39 research outputs found

    Specific purpose language teaching within the context of the European language education policy

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja je analiza postulata evropske obrazovne jezičke politike i rezultati koji se postižu primenom pojedinih njenih aspekata na planiranje nastave jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene. U radu su predstavljena teorijska i praktična saznanja iz primenjene lingvistike, teorije jezičke politike i planiranja i metodike nastave stranog jezika kao jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene. Pored toga, pravi se jasna razlika između jezika struke i jezika za posebne namene sa ciljem da se doprinese unapređenju terminološke preciznosti u ovoj oblasti primenjene lingvistike. Empirijski deo obuhvata akciono istraživanje bazirano na vlastitom iskustvu autorke u radu sa učenicima različitih struka i odnosi se na analizu efikasnosti primene preporuka Zajedničkog evropskog okvira za jezike u planiranju i nastavi jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene, uključivanja sociolingvističkih, interkulturnih i vanjezičkih elemenata u nastavu, kao i primene akcionog pristupa u nastavi jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene. U radu se prikazuje nekoliko inovativnih modela nastave francuskog jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene zasnovanih na ovim principima. Ispitanici su bili zaposleni u Ministarstvu pravde, pripadnici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova koji pohađaju specijalizovane tečajeve francuskog jezika u organizaciji Francuskog instituta u Beogradu i studenti Fakulteta bezbednosti Univerziteta u Beogradu koji pohađaju izbornu nastavu jezika struke u okviru Inovacionog centra Fakulteta bezbednosti. Pored toga, definisane su smernice za dalje unapređenje nastave jezika struke u našim visokoškolskim ustanovama a odnose se pre svega na učenje jezika struke od početnog nivoa, kreiranje programa nastave u skladu sa potrebama učenika i primenu adekvatnih metodoloških postupaka.The subject of this research work is an analysis of the premises of the European education policy, assessment of the results achieved through implementation of certain aspects of this policy and their impact on the planning of language teaching for vocational and specific purposes. The thesis presents theoretical and practical findings from the fields of applied linguistics, language policy and planning theory and foreign language teaching methodology for vocational and specific purpose language teaching. The thesis offers a clear distinction between the vocational language and specific purpose language, in order to achieve a higher level of terminological precision in this field of applied linguistics. The empirically based part of the thesis presents action based research results originating from the author’s personal experience in work with the students from a variety of vocational backgrounds and offers an assessment of the levels of efficiency achieved through practical implementation of the recommendations contained in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in the course of planning and realization of language teaching for vocational and specific purposes, inclusion of sociolinguistic, intercultural and extra linguistic elements in the teaching process, and implementation of the action based approach in language teaching for vocational and specific purposes. The thesis presents a number of innovative models of French language teaching for vocational and specific purposes based on these principles. The subjects were employees of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Interior Affairs who attended specialized language courses organized by the French Language Institute in Belgrade and students of the Faculty of Security of Belgrade University who attended elective language courses at the Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Security. Also, the thesis offers a set of guidelines for further improvement of the vocational language teaching at the institutions of higher education, focusing primarily on introduction of vocational language teaching in the early stages of language learning, starting from the beginner’s level, development of curricula that will meet the specific needs of the students and selection of appropriate teaching methods

