290 research outputs found

    Onset of Benard-Marangoni ferroconvection with a convective surface boundary condition: The effects of cubic temperature profile and MFD viscosity

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    The combined effects of basic cubic temperature profiles and magnetic field dependent (MFD) viscosity on the onset of Benard-Marangoni convection in a ferrofluid layer are studied. The lower boundary is rigid-isothermal, while the upper free boundary open to the atmosphere is flat and subject to a general thermal boundary condition. The Galerkin technique is employed to extract the critical stability parameters numerically. The results indicate that the basic cubic temperature profiles have a profound influence on the stability characteristics of the system and can be effectively used to either suppress or augment the onset of Benard-Marangoni ferroconvection. Besides, increasing the magnetic Rayleigh number and the nonlinearity of magnetization hastens, while an increase in the Biot number and MFD viscosity parameter delays the onset of Benard-Marangoni ferroconvection. The existing results in the literature are obtained as particular cases from the present study. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on the onset of Bénard–Marangoni ferroconvection in a ferrofluid saturated porous layer

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    The criterion for the onset of Bénard–Marangoni ferroconvection in an initially quiescent magnetized ferrofluid saturated horizontal Brinkman porous layer is investigated in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field. The viscosity is considered to be varying exponentially with temperature. The lower rigid boundary and the upper free boundary at which the surface tension effects are accounted for are assumed to be perfectly insulated to temperature perturbations. The eigenvalue problem is solved numerically using the Galerkin technique and analytically by regular perturbation technique with wave number a as a perturbation parameter. It is observed that the analytical and numerical results are very well comparable. The characteristics of stability of the system are strongly dependent on the viscosity parameter B. The effect of B on the onset of Bénard–Marangoni ferroconvection in a porous layer is dual in nature depending on the choices of the physical parameters, and a sublayer starts to form at higher values of B. The nonlinearity of fluid magnetization M3 is found to have no influence on the onset of ferroconvection, whereas an increase in the value of the magnetic number M1 and the Darcy number Da is to advance the onset of Bénard–Marangoni ferroconvection in a porous layer

    Morphological variations of the thyroid gland

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    Background:The knowledge of various morphological & developmental anomalies of thyroid gland will help the surgeons in better planning of safe & effective surgery. Considering these facts we studied the variations of thyroid gland.Methods:The material for the present study was collected from the department of forensic medicine, MMC & RI, Mysore, which includes 56 male and 33 female adult postmortem cadavers aged between 18 to 80 years. A dissection was carried out to expose thyroid glands & variations were observed in the morphology of thyroid gland.Results: 1) 9% of specimens had agenesis of isthmus. 2) 46% of specimens had pyramidal lobe. 3) 41% of specimens had levator glanduli thyroidae. 4) 2.24 % of specimens had accessory thyroid tissue.Conclusion:This study highlights the various morphological anomalies of the thyroid gland which forms cornerstone to safe & effective surgery

    Clinicopathological study of hysterectomised specimens

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    Background: Hysterectomy is the commonest major surgical procedure performed in gynecology. It can be done by abdominal or vaginal route and with the help of laparoscopy. Hysterectomy is an effective treatment option for many conditions like fibroid, abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine prolapse, pelvic inflammatory disease and cancer of reproductive organ when other treatment options are contraindicated or have failed, or if the woman no longer wishes to retain her menstrual and reproductive. The aim and objective of the study was to correlate indications of hysterectomy with histopathological findings in hysterectomised patients.Methods: A retrospective study was carried on 113 hysterectomised cases over a period of one year from June 2015 to May 2016. The data regarding the patient’s age, parity, clinical diagnosis, type of hysterectomy and histopathological diagnosis were reviewed by the records and analyzed.Results: A total of 113 cases of hysterectomies were studied. Hysterectomies were distributed over a wide age ranging from 20 years to 75 years. Most common age group was 41-50 years. Among hystectomies majority were done through vaginal route 86 (76.1%) and 26 (23%) cases were done through abdominal route. Most common clinical diagnosis was fibroid uterus in 44(38.9%) cases. Most of the hysterectomies were done for benign conditions. In final histopathological report most common diagnosis was fibroid uterus in 45(39.8%) hysterectomy specimens. It was correlated well with clinical diagnosis. Next most common histopathological diagnosis was Adenomyosis.Conclusions: Histopathological analysis correlated well with preoperative clinical diagnosis in majority of cases. The commonest indication and histopathological finding in our study was fibroid uterus. Next most common histopathological finding was Adenomyosis. Most commonly hysterectomies were done through vaginal route in our study

    A study of uterine balloon tamponade for the management postpartum haemorrhage using Bakri balloon

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    Background: PPH is the most common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality around the world. Incidence of PPH is 2-4% following vaginal delivery and 6% following cesarean delivery in India. Uterine atony is the most common cause of PPH. Treatment of PPH involves medical treatment and surgical management. In between medical and surgical management of PPH comes uterine balloon tamponade which is simple, less invasive and can be managed with minimal training.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was done for 2 years at Vanivilas hospital, Bangalore medical college and research centre, Bangalore, Karnataka. Cases of atonic PPH managed using Bakri balloon were included in the study. The objective of the study was to study the effectiveness of uterine balloon tamponade using Bakri balloon in the management of atonic PPH and to study the maternal outcome.Results: In this study total of 50 cases were included. Women were in the age group of 18 to 33years. Regarding obstetric history, 22 (44%) were primigravida and 28 (56%) was multigravida. Among these 50 cases 8 (16%) women had undergone caesarean delivery and 42(84%) had vaginal delivery. All women received blood transfusion, 17 (34%) received blood and blood components (like PRBC, FFP AND platelets) and 33 (66%) cases received only PRBC transfusion. In these 50 cases, 32 (64%) required ICU admission for monitoring, remaining 18 (36%) were monitored in the labor-room. Bakri balloon was effective in 49 cases among 50. Success rate was 98%.Conclusions: Intrauterine balloon tamponade using Bakri balloon is effective for control of atonic PPH in majority of cases.

    Maternal grandmothers with advanced age reproduction are more likely to have Down syndrome grandchildren

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    Down syndrome (DS), trisomy 21, is the most common chromosomal syndrome that affects one in 600-800 live births. The advanced maternal age is the only well known risk factor to cause DS. Our study revealed that many young mothers produced DS children than advanced age mothers in India. A total of 150 suspected DS cases were investigated cytogenetically. Randomly selected 200 healthy families in South India were used as controls. Logistic regression was performed on case-control dataset which was generated by randomly selecting the child from each of the control families. Pedigree analyses indicated that the maternal grandmothers had advanced age during conception of their daughters who gave birth to DS child. Case-control status was used as dependent variable, whereas parental and grandparental age was used as covariates. Logistic regression was reported as odds ratios, univariate and multivariate. The age of maternal grandmother showed highly significant difference in odds ratio, indicating that the advanced age of maternal grandmother was the possible risk factor.  Therefore, it is important to sort-out the effect of advanced age mothers vs grandmothers on increased frequency of DS reported in different populations

    Improvement of Bod5/Cod Ratio Inpre-Treated Distillery Waste Water by Electrochemical Treatment Method

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    Electrochemical oxidation of low (BOD5/COD) ratio post-methanation distillery wastewater was investigated. The effects of operating parameters like pH, electrolysis duration and current density on COD removal were studied. At a current density of 0.03 Ampere/cm2 and at pH 3 the COD removal was found to be 72%. The BOD5/COD ratio of pretreated distillery wastewater was 0.145 and increased to 0.686 for an optimum of 120 minutes electrolysis duration indicating improvement of biodegradability of wastewater. The TOC reduction is 8.77% at 180 minutes of electrolysis duration. The maximum anodic efficiency observed was 21.58 kg COD h-1A-1m-2 and the minimum energy consumption observed was 84.16 wh kg-1 COD. The kinetic study reveals that reaction rate (k) decreases with increase in pH and increases with increase in current density

    Role of sonography in the assessment of dengue fever with serological correlation

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    Background: Dengue, caused by a flavivirus has emerged as a major public health problem in the Indian subcontinent. This study was to assess severity of disease by ultrasound findings and to correlate ultrasound findings with blood platelet count.Methods: A Cross sectional study carried out on 210 subjects who had serologically proven dengue fever were included in the study. Ultrasound of abdomen, pelvis and thorax was performed and imaging features were analysed by descriptive and analytical statistics using SPSS version 16. Chi-Square test used and P values ≤ 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.Results: Mean age of patients 42± 19 years with 106(50.5%) males and 104(49.5%) females. The Gall bladder wall thickening was noted in majority (92.8%) of the study subjects followed by Right peri-renal collection in 112(53.3%), Splenomegaly in 105(50.0%) subjects and Hepatomegaly in 66(31.4%). The sonographic abnormalities including Gall bladder wall thickening, Right, Left and Bilateral perirenal collection, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Right and Left pleural effusion, were significantly higher in study subjects with decreased platelet count.Ascites was the commonest finding in 76 study subjects with platelet count between 60000-79000 (36.2%) and in 144 study subjects (68.5%) in the 20-59 years age group. As the   platelet count decreased the severity of ascites increased and was statistically significant (p≤0.05).Conclusions: A patient who presents with sonographically recognizable complications is more likely to have disease that requires immediate and aggressive management.
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