450 research outputs found

    An end to Nordic exceptionalism? Europeanisation and Nordic development policies

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    The Nordic countries have traditionally been praised for their generous and advanced development policies. Recently, however, it has been claimed that the Nordic model has faded: that the Nordic donors have become more similar to other European donors. One possible reason for such trends is influences from EU policies, that is, Europeanisation. This article critically evaluates such claims by presenting arguments for and against Europeanisation effects. We argue that changes have indeed taken place. The Nordic exceptionalism has been eroded. At the same time, a convergence of European aid policies has occurred. The question is if this is the consequence of Europeanisation – or is it rather a result of Nordicisation (the Nordic countries influencing the EU), or perhaps like-mindisation (a broader set of progressive member states having impact upon EU policies)? We suggest that Europeanisation has been extremely weak while there is strong evidence of Nordicisation but also, and increasingly, of like-mindisation. Today, a core group of mainly northern member states, including the Nordics, are the main driving forces behind European aid convergence

    Physical Properties of Kraft PULP From Four-Year-Old Aspen Hybrids and Crosses

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    Short-rotation forestry and species hybridization offer acceptable raw materials for pulp and paper production. Poplars (Populus spc.) are the most promising materials because of their fast growth rates and their suitability for pulp. The objectives of this study were to determine the kraft pulp properties of three new aspen hybrids and crosses and to compare these properties with those of other poplars. We used Populus alba X Populus tremula, Populus alba X Populus alba Bolleana, and Populus alba X Populus grandidentata. Results indicated that the P. alba X P. trernula hybrid was most suitable for pulp production. Handsheets made from the P. alba X P. tremula hybrid had greater burst and tear strengths and a comparable tensile index compared with those of the kraft pulps of other juvenile poplars. Results suggest that P. alba X P. tremula is a promising hybrid for pulp production

    Methods to quantify avian airspace use in relation to wind energy development

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    It is likely that there will continue to be a substantial increase in the number of wind turbines as we aim to meet global energy demands through renewable sources. However, these structures can have adverse impacts on airborne wildlife, such as posing a potential collision risk with the turbine structure. A range of methods and technologies have been applied to the collection of bird flight parameters, such as height and speed, to improve the estimation of potential collision compared with traditional visual methods, but these are currently not applied in a consistent and systematic way. To this end, a systematic literature search was conducted to (1) examine the methods and technologies that can be used to provide bird flight data to assess the impact of wind energy developments and (2) provide an updated framework to guide how they might be most usefully applied within the impact assessment process. Four empirical measurement methods were found that improve the estimation of bird flight parameters: radar, telemetry, ornithodolite and LiDAR. These empirical sensor-based tools were typically more often applied in academic peer-reviewed papers than in report-based environmental statements. Where sensor-based tools have been used in the report-based literature, their inconsistent application has resulted in an uncertain regulatory environment for practitioners. Our framework directly incorporates sensor-based methods, together with their limitations and data requirements, from pre-deployment of infrastructure to post-consent monitoring of impacts. This revised approach will help improve the accuracy of estimation of bird flight parameters for ornithological assessment of wind energy. Sensor-based tools may not be the most cost-effective. However, a precedent has been set for wind energy development consent refusal based on ornithological impact assessment, and therefore the cost of collecting accurate and reliable flight data may be balanced favourably against the cost of development consent refusalacceptedVersio

    Loss of chromosome 11q21–23.1 and 17p and gain of chromosome 6p are independent prognostic indicators in B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was employed to study chromosomal aberrations in relation to cell proliferation, apoptosis, and patient survival in 94 cases of B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosed between 1983 and 1993. Eighty cases had aberrations by CGH. Chromosomal regions 1p21–31.1 (10%), 6cen-q24 (12%), 8p (11%), 9p21-ter (14%), 11q21–23.1 (11%), 13q13–21.1 (12%), and 17p (15%) were frequently lost. Gains were found at 3q21-ter (22%), 6p (11%), 7p (12%), 8q23-ter (13%), 12cen-q15 (17%), 17q24-ter (13%), and 18q13.3–21 (20%). A high number of aberrations (≥ 4, 33 cases) was associated (P ≤ 0.001) with the mantle cell and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtypes, a high fraction of tumour cells in S phase, and short survival (RR (relative risk) = 3.7). Loss of 1p21–31.1, 8p, 9p21-ter, 11q21–23.1, and 13q13–21.1 were associated with mantle cell lymphoma (P ≤ 0.03), while gain of 6p and 12cen-q15 were more frequent in diffuse large B-cell and small lymphocytic lymphoma, respectively (P = 0.04). Loss of 8p and 17p, and gain of 3q21-ter, 6p, 7p, and 8q23-ter were associated with a high S phase fraction (P ≤ 0.03), but none of the aberrations were associated with tumour apoptotic fraction (P ≥ 0.13). The most important prognostic CGH parameters (P < 0.001) were losses of 11q21–23.1 (RR = 3.8) and 17p (RR = 4.4), and gain of 6p (RR = 4.2). The latter parameters and IPI were the only ones with independent prognostic value (RR = 10, 5.0, 6.7, and 3.7, respectively; P < 0.001) when assessed together with lymphoma sub-type, primary versus relapse cases, treatment, B symptoms, S phase fraction, and presence of BCL1 and BCL2 translocations. A combined CGH/IPI binary parameter had high prognostic value for patients receiving different treatments, with various lymphoma sub-types, and for primary as well as relapse cases.© 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Rapid and sustained environmental responses to global warming: the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum in the eastern North Sea

