6,111 research outputs found

    Management of the Rice Tungro Virus Vector \u3ci\u3eNephotettix virescens\u3c/i\u3e (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) with Controlled-Release Formulations of Carbofuran

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    Field trials were conducted in lowland flooded rice in the Philippines to evaluate a number of carbofuran controlled-release formulations in comparison with commercial formulations. The test formulations were based on a biodegradable matrix of pine kraft lignin and were used as granules of different sizes and also in the form of small strips. The release rates were assessed under field conditions by bioassaying rice plants in the field, using adult rice green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens Distant. The lignin formulations with a high level of active ingredient (15–45% by weight) gave as good or better control than the commercial 3% granules in tests based on three application techniques: broadcast into the floodwater, soil incorporation, and root zone injection. The improvements in control levels of green leafhoppers were most marked with soil incorporation and root zone application. The best lignin-based formulation reduced levels of tungro virus infection from 23% for a conventional flowable carbofuran formulation to 1.0% at an application rate of 0.5 kg (AI)/ha. At the same rate, the grain yield was increased from 3.56 t/ha to 5.5 t/ha, using the controlled-released formulation

    Proximity effect of vanadium on spin-density-wave magnetism in Cr films

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    The spin-density wave (SDW) state in thin chromium films is well known to be strongly affected by proximity effects from neighboring layers. To date the main attention has been given to effects arising from exchange interactions at interfaces. In the present work we report on combined neutron and synchrotron scattering studies of proximity effects in Cr/V films where the boundary condition is due to the hybridization of Cr with paramagnetic V at the interface. We find that the V/Cr interface has a strong and long-range effect on the polarization, period, and the N\'{e}el temperature of the SDW in rather thick Cr films. This unusually strong effect is unexpected and not predicted by theory.Comment: 7 figure

    Resonant X-Ray Scattering on the M-Edge Spectra from Triple-k Structure Phase in U_{0.75}Np_{0.25}O_{2} and UO_{2}

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    We derive an expression for the scattering amplitude of resonant x-ray scattering under the assumption that the Hamiltonian describing the intermediate state preserves spherical symmetry. On the basis of this expression, we demonstrate that the energy profile of the RXS spectra expected near U and Np M_4 edges from the triple-k antiferromagnetic ordering phase in UO_{2} and U_{0.75}Np_{0.25}O_{2} agree well with those from the experiments. We demonstrate that the spectra in the \sigma-\sigma' and \sigma-\pi' channels exhibit quadrupole and dipole natures, respectively.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Supp

    Galaxy formation in the Planck cosmology - II. Star-formation histories and post-processing magnitude reconstruction

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    We adapt the L-Galaxies semi-analytic model to follow the star-formation histories (SFH) of galaxies -- by which we mean a record of the formation time and metallicities of the stars that are present in each galaxy at a given time. We use these to construct stellar spectra in post-processing, which offers large efficiency savings and allows user-defined spectral bands and dust models to be applied to data stored in the Millennium data repository. We contrast model SFHs from the Millennium Simulation with observed ones from the VESPA algorithm as applied to the SDSS-7 catalogue. The overall agreement is good, with both simulated and SDSS galaxies showing a steeper SFH with increased stellar mass. The SFHs of blue and red galaxies, however, show poor agreement between data and simulations, which may indicate that the termination of star formation is too abrupt in the models. The mean star-formation rate (SFR) of model galaxies is well-defined and is accurately modelled by a double power law at all redshifts: SFR proportional to 1/(x−1.39+x1.33)1/(x^{-1.39}+x^{1.33}), where x=(ta−t)/3.0 x=(t_a-t)/3.0\,Gyr, tt is the age of the stars and tat_a is the loopback time to the onset of galaxy formation; above a redshift of unity, this is well approximated by a gamma function: SFR proportional to x1.5e−xx^{1.5}e^{-x}, where x=(ta−t)/2.0 x=(t_a-t)/2.0\,Gyr. Individual galaxies, however, show a wide dispersion about this mean. When split by mass, the SFR peaks earlier for high-mass galaxies than for lower-mass ones, and we interpret this downsizing as a mass-dependence in the evolution of the quenched fraction: the SFHs of star-forming galaxies show only a weak mass dependence.Comment: Accepted version of the paper, to appear in MNRAS. Compared to the original version, contains more detail on the post-processing of magnitudes, including a table of rms magnitude errors. SFHs available on Millennium database http://gavo.mpa-garching.mpg.de/MyMillennium

