424 research outputs found

    The illness trajectory in Marilyn Monroe‘s psychological autopsy: from autism spectrum disorder to borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder with catatonia

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    Objective: A mounting body of literature is showing that, in the clinical and general population, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or autistic traits (ATs) would appear to be spread along a continuum, reaching the highest levels among individuals affected by other mental disorders, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD) and bipolar disorder (BD). Furthermore, individuals with ASD or ATs appear to be more vulnerable to psychological traumas, with greater likelihood of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and BD. Marilyn Monroe was a famous actress, singer and model, as well as one of the most admired stars of American cinema and a timeless icon. The present report debates the possibility to explore Marilyn Monroe’s case under a neurodevelopmental perspective according to which a ASD favored, on one hand, her worldwide success and, on the other, her mental illness trajectory. Method: The analysis is based on the review of her four biographies written by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, her complete filmography, interviews, filmed material and personal scripts. Results: The present work reconstructed a hypothetical illness trajectory originating from a ASD and culminating in a BD with unspecified catatonia, followed by premature death whose cause has never been clarified. The description of this illness trajectory also confirms the strong impact of psychological traumas on the substrate of ASD vulnerability and its correlation with the development of BPD and BD. Conclusions: This paper suggests Marilyn Monroe as a possible prototypical case of BPD under a neurodevelopmental perspective that accounts the ASD, as reported in DSM-5-TR (2022), in verbal adult without intellectual impairment, high-functioning autism (HFA), as vulnerability background predisposing to the progression to BPD and BD with unspecified catatonia, triggered by multiple traumas

    Socio-demographic and clinical characterization of patients with obsessive-compulsive tic-related disorder (OCTD) : An Italian multicenter study

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    © Copyright by Pacini Editore SrlIn the DSM-5 a new "tic-related" specifier for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has been introduced, highlighting the importance of an accurate characterization of patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive tic-related disorder ("OCTD"). In order to characterize OCTD from a socio-demographic and clinical perspective, the present multicenter study was carried out. The sample consists of 266 patients, divided in two groups with lifetime diagnoses of OCD and OCTD, respectively. OCTD vs OCD patients showed a significant male prevalence (68.5% vs 48.5%; p < .001), a higher rate of psychiatric comorbidities (69.4 vs 50%; p < .001) - mainly with neurodevelopmental disorders (24 vs 0%; p < .001), a lower education level and professional status (middle school diploma: 25 vs 7.6%; full-Time job 44.4 vs 58%; p < .001). Moreover, OCTD vs OCD patients showed significantly earlier age of OCD and psychiatric comorbidity onsets (16.1 ± 10.8 vs 22.1 ± 9.5 years; p < .001, and 18.3 ± 12.8 vs 25.6 ± 9.4: p < .001, respectively). Patients with OCTD patients were treated mainly with antipsychotic and with a low rate of benzodiazepine (74.2 vs 38.2% and 20.2 vs 31.3%, respectively; p < .001). Finally, OCTD vs OCD patients showed higher rates of partial treatment response (58.1 vs 38%; p < .001), lower rates of current remission (35.5 vs 54.8%; p < .001) and higher rates of suicidal ideation (63.2 vs 41.7%; p < .001) and attempts (28.9 vs 8.3%; p < .001). Patients with OCTD report several unfavorable socio-demographic and clinical characteristics compared to OCD patients without a history of tic. Additional studies on larger sample are needed to further characterize OCTD patients from clinical and therapeutic perspectives.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Stimolazione magnetica transcranica (TMS) combinata con navigazione cerebrale nella depressione bipolare farmaco-resistente : un caso clinico=Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) combined with navigated brain stimulation in drug-resistant Bipolar Depression : a case report

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    Recently, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation \u2013 a brain stimulation technique that allows electrical stimulation of the brain via magnetic fields induction \u2013 has been combined with Brain Imaging techniques increasing the precision and the reliability of stimulation during treatment. Herein it presented the case of a 52-year-old female suffering from drug-resistant Major Depressive Episode and with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (type I), who was successfully treated with a 3-week treatment of low-frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (1 Hz, intensity 110% of the motor threshold, stimulation on the right hemisphere) combined with brain navigation via magnetic resonance. At the end of the treatment, patient\u2019s symptoms were markedly improved as supported by the reduced scores on the Hamilton depression rating scale and Clinical Global Impression scale. Patient restarted working. Side-effects, consisting of mild headache and confusion, limited primarily to the first hour after the first daily sessions, disappeared during the second week of treatment. After three months of follow-up, the patient maintains the same level of improvement

