333 research outputs found


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    A dynamic programming model is developed to identify barriers to the adoption of long-run control programs for the parasitic weed Striga. The model is applied to Sirakorola in northwestern Mali. The ability of national and village-level institutions to overcome the barriers to adoption is explored.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Genetic Diversity of Selected Upland Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) for Grain Yield and Related Traits

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    Seventy-seven upland rice genotypes including popular cultivars in Nigeria and introduced varieties selected from across rice-growing regions of the world were evaluated under optimal upland ecology. These genotypes were characterised for 10 traits and the quantitative data subjected to Pearson correlation matrix, Principal Component Analysis and cluster analysis to determine the level of diversity and degree of association existing between grain yield and its related component traits. Yield and most related component traits exhibited higher PCV compared to growth parameters. Yield had the highest PCV (41.72%) while all other parameters had low to moderate GCV. Genetic Advance (GA) ranged from 9.88% for plant height at maturity to 41.08% for yield. High heritability estimates were recorded for 1000 grain weight (88.71%), days to 50% flowering (86.67%) and days to 85% maturity (71.98%). Furthermore, grain yield showed significant positive correlation with days to 50% flowering and number of panicles m-2. Three cluster groups were obtained based on the UPGMA and the first three principal components explained about 64.55% of the total variation among the 10 characters. The PCA results suggests that characters such as grain yield, days to flowering, leaf area and plant height at maturity were the principal discriminatory traits for this rice germplasm indicating that selection in favour of these traits might be effective in this population and environment

    Gestion des forlts inondées dans le Delta Interieur du Niger, Mali; management of flood forests in the Inner Niger Delta, Mali

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    Flood forests of Acacia kirkii in the Inner Niger Delta, Mali, host large mixed colonies of waterbirds and play a key role in the production of fish fry and the fertilization of surrounding fields. These forests were managed in a sustainable way by local people, until many were destroyed during the drought periods in the 1970s and 1980s. Local populations wish to regenerate these forests, but without outside assistance they fail to do so, due to conflicts of interest

    Utilisation de la PCR-RFLP sur de l'ADN chloro-plastique pour l'étude des relations phylogénétiques au sein du genre Phaseolus

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    Phylogenetic relationships among 74 accessions belonging to six species of Phaseolus are investigated using variation in chloroplast DNA assessed according to a PCR-RFLP protocol. Three fragments of chloroplast DNA are amplified using universal primers, and then digested with 10 restriction enzymes. Thirty-six haplotypes are identified on the basis of the polymorphism in fragment number and size. Three main phylogenetic groups, strongly supported through bootstrap analysis, are identified: (1) accessions from Phaseolus lunatus and Phaseolus xolocotzii; (2) accessions from Phaseolus glabellus; (3) accessions from Phaseolus vulgaris, Phaseolus polyanthus and Phaseolus coccineus. Within the third group, accessions of Phaseolus coccineus are scattered along the phylogenetic tree, which provides some evidence that coccineus accessions are paraphyletic with respect to Phaseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus polyanthus. An analysis of molecular variance applied on four species show that they are significantly differentiated with 79% of molecular variance among species and 21% within species. The results agree with previous investigations on chloroplast DNA variation in the genus Phaseolus, and suggest that PCRRFLP methods, which are technically less labour-intensive than previous methods, are of great value for phylogenetic investigations at the generic level

    Synthesis of Perfectly Oriented MAPb0.93Cr0.07Br3 Perovskite Crystals for Thin-Film Photovoltaic Applications

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    [EN] Wide band gap methylammonium lead halide perovskites (CH3NH3PbX3, X=halogen; CH3NH3: MA) are interesting materials for photovoltaic applications. They have recently gained substantial attention because of their high efficiency, low cost, superior optical properties. The most attractive and representative perovskites are methylammonium lead halides (CH3NH3PbX3,) denoted as MAPbX3, X = Br, Cl, I. usually the optical and structural properties of CH3NH3PbBr3 can be adjusted by introducing other extrinsic ions such as chloride and bromide. In this work, instead of replacing the halogens I or Cl with bromine (Br) as usual, we preferred to act on the post-transition metal (Pb). To this end, we replaced lead with chromium (Cr) which is a transition metal and may have the same oxidation state (+2) as lead. MAPb0.93Cr0.07Br3 thin films were deposited on ITO substrate by the spin coating process. X-ray diffraction analyses indicated the formation of a cubic perovskite with space group Pm3 m. The structural analysis reveals films with (110) and (220) as main peaks. Deposited films showed a strong absorbance in the UV¿vis range. The band gap values were estimated from absorbance measurements. It was found between 1.60 and 1.80 eV. SEM analysis shows a morphology with good coverage and no apparent crystal orientation.Soro, D.; Sidibé, M.; Fassinou, W.; Marí, B.; Sall, T.; Fofana, B.; Boko, A.... (2017). Synthesis of Perfectly Oriented MAPb0.93Cr0.07Br3 Perovskite Crystals for Thin-Film Photovoltaic Applications. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. IJIRSET (Online). 6(6):10170-10176. doi:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0606007S10170101766

    Population-level impact of shorter-course regimens for tuberculosis: a model-based analysis.

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    Despite current control efforts, global tuberculosis (TB) incidence is decreasing slowly. New regimens that can shorten treatment hold promise for improving treatment completion and success, but their impact on population-level transmission remains unclear. Earlier models projected that a four-month regimen could reduce TB incidence by 10% but assumed that an entire course of therapy must be completed to derive any benefit. We constructed a dynamic transmission model of TB disease calibrated to global estimates of incidence, prevalence, mortality, and treatment success. To account for the efficacy of partial treatment, we used data from clinical trials of early short-course regimens to estimate relapse rates among TB patients who completed one-third, one-half, two-thirds, and all of their first-line treatment regimens. We projected population-level incidence and mortality over 10 years, comparing standard six-month therapy to hypothetical shorter-course regimens with equivalent treatment success but fewer defaults. The impact of hypothetical four-month regimens on TB incidence after 10 years was smaller than estimated in previous modeling analyses (1.9% [95% uncertainty range 0.6-3.1%] vs. 10%). Impact on TB mortality was larger (3.5% at 10 years) but still modest. Transmission impact was most sensitive to the proportion of patients completing therapy: four-month therapy led to greater incidence reductions in settings where 25% of patients leave care ("default") over six months. Our findings remained robust under one-way variation of model parameters. These findings suggest that novel regimens that shorten treatment duration may have only a modest effect on TB transmission except in settings of very low treatment completion

    Composition chimique de l’huile essentielle des fleurs de Lanneavelutina (Anacardiaceae) du Mali

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    La présente étude a pour but la détermination de la composition chimique de l’huile essentielle des fleurs de Lanneavelutina, une plante mellifère répertoriée au Mali (Cissé 2004). Cette huile essentielle a été obtenue par entrainement à la vapeur d’eau avec des rendements de l’ordre de 0.04%. Le composé majoritaire identifié est le beta-caryophyllène (22-36%). Elle contient essentiellement des sesquiterpènes, des hydrocarbures saturés et des hydrocarbures oxygénés non terpéniques.Mots clés: Composition chimique, mellifère, entrainement à la vapeur d’eau, sesquiterpène
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