14,664 research outputs found

    Anomalous isotopic predissociation in the F³Πu(v=1) state of O₂

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    Using a tunable, narrow-bandwidth vacuum-ultraviolet source based on third-harmonic generation from excimer-pumped dye-laser radiation, the F³Πu←X³Σg-(1,0)photoabsorption cross sections of ¹⁶O₂ and ¹⁸O₂ have been recorded in high resolution. Rotational analyses have been performed and the resultant F(v=1) term values fitted to the ³Π Hamiltonian of Brown and Merer [J. Mol. Spectrosc. 74, 488 (1979)]. A large rotationless isotope effect is observed in the F(v=1)predissociation, wherein the Lorentzian linewidth component for ¹⁸O₂ is a factor of ∼50 smaller than the corresponding ¹⁶O₂linewidth. This effect, a consequence of the nonadiabatic rotationless predissociation mechanism, is described using a coupled-channel treatment of the strongly Rydberg-valence-mixed 3Πu states. Significant J, e/f-parity, and sublevel dependencies observed in the isotopic F(v=1) rotational widths are found to derive from an indirect predissociation mechanism involving an accidental degeneracy with the E³Σ−u(v=3) level, itself strongly predissociated by ³Σ−u Rydberg-valence interactions, together with L-uncoupling (rotational) interactions between the Rydberg components of the F and E states. Transitions into the E(v=3) level are observed directly for the first time, specifically in the ¹⁸O₂ spectrumPartial support was provided by an NSF International Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers Program Grant No. INT-9513350, and Visiting Fellowships for G.S. and J.B.W. at the Australian National University

    Pupillometry, a bioengineering overview

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    The pupillary control system is examined using a microprocessor based integrative pupillometer. The real time software functions of the microprocessor include: data collection, stimulus generation and area to diameter conversion. Results of an analysis of linear and nonlinear phenomena are presented

    Keck Spectroscopy of Faint 3<z<8 Lyman Break Galaxies:- Evidence for a Declining Fraction of Emission Line Sources In the Redshift Range 6<z<8

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    Using deep Keck spectroscopy of Lyman break galaxies selected from infrared imaging data taken with WFC3/IR onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we present new evidence for a reversal in the redshift-dependent fraction of star forming galaxies with detectable Lyman alpha emission in the redshift range 6.3 < z < 8.8. Our earlier surveys with the DEIMOS spectrograph demonstrated a significant increase with redshift in the fraction of line emitting galaxies over the interval 4 < z < 6, particularly for intrinsically faint systems which dominate the luminosity density. Using the longer wavelength sensitivities of LRIS and NIRSPEC, we have targeted 19 Lyman break galaxies selected using recent WFC3/IR data whose photometric redshifts are in the range 6.3 < z < 8.8 and which span a wide range of intrinsic luminosities. Our spectroscopic exposures typically reach a 5-sigma sensitivity of < 50 A for the rest-frame equivalent width (EW) of Lyman alpha emission. Despite the high fraction of emitters seen only a few hundred million years later, we find only 2 convincing and 1 possible line emitter in our more distant sample. Combining with published data on a further 7 sources obtained using FORS2 on the ESO VLT, and assuming continuity in the trends found at lower redshift, we discuss the significance of this apparent reversal in the redshift-dependent Lyman alpha fraction in the context of our range in continuum luminosity. Assuming all the targeted sources are at their photometric redshift and our assumptions about the Lyman alpha EW distribution are correct, we would expect to find so few emitters in less than 1% of the realizations drawn from our lower redshift samples. Our new results provide further support for the suggestion that, at the redshifts now being probed spectroscopically, we are entering the era where the intergalactic medium is partially neutral.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Accepted to ApJ 10/1/1

    Why is Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) still used

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    Abstract Even though it has never been validated by objective testing, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) has been widely used for almost 50 years by governments and industry in applications with lives and property hanging in the balance, such as deciding safety criteria for nuclear power plants, making official national hazard maps, developing building code requirements, and determining earthquake insurance rates. PSHA rests on assumptions now known to conflict with earthquake physics; many damaging earthquakes, including the 1988 Spitak, Armenia, event and the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, event, have occurred in regions relatively rated low-risk by PSHA hazard maps. No extant method, including PSHA, produces reliable estimates of seismic hazard. Earthquake hazard mitigation should be recognized to be inherently political, involving a tradeoff between uncertain costs and uncertain risks. Earthquake scientists, engineers, and risk managers can make important contributions to the hard problem of allocating limited resources wisely, but government officials and stakeholders must take responsibility for the risks of accidents due to natural events that exceed the adopted safety criteria

    A Search for Vector Magnetic Field Variations Associated with the M-Class Flares of 1991 June 10 in AR 6659

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    A careful analysis of a 6-hour time sequence of vector magnetograms of AR 6659, observed on 1991 June 10 with the MSFC vector magnetograph, has revealed only minor changes in the vector magnetic field azimuths in the vicinity of two M-class flares, and the association of these changes with the flares is not unambiguous. In this paper we present our analysis of the data which includes comparison of vector magnetograms prior to and during the flares, calculation of distributions of the rms variation of the azimuth at each pixel in the field of view of the active region, and examination of the variation with time of the azimuths at every pixel covered by the main flare emissions as observed with the H-alpha telescope coaligned with the vector magnetograph. We also present results of an analysis of evolutionary changes in the azimuth over the field of view of the active region

    The influence of expertise on brain activation of the action observation network during anticipation of tennis and volleyball serves

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    In many daily activities, and especially in sport, it is necessary to predict the effects of others' actions in order to initiate appropriate responses. Recently, researchers have suggested that the action-observation network (AON) including the cerebellum plays an essential role during such anticipation, particularly in sport expert performers. In the present study, we examined the influence of task-specific expertise on the AON by investigating differences between two expert groups trained in different sports while anticipating action effects. Altogether, 15 tennis and 16 volleyball experts anticipated the direction of observed tennis and volleyball serves while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The expert group in each sport acted as novice controls in the other sport with which they had only little experience. When contrasting anticipation in both expertise conditions with the corresponding untrained sport, a stronger activation of AON areas (SPL, SMA), and particularly of cerebellar structures, was observed. Furthermore, the neural activation within the cerebellum and the SPL was linearly correlated with participant's anticipation performance, irrespective of the specific expertise. For the SPL, this relationship also holds when an expert performs a domain-specific anticipation task. Notably, the stronger activation of the cerebellum as well as of the SMA and the SPL in the expertise conditions suggests that experts rely on their more fine-tuned perceptual-motor representations that have improved during years of training when anticipating the effects of others' actions in their preferred sport. The association of activation within the SPL and the cerebellum with the task achievement suggests that these areas are the predominant brain sites involved in fast motor predictions. The SPL reflects the processing of domain-specific contextual information and the cerebellum the usage of a predictive internal model to solve the anticipation task. © 2014 Balser, Lorey, Pilgramm, Naumann, Kindermann, Stark, Zentgraf, Williams and Munzert

    Small Shelly Fossil Preservation and the Role of Early Diagenetic Redox in the Early Triassic

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    Minute fossils from a variety of different metazoan clades, collectively referred to as small shelly fossils, represent a distinctive taphonomic mode that is most commonly reported from the Cambrian Period. Lower Triassic successions of the western United States, deposited in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction, provide an example of small shelly style preservation that significantly post-dates Cambrian occurrences. Glauconitized and phosphatized echinoderms and gastropods are preserved in the insoluble residues of carbonates from the Virgin Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation. Echinoderm plates, spines and other skeletal elements are preserved as stereomic molds; gastropods are preserved as steinkerns. All small shelly style fossils are preserved in the small size fractions of the residues (177 to 420 lm), which is consistent with the size selection of small shelly fossils in the Cambrian. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectra of individual fossils coupled with X-ray diffraction of residues confirm that the fossils are dominantly preserved by apatite and glauconite, and sometimes a combination of the two minerals. The nucleation of both of these minerals requires that pore water redox oscillated between oxic and anoxic conditions, which, in turn, implies that Lower Triassic carbonates periodically experienced oxygen depletion after deposition and during early diagenesis. Long-term oxygen depletion persisted through the Early Triassic, creating diagenetic conditions that were instrumental in the preservation of small shelly fossils in Triassic and, likely, Paleozoic examples

    The azimuth structure of nuclear collisions -- I

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    We describe azimuth structure commonly associated with elliptic and directed flow in the context of 2D angular autocorrelations for the purpose of precise separation of so-called nonflow (mainly minijets) from flow. We extend the Fourier-transform description of azimuth structure to include power spectra and autocorrelations related by the Wiener-Khintchine theorem. We analyze several examples of conventional flow analysis in that context and question the relevance of reaction plane estimation to flow analysis. We introduce the 2D angular autocorrelation with examples from data analysis and describe a simulation exercise which demonstrates precise separation of flow and nonflow using the 2D autocorrelation method. We show that an alternative correlation measure based on Pearson's normalized covariance provides a more intuitive measure of azimuth structure.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure