3,164 research outputs found

    The evolution and development of visual perspective taking

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    I outline three conceptions of seeing that a creature might possess: ‘the headlamp conception,’ which involves an understanding of the causal connections between gazing at an object, certain mental states, and behavior; ‘the stage lights conception,’ which involves an understanding of the selective nature of visual attention; and seeing-as. I argue that infants and various nonhumans possess the headlamp conception. There is also evidence that chimpanzees and 3-year-old children have some grasp of seeing-as. However, due to a dearth of studies, there is no evidence that infants or nonhumans possess the stage lights conception of seeing. I outline the kinds of experiments that are needed, and what we stand to learn about the evolution and development of perspective taking

    Quiet time fluxes and radial gradients of low-energy protons in the inner and outer heliosphere

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    Radial variations of low-energy (~1-8 MeV) quiet-time fluxes of protons are examined at distances of 20-85 AU during low solar activity periods using Voyager 1-2 data and compared with Ulysses fluxes at 1-5 AU as well as IMP-8 and SOHO at Earth and Helios between 0.3 and 1 AU. To obtain nearly background-free fluxes, the data are based on a careful pulse-height analysis. Except for high solar activity periods, contaminated with solar particles, all fluxes are very low, of the order of, and below 10^(-5) /(cm^2 s sr MeV). The Ulysses fluxes seem to be the lowest, whereas Helios and Voyager fluxes are nearly at the same level. The radial variation in 1-8 MeV suggests a negative gradient from 0.5 to about 2 AU that gradually turns positive beyond 2 AU. Whereas the true variation is difficult to infer between 5 and 17 AU due to solar contribution, from 30 to about 60 AU it exhibits a wide plateau, beyond which a slight increasing tendency is observed. At energies above ~6 MeV a clear contribution of anomalous hydrogen is observed

    Monoclonal antibodies against human astrocytomas and their reactivity pattern

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    The establishment of hybridomas after fusion of X63-Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cells and splenocytes from mice hyperimmunized against human astrocytomas is presented. The animals were primed with 5 × 106 chemically modified uncultured or cultured glioma cells. Six weeks after the last immunization step an intrasplenal booster injection was administrated and 3 days later the spleen cells were prepared for fusion experiments. According to the specificity analysis of the generated antibodies 7 hybridoma products (MUC 7-22, MUC 8-22, MUC 10-22, MUC 11-22, MUC 14-22, MUC 15-22 and MUC 2-63) react with gliomas, neuroblastomas and melanomas as well as with embryonic and fetal cells but do not recognize non-neurogenic tumors. The selected monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) of IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes are not extensively characterized but these antibodies have been demonstrated to be reactive with a panel of glioma cell lines with varying patterns of antigen distribution. Using the McAbs described above and a series of cryosections of glioma biopsies and paraffin sections of the same material as well as glioma cultures established from these, variable antigenic profiles among glioma cell populations could be demonstrated. From these results it is evident that there is not only a distinct degree of antigenic heterogeneity among and within brain tumors, but also that the pattern of antigenic expression can change continuously. Some of the glioma associated antigens recognized by the selected antibodies persist after fixation with methanol/acetone and Karnovsky's fixative and probably are oncoembryonic/oncofetal antigen(s). The data suggest that the use of McAbs recognizing tumor associated oncofetal antigens in immunohistochemistry facilitates objective typing of intracranial malignancies and precise analysis of fine needle brain/tumor biopsies in a sensitive and reproducible manner

    Deceptive body movements reverse spatial cueing in soccer

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.The purpose of the experiments was to analyse the spatial cueing effects of the movements of soccer players executing normal and deceptive (step-over) turns with the ball. Stimuli comprised normal resolution or point-light video clips of soccer players dribbling a football towards the observer then turning right or left with the ball. Clips were curtailed before or on the turn (-160, -80, 0 or +80 ms) to examine the time course of direction prediction and spatial cueing effects. Participants were divided into higher-skilled (HS) and lower-skilled (LS) groups according to soccer experience. In experiment 1, accuracy on full video clips was higher than on point-light but results followed the same overall pattern. Both HS and LS groups correctly identified direction on normal moves at all occlusion levels. For deceptive moves, LS participants were significantly worse than chance and HS participants were somewhat more accurate but nevertheless substantially impaired. In experiment 2, point-light clips were used to cue a lateral target. HS and LS groups showed faster reaction times to targets that were congruent with the direction of normal turns, and to targets incongruent with the direction of deceptive turns. The reversed cueing by deceptive moves coincided with earlier kinematic events than cueing by normal moves. It is concluded that the body kinematics of soccer players generate spatial cueing effects when viewed from an opponent's perspective. This could create a reaction time advantage when anticipating the direction of a normal move. A deceptive move is designed to turn this cueing advantage into a disadvantage. Acting on the basis of advance information, the presence of deceptive moves primes responses in the wrong direction, which may be only partly mitigated by delaying a response until veridical cues emerge

    The preview search task: Evidence for visual marking.

