605 research outputs found

    Renovating Pastures with Glyphosate Tolerant Soybeans

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    Pasture renovation is expensive because of lost production, costs for eliminating existing vegetation by tillage or herbicides, and direct replanting costs. Reducing costs, reducing risk of failure, and producing income from pasture land during renovation can significantly increase the profitability of improving pastures

    Application of genetics and genomics to aquaculture development: current and future directions

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    Global aquaculture production continues to grow rapidly yet a small proportion of the animals and plants being used come from managed breeding and improvement programmes. The biology of aquatic organisms offer many opportunities for rapid genetic gains as new genetic and genomic techniques make the management of improvement programmes feasible in a wider range of species. The current paper describes the application of a wide range of techniques, many unique to aquatic organisms, and their potential to secure aquaculture production in the future

    The Impact of Escaped Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) on Catch Statistics in Scotland

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    In Scotland and elsewhere, there are concerns that escaped farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) may impact on wild salmon stocks. Potential detrimental effects could arise through disease spread, competition, or inter-breeding. We investigated whether there is evidence of a direct effect of recorded salmon escape events on wild stocks in Scotland using anglers' counts of caught salmon (classified as wild or farmed) and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.). This tests specifically whether documented escape events can be associated with reduced or elevated escapes detected in the catch over a five-year time window, after accounting for overall variation between areas and years. Alternate model frameworks were somewhat inconsistent, however no robust association was found between documented escape events and higher proportion of farm-origin salmon in anglers' catch, nor with overall catch size. A weak positive correlation was found between local escapes and subsequent sea trout catch. This is in the opposite direction to what would be expected if salmon escapes negatively affected wild fish numbers. Our approach specifically investigated documented escape events, contrasting with earlier studies examining potentially wider effects of salmon farming on wild catch size. This approach is more conservative, but alleviates some potential sources of confounding, which are always of concern in observational studies. Successful analysis of anglers' reports of escaped farmed salmon requires high data quality, particularly since reports of farmed salmon are a relatively rare event in the Scottish data. Therefore, as part of our analysis, we reviewed studies of potential sensitivity and specificity of determination of farmed origin. Specificity estimates are generally high in the literature, making an analysis of the form we have performed feasible

    A novel sex-determining QTL in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    Background: Fish species often exhibit significant sexual dimorphism for commercially important traits. Accordingly, the control of phenotypic sex, and in particular the production of monosex cultures, is of particular interest to the aquaculture industry. Sex determination in the widely farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is complex, involving genomic regions on at least three chromosomes (chromosomes 1, 3 and 23) and interacting in certain cases with elevated early rearing temperature as well. Thus, sex ratios may vary substantially from 50%. Results: This study focused on mapping sex-determining quantitative trait loci (QTL) in families with skewed sex ratios. These included four families that showed an excess of males (male ratio varied between 64% and 93%) when reared at standard temperature (28°C) and a fifth family in which an excess of males (96%) was observed when fry were reared at 36°C for ten days from first feeding. All the samples used in the current study were genotyped for two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (rs397507167 and rs397507165) located in the expected major sex-determining region in linkage group 1 (LG 1). The only misassigned individuals were phenotypic males with the expected female genotype, suggesting that those offspring had undergone sex-reversal with respect to the major sex-determining locus. We mapped SNPs identified from double digest Restriction-site Associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing in these five families. Three genetic maps were constructed consisting of 641, 175 and 1,155 SNPs from the three largest families. QTL analyses provided evidence for a novel genome-wide significant QTL in LG 20. Evidence was also found for another sex-determining QTL in the fifth family, in the proximal region of LG 1. Conclusions: Overall, the results from this study suggest that these previously undetected QTLs are involved in sex determination in the Nile tilapia, causing sex reversal (masculinisation) with respect to the XX genotype at the major sex-determining locus in LG 1

    Species-Specific Marker Discovery in Tilapia

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    Tilapias (family Cichlidae) are of importance in aquaculture and fisheries. Hybridisation and introgression are common within tilapia genera but are difficult to analyse due to limited numbers of species-specific genetic markers. We tested the potential of double digested restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing for discovering single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers to distinguish between 10 tilapia species. Analysis of ddRAD data revealed 1,371 shared SNPs in the de novo-based analysis and 1,204 SNPs in the reference-based analysis. Phylogenetic trees based on these two analyses were very similar. A total of 57 species-specific SNP markers were found among the samples analysed of the 10 tilapia species. Another set of 62 species-specific SNP markers was identified from a subset of four species which have often been involved in hybridisation in aquaculture: 13 for Oreochromis niloticus, 23 for O. aureus, 12 for O. mossambicus and 14 for O. u. hornorum. A panel of 24 SNPs was selected to distinguish among these four species and validated using 91 individuals. Larger numbers of SNP markers were found that could distinguish between the pairs of species within this subset. This technique offers potential for the investigation of hybridisation and introgression among tilapia species in aquaculture and in wild populations

    Insights into intrinsic resistance and bacterial cell division from a structure of EnvC bound to the FtsX periplasmic domain

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    FtsEX is a bacterial ABC transporter that regulates the activity of periplasmic peptidoglycan amidases via its interaction with the murein hydrolase activator, EnvC. In Escherichia coli, FtsEX is required to separate daughter cells after cell division and for viability in low-osmolarity media. Both the ATPase activity of FtsEX and its periplasmic interaction with EnvC are required for amidase activation, but the process itself is poorly understood. Here we present the 2.1 Å structure of the FtsX periplasmic domain in complex with its periplasmic partner, EnvC. The EnvC-FtsX periplasmic domain complex has a 1-to-2 stoichiometry with two distinct FtsX-binding sites located within an antiparallel coiled coil domain of EnvC. Residues involved in amidase activation map to a previously identified groove in the EnvC LytM domain that is here found to be occluded by a “restraining arm” suggesting a self-inhibition mechanism. Mutational analysis, combined with bacterial two-hybrid screens and in vivo functional assays, verifies the FtsEX residues required for EnvC binding and experimentally test a proposed mechanism for amidase activation. We also define a predicted link between FtsEX and integrity of the outer membrane. Both the ATPase activity of FtsEX and its periplasmic interaction with EnvC are required for resistance to membrane-attacking antibiotics and detergents to which E. coli would usually be considered intrinsically resistant. These structural and functional data provide compelling mechanistic insight into FtsEX-mediated regulation of EnvC and its downstream control of periplasmic peptidoglycan amidases

    Activator-induced conformational changes regulate division-associated peptidoglycan amidases

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    AmiA and AmiB are peptidoglycan-hydrolyzing enzymes from Escherichia coli that are required to break the peptidoglycan layer during bacterial cell division and maintain integrity of the cell envelope. In vivo, the activity of AmiA and AmiB is tightly controlled through their interactions with the membrane-bound FtsEX–EnvC complex. Activation of AmiA and AmiB requires access to a groove in the amidase-activating LytM domain of EnvC which is gated by ATP-driven conformational changes in FtsEX–EnvC complex. Here, we present a high-resolution structure of the isolated AmiA protein, confirming that it is autoinhibited in the same manner as AmiB and AmiC, and a complex of the AmiB enzymatic domain bound to the activating EnvC LytM domain. In isolation, the active site of AmiA is blocked by an autoinhibitory helix that binds directly to the catalytic zinc and fills the volume expected to accommodate peptidoglycan binding. In the complex, binding of the EnvC LytM domain induces a conformational change that displaces the amidase autoinhibitory helix and reorganizes the active site for activity. Our structures, together with complementary mutagenesis work, defines the conformational changes required to activate AmiA and/or AmiB through their interaction with their cognate activator EnvC