11,040 research outputs found

    Probing the spin-parity of the Higgs boson via jet kinematics in vector boson fusion

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    Determining the spin and the parity quantum numbers of the recently discovered Higgs-like boson at the LHC is a matter of great importance. In this paper, we consider the possibility of using the kinematics of the tagging jets in Higgs production via the vector boson fusion (VBF) process to test the tensor structure of the Higgs-vector boson (HVVHVV) interaction and to determine the spin and CP properties of the observed resonance. We show that an anomalous HVVHVV vertex, in particular its explicit momentum dependence, drastically affects the rapidity between the two scattered quarks and their transverse momenta and, hence, the acceptance of the kinematical cuts that allow to select the VBF topology. The sensitivity of these observables to different spin-parity assignments, including the dependence on the LHC center of mass energy, are evaluated. In addition, we show that in associated Higgs production with a vector boson some kinematical variables, such as the invariant mass of the system and the transverse momenta of the two bosons and their separation in rapidity, are also sensitive to the spin--parity assignments of the Higgs--like boson.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Stable quantum memories with limited measurement

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    We demonstrate the existence of a finite temperature threshold for a 1D stabilizer code under an error correcting protocol that requires only a fraction of the syndrome measurements. Below the threshold temperature, encoded states have exponentially long lifetimes, as demonstrated by numerical and analytical arguments. We sketch how this algorithm generalizes to higher dimensional stabilizer codes with string-like excitations, like the toric code.Comment: 11 Pages, 7 Figure

    Mathematical Model of the Simplest Fuzzy PID Controller with Asymmetric Fuzzy Sets

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    This paper deals with the simplest fuzzy PID controllers which employ two fuzzy sets for each of the three input variables and four fuzzy sets for the output variable. Mathematical model for a fuzzy PID controller is derived by using asymmetric Γ-function type and L-function type membership functions for each input, asymmetric trapezoidal membership functions for output, algebraic product triangular norm, bounded sum triangular conorm, Mamdani minimum inference, nonlinear control rules, and center-of-sums (COS) defuzzification. The effectiveness of the simplest fuzzy PID controller is demonstrated by means of a numerical example along with its simulation results

    A Simplest Fuzzy PID Controller: Analytical Structure and Stability Analysis

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    This paper reveals analytical structure for the simplest fuzzy PID controller which employs two fuzzy sets for each of the three input variables and four fuzzy sets for the output variable. Analytical structures are derived via left and right trapezoidal membership functions for each input, triangular membership functions for output, algebraic product triangular norm, bounded sum triangular co-norm, Mamdani minimum inference method, and center of area(COA) defuzzification method. Bounded-input bounded-output(BIBO) stability analysis is presented. Finally, a numerical example along with its simulation results is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the simplest fuzzy PID controller

    Stroboscopic Generation of Topological Protection

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    Trapped neutral atoms offer a powerful route to robust simulation of complex quantum systems. We present here a stroboscopic scheme for realization of a Hamiltonian with nn-body interactions on a set of neutral atoms trapped in an addressable optical lattice, using only 1- and 2-body physical operations together with a dissipative mechanism that allows thermalization to finite temperature or cooling to the ground state. We demonstrate this scheme with application to the toric code Hamiltonian, ground states of which can be used to robustly store quantum information when coupled to a low temperature reservoir.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Published versio

    The role of infectious disease impact in informing decision-making for animal health management in aquaculture systems in Bangladesh