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    The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ∼ 55.9 Ma) was a period of rapid and sustained global warming associated with significant carbon emissions. It coincided with the North Atlantic opening and emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP), suggesting a possible causal relationship. Only a very limited number of PETM studies exist from the North Sea, despite its ideal position for tracking the impact of both changing climate and NAIP activity. Here we present sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical proxy data from Denmark in the eastern North Sea, exploring the environmental response to the PETM. An increase in the chemical index of alteration and a kaolinite content up to 50 % of the clay fraction indicate an influx of terrestrial input shortly after the PETM onset and during the recovery, likely due to an intensified hydrological cycle. The volcanically derived zeolite and smectite minerals comprise up to 36 % and 90 % of the bulk and clay mineralogy respectively, highlighting the NAIP's importance as a sediment source for the North Sea and in increasing the rate of silicate weathering during the PETM. X-Ray fluorescence element core scans also reveal possible hitherto unknown NAIP ash deposition both prior to and during the PETM. Geochemical proxies show that an anoxic to sulfidic environment persisted during the PETM, particularly in the upper half of the PETM body with high concentrations of molybdenum (MoEF > 30), uranium (UEF up to 5), sulfur (∼ 4 wt %), and pyrite (∼ 7 % of bulk). At the same time, export productivity and organic-matter burial reached its maximum intensity. These new records reveal that negative feedback mechanisms including silicate weathering and organic carbon sequestration rapidly began to counteract the carbon cycle perturbations and temperature increase and remained active throughout the PETM. This study highlights the importance of shelf sections in tracking the environmental response to the PETM climatic changes and as carbon sinks driving the PETM recovery.publishedVersio

    Gene expressions and copy numbers associated with metastatic phenotypes of uterine cervical cancer

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    BACKGROUND: A better understanding of the development of metastatic disease and the identification of molecular markers for cancer spread would be useful for the design of improved treatment strategies. This study was conducted to identify gene expressions associated with metastatic phenotypes of locally advanced cervical carcinomas and investigate whether gains or losses of these genes could play a role in regulation of the transcripts. Gene expressions and copy number changes were determined in primary tumors from 29 patients with and 19 without diagnosed lymph node metastases by use of cDNA and genomic microarray techniques, respectively. RESULTS: Thirty-one genes that differed in expression between the node positive and negative tumors were identified. Expressions of eight of these genes (MRPL11, CKS2, PDK2, MRPS23, MSN, TBX3, KLF3, LSM3) correlated with progression free survival in univariate analysis and were therefore more strongly associated with metastatic phenotypes than the others. Immunohistochemistry data of CKS2 and MSN showed similar relationships to survival. The prognostic genes clustered into two groups, suggesting two major metastatic phenotypes. One group was associated with rapid proliferation, oxidative phosphorylation, invasiveness, and tumor size (MRPS23, MRPL11, CKS2, LSM3, TBX3, MSN) and another with hypoxia tolerance, anaerobic metabolism, and high lactate content (PDK2, KLF3). Multivariate analysis identified tumor volume and PDK2 expression as independent prognostic variables. Gene copy number changes of the differentially expressed genes were not frequent, but correlated with the expression level for seven genes, including MRPS23, MSN, and LSM3. CONCLUSION: Gene expressions associated with known metastatic phenotypes of cervical cancers were identified. Our findings may indicate molecular mechanisms underlying development of these phenotypes and be useful as markers of cancer spread. Gains or losses of the genes may be involved in development of the metastatic phenotypes in some cases, but other mechanisms for transcriptional regulation are probably important in the majority of tumors

    Discovery, characterization and engineering of bacterial thermostable cellulose- degrading enzymes

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    Lignocellulose is the most abundant biomass on Earth, and thus our largest organic carbon reservoir. Enzymatic depolymerization of recalcitrant polysaccharides, notably cellulose, is a major cost driver in accessing the renewable energy stored within lignocellulosic biomass. Natural biodiversities may be explored to discover microbial enzymes that have evolved to conquer this task in various environments. We are studying novel enzymes from various biodiversities for the conversion of lignocellulosic materials, using (meta)genome mining and functional screening of fosmid libraries. Targeted biodiversities include deep-sea hot vents of the Arctic mid-ocean ridge (AMOR), the microbiome of the wood-eating Arctic shipworm, thermophilic enrichment cultures from biogas reactors, the Svalbard reindeer gut microbiome, and publicly available metagenomic data from various hot environments. Bioprospecting of the different biodiversities has so far resulted in the discovery of approximately 20 novel enzymes active on lignocellulosic substrates. The significant differences in the origin of the enzymes is reflected in their properties, both beneficial and challenging, and provide us with interesting engineering targets for improved performance in industrial settings. We will present case studies, including work on a novel thermostable cellulase named mgCel6A, with good activity on sulfite-pulped Norway spruce. This enzyme consists of a glycoside hydrolase family 6 catalytic domain (GH6) connected to a family 2 carbohydrate binding module (CBM2) and both the activity profile and predicted structural similarities to known cellulases suggest that mgCel6A is an endo-acting cellulase. Comparison of the full-length enzyme with the catalytic domain showed that the CBM strongly increases substrate binding, while not affecting thermal stability. However, importantly, in reactions with higher substrate concentrations the full-length enzyme was outperformed by the catalytic domain alone, underpinning previous suggestions that CBMs may be less useful in high-consistency bioprocessing. This enzyme is currently being targeted for rational engineering in an effort to decrease the pH optimum and improve the pH stability. Other case studies include GH48 cellulases and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs). One important aspect of this work concerns the possible assembly of novel enzyme cocktails for lignocellulose processing that can compete with exiting commercial cocktails, which are primarily composed of fungal enzymes. Thus, comparative studies of our most promising bacterial enzymes with their well-known fungal counterparts are also being conducted
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