    Disentangling multipole resonances through a full x-ray polarization analysis

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    Complete polarization analysis applied to resonant x-ray scattering at the Cr K-edge in K2CrO4 shows that incident linearly polarized x-rays can be converted into circularly polarized x-rays by diffraction at the Cr pre-edge (E = 5994 eV). The physical mechanism behind this phenomenon is a subtle interference effect between purely dipole (E1-E1) and purely quadrupole (E2-E2) transitions, leading to a phase shift between the respective scattering amplitudes. This effect may be exploited to disentangle two close-lying resonances that appear as a single peak in a conventional energy scan, in this way allowing to single out and identify the different multipole order parameters involved.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Charge order and phase segregation in overdoped bilayer manganites

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    There have been recent reports of charge ordering around x=0.5x=0.5 in the bilayer manganites. At x=0.5x=0.5, there appears to be a coexistence region of layered A-type antiferromagnetc and charge order. There are also reports of orbital order in this region without any Jahn-Teller effect. Based on physical grounds, this region is investigated from a model that incorporates the two ege_g orbitals at each Mn site and a near-neighbour Coulomb repulsion. It is shown that there indeed is both charge and orbital order close to the half-doped region coincident with a layered magnetic structure. Although the orbital order is known to drive the magnetic order, the layered magnetic structure is also favoured in this system by the lack of coherent transport across the planes and the reduced dimensionality of the lattice. The anisotropic hopping across the ege_g orbitals and the underlying layered structure largely determine the orbital arrangements in this region, while the charge order is primarily due to the long range interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Influence of static Jahn-Teller distortion on the magnetic excitation spectrum of PrO2: A synchrotron x-ray and neutron inelastic scattering study

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    A synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of the crystallographic structure of PrO2 in the Jahn-Teller distorted phase is reported. The distortion of the oxygen sublattice, which was previously ambiguous, is shown to be a chiral structure in which neighbouring oxygen chains have opposite chiralities. A temperature dependent study of the magnetic excitation spectrum, probed by neutron inelastic scattering, is also reported. Changes in the energies and relative intensities of the crystal field transitions provide an insight into the interplay between the static and dynamic Jahn-Teller effects.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Determination of the Antiferroquadrupolar Order Parameters in UPd3

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    By combining accurate heat capacity and X-ray resonant scattering results we have resolved the long standing question regarding the nature of the quadrupolar ordered phases in UPd_3. The order parameter of the highest temperature quadrupolar phase has been uniquely determined to be antiphase Q_{zx} in contrast to the previous conjecture of Q_{x^2-y^2} . The azimuthal dependence of the X-ray scattering intensity from the quadrupolar superlattice reflections indicates that the lower temperature phases are described by a superposition of order parameters. The heat capacity features associated with each of the phase transitions characterize their order, which imposes restrictions on the matrix elements of the quadrupolar operators.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Sensitivity analysis of circadian entrainment in the space of phase response curves

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    Sensitivity analysis is a classical and fundamental tool to evaluate the role of a given parameter in a given system characteristic. Because the phase response curve is a fundamental input--output characteristic of oscillators, we developed a sensitivity analysis for oscillator models in the space of phase response curves. The proposed tool can be applied to high-dimensional oscillator models without facing the curse of dimensionality obstacle associated with numerical exploration of the parameter space. Application of this tool to a state-of-the-art model of circadian rhythms suggests that it can be useful and instrumental to biological investigations.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures. Correction of a mistake in Definition 2.1. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1206.414
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