870 research outputs found

    Ocean shrimp report 1979 season

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    Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings totaled 2,237.7 mt (4,922,857 lb), down 3,745 mt (8,240,386 lb) from the 1978 catch of 5,983.3 mt (13,163,243 lb). The 1979 landings are the lowest since 1976 when 1,545.5 mt (3,400,191 lb) were landed. Area A (Eureka-Crescent City)landings dropped to 1,842.5 mt (4,053,605 lb) from 5,046.3 mt (11,101,895 lb) landed during the previous season. No landings were made in Area B-1 (Fort Bragg). Only 2.0 mt (4,385 lb) were reported caught in Area B-2 (Bodega Bay). Record landings of 393.1 mt (864,867 lb) were made in Area C (Morro Bay-Avila), surpassing the previous record of 90.4 mt (199,000 lb) landed in 1953. In Area A a record 71 vessels, 34 double-rigged and 37 single-rigged, shrimped during the season. Average catch per hour was a low .15 mt (338 lb) and .22 mt (490 1b) for single-rig and double-rig vessels, respectively. In Area C average catch per hour was .23 mt (508 lb) and .42 mt (924 lb) for single-rig and double-rig vessels, respectively. Area A shrimp catches were dominated by 1-year-old shrimp throughout most of the season. The age composition in Area C shifted predominately from 2-year-old shrimp in May and June to predominately 1-year-old shrimp in July, August, October, and November. Area A was closed for one month from July 15 to August 15 because closure criteria of less than .16 mt (350 lb) per hour for two consecutive weeks was met and year class composition exceeded 70% of 1-year-old shrimp. The season was closed October 14 when the catch per hour criterion was exceeded again. (18pp.

    Ocean shrimp report 1980 season

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    Statewide Pacific ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, landings totaled 2,033.1 mt (4,472,749 lb) down 204.6 mt (450,108 lb) from the 1979 catch of 2,237.7 m t (4,922,857 lb). The 1980 landings are the lowest since 1976 when 1,545.5 mt (3,400,191 lb) were landed. Area A (Eureka-Crescent City) landings dropped to 1,234 mt (2,716,147 lb) from 1,842.5 mt (4,053,605 lb) landed during the previous season. Area B-1 (Fort Bragg) landings totaled 79.3 mt (174,395 lb) from catches made during the last 9 days of the season. Only 100 lb were reported caught in Area B-2 (Bodega Bay). Record landings of 719.1 mt (1,582,107 lb were made in Area C (Morro Bay-Avila), surpassing the previous record of 391 mt (864,667 lb) landed in 1979. In Area A a record 80 vessels, 34 double-rigged and 46 single-rigged, made shrimp deliveries during the season. Average catch per hour was a very low .ll mt (234 lb) and .20 mt (446 lb) for single- rig and double-rig vessels, respectively. In Area C average catch per hour was .25 mt (557 lb) and .21 mt (462 lb) for single-rig and double-rig vessels, respectively. Area A shrimp catches were dominated by 1-year-old shrimp in percent by number throughout the season. The age composition in Area C shifted from predominately 2-year-old shrimp in April, May, and June to predominately 1-year-old shrimp for the remainder of the season. Area A was closed for one month from June 1 to July 1 because closure criteria of less than .16 mt (350 lb) per hour for two consecutive weeks was met and year class composition exceeded 70% of year-old shrimp. The season was closed for the year on August 25 when the catch per hour and percent 1-year-old shrimp criteria was exceeded again. (22pp.

    Spectral signature of short attosecond pulse trains

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    We report experimental measurements of high-order harmonic spectra generated in Ar using a carrier-envelope-offset (CEO) stabilized 12 fs, 800nm laser field and a fraction (less than 10%) of its second harmonic. Additional spectral peaks are observed between the harmonic peaks, which are due to interferences between multiple pulses in the train. The position of these peaks varies with the CEO and their number is directly related to the number of pulses in the train. An analytical model, as well as numerical simulations, support our interpretation

    Bushfires and Mothers’ Mental Health in Pregnancy and Recent Post-Partum

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    Background: The compounding effects of climate change catastrophes such as bushfires and pandemics impose significant burden on individuals, societies, and their economies. The enduring effects of such syndemics on mental health remain poorly understood, particularly for at-risk populations (e.g., pregnant women and newborns). The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of direct and indirect exposure to the 2019/20 Australian Capital Territory and South-Eastern New South Wales bushfires followed by COVID-19 on the mental health and wellbeing of pregnant women and mothers with newborn babies. Methods: All women who were pregnant, had given birth, or were within three months of conceiving during the 2019/2020 bushfires, lived within the catchment area, and provided consent were invited to participate. Those who consented were asked to complete three online surveys. Mental health was assessed with the DASS-21 and the WHO-5. Bushfire, smoke, and COVID-19 exposures were assessed by self-report. Cross-sectional associations between exposures and mental health measures were tested with hierarchical regression models. Results: Of the women who participated, and had minimum data (n = 919), most (&gt;75%) reported at least one acute bushfire exposure and 63% reported severe smoke exposure. Compared to Australian norms, participants had higher depression (+12%), anxiety (+35%), and stress (+43%) scores. Women with greater exposure to bushfires/smoke but not COVID-19 had poorer scores on all mental health measures. Conclusions: These findings provide novel evidence that the mental health of pregnant women and mothers of newborn babies is vulnerable to major climate catastrophes such as bushfires.</p

    What motivates senior clinicians to teach medical students?

