354 research outputs found

    A bigger piece of the pie? State corrections spending and the politics of social order

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    Author's manuscript made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.The dramatic increase in American state prison populations during the past three decades has sparked considerable research interest. Empirical research has most often examined changes in prison admissions or populations, but few studies have considered shifts in state corrections budgets. This study examines variation in annual, state-level corrections expenditures as a proportion of state expenditures from 1980 to 1998, drawing together existing theoretical arguments about criminal punishment under a common rubric that focuses on state responsibility for the maintenance of social order and the need for state officials to maintain office through popular election. From this view, partisan politics, economic and racial threats, citizen preferences, fiscal considerations, policy priorities, and crime are important explanations of corrections spending because they affect strategies for maintaining social order, garnering votes, and maintaining political office. Findings generally support this perspective. Partisan politics, racial threats, state economic prosperity, and budgetary priorities all play a role in determining state corrections expenditures


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    Author's manuscript made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.The now well-documented explosion in prison populations over the last 30 years has spurred significant attention in the literature. Early research focused primarily on economic explanations. More recently it has focused on political explanations of prison growth. Here we extend research on political explanations of imprisonment by drawing on the literature on state politics and public policy. We argue that the effect of partisan politics on punishment is conditional on how much electoral competition legislators face. We test this hypothesis using annual state level data on imprisonment from 1978 to 1996. Our findings show that the effect of Republican state legislative strength on prison admissions depends on time and the level of competition in state legislative elections. We argue that these findings suggest the need for a more nuanced understanding of the link between partisan U.S. politics and imprisonment

    The Effect of Foreclosures on Crime in Indianapolis, 2003-2008

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    Author's manuscript made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.Objective Until recently, few studies have examined the relationship between home foreclosures and crime. Foreclosures are one major source of neighborhood instability and can be expected to affect crime from several theoretical perspectives. Some recent research has found conflicting results on whether foreclosures cause crime. Method This study examines whether foreclosures are a robust predictor of crime and whether the effect of foreclosures on crime varies across neighborhood contexts. We estimate fixed-effects negative binomial models using geocoded Indianapolis foreclosure and crime data for 2003–2008 to predict crime counts in 1,000 feet × 1,000 feet square grid cells. Result Foreclosures exhibit consistent positive effects on indices of overall, property, and violent UCR-reported (where UCR is Uniform Crime Report) offenses in a cell and rape, aggravated assault, and burglary counts. In addition, foreclosures had greater effects on reported UCR crimes in stable neighborhoods, especially those with more owner-occupied homes. Conclusion Foreclosures were a robust predictor of crime in the current study

    Intra and Inter-Neighborhood Income Inequality and Crime

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    Author's manuscript made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.One important factor in many macro-level theories of crime is income inequality. Although research generally shows that low levels of neighborhood income are associated with crime, research studies have been less clear on whether income inequality is a robust, independent predictor of crime, particularly in small area studies, and few studies have explicitly considered income inequality between neighborhoods, and those that do typically focus on homicide. The current study examines whether within and between neighborhood income inequality is associated with variation in violent and property crime. We employ geocoded Uniform Crime Report data from the Indianapolis police department and economic and demographic characteristics of the population from the American Community Survey for 2005–2009. Consistent with prior research, lower levels of income were associated with higher violent and property crime counts. Within-tract income inequality was also associated with higher Uniform Crime Reports violent and property crimes in most models. Results also showed that the ratio of tract income levels to neighboring tracts is associated with variation in crime. Thus, both local and nearby income inequality affect crime. Implications for theory and policy are discussed

    The Spatial Extent of the Effect of Foreclosures on Crime

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    Author's manuscript made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.Although neighborhood stability has long been considered a substantial determinant of crime, foreclosures have not been the subject of concerted research among criminologists until recently. A number of recent studies have examined the linkage between home foreclosures and crime. Though generally finding a significant relationship, studies have used different approaches and units of analysis. This variation led us to examine the spatial extent to which foreclosures affect a relatively small surrounding area. In this paper, we consider the spatial extent of the foreclosure effect on crime by estimating fixed effect negative binomial models using geocoded UCR data for 2003–2008 and foreclosure data to predict crime counts using the number of foreclosures within various small area radii. Results show that, independently and jointly, foreclosures are a predictor of crime up to at least a distance of 2250 feet. Importantly, that effect declines with distance. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of those findings

    Molecular mechanistic origin of the toughness of natural adhesives, fibres and composites

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    Natural materials are renowned for their strength and toughness(1-5). Spider dragline silk has a breakage energy per unit weight two orders of magnitude greater than high tensile steel(1,6), and is representative of many other strong natural fibres(3,7,8). The abalone shell, a composite of calcium carbonate plates sandwiched between organic material, is 3,000 times more fracture resistant than a single crystal of the pure mineral(4,5). The organic component, comprising just a few per cent of the composite by weight(9), is thought to hold the key to nacre's fracture toughness(10,11). Ceramics laminated with organic material are more fracture resistant than non-laminated ceramics(11,12), but synthetic materials made of interlocking ceramic tablets bound by a few weight per cent of ordinary adhesives do not have a toughness comparable to nacre(13). We believe that the key to nacre's fracture resistance resides in the polymer adhesive, and here we reveal the properties of this adhesive by using the atomic force microscope(14) to stretch the organic molecules exposed on the surface of freshly cleaved nacre. The adhesive fibres elongate in a stepwise manner as folded domains or loops are pulled open. The elongation events occur for forces of a few hundred piconewtons, which are smaller than the forces of over a nanonewton required to break the polymer backbone in the threads. We suggest that this 'modular' elongation mechanism might prove to be quite general for conveying toughness to natural fibres and adhesives, and we predict that it might be found also in dragline silk

    Clotting activity of polyphosphate-functionalized silica nanoparticles

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    We present a silica nanoparticle (SNP) functionalized with polyphosphate (polyP) that accelerates the natural clotting process of the body. SNPs initiate the contact pathway of the blood-clotting system; short-chain polyP accelerates the common pathway by the rapid formation of thrombin, which enhances the overall blood-clotting system, both by accelerating fibrin generation and by facilitating the regulatory anticoagulation mechanisms essential for hemostasis. Analysis of the clotting properties of bare SNPs, bare polyP, and polyP-functionalized SNPs in plasma demonstrated that the attachment of polyP to SNPs to form polyP-SNPs creates a substantially enhanced synergistic effect that lowers clotting time and increases thrombin production at low concentrations. PolyP-SNP even retains its clotting function at ambient temperature. The polyP-SNP system has the potential to significantly improve trauma-treatment protocols and outcomes in hospital and prehospital settings

    TRPA1 Mediates Mechanical Currents in the Plasma Membrane of Mouse Sensory Neurons

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    Mechanosensitive channels serve as essential sensors for cells to interact with their environment. The identity of mechanosensitive channels that underlie somatosensory touch transduction is still a mystery. One promising mechanotransduction candidate is the Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) ion channel. To determine the role of TRPA1 in the generation of mechanically-sensitive currents, we used dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neuron cultures from adult mice and applied rapid focal mechanical stimulation (indentation) to the soma membrane. Small neurons (diameter <27 µm) were studied because TRPA1 is functionally present in these neurons which largely give rise to C-fiber afferents in vivo. Small neurons were classified by isolectin B4 binding

    Bimodal Mesoporous Titanium Nitride/Carbon Microfibers as Efficient and Stable Electrocatalysts for Li–O_2 Batteries

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    The rechargeable Li–O_2 battery has been considered as a sustainable chemical power source for electric vehicles and grid energy storage systems due to the high theoretical specific energy (∼3500 Wh/kg). The practical performance of Li–O_2 batteries is, however, still far below expectations. This is mainly attributed to the (1) intrinsic sluggish reaction kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER), (2) passivation of the electrodes by electrical isolation and pore blocking, and (3) chemical instability of the organic cell components, i.e., electrolyte, polymer binder, and carbon electrode, in the presence of O_2•– and Li_2O_2. It is crucial to develop highly porous, three-dimensional, conducting cathode catalyst/gas diffusion layer (GDL) architectures possessing superior catalytic activity and stability with respect to the ORR and the OER in order to address these issues. All of these requirements prompted us to examine the catalytic performance of porous framework metal nitride electrodes for Li–O_2 batteries