772 research outputs found

    Fractional Moment Estimates for Random Unitary Operators

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    We consider unitary analogs of dd-dimensional Anderson models on l2(Zd)l^2(\Z^d) defined by the product Uω=DωSU_\omega=D_\omega S where SS is a deterministic unitary and DωD_\omega is a diagonal matrix of i.i.d. random phases. The operator SS is an absolutely continuous band matrix which depends on parameters controlling the size of its off-diagonal elements. We adapt the method of Aizenman-Molchanov to get exponential estimates on fractional moments of the matrix elements of Uω(Uωz)1U_\omega(U_\omega -z)^{-1}, provided the distribution of phases is absolutely continuous and the parameters correspond to small off-diagonal elements of SS. Such estimates imply almost sure localization for UωU_\omega

    Chemotrophic Microbial Mats and Their Potential for Preservation in the Rock Record

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    Putative microbialites are commonly regarded to have formed in association with photosynthetic microorganisms, such as cyanobacteria. However, many modern microbial mat ecosystems are dominated by chemotrophic bacteria and archaea. Like phototrophs, filamentous sulfur-oxidizing bacteria form large mats at the sediment/water interface that can act to stabilize sediments, and their metabolic activities may mediate the formation of marine phosphorites. Similarly, bacteria and archaea associated with the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) catalyze the precipitation of seafloor authigenic carbonates. When preserved, lipid biomarkers, isotopic signatures, body fossils, and lithological indicators of the local depositional environment may be used to identify chemotrophic mats in the rock record. The recognition of chemotrophic communities in the rock record has the potential to transform our understanding of ancient microbial ecologies, evolution, and geochemical conditions. Chemotrophic microbes on Earth occupy naturally occurring interfaces between oxidized and reduced chemical species and thus may provide a new set of search criteria to target life-detection efforts on other planets

    Localization for Random Unitary Operators

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    We consider unitary analogs of 11-dimensional Anderson models on l2(Z)l^2(\Z) defined by the product Uω=DωSU_\omega=D_\omega S where SS is a deterministic unitary and DωD_\omega is a diagonal matrix of i.i.d. random phases. The operator SS is an absolutely continuous band matrix which depends on a parameter controlling the size of its off-diagonal elements. We prove that the spectrum of UωU_\omega is pure point almost surely for all values of the parameter of SS. We provide similar results for unitary operators defined on l2(N)l^2(\N) together with an application to orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. We get almost sure localization for polynomials characterized by Verblunski coefficients of constant modulus and correlated random phases

    The prediction of macrophyte species occurrence in Swiss ponds

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    The study attempted to model the abundance of aquatic plant species recorded in a range of ponds in Switzerland. A stratified sample of 80 ponds, distributed all over the country, provided input data for model development. Of the 154 species recorded, 45 were selected for modelling. A total of 14 environmental parameters were preselected as candidate explanatory variables. Two types of statistical tools were used to explore the data and to develop the predictive models: linear regression (LR) and generalized additive models (GAMs). Six LR species models had a reasonable predictive ability (30-50% of variance explained by the selected predictors). There was a gradient in the quality of the 45 GAM models. Ten species models exhibited both a good fit and statistical robustness: Lemnaminor, Phragmitesaustralis, Lysimachiavulgaris, Galiumpalustre, Lysimachianummularia, Irispseudacorus, Lythrumsalicaria, Lycopuseuropaeus, Phalarisarundinacea, Alismaplantago-aquatica, Schoenoplectuslacustris, Carexnigra. Altitude appeared to be a key explanatory variable in most of the species models. In some cases, the degree to which the shore was shaded, connectivity between water bodies, pond area, mineral nitrogen levels, pond age, pond depth, and the extent of agriculture or pasture in the catchment were selected as additional explanatory variables. The species models demonstrated that it is possible to predict species abundance of aquatic macrophytes and that each species responded individually to distinct environmental variable

    Geophysical and geochemical signatures of Gulf of Mexico seafloor brines

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    International audienceGeophysical, temperature, and discrete depth-stratified geochemical data illustrate differences between an actively venting mud volcano and a relatively quiescent brine pool in the Gulf of Mexico along the continental slope. Geophysical data, including laser-line scan mosaics and sub-bottom profiles, document the dynamic nature of both environments. Temperature profiles, obtained by lowering a CTD into the brine fluid, show that the venting brine was at least 10°C warmer than the bottom water. At the brine pool, thermal stratification was observed and only small differences in stratification were documented between three sampling times (1991, 1997 and 1998). In contrast, at the mud volcano, substantial temperature variability was observed, with the core brine temperature being slightly higher than bottom water (by 2°C) in 1997 but substantially higher than bottom water (by 19°C) in 1998. Detailed geochemical samples were obtained in 2002 using a device called the "brine trapper" and concentrations of dissolved gases, major ions and nutrients were determined. Both brines contained about four times as much salt as seawater and steep concentration gradients of dissolved ions and nutrients versus brine depth were apparent. Differences in the concentrations of calcium, magnesium and potassium between the two brine fluids suggest that the fluids are derived from different sources, have different dilution/mixing histories, or that brine-sediment reactions are more important at the mud volcano. Substantial concentrations of methane, ammonium, and silicate were observed in both brines, suggesting that fluids expelled from deep ocean brines are important sources of these constituents to the surrounding environment

    How Clonal Is Clonal? Genome Plasticity across Multicellular Segments of a “Candidatus Marithrix sp.” Filament from Sulfidic, Briny Seafloor Sediments in the Gulf of Mexico

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    "Candidatus Marithrix" is a recently described lineage within the group of large sulfur bacteria (Beggiatoaceae, Gammaproteobacteria). This group of bacteria comprises vacuolated, attached-living filaments that inhabit the sediment surface around vent and seep sites in the marine environment. A single filament is ca. 100 µm in diameter, several millimeters long, and consists of hundreds of clonal cells, which are considered highly polyploid. Based on these characteristics, "Candidatus Marithrix" was used as a model organism for the assessment of genomic plasticity along segments of a single filament using next generation sequencing to possibly identify hotspots of microevolution. Using six consecutive segments of a single filament sampled from a mud volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, we recovered ca. 90% of the "Candidatus Marithrix" genome in each segment. There was a high level of genome conservation along the filament with average nucleotide identities between 99.98-100%. Different approaches to assemble all reads into a complete consensus genome could not fill the gaps. Each of the six segment datasets encoded merely a few hundred unique nucleotides and 5 or less unique genes - the residual content was redundant in all datasets. Besides the overall high genomic identity, we identified a similar number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between the clonal segments, which are comparable to numbers reported for other clonal organisms. An increase of SNPs with greater distance of filament segments was not observed. The polyploidy of the cells was apparent when analyzing the heterogeneity of reads within a segment. Here, a strong increase in single nucleotide variants, or 'intrasegmental sequence heterogeneity' (ISH) events, was observed. These sites may represent hotspots for genome plasticity, and possibly microevolution, since two thirds of these variants were not co-localized across the genome copies of the multicellular filament