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    BACKGROUND: This study was designed to assess the motivations of senior medical clinicians to teach medical students. This understanding could improve the recruitment and retention of important clinical teachers. METHODS: The study group was 101 senior medical clinicians registered on a teaching list for a medical school teaching hospital (The Canberra Hospital, ACT, Australia). Their motivations to teach medical students were assessed applying Q methodology. RESULTS: Of the 75 participants, 18 (24%) were female and 57 (76%) were male. The age distribution was as follows: 30–40 years = 16 participants (21.3%), 41–55 years = 46 participants (61.3%) and >55 years = 13 participants (17.3%). Most participants (n = 48, 64%) were staff specialists and 27 (36%) were visiting medical officers. Half of the participants were internists (n = 39, 52%), 12 (16%) were surgeons, and 24 (32%) were other sub-specialists. Of the 26 senior clinicians that did not participate, two were women; 15 were visiting medical officers and 11 were staff specialists; 16 were internists, 9 were surgeons and there was one other sub-specialist. The majority of these non-participating clinicians fell in the 41–55 year age group. The participating clinicians were moderately homogenous in their responses. Factor analysis produced 4 factors: one summarising positive motivations for teaching and three capturing impediments for teaching. The main factors influencing motivation to teach medical students were intrinsic issues such as altruism, intellectual satisfaction, personal skills and truth seeking. The reasons for not teaching included no strong involvement in course design, a heavy clinical load or feeling it was a waste of time. CONCLUSION: This study provides some insights into factors that may be utilised in the design of teaching programs that meet teacher motivations and ultimately enhance the effectiveness of the medical teaching workforce

    Motivation of university and non-university stakeholders to change medical education in Vietnam

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    Background. Both university and non-university stakeholders should be involved in the process of curriculum development in medical schools, because all are concerned with the competencies of the graduates. That may be difficult unless appropriate strategies are used to motivate each stakeholder. From 1999 to 2006, eight medical schools in Vietnam worked together to change the curriculum and teaching for general medical students to make it more community oriented. This paper describes the factors that motivated the different stakeholders to participate in curriculum change and teaching in Vietnamese medical schools and the activities to address those factors and have sustainable contributions from all relevant stakeholders. Methods. Case study analysis of contributions to the change process, using reports, interviews, focus group discussions and surveys and based on Herzberg's Motivation Theory to analyze involvement of different stakeholders. Results. Different stakeholders were motivated by selected activities, such as providing opportunities for non-university stakeholders to share their opinions, organizing interactions among university stakeholders, stimulating both bottom-up and top-down inputs, focusing on learning from each other, and emphasizing self-motivation factors. Conclusion. The Herzberg Motivation theory helped to identify suitable approaches to ensure that teaching topics, materials and assessment methods more closely reflected the health care needs of the community. Other medical schools undertaking a reform process may learn from this experience. © 2009 Hoat et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Constraining the 12C+12C fusion cross section for astrophysics

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    The 12 C+ 12 C reaction is one of the single most important nuclear reactions in astrophysics. It strongly influences late evolution of massive stars as well as the dynamics of type Ia supernovae and x-ray superbursts. An accurate estimation of the cross section at relevant astrophysical energies is extremely important for modeling these systems. However, the situation is complicated by the unpredictable resonance structure observed at higher energies. Two recent studies at Notre Dame have produced results which help reduce the uncertainty associated with this reaction. The first uses correlations with the isotope fusion systems, 12 C+ 13 C and 13 C+ 13 C, to establish an upper limit on the resonance strengths in 12 C+ 12 C. The other focuses on the specific channel 12 C+ 12 C→ 23 Mg+n and its low-energy measurement and extrapolation which is relevant to s-process nucleosynthesis. The results from each provide important constraints for astrophysical models

    Channelling passion for the ocean towards plastic pollution

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    Plastic pollution is caused exclusively by humans. It poses growing global threats to both the ocean and society, and requires urgent action. Using psychological principles can motivate and implement change by connecting symptoms and sources

    Antitumor Activity of Noscapine in Combination with Doxorubicin in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the anticancer activity and mechanism of action of Noscapine alone and in combination with Doxorubicin against triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).TNBC cells were pretreated with Noscapine or Doxorubicin or combination and combination index values were calculated using isobolographic method. Apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL staining. Female athymic Nu/nu mice were xenografted with MDA-MB-231 cells and the efficacy of Noscapine, Doxorubicin and combination was determined. Protein expression, immunohistochemical staining were evaluated in harvested tumor tissues. values of 36.16±3.76 and 42.7±4.3 µM respectively. The CI values (<0.59) were suggestive of strong synergistic interaction between Noscapine and Doxorubicin and combination treatment showed significant increase in apoptotic cells. Noscapine showed dose dependent reduction in the tumor volumes at a dose of 150–550 mg/kg/day compared to controls. Noscapine (300 mg/kg), Doxorubicin (1.5 mg/kg) and combination treatment reduced tumor volume by 39.4±5.8, 34.2±5.7 and 82.9±4.5 percent respectively and showed decreased expression of NF-KB pathway proteins, VEGF, cell survival, and increased expression of apoptotic and growth inhibitory proteins compared to single-agent treatment and control groups.Noscapine potentiated the anticancer activity of Doxorubicin in a synergistic manner against TNBC tumors via inactivation of NF-KB and anti-angiogenic pathways while stimulating apoptosis. These findings suggest potential benefit for use of oral Noscapine and Doxorubicin combination therapy for treatment of more aggressive TNBC