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    A series of experiments are reviewed providing evidence for the idea that when new visual objects are prioritized, old objects are inhibited by a top-down controlled suppression mechanism - A process referred to as visual marking. Evidence for the top-down aspect of visual marking is presented, by showing that new object prioritization, as measured in the preview paradigm, depends on task settings and available attentional resources. Evidence for the inhibitory aspect is presented, by showing that selection of new items is impaired when these items share features with the old items. Such negative carryover effects occur within as well as between trials. Alternative accounts and the evidence for them is discussed. It is concluded that the various accounts are not mutually exclusive and that the data is best explained by a combination of mechanisms. © 2006 Psychology Press Ltd

    Interpretation and the Constraints on International Courts

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    This paper argues that methodologies of interpretation do not do what they promise – they do not constrain interpretation by providing neutral steps that one can follow in finding out a meaning of a text – but nevertheless do their constraining work by being part of what can be described as the legal practice

    Banking union in historical perspective: the initiative of the European Commission in the 1960s-1970s

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    This article shows that planning for the organization of EU banking regulation and supervision did not just appear on the agenda in recent years with discussions over the creation of the eurozone banking union. It unveils a hitherto neglected initiative of the European Commission in the 1960s and early 1970s. Drawing on extensive archival work, this article explains that this initiative, however, rested on a number of different assumptions, and emerged in a much different context. It first explains that the Commission's initial project was not crisis-driven; that it articulated the link between monetary integration and banking regulation; and finally that it did not set out to move the supervisory framework to the supranational level, unlike present-day developments

    Ethnicity, voter alignment and political party affiliation - an African case: Zambia

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    Conventional wisdom holds that ethnicity provides the social cleavage for voting behav-iour and party affiliation in Africa. Because this is usually inferred from aggregate data of national election results, it might prove to be an ecological fallacy. The evidence based on individual data from an opinion survey in Zambia suggests that ethnicity matters for voter alignment and even more so for party affiliation, but it is certainly not the only factor. The analysis also points to a number of qualifications which are partly methodology-related. One is that the degree of ethnic voting can differ from one ethno-political group to the other depending on various degrees of ethnic mobilisation. Another is that if smaller eth-nic groups or subgroups do not identify with one particular party, it is difficult to find a significant statistical correlation between party affiliation and ethnicity - but that does not prove that they do not affiliate along ethnic lines.Wahlverhalten und Mitgliedschaft in politischen Parteien Afrikas ist nur wenig untersucht worden. Gewöhnlich wird argumentiert, dass Ethnizität als soziale Konfliktlinie das Wahlverhalten und die Parteienmitgliedschaft strukturiert. Da dieses Argument auf hoch aggregierten Wahldaten beruht, kann hier ein ökologischer Fehlschuss vorliegen. Die vorliegende Analyse beruht deshalb auf individuellen Umfragedaten aus Sambia. Das Ergebnis ist, dass Ethnizität tatsächlich eine Rolle für das Wahlverhalten und die Parteienmitgliedschaft spielt, aber keineswegs den einzigen Erklärungsfaktor darstellt. Die Analyse offenbart zudem eine Reihe von Einschränkungen und Qualifizierungen, die teilweise methodischer Natur sind. Eine ist, dass ethnisches Wahlverhalten und Parteienmitgliedschaft von einer ethnischen Gruppe zur anderen unterschiedlich ist, dass, wenn sich kleinere ethnische Gruppen oder Untergruppen mit keiner Partei identifizieren, es schwierig wird, statistisch signifikante Korrelationen zu finden - was indessen noch nicht beweist, dass Ethnizität keine Rolle spielt

    Follow the sign! Top-down contingent attentional capture of masked arrow cues

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    Arrow cues and other overlearned spatial symbols automatically orient attention according to their spatial meaning. This renders them similar to exogenous cues that occur at stimulus location. Exogenous cues trigger shifts of attention even when they are presented subliminally. Here, we investigate to what extent the mechanisms underlying the orienting of attention by exogenous cues and by arrow cues are comparable by analyzing the effects of visible and masked arrow cues on attention. In Experiment 1, we presented arrow cues with overall 50% validity. Visible cues, but not masked cues, lead to shifts of attention. In Experiment 2, the arrow cues had an overall validity of 80%. Now both visible and masked arrows lead to shifts of attention. This is in line with findings that subliminal exogenous cues capture attention only in a top-down contingent manner, that is, when the cues fit the observer’s intentions