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    The aquaculture sector in Bangladesh is an important employer and a significant source of foreign exchange. In addition, it contributes significantly to food security due to the role of fish in peoples’ diets, the most important source of protein and micronutrients. However, infectious diseases represent an important barrier to sector development due to economic losses and vulnerability of smallholders. The aim of this study was to gain an overview of the impact of infectious diseases in the aquaculture sector, and to assess the usefulness and use of impact studies in decision making for animal health management and biosecurity governance in Bangladesh. A review of scientific and grey literature on infectious disease impact in different aquaculture systems was conducted and their methodologies and findings summarised. Subsequently, interviews with 28 stakeholders from the private and public sector were conducted to enquire about decision-making structures in animal health management. The data were analysed using the framework method to allow the development of themes, by using the information, experiences and opinions inductively obtained from interviewees, deductively through the reviewed literature. Results showed a substantial socio-economic impact of infectious diseases. The numerous stakeholders involved in the decision-making process explained that key barriers to effective aquaculture health management were insufficient resources to investigate and tackle infectious aquatic animal diseases, a dearth of legislation and capacity for disease surveillance, a reliance on reactive response, and a lack of impact and evidence-based approaches for prioritising problem-solving, commonly based on anecdotal evidence. Furthermore, communication among the multiple stakeholders involved was reported to be weak. This complex situation requires a multi-level response, which should span from strengthening the knowledge of farmers and professionals in the field to the improvement of surveillance and diagnostic systems. Improved systems along with evidence on disease impact could inform the prioritisation of diseases and resource allocation for disease control in Bangladesh. Further, this evidence needs to be used to advise decisions to have a true value, for which establishing and strengthening communication pathways and processes is critical to make systematic use of the information and improve animal health management. In the light of future threats to Bangladesh such as climate change, increasing population density and demand for animal source foods, it is crucial to strengthen animal health management systems to reduce livelihoods vulnerability, food insecurity and the likelihood of disease emergence

    Trajectory Analysis and Prediction for Improved Pedestrian Safety:Integrated Framework and Evaluations

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    This paper presents a monocular and purely vision based pedestrian trajectory tracking and prediction framework with integrated map-based hazard inference. In Advanced Driver Assistance systems research, a lot of effort has been put into pedestrian detection over the last decade, and several pedestrian detection systems are indeed showing impressive results. Considerably less effort has been put into processing the detections further. We present a tracking system for pedestrians, which based on detection bounding boxes tracks pedestrians and is able to predict their positions in the near future."br/""br/"The tracking system is combined with a module which, based on the car's GPS position acquires a map and uses the road information in the map to know where the car can drive. Then the system warns the driver about pedestrians at risk, by combining the information about hazardous areas for pedestrians with a probabilistic position prediction for all observed pedestrians

    Numerical Study of the Lowest Energy Configurations for Global String-Antistring Pairs

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    We investigate the lowest energy configurations for string - antistring pairs at fixed separations by numerically minimizing the energy. We show that for separations smaller than a critical value, a region of false vacuum develops in the middle due to large gradient energy density. Consequently, well defined string - antistring pairs do not exist for such separations. We present an example of vortex - antivortex production by vacuum bubbles where this effect seems to play a dynamical role in the annihilation of the pair. We also study the dependence of the energy of an string-antistring pair on their separation and find deviations from a simple logarithmic dependence for small separations.Comment: 14 pages, in LATEX, 7 figures (not included

    Self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol

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    We introduce a new continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) protocol, self-referenced CV-QKD, that eliminates the need for transmission of a high-power local oscillator between the communicating parties. In this protocol, each signal pulse is accompanied by a reference pulse (or a pair of twin reference pulses), used to align Alice's and Bob's measurement bases. The method of phase estimation and compensation based on the reference pulse measurement can be viewed as a quantum analog of intradyne detection used in classical coherent communication, which extracts the phase information from the modulated signal. We present a proof-of-principle, fiber-based experimental demonstration of the protocol and quantify the expected secret key rates by expressing them in terms of experimental parameters. Our analysis of the secret key rate fully takes into account the inherent uncertainty associated with the quantum nature of the reference pulse(s) and quantifies the limit at which the theoretical key rate approaches that of the respective conventional protocol that requires local oscillator transmission. The self-referenced protocol greatly simplifies the hardware required for CV-QKD, especially for potential integrated photonics implementations of transmitters and receivers, with minimum sacrifice of performance. As such, it provides a pathway towards scalable integrated CV-QKD transceivers, a vital step towards large-scale QKD networks.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Published versio