    Fenotyp typu „talia hipertriglicerydemiczna“ i zespół metaboliczny określany na podstawie różnych kryteriów oraz zależności między tymi zaburzeniami a kontrolą stężeń lipidów i glikemii u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) describes clustering of obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and hypertension and increases risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The ‘hypertriglyceridemic waist’ phenotype (HTGW) represents a simple approach to identifying individuals with increased risk. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of HTGW and MetS in type 2 diabetic patients, and to examine their relation to lipids and blood glucose control. Material and methods: 300 type 2 diabetic patients were analysed, and their history of diabetes, anthropometric measures, measurements of blood pressure (BP), lipids and glycemic control parameters were taken. Results: In type 2 diabetic patients, the prevalence of MetS was 71.0% by the AHA/NHLBI definition and 75.33% by the IDF definition. The prevalence was 62.58% and 66.45% in men, and 80% and 84.83% in women by the same definitions, respectively. There were 41.33% of patients with HTGW (42.76% among women and 40% among men). There were statistically significant differences of age, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and postprandial glucose (PPG) in women with and without MetS according to both definitions, and of total and LDL cholesterol with and without MetS according to AHA/NHLBI (but not IDF). In men, there were statistically significant differences of total cholesterol and of HbA1c with and without MetS according to AHA/NHLBI (but not IDF). Women with HTGW had higher levels of total and LDL cholesterol, systolic and diastolic BP. Men with HTGW had higher levels of total cholesterol, diastolic BP, HbA1c, FPG and PPG. Conclusions: Determining MetS or HTGW helps identify those with increased cardiovascular risk. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (4): 316–323)Wstęp: Zespół metaboliczny (MetS) obejmujący otyłość, dyslipidemię, hiperglikemię i nadciśnienie tętnicze zwiększa ryzyko chorób sercowo-naczyniowych i cukrzycy typu 2. Określanie fenotypu „talii hipertriglicemicznej” (HTGW) jest prostą metodą identyfikowania chorych z grupy wysokiego ryzyka. Celem badania było ustalenie częstości HTGW i MetS u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 oraz ocena zależności miedzy tymi zaburzeniami a kontrolą stężeń lipidów i glikemii. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 300 chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 i przeanalizowano dane dotyczące przebiegu cukrzycy, parametrów antropometrycznych, wartości ciśnienia tętniczego, stężeń lipidów i kontroli glikemii. Wyniki: U chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 kryteria MetS według definicji AHA/NHLBI spełniało71,0%, a kryteria IDF — 75,33%; odsetek chorych z MetS wynosił wśród mężczyzn odpowiednio 62,58% i 66,45%, a wśród kobiet 80% i 84,83%. U 41,33% chorych stwierdzono cechy HTGW, 42,76% tej grupy stanowiły kobiety, a 40% mężczyźni. U kobiet wykazano istotne statystycznie różnice w zakresie wieku, glikemii na czczo (FPG) i glikemii poposiłkowej (PPG) między grupami z MetS i bez niego, rozpoznanym na podstawie obu definicji, natomiast w zakresie stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego i frakcji LDL różniły się one tylko między grupami z MetS i bez niego wydzielonymi na podstawie definicji AHA/NHLBI (a nie na podstawie kryteriów IDF). U mężczyzn wykazano statystycznie istotne różnice stężeń cholesterolu całkowitego HbA1c między grupami z MetS i bez niego określonym według AHA/NHLBI (ale nie według IDF). U kobiet z HTGW stwierdzono wyższe stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego i cholesterolu frakcji LDL oraz wyższe wartości ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego. U mężczyzn z HTGW odnotowano wyższe wartości stężeń cholesterolu całkowitego, rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego, HbA1c, FPG i PPG. Wnioski: Rozpoznanie MetS lub HTGW pozwala zidentyfikować osoby obciążone zwiększonym ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (4): 316–323

    Ispitivanje stabilnosti oralnih suspenzija omeprazola za pedijatrijsku primenu magistralno izrađenih iz omeprazol kapsula