    Complicated Grief: What to Expect After the Coronavirus Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst public health crises in a century, with an expected amount of deaths of several million worldwide and an even bigger number of bereaved people left behind. Although the consequences of this crisis are still unknown, a significant number of bereaved people will arguably develop Complicated Grief (CG) in the aftermath of this emergency. If the current pandemic is unprecedented, the grief following the coronavirus outbreak is likely to share features with grief related to natural disasters and after Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treatment. The aim of this paper is to review the most prominent literature on CG after natural disasters, as well as after diseases requiring ICU treatment. This body of evidence may be useful for helping bereaved people during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and for drawing clinical attention to people at risk for CG

    Presence and correlates of autistic traits among patients with social anxiety disorder

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    Introduction: Due to their similar behavioral presentation, it can sometimes be challenging to distinguish between a social anxiety disorder (SAD) and the social avoidance that is frequently described in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Moreover, a growing body of evidences is reporting that a significant proportion of subjects with ASD also meet the requirements for SAD and, vice versa, subjects with SAD tend to exhibit a higher prevalence of autistic traits. Aim: In this framework, the current study aims to evaluate prevalence and correlates of autistic traits in a sample of adult subjects diagnosed with SAD and healthy controls (HC), also evaluating which autism spectrum dimensions may statistically predict higher SAD symptoms. Methods: 56 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of SAD and 56 gender and age matched HC were recruited from the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Pisa. Subjects were assessed with the SCID-5, the Social Anxiety Spectrum – Short Version (SHY- SV) and the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum). Results: SAD group scored significantly higher in all AdAS Spectrum and SHY-SV domains and total score compared to the HC group with no significant gender difference. SHY-SV total and domain scores, were strongly and positively and strongly correlated with all AdAS Spectrum domains and total score. AdAS Spectrum total score and Childhood/Adolescence, Non-Verbal Communication, Empathy and Restricted interests and Rumination domain scores score were significant predictors of higher SHY-SV score. Conclusion: Our results confirm the link between SAD and autistic traits also in adult population, describing not only high levels of autistic traits in SAD adults, but also significant correlations between many core features of the two disorders and a predictive role of autistic traits on higher SAD symptoms

    The Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS) model: A neurodevelopmental approach to mental disorders

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    A growing interest has been devoted to adult presentations of Autism Spectrum Disorders. This led to focus on comorbidity between ASD and other mental disorders, mainly (but notlimited to) Borderline Personality Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Mood Disorders and Eating Disorders. The presence of any psychiatric comorbidity can mask ASD, in particular in subjects with no intellectual impairment. To address this psychopathological issue, studies adopting the AdAS questionnaire, an instrument with strong convergent validity with alternative dimensional measures of ASD and excellent internal consistency and test-retest reliability, able to detect subthreshold forms of ASD in adulthood, have been reviewed. Based on these evidences, the Subthreshold Autism Spectrum Model has been developed,which includes threshold-level manifestations but also mild/atypical symptoms of the disorder, gender-specific features, behavioral manifestations and personality traits associated with ASD. This model encompasses, although not coinciding with, the Broad Autism Phenotype. This is a subthreshold form of autism described in the context of the neurodevelopmental trajectory that – starting from autistic traits – might lead to the broad range of mental disorders. Therefore, the Adult Autism Spectrum can be considered a transnosographic dimension. This approach should help to detect individual features for certain autistic cognitive and behavioural patterns that may predispose to other mental disorders

    OXTR Gene DNA Methylation Levels Are Associated with Discounting Behavior with Untrustworthy Proposers

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    Individual differences in temporal and probabilistic discounting are associated with a wide range of life outcomes in literature. Traditional approaches have focused on impulsiveness and cognitive control skills, on goal-oriented personality traits as well as on the psychological perception of time. More recently, literature started to consider the role of social and contextual factors in discounting behavior. Between others, higher generalized trust in human beings and specific trust in people who will deliver the future/probabilistic rewards have been related to a stronger willingness to wait and to assume risk. Moreover, the tendency to trust others has been associated with the oxytocin receptor gene regulation that can be modified by life experiences. In this perspective, we hypothesized that differences in the tendency to wait and to take risks for a more desirable reward according to the proposer’s trustworthiness could be related to a different level of DNA methylation at the oxytocin receptor gene. Findings confirmed that participants are less willing to wait and to risk when the proposer is considered highly untrustworthy and revealed how higher oxytocin receptor gene DNA methylation is associated with a stronger effect due to the presence of an untrustworthy proposer. Limits and future directions are outlined

    Tele-Psychiatry Assessment of Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in 100 Patients With Bipolar Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic Social-Distancing Measures in Italy

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    The acute phase of the COrona VIrus Disease-19 (COVID-19) emergency determined relevant stressful burdens in psychiatric patients, particularly those with chronic mental disorders such as bipolar disorder (BD), not only for the threat of being infected but also for the strict lock-down and social-distancing measures adopted, the economic uncertainty, and the limited possibilities to access psychiatric services. In this regard, telepsychiatry services represented a new important instrument that clinicians could adopt to monitor and support their patients. The aim of the present study was to investigate acute post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) reported by patients with BD followed in the framework of a telepsychiatry service, set up in the acute phase of the COVID-19 outbreak at the psychiatric clinic of the University of Pisa (Italy). A sample of 100 patients were consecutively enrolled and assessed by the IES-r, GAD-7, HAM-D, and YMRS. Patients reported a mean (±SD) IES-r total score of 18.15 ± 13.67. Further, 17% of the sample reported PTSS (IES-r &gt; 32), 17% depressive symptoms (HAM-D &gt; 17), and 26% anxiety symptoms (GAD-7 &gt; 10). Work and financial difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic and anxiety symptoms appeared to be positively associated with the development of acute PTSS. Acute manic symptoms appeared to be protective. The data of the present study suggest the relevance of monitoring patients with BD exposed to the burden related to the COVID-19 outbreak for prompt assessment and treatment of PTSS

    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Trauma and Loss Spectrum Self-Report (TALS-SR): A Study on Healthcare Workers Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The present study aimed at reporting about the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Trauma and Loss Spectrum-Self Report (TALS-SR), an instrument based on a multidimensional approach to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), including a range of threatening or traumatic experiences and significant losses, besides the spectrum of peri-traumatic stress reactions and post-traumatic stress symptoms that may occur. Methods: A sample of 87 Health Care Workers (HCWs) employed in the COVID-19 Emergency Department at the Virgen de la Arrixaca and Reina Sofia Hospitals (Murcia, Spain) during the pandemic, was consecutively recruited and fulfilled the TALS-SR. Assessments also included the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), to examine post-traumatic stress symptoms and probable PTSD. Nineteen HCWs fulfilled the TALS-SR again after three weeks from baseline for test–retest reliability. Results: This study provides evidence of good internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the Spanish version of the TALS-SR. Strong support for the internal validity structure was obtained, with positive and significant correlations between the five symptoma- tologic domains and the symptomatologic total score. Significant and good correlations between the TALS-SR symptomatologic domains and the IES-R total and single domains’ scores were found. The Questionnaire also demonstrated to discriminate between subjects with and without PTSD, with subjects with PTSD showing significantly higher mean scores in each domain of the TALS-SR. Conclusion: This study validates the Spanish version of TALS-SR, providing a useful instrument for a spectrum approach to PTSD and confirms the potential utility of this psychometric tool in both clinical practice and research settings

    Internal consistency and discriminant validity of the Structured Clinical Interview for Panic Agoraphobic Spectrum (SCI-PAS)

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    This paper reports on the feasibility, acceptability and psychometric properties of the Structured Clinical Interview for Panic-Agoraphobic Spectrum (SCI-PAS). This interview was designed to assess the lifetime presence of symptoms and other clinical features considered to comprise the panic-agoraphobic spectrum. The interview has 114 items grouped into nine domains. A total of 422 subjects, from 11 centres located throughout Italy, participated in this study. Data were collected from three groups of subjects: psychiatric patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for panic disorder (n = 141), cardiovascular patients (n = 140), including 29 with post-myocardial infarction, and university students (n = 141). The inter-rater reliability and the internal consistency of the SCI-PAS measures were assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient and the Kuder-Richardson coefficient, respectively. Discriminant validity was assessed by comparing results in patients with panic disorder to those in the other groups. The interview required an average of 25 (±5) minutes to administer. Patients and clinicians found the scale to be highly useful, providing information not previously obtained. Internal consistency was good (>0.70) for six out of nine SCI-PAS domains. The inter-rater reliability was excellent (>0.70) for all the domains except for 'other phobias' (0.467). Patients with panic disorder scored significantly higher on each domain, and on the overall panic spectrum, than did the control subjects. In conclusion, the SCI-PAS is a useful clinical interview, which can be administered in a reasonable period of time. This assessment further demonstrates good internal consistency, discriminant validity, and inter-rater reliability. Copyright © 1999 Whurr Publishers Ltd
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