390 research outputs found

    Dynamic Properties of Rubber Specimens

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    Resonant column and bender element tests were conducted on rubber specimens to study their dynamic properties, namely, shear modulus (G), damping ratio (D) and Poisson’s ratio (ν). It was found that similar to soil specimens, with an increase in strain level, the shear modulus of rubber decreases continuously whereas the damping ratio increases. The tests were also carried out to find the effect of confining pressures on the rubber specimens. It was observed that for the rubber with the lesser hardness, there was a slight increase in the shear modulus and a decrease in the damping ratio values as the confining pressures (σ3) was increased from 50 kPa to 500 kPa. This type of trend was, however, not observed for the rubber having greater hardness. Using bender and extender elements test, with the measurements of the travel times of the shear (S) and primary (P) waves, the variation of Poisson ratio (ν) was determined for the rubber specimens with respect to change in confining pressures (σ3). No significant change in the values of ν was found for both the rubber specimens with respect to change in σ3

    Models of Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources with Intermediate-Mass Black Holes

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    We have computed models for ultraluminous X-ray sources ("ULXs") consisting of a black-hole accretor of intermediate mass ("IMBH"; e.g., ~1000 Msun) and a captured donor star. For each of four different sets of initial donor masses and orbital separations, we computed 30,000 binary evolution models using a full Henyey stellar evolution code. To our knowledge this is the first time that a population of X-ray binaries this large has been carried out with other than approximation methods, and it serves to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach to large-scale population studies of mass-transfer binaries. In the present study, we find that in order to have a plausible efficiency for producing active ULX systems with IMBHs having luminosities > 10^{40} ergs/sec, there are two basic requirements for the capture of companion/donor stars. First, the donor stars should be massive, i.e., > 8 Msun. Second, the initial orbital separations, after circularization, should be close, i.e., < 6-30 times the radius of the donor star when on the main sequence. Even under these optimistic conditions, we show that the production rate of IMBH-ULX systems may fall short of the observed values by factors of 10-100.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Ap

    Thermal emission from WASP-24b at 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m

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    Aims. We observe occultations of WASP-24b to measure brightness temperatures and to determine whether or not its atmosphere exhibits a thermal inversion (stratosphere). Methods. We observed occultations of WASP-24b at 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m using the Spitzer Space Telescope. It has been suggested that there is a correlation between stellar activity and the presence of inversions, so we analysed existing HARPS spectra in order to calculate log R'HK for WASP-24 and thus determine whether or not the star is chromospherically active. We also observed a transit of WASP-24b in the Str\"{o}mgren u and y bands, with the CAHA 2.2-m telescope. Results. We measure occultation depths of 0.159 \pm 0.013 per cent at 3.6 {\mu}m and 0.202 \pm 0.018 per cent at 4.5 {\mu}m. The corresponding planetary brightness temperatures are 1974 \pm 71 K and 1944 \pm 85 K respectively. Atmosphere models with and without a thermal inversion fit the data equally well; we are unable to constrain the presence of an inversion without additional occultation measurements in the near-IR. We find log R'HK = -4.98 \pm 0.12, indicating that WASP-24 is not a chromospherically active star. Our global analysis of new and previously-published data has refined the system parameters, and we find no evidence that the orbit of WASP-24b is non-circular. Conclusions. These results emphasise the importance of complementing Spitzer measurements with observations at shorter wavelengths to gain a full understanding of hot Jupiter atmospheres.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Small-strain shear stiffness of compacted bentonites for engineered barrier system

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    The shear modulus (G) of two different bentonites was measured by means of a resonant column apparatus. The samples were compacted at different dry densities and degrees of saturation and tested with different confinement pressures and strains levels for studying the influence of these parameters on the shear modulus. The results show similar tendencies in both bentonites: the shear modulus increases as the dry density increases and exhibits maximum shear modulus when degree of saturation is around 80%. An empirical equation, taking into account the microstructure of the clays, is used to evaluate the shear modulus at small strains as a function of dry density and degree of saturation. Although the values of the shear modulus measured are similar in both bentonites for a given stress and degree of saturation, there is difference in the elastic strain limit of the soil. Bentonite clay is going to be part of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) in deep geological disposal facilities for the long-term confinement of spent nuclear fuel. In order to fully understand their long-term performance, their behaviour in shearing conditions should be assessed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Compositional Diversity in the Atmospheres of Hot Neptunes, With Application to GJ 436b