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    In this paper, a study exploring the stability of omeprazole in pediatric suspensions is presented. In order to determine the most suitable suspension, three different formulations were prepared and stored under refrigerated conditions and at room temperature for 30 days. Contents of omeprazole and preservatives were determined by liquid chromatographic method. Obtained results demonstrate that the vehicle consisting of: xanthan gum 0.3%, sodium bicarbonate 8%, Compound hydroxybenzoate solution APF 1% and purified water to 100% could have a significant potential in the development of a suitable omeprazole oral liquid for pediatric use. Namely, the content of omeprazole in the suspension prepared with this vehicle remained within acceptable range during the 30-day period, when stored refrigerated (2-8°C).U ovom radu predstavljeno je ispitivanje stabilnosti omeprazola u suspenzijama za pedijatrijsku primenu, koje su izrađene iz komercijalno dostupnih kapsula omeprazola u uslovima apoteke. U cilju utvrđivanja najpogodnijeg vehikuluma za magistralnu izradu suspenzija omeprazola, pripremljene su tri formulacije, koje su potom 30 dana čuvane u frižideru i na sobnoj temperaturi. Sadržaj omeprazola i konzervansa u suspenzijama je određivan primenom tečne hromatografije. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da vehikulum koji se sastoji iz ksantan gume 0,3%, natrijum-bikarbonata 8%, rastvora parabena 1% (Compound hydroxybenzoate solution APF) i prečišćene vode do 100% ima značajan potencijal za razvoj pogodnog tečnog oblika omeprazola za peroralnu primenu u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Naime, sadržaj omeprazola u suspenziji pripremljenoj primenom ovog vehikuluma je ostao u okviru prihvatljivih granica tokom perioda od 30 dana, kada je suspenzija čuvana u frižideru (2-8°C)

    Application of sos/umuc assay in eco/genotoxicology

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    Introduction. The SOS/umuC assay is used for assessment of water genotoxicity. Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 is used in this test, but the results can be extrapolated on higher eukaryotic organisms with the introduction of enzymatic S9 fraction in experimental procedure. The test is standardised for the determination of the genotoxic potential of water and wastewater (ISO/DIS 13829, 2000). Aim. Sensitivity of the assay was challenged by using parallel in situ and in vitro approach in evaluation of the genotoxic potential in the basins of significant tributaries of the Danube River: the Sava River and the Velika Morava River. Materials and methods. Within in vitro testing, native water samples were analysed by SOS/umuC test. DNA damage in situ was assessed in bleak (Alburnus alburnus) erythrocytes by the comet and micronucleus assays. The concentration of heavy metals in fish tissue and the data of the physico-chemical parameters measured in water were used as a measure of the pollution pressure at the sites. Results. Results showed that applied in vitro tests with native water samples are less sensitive in comparison with in situ tests. None of 20 investigated samples showed genotoxic potential in SOS/umuC assay while in situ analyses indicated variation of genotoxic potential among the investigated sites. Conclusions. The results of our study point towards low sensitivity of the SOS/umuC test when processing un-concentrated (native) water samples; the results of in vitro tests should be taken with precaution when making predictions on the status of the ecosystem

    Zeleni inhibitori korozije sa cisteinom i kompleksom cerijum-cisteina na 7000 seriji aluminijumske legure

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    The aim of this study was to investigate environmentally-friendly corrosion inhibitors based on the cerium-cysteine and their effect on 7xxx series aluminum alloy. The cysteine and cerium-cysteine complex structures were analyzed by Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The structure of cerium-cysteine was additionally determined using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Elemental Analysis. Inhibitors efficiency was analyzed with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Potentiodynamic polarization techniques in 0.1M NaCl at room temperature, while Scanning Electron Microscopy analyzed the surface appearance and microstructure of the tested aluminum alloy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM / EDS) and Optical Microscope (OM). Different amounts of cysteine were examined in order to find an optimal concentration of inhibitor. The adsorption of the inhibitors followed the Langmuir isotherm, and based on the EIS results and calculated thermodynamic potential (Gibbs free energy), cysteine and cerium-cysteine proved to be good inhibitors for tested aluminum alloy. The optimal cysteine concentration of 0.06 mM as a corrosion inhibitor of 7xxx series aluminum alloy was determined. EIS diagrams confirmed that cysteine showed better inhibition than Ce-Cys complex

