439 research outputs found

    Op soek na ’n duidelike reformatoriese paradigma vir kerklike gesag

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    In search of a clear reformed paradigm on ecclesiastical authorityThis article represents an effort to investigate the claim from different viewpoints that Jesus Christ is the real and sole authority in church polity. It is maintained in this article that different systems of church government replace in reality the ius divinum with a ius humanum. The church can only be governed by the authority of Jesus Christ in a ministry where the grounds for ecclesiastical decisions and directions are clearly pointed out from the Scriptures

    Het die reformasie die leer gered en aanbidding verloor?

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    Little information is available on the relation between doctrine and liturgy during and after the Reformation. The concept “doctrine” relates to what is, since Emanuel Kant, labelled as theory and “liturgy” refers to practice as if these concepts were not related. This article investigates the validity of this perception. It asserts that this may be true in a tradition in the wake of Zwingli’s reformation, and concludes that liturgy must be subservient to what the congregation believes (doctrine) otherwise liturgy impedes on religious and sacramental belief and experience. Afrikaans Churches inherited doctrine and liturgy from the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands who followed the liturgical concepts of Zwingli. The latter rejected the concept that Christ is present in holy communion, and confined his liturgy to the Roman pedagogical pronaus (pre-mass). Zwingli’s liturgy (prayer, etc.) is dominated by a pedagogical sermon (good or bad) by a trained minister (dominus). He viewed the Lord’s Supper as an objective way of preaching the sacrifice and atonement on Calvary and not as a covenantal communion. He restricted this celebration to four times a year. By contrast, Roman and Eastern Orthodox Churches thrived because liturgy served their confessions of faith. Calvin followed the custom of the ancient churches, the structure of the Missa Romanun and absolute unity between Word and Sacrament. He was not allowed to realise his liturgical concepts (except singing Psalms) in Geneva. In the current struggle for “liturgical renewal” in reformed churches in South Africa the indissoluble relation between faith (doctrine) and experiencing and expressing faith (liturgy) should be restored and utilised in order to succeed and survive

    Twee verskillende Godsdienstige doelpunte onder gereformeerdes.

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    By die herdenking van die 450stegeboortedag van Calvyn en die Kerkhervorming,is dit gepas om kortliks dieprimĂȘre godsdienstige doelpunte byLuther en Calvyn te vergelyk. Watterdoel het die evangelie en die godsdiens? Die doelpunt beheers tog die godsdienstigedenke, strewe en omlyning by predikante en lidmate in die kerk. 

    Calvin’s concept of and the Formulary of the GKSA on the Lord’s Supper

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    Dutch humanists provided Zwingli with a symbolic concept of the Lord’s Supper by which the bread and wine symbolise the body and blood of Christ on Calvary. These symbolic concepts of body and blood should be commemorated (in memoriam) and believed to receive atonement from sin. The Formulary and formula for administering the sacrament in the GKSA were inherited from the Netherlands and contain phrases originally used by Calvin. It is widely claimed and assumed that the contents of the Formulary corresponds with concepts derived from Calvin. Calvin’s commentaries on relevant passages and concepts expressed in his Institutes and Tracts differ radically and entirely from the trend and content of the Formulary and formula of administration used in the GKSA. Calvin does not isolate the death of Christ from resurrection. He does not dwell upon communion with something Christ did for us in the past. He accepts the sacrifice (blood) to ratify a covenant (new testament) by which the household of God is established. The bread and cup signify Christ, and are regarded as God’s spiritual nourishment for his household. The living Christ in heaven is present in the Holy Spirit at the Lord’s health-giving table. The symbols of bread and cup remain what they are but through faith change to represent Christ. Calvin’s concept of communion and unity is irreconcilable with the concept of a sacramental meal of commemoration (Zwingli). The concept of communion corresponds with early Christian and even Roman and Lutheran traditions. Faith in atonement belongs to commencement of salvation (viz. baptism and the Formulary of the GKSA on the Lord’s Supper). Being nourished with Christ through faith belongs to the consummation of salvation (viz. communion)

    Kernfisika en kwasjiorkor

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    Health problems can often be traced hack to one or the other form of deficiency. In order to study the role of trace elements in the human body it is necessary to develop techniques through which tiny samples taken from the body can be analysed. A suitable method, viz. proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is described. This method was used to study a number of trace elements in kwashiorkor patients. It stems that a multi-variant analysis o f blond samples, with the concentrations of different trace elements as variables, can, under favourable circumstances, after one hour yield sufficient information to enable one to diagnose kwashiorkor in patients

    Betrekken van boereninitiatieven in een leer- en experimenteer strategie voor duurzame ontwikkeling van de veehouderij

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    Based on the theory of Strategic Niche Management farmers initiatives, individually as well as in a certain coherence, are considered and treated as a set of experiments for learning on opportunities and barriers for sustainable developmen

    When the sun never sets: diverse activity rhythms under continuous daylight in free-living arctic-breeding birds

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    Circadian clocks are centrally involved in the regulation of daily behavioural and physiological processes. These clocks are synchronized to the 24-hour day by external cues (Zeitgeber), the most important of which is the light-dark cycle. In polar environments, however, the strength of the Zeitgeber is greatly reduced around the summer and winter solstices (continuous daylight or continuous darkness). How animals time their behaviour under such conditions has rarely been studied in the wild. Using a radio-telemetry-based system, we investigated daily activity rhythms under continuous daylight in Barrow, Alaska, throughout the breeding season in four bird species that differ in mating system and parental behaviour. We find substantial diversity in daily activity rhythms depending on species, sex and breeding stage. Individuals exhibited either robust, entrained 24-hour activity cycles, were continuously active (arrhythmic), or showed “free-running” activity cycles. In semipalmated sandpipers, a shorebird with biparental incubation, we show that the free-running rhythm is synchronized between pair mates. The diversity of diel time-keeping under continuous daylight emphasizes the plasticity of the circadian system and the importance of the social and life-history context. Our results support the idea that circadian behaviour can be adaptively modified to enable species-specific time-keeping under polar conditions

    A Qualitative Study of Role Transition from RN to APN

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    Role transition from registered nurse to advanced practice nurse is a difficult process. A qualitative thematic analysis guided the integration of various experiences of 24 students in a twocredit, web-based role development course in a Master’s of Science in Nursing program at a large Midwestern university. Findings supported that students had developed an understanding of the core competencies and complexity of the advanced practice nurse role, and that beginning role transition had occurred. An overarching theme, ‘the essence of nursing’ was evident. Three subthemes supported the occurrence of role transition, which included the importance of: a) building a framework for nursing practice, b) direct patient care, and c) comprehension and exemplification of professional responsibilities. This study has implications for nurse educators interested in promoting advanced practice nurse role transition early in the educational process

    Statistics of Velocity from Spectral Data: Modified Velocity Centroids

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    We address the problem of studying interstellar turbulence using spectral line data. We find a criterion when the velocity centroids may provide trustworthy velocity statistics. To enhance the scope of centroids applications, we construct a measure that we term ``modified velocity centroids'' (MVCs) and derive an analytical solution that relates the 2D spectra of the modified centroids with the underlying 3D velocity spectrum. We test our results using synthetic maps constructed with data obtained through simulations of compressible magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) turbulence. We show that the modified velocity centroids (MVCs) are complementary to the the Velocity Channel Analysis (VCA) technique. Employed together, they make determining of the velocity spectral index more reliable and for wider variety of astrophysical situations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. minor change
