2,511 research outputs found

    Research Notes : Canada : Preliminary information on the Rps allele in the cultivar Harosoy

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    The \u27Harosoy\u27 soybean cultivar was considered to be the universal suscept for Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea when it was included in the differential host series for this pathogen (Haas and Buzzell, 1976). However, Moots (1982) reported that an Rps allele pair was present in Harosoy that conferred resistance to races 12 and 16. Harosoy is also resistant to races 18 and 19 but is susceptible to all other races 1-25 (unpublished results)

    Liver enzyme elevations in a cohort of HIV/AIDS patients on first-line antiretroviral therapy in Namibia: Findings and implications

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    Introduction: All antiretroviral therapies (ARTs) are potentially toxic to the liver. In sub-Saharan Africa, the rising incidence of ART induced adverse events has complicated treatment leading to recent revisions of Namibian ART guidelines. Unfortunately there have been limited studies to date evaluating ART induced liver injury in Namibia to guide further revisions if needed. Objective: Determine the current patterns and grades of ALT elevation in Namibia’s HIV/AIDS. Methods: Retrospective cohort analysis. Patterns of alanine amino transferase (ALT) liver enzyme elevation were determined in a cohort of ART naïve HIV patients on firstline ART regimen in a referral hospital in Namibia over a 1 year treatment period. Patterns of ALT changes at baseline, 3 months and 6 months were analyzed using ANOVA and Bonferroni test for pