27 research outputs found

    Teaching literary theory in lower primary school

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    У раду су обрађени место и улога теорије књижевности у настави српског језика у млађим разредима основне школе. Не треба посебно наглашавати значај књижевне терминологије, јер без ових знања не може у потпуности да се разуме књижевно дело, односно не може бити добре наставе књижевности. Историја наших познатих методичких текстова показује стално присуство књижевне терминологије у самом средишту методике наставе књижевности: познавање термина је неопходно у свим случајевима, било да је реч о конкретном књижевном делу, књижевном образовању или књижевном васпитању. Рад полази од живе наставне ситуације, која обухвата целину и сложеност наставног процеса и његових битних чинилаца: програме (са избором текстова, књижевном терминологијом, задацима) и уџбенике/читанке (са обавезним и од аутора додатим текстовима, са методичком апаратуром, њеним питањима, налозима, дефиницијама). Анализом ових момената дошло се до одређених увида о могућим решењима којима би се појачало место и улога наставе теорије књижевности, почев од општих начела до рада на конкретном књижевном тексту. О још два чиниоца која битно утичу на наставу – сензибилитету ученика и личности наставника, говори се делом у уводним текстовима рада, али није могло бити даљих разматрања због ширине, сложености и интердисциплинарности ове теме, која превазилази оквире наше дисертације. У уводном поглављу осим образложења теме и приступа анализовани су значај књижевне терминологије и иманентна методика у настави књижевности. Иманентна методика, сходно иманентном/унутарњем приступу уметности/књижевности, јесте виђење методике по којем методички поступци произилазе из наставних садржаја и њихове природе. Иманентан приступ у средиште изучавања ставља предмет рада, наставне садржаје, знања и способности до којих треба довести ученике, а структура часа, методе, облици рада и наставна средства одређени су природом онога што се предаје. Међусобна условљеност шта се предаје и како се предаје (садржаја и метода) основна је карактеристика иманентне методике. За овакав приступ од пресудног значаја је стручност наставника у области коју предаје, као и његово методичко умеће којим проналази путеве да што примереније пренесе знање ученицима...This piece of writing analyses the place and role of literary theory in teaching Serbian language in lower primary school. There is no need to emphasise the significance of literary terminology because without such knowledge a piece of literary work cannot be fully understood and there can be no quality literature classes. In our well-known methodology-related texts, literary terminology is constantly the focal point of the methodology of teaching literature: terms must be known in all cases, whether they refer to a specific piece of literary work, literary education or literary training. This piece of writing starts from a real teaching situation which comprises the complete and complex teaching process and its relevant factors: curricula (including the choice of texts, literary terminology and assignments) and textbooks/reading books (including compulsory texts added by authors, methodological apparatus, questions, tasks and definitions). By analysing these aspects, we have come closer to possible solutions which may strengthen the place and role of teaching literary theory, starting from general principles to the work on a specific piece of literary text. Other two factors which significantly influence teaching – students’ sensibility and teachers’ personalities – have been partly analysed in introduction of this piece of writing, but no further discussions have been possible due to breadth, complexity and interdisciplinary character of the topic which surpasses the framework of the dissertation. Apart from approach analysis and topic elaboration, the first two chapters are analysing the importance of literary terminology and immanent methodology of teaching literature. In accordance with immanent/inner approach to art/literature, immanent methodology implies that methodological procedures ensue from teaching contents and their nature. Immanent approach focuses on the subject matter, teaching contents and knowledge and abilities that pupils are expected to gain, whereas the class structure, methods, forms of work and teaching aids are defined by the nature of the teaching contents. Mutual dependence of what is taught and how it is taught (the contents and methods) represents the basic characteristic of immanent methodology. Such approach requires teacher’s subject expertise, as well as teacher’s methodological skills which enable him/her to pass on knowledge to pupils in the most appropriate manner..

    Effect of prolonged precipitation on morphology and crystal struture of the bacterial nanocelulose/Fe3O4 composite

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    Cellulose is a biopolymer with a wide range of properties like biocompatibility, hydrophilicity, porosity, good mechanical properties, biodegradability and non-toxicity. The properties and application of cellulose based materials are related to the source of the cellulose production. Despite the fact that the plant cellulose is playing a leading role in obtaining cellulose fibers, it has been found that ecologically and economically, a better source for obtaining cellulose is by fermenting a particular strain of bacteria. Although bacterial nano cellulose (BCN) based materials can be used in numerous industries, from the paper and food industries to biomedicine, their application in electronics is limited because bacterial cellulose does not have conductive and ferromagnetic properties. Having this in mind in this research, the results of the development of nanocomposite materials based on BCN modified with Fe3O4 has been presented. The differences in the interaction of Fe3O4 nanoparticles and BCN obtained by varying precipitation parameters were investigated and the effect of reaction time was followed by SEM-EDS, XRD, and FTIR analysis. It has been found that this type of modifications of the initial BCN, enables development of new composite materials with superior properties, which can be used in various fields of electronics