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    Neptune-sized extrasolar planets that orbit relatively close to their host stars—often called hot Neptunes —are common within the known population of exoplanets and planetary candidates. Similar to our own Uranus and Neptune, inefficient accretion of nebular gas is expected produce hot Neptunes whose masses are dominated by elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. At high atmospheric metallicities of 10-10,000 times solar, hot Neptunes will exhibit an interesting continuum of atmospheric compositions, ranging from more Neptune-like, H2-dominated atmospheres to more Venus-like, CO2-dominated atmospheres. We explore the predicted equilibrium and disequilibrium chemistry of generic hot Neptunes and find that the atmospheric composition varies strongly as a function of temperature and bulk atmospheric properties such as metallicity and the C/O ratio. Relatively exotic H2O, CO, CO2, and even O2-dominated atmospheres are possible for hot Neptunes. We apply our models to the case of GJ 436b, where we find that a CO-rich, CH4-poor atmosphere can be a natural consequence of a very high atmospheric metallicity. From comparisons of our results with Spitzer eclipse data for GJ 436b, we conclude that although the spectral fit from the high-metallicity forward models is not quite as good as the best fit obtained from pure retrieval methods, the atmospheric composition predicted by these forward models is more physically and chemically plausible in terms of the relative abundance of major constituents. High-metallicity atmospheres (orders of magnitude in excess of solar) should therefore be considered as a possibility for GJ 436b and other hot Neptunes

    Possible thermochemical disequilibrium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet GJ 436b

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    The nearby extrasolar planet GJ 436b--which has been labelled as a 'hot Neptune'--reveals itself by the dimming of light as it crosses in front of and behind its parent star as seen from Earth. Respectively known as the primary transit and secondary eclipse, the former constrains the planet's radius and mass, and the latter constrains the planet's temperature and, with measurements at multiple wavelengths, its atmospheric composition. Previous work using transmission spectroscopy failed to detect the 1.4-\mu m water vapour band, leaving the planet's atmospheric composition poorly constrained. Here we report the detection of planetary thermal emission from the dayside of GJ 436b at multiple infrared wavelengths during the secondary eclipse. The best-fit compositional models contain a high CO abundance and a substantial methane (CH4) deficiency relative to thermochemical equilibrium models for the predicted hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Moreover, we report the presence of some H2O and traces of CO2. Because CH4 is expected to be the dominant carbon-bearing species, disequilibrium processes such as vertical mixing and polymerization of methane into substances such as ethylene may be required to explain the hot Neptune's small CH4-to-CO ratio, which is at least 10^5 times smaller than predicted

    Retrieval Analysis of the Emission Spectrum of WASP-12b: Sensitivity of Outcomes to Prior Assumptions and Implications for Formation History

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    We analyze the emission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-12b using our HELIOS-R retrieval code and HELIOS-K opacity calculator. When interpreting Hubble and Spitzer data, the retrieval outcomes are found to be prior-dominated. When the prior distributions of the molecular abundances are assumed to be log-uniform, the volume mixing ratio of HCN is found to be implausibly high. A VULCAN chemical kinetics model of WASP-12b suggests that chemical equilibrium is a reasonable assumption even when atmospheric mixing is implausibly rigorous. Guided by (exo)planet formation theory, we set Gaussian priors on the elemental abundances of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen with the Gaussian peaks being centered on the measured C/H, O/H, and N/H values of the star. By enforcing chemical equilibrium, we find substellar O/H and stellar to slightly superstellar C/H for the dayside atmosphere of WASP-12b. The superstellar carbon-to-oxygen ratio is just above unity, regardless of whether clouds are included in the retrieval analysis, consistent with Madhusudhan et al. Furthermore, whether a temperature inversion exists in the atmosphere depends on one's assumption for the Gaussian width of the priors. Our retrieved posterior distributions are consistent with the formation of WASP-12b in a solar-composition protoplanetary disk, beyond the water iceline, via gravitational instability or pebble accretion (without core erosion) and migration inward to its present orbital location via a disk-free mechanism, and are inconsistent with both in situ formation and core accretion with disk migration, as predicted by Madhusudhan et al. We predict that the interpretation of James Webb Space Telescope WASP-12b data will not be prior-dominated

    Transit confirmation and improved stellar and planet parameters for the super-Earth HD 97658 b and its host star

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    Super-Earths transiting nearby bright stars are key objects that simultaneously allow for accurate measurements of both their mass and radius, providing essential constraints on their internal composition. We present here the confirmation, based on Spitzer transit observations, that the super-Earth HD 97658 b transits its host star. HD 97658 is a low-mass (M∗=0.77±0.05 M⊙M_*=0.77\pm0.05\,M_{\odot}) K1 dwarf, as determined from the Hipparcos parallax and stellar evolution modeling. To constrain the planet parameters, we carry out Bayesian global analyses of Keck-HIRES radial velocities, and MOST and Spitzer photometry. HD 97658 b is a massive (MP=7.55−0.79+0.83M⊕M_P=7.55^{+0.83}_{-0.79} M_{\oplus}) and large (RP=2.247−0.095+0.098R⊕R_{P} = 2.247^{+0.098}_{-0.095} R_{\oplus} at 4.5 μ\mum) super-Earth. We investigate the possible internal compositions for HD 97658 b. Our results indicate a large rocky component, by at least 60% by mass, and very little H-He components, at most 2% by mass. We also discuss how future asteroseismic observations can improve the knowledge of the HD 97658 system, in particular by constraining its age. Orbiting a bright host star, HD 97658 b will be a key target for coming space missions TESS, CHEOPS, PLATO, and also JWST, to characterize thoroughly its structure and atmosphere.Comment: 8 figures, accepted to Ap
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