as a dynamical gluon mass is introduced to treat the infrared divergence caused by the soft collinear approximation in the endpoint regions, and the Cutkosky rule is adopted to deal with a physical-region singularity of the on mass-shell quark propagators. When the dynamical gluon mass μg\mu_g is regarded as a universal scale, it is extracted to be around μg=440\mu_g = 440 MeV from one of the well-measured B→DπB\to D\pi decay modes. The resulting predictions for all branching ratios are in agreement with the current experimental measurements. As these decays have no penguin contributions, there are no direct CPCP asymmetries. Due to interference between the Cabibbo-suppressed and the Cabibbo-favored amplitudes, mixing-induced CP violations are predicted in the B→D±π∓B\to D^{\pm}\pi^{\mp} decays to be consistent with the experimental data at 1-σ\sigma level. More precise measurements will be helpful to extract weak angle 2β+γ2\beta+\gamma.Comment: 21pages,5 figures,3 tables, typos corrected and numerical result for one of decay channels is improve

    Identifying geochemical hot moments and their controls on a contaminated river floodplain system using wavelet and entropy approaches

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    Geochemical hot moments are defined here as short periods of time that are associated with disproportionally high levels of concentrations (biogeochemically-driven or transport-related) relative to longer intervening time periods. We used entropy and wavelet techniques to identify temporal variability in geochemical constituents and their controls along three transects within a contaminated floodplain system near Rifle CO. Results indicated that transport-dominated hot moments drove overall geochemical processing in the contaminated groundwater and seep zones. These hot moments were associated with seasonal hydrologic variability (∼4 months) in the contaminated aquifer and with annual hydrologic cycle and residence times in the seep zone. Hot moments associated with a naturally reduced zone within the aquifer were found to be biogeochemically-driven, with a different dominant frequency (∼3 months) and no correlation to hydrologic or weather variations, in contrast to what is observed in other regions of the floodplain

    An integrated Dynamic Pricing Scheme for improving the smartness of off grid distributed generation

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    This paper presents an integrated dynamic pricing scheme (iDPS) developed for an off grid community in sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). This proposed model employs a neighbourhood approach in effectively determining the electricity units due to connected consumers based on their monthly contributions. Assuming base values, this model obviates the need for real time inputs from the users owing to the high illiteracy level in SSA and dynamically computes electricity price in real time such that below par paying consumers pay more compared to base or above base consumers. Additionally, the smart load distribution board employed ensures that electricity units are dispatched in quantized values demanding greater energy efficiency from the consumers. This model achieves economic accrual which guarantees the sustainability of the off grid DG project

    Anomalous insulator metal transition in boron nitride-graphene hybrid atomic layers

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    The study of two-dimensional (2D) electronic systems is of great fundamental significance in physics. Atomic layers containing hybridized domains of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BNC) constitute a new kind of disordered 2D electronic system. Magneto-electric transport measurements performed at low temperature in vapor phase synthesized h-BNC atomic layers show a clear and anomalous transition from an insulating to a metallic behavior upon cooling. The observed insulator to metal transition can be modulated by electron and hole doping and by the application of an external magnetic field. These results supported by ab-initio calculations suggest that this transition in h-BNC has distinctly different characteristics when compared to other 2D electron systems and is the result of the coexistence between two distinct mechanisms, namely, percolation through metallic graphene networks and hopping conduction between edge states on randomly distributed insulating h-BN domains.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figure

    Sucrose effect on broomrape (Orobanche crenata) development on narbon bean (Vicia narbonensis L.)

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    The growth and development of broomrapes (Orobanche spp.) fully depends on the nutritional connection established between the parasitic plant and the root of the corresponding host plant. In thepresent study, narbon bean plants infected with Orobanche crenata were watered with different concentrations of sucrose (0.014, 0.044, 0.088 and 0.146 M) in order to evaluate its effect on the earlygrowth stages of the parasite. The germination of O. crenata seeds decreased with increasing sucrose concentrations and the number of infection attachments of crenata broomrapes decreased significantlywhen sucrose was present. A parallel experiment was conducted with identical sorbitol concentrations in order to determinate the role of the osmotic potential in the inhibition of the parasite growth. Ourresults showed that while low sucrose concentrations significantly reduced seed germination in O. crenata, similar concentrations of sorbitol have no significant effect thus indicating that the effect ofsucrose is not simply osmotic. Sucrose phytotoxicity was also studied by considering the dry weight of the host plants

    Pregnancy outcome in booked and unbooked mothers in Southeastern Nigeria

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    Background: In order for individual health institutions in Nigeria to contribute towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) with regards to maternal health, there is need for research on the local causes of and factors influencing adverse maternal outcomes. This would enable care providers and policy makers appreciate the burden of the problem and know where to focus as they distribute resources.Objectives: To compare the socio-demographical characteristics, obstetrical complications and foetal outcome in booked verses unbooked mothers who delivered at this hospital.Design: A hospital based retrospective study.Setting: The Abia State University Teaching Hospital (ABSUTH), Aba in South Eastern Nigeria.Subjects: Three thousand, seven hundred and thirty four mothers who delivered in the hospital between 1st January 2005 and 31st December 2007.Results: Unbooked mothers constituted 17.0% of the 3734 deliveries in the studied period. Compared to booked mothers, unbooked mothers were younger in age (28.2 ± 5.80 vs. 29.3 ± 6.04; p < 0.001) and had a lower educational status (

    Polymer mimics of biomacromolecular antifreezes

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    Antifreeze proteins from polar fish species are remarkable biomacromolecules which prevent the growth of ice crystals. Ice crystal growth is a major problem in cell/tissue cryopreservation for transplantation, transfusion and basic biomedical research, as well as technological applications such as icing of aircraft wings. This review will introduce the rapidly emerging field of synthetic macromolecular (polymer) mimics of antifreeze proteins. Particular focus is placed on designing polymers which have no structural similarities to antifreeze proteins but reproduce the same macroscopic properties, potentially by different molecular-level mechanisms. The application of these polymers to the cryopreservation of donor cells is also introduced
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