    Structural Characterization of Nanocellulose/Fe3O4 Hybrid Nanomaterials

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    The rise of innovation in the electrical industry is driven by the controlled design of new materials. The hybrid materials based on magnetite/nanocellulose are highly interesting due to their various applications in medicine, ecology, catalysis and electronics. In this study, the structure and morphology of nanocellulose/magnetite hybrid nanomaterials were investigated. The effect of nanocellulose loading on the crystal structure of synthesized composites was investigated by XRD and FTIR methods. The presented study reveals that the interaction between the cellulose and magnetic nanoparticles depends on the nanocellulose content. Further, a transition from cellulose II to cellulose I allomorph is observed. SEM and EDS are employed to determine the variation in morphology with changes in component concentrations. By the calculation of magnetic interactions between adjacent Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions within composites, it is determined that ferromagnetic coupling predominates

    Anthropogenetical Analysis of Abnormal Human -globin Gene Cluster Arrangement on Chromosome 16*

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    An earlier study of human globin gene polymorphism in two Adriatic islands of Olib and Silba showed an abnormal arrangement of _ -globin genes in two different individuals. The next step was to determine the degree of the kinship relationship between the two probands, one with a deleted and another with triplicated _ -globin gene on the island Silba, and to determine the stability of this disorder through generations. We reviewed the parish registers (Status Animarum) of the island of Silba, dating from the year 1527, and constructed family trees for the two probands. Restriction endonuclease mapping was performed to study the arrangement of the _ -globin genes in the offspring of our probands. A total of 183 ancestors completed the two family trees. The kinship relationship between them was established in the 5th, 6th, and 7th generation. The analysis of _ -globin genes in the offspring of our probands showed the triplicated _ -globin genes in two persons. We also found _ -globin gene triplication in other three relatives. We did not find any deleted _ -globin genes. We determined the kinship relationship between the two probands, one with deleted and the other with triplicated _ -globin genes. This finding enabled us to determine the stability of this gene disarrangement through generations. It also showed new possibilities in anthropogenetic research, by combining the analyses of parish registers with those of modern genetic methods, such as restriction endonuclease mapping

    A Large Cross-Sectional Study of Health Attitudes, Knowledge, Behaviour and Risks in the Post-War Croatian Population (The First Croatian Health Project*)

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    As the liberation of occupied Croatian territories ended the war in the country in 1995, the Ministry of Health and Croatian Health Insurance Institute have agreed to create the new framework for developing a long-term strategy of public health planning, prevention and intervention. They provided financial resources to develop the First Cro-atian Health Project, the rest of the support coming from the World Bank loan and the National Institute of Public Health. A large cross-sectional study was designed aiming to assess health attitudes, knowledge, behaviour and risks in the post-war Croatian population. The large field study was carried out by the Institute for Anthropological Research with technical support from the National Institute of Public Health. The field study was completed between 1995–1997. It included about 10,000 adult volunteers from all 21 Croatian counties. The geographic distribution of the sample covered both coastal and continental areas of Croatia and included rural and urban environments. The specific measurements included antropometry (body mass index and blood pressure). From each examinee a blood sample was collected from which the levels of total plasma cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), HDL-cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein), LDL-cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein), lipoprotein Lp(a), and haemostatic risk factor fibrinogen (F) were determined. The detailed data were collected on the general knowledge and attitudes on health issues, followed by specific investigation of smoking history, alcohol consumption, nutrition habits, physical activity, family history of chronic non-communicable diseases and occupational exposures. From the initial database a targeted sample of 5,840 persons of both sexes, aged 18–65, was created corresponding by age, sex and geographic distribution to the general Croatian population. This paper summarises and discusses the main findings of the project within this representative sample of Croatian population