    An extensible framework for multicore response time analysis

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    In this paper, we introduce a multicore response time analysis (MRTA) framework, which decouples response time analysis from a reliance on context independent WCET values. Instead, the analysis formulates response times directly from the demands placed on different hardware resources. The MRTA framework is extensible to different multicore architectures, with a variety of arbitration policies for the common interconnects, and different types and arrangements of local memory. We instantiate the framework for single level local data and instruction memories (cache or scratchpads), for a variety of memory bus arbitration policies, including: Round-Robin, FIFO, Fixed-Priority, Processor-Priority, and TDMA, and account for DRAM refreshes. The MRTA framework provides a general approach to timing verification for multicore systems that is parametric in the hardware configuration and so can be used at the architectural design stage to compare the guaranteed levels of real-time performance that can be obtained with different hardware configurations. We use the framework in this way to evaluate the performance of multicore systems with a variety of different architectural components and policies. These results are then used to compose a predictable architecture, which is compared against a reference architecture designed for good average-case behaviour. This comparison shows that the predictable architecture has substantially better guaranteed real-time performance, with the precision of the analysis verified using cycle-accurate simulation

    Application of sos/umuc assay in eco/genotoxicology

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    Introduction. The SOS/umuC assay is used for assessment of water genotoxicity. Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 is used in this test, but the results can be extrapolated on higher eukaryotic organisms with the introduction of enzymatic S9 fraction in experimental procedure. The test is standardised for the determination of the genotoxic potential of water and wastewater (ISO/DIS 13829, 2000). Aim. Sensitivity of the assay was challenged by using parallel in situ and in vitro approach in evaluation of the genotoxic potential in the basins of significant tributaries of the Danube River: the Sava River and the Velika Morava River. Materials and methods. Within in vitro testing, native water samples were analysed by SOS/umuC test. DNA damage in situ was assessed in bleak (Alburnus alburnus) erythrocytes by the comet and micronucleus assays. The concentration of heavy metals in fish tissue and the data of the physico-chemical parameters measured in water were used as a measure of the pollution pressure at the sites. Results. Results showed that applied in vitro tests with native water samples are less sensitive in comparison with in situ tests. None of 20 investigated samples showed genotoxic potential in SOS/umuC assay while in situ analyses indicated variation of genotoxic potential among the investigated sites. Conclusions. The results of our study point towards low sensitivity of the SOS/umuC test when processing un-concentrated (native) water samples; the results of in vitro tests should be taken with precaution when making predictions on the status of the ecosystem

    Pharmacological treatment options for mast cell activation disease

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    Modelovanje i projektovanje filtara sa površinskim talasima i njihova primena u vojne svrhe

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    Abstract: U radu su dati osnovni principi rada PAT filtara, materijali i tehnologijeprimenjeni u njihovoj proizvodnji. Posebna pažnja posvećena ješirokoj i raznovrsnoj primeni filtara s površinskim akustičkim talasom uprocesiranju signala, telekomunikacijama i u oblasti hemijskih senzora,sa naglaskom na primene u vojne svrhe. Prikazan je originalni metodkoji su autori razvili za modeliranje i predikciju karakteristika PAT filtara.Mogućnosti ovog metoda su ilustrovane na primeru hemijskih senzoraza detekciju bojnih otrova. Projektovan je i izrađen PAT filtar PATFPO,koji je osnova za hemijski senzor specijalne namene

    Variations in the headspace volatile profiles of three different Achillea coarctata Poir. (Asteraceae) populations

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    This study presents a detailed compositional analysis of six Achillea coarctata Poir. samples obtained by static headspace method and interrelationships based on the volatiles profiles from different plant parts, three different populations and geological substrates, using multivariate statistical analysis. The most dominant components were mutual for aerial vegetative plant parts and inflorescences collected at the same locality. Main compounds differed in percentages for two localities (values in parenthesis refer to aerial plant parts and inflorescences, respectively): 1) 1,8-cineole (40.7%; 39.9%), β-pinene (29.6%; 36.4%) and α-pinene (7.2%; 3.3%); 2) 1,8-cineole (51.8%; 53.3%), β-pinene (18.0%; 28.2%) and α-pinene (5.6%; 4.5%). the most abundant constituents identified in third locality were 1,8-cineole (37.2%; 35.6%), β-pinene (18.6%; 11.7%) and ocymene (11.6%; 11,7%). Samples collected on different geological substrates are qualitative and quantitative various according to agglomerative hierarchical clustering analysis and can be grouped in two clades and two subclades