    Synthesis and structure of bcterial cellulose by acetic acid bacteria

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    Kao jedan od najzastupljenijih biopolimera na Zemlji, celuloza je našla primenu u prehrambenoj industriji, biomedicini i biotehnologiji. Dobijanje celuloznih vlakana iz biljaka je praćeno prisustvom nusproizvoda, čije je uklanjanje zahtevan proces. Stoga, materijali na bazi bakterijske nanoceluloze (BCN), nalaze sve širu primenu u svakodnevnici. Imajući u vidu prednosti BCN, u ovom radu su ispitivane promene u strukturi i morfologiji BCN u funkciji parametara sinteze. Analiziran je uticaj vrste i zapremine medijuma, kao i dužine prečišćavanja u NaOH, na promene u prinosu i strukturi BCN. Navedene promene su ispitivane metodama XRD, FTIR, kao i primenom SEM i EDS analize.As one of the most common biopolymers on Earth, cellulose has found an important role in food industry, biomedicine andbiotechnology. The process of obtaining cellulose fibers is often followed with the presence of the byproduct, whose removal is required procedure. From that reason, the process of obtaining material on a bacterial cellulose (BC) basis,finds wide application in everyday life. Having in mind her many features, we have investigated the change in structure and morphology of BC depending on the synthesis parameters. The influence of the medium volume and different time intervals of NaOH treatment relative to different BCN yields and structure. The mentioned changes were examined by XRD, FTIR spectroscopy, as well as SEM and EDS analyzes

    MtDNA Haplogroups in the Populations of Croatian Adriatic Islands

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    The number of previous anthropological studies pointed to very complex ethnohistorical processes that shaped the current genetic structure of Croatian island isolates. The scope of this study was limited to the general insight into their founding populations and the overall level of genetic diversity based on the study mtDNA variation. A total of 444 randomly chosen adult individuals from 32 rural communities of the islands of Krk, Brač, Hvar and Korčula were sampled. MtDNA HVS-I region together with RFLP sites diagnostic for main Eurasian and African mtDNA haplogroups were analysed in order to determine the haplogroup structure. The most frequent haplogroups were »H« (27.8–60.2%), »U« (10.2–24.1%), »J« (6.1–9.0%) and »T« (5.1–13.9%), which is similar to the other European and Near Eastern populations. The genetic drift could have been important aspect in history, as there were examples of excess frequencies of certain haplogroups (11.3% of »I« and 7.5% of »W« in Krk, 10.5% of »HV« in Brač, 13.9% of »J« in Hvar and 60.2% of »H« in Korčula). As the settlements on the islands were formed trough several immigratory episodes of genetically distant populations, this analysis (performed at the level of entire islands) showed greater genetic diversity (0.940–0.972) than expected at the level of particular settlements

    Inbreeding and Learning Disability in Croatian Island Isolates

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of learning disability (LD) in isolate populations with different inbreeding coefficients (F). Prevalence of LD and F were determined in 10 villages from five Croatian islands: Bra~, Hvar, Kor~ula, Lastovo and Susak. For the purpose of this study, LD was defined as the inability to attend the public school system. As the elementary schools (grade 1–8) in the place of the study are both public and compulsory, the assessment of child\u27s inability to attend the school is performed at the age of six. This is required by all children in the country based on standard set of tests of cognitive performance defined by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Croatia. The average inbreeding coefficients in each village population (F) were estimated in a random sample of 20–30% adults in each of the 10 villages based on 4 ancestral generations and using Wright\u27s path method. Prevalence of LD ranged from 0.43% to 2.47%, and the inbreeding coefficients ranged from 0.8% to 4.9%. The Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient between F and LD prevalence was 0.80 (p<0.01). Although the relative risk per 5% inbreeding appeared very high (about 10), the absolute risk only increased from 0.18% to 1.77%. The genetic effect of inbreeding (GEI) was approximately 0.69% and the population-attributable fraction 76.6%. A review of the literature and the results of this study lead to a conclusion that a very large number of predominantly recessive genetic factors might mediate the genetic susceptibility to various forms of LD in these populations

    Dielectric and Structural Properties of the Hybrid Material Polyvinylidene Fluoride-Bacterial Nanocellulose-Based Composite

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    In the search for environmentally friendly materials with a wide range of properties, polymer composites have emerged as a promising alternative due to their multifunctional properties. This study focuses on the synthesis of composite materials consisting of four components: bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) modified with magnetic Fe3O4, and a mixture of BaTiO3 (BT) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The BT powder was mechanically activated prior to mixing with PVDF. The influence of BT mechanical activation and BNC with magnetic particles on the PVDF matrix was investigated. The obtained composite films’ structural characteristics, morphology, and dielectric properties are presented. This research provides insights into the relationship between mechanical activation of the filler and structural and dielectric properties in the PVDF/BT/BNC/Fe3O4 system, creating the way for the development of materials with a wide range of diverse properties that support the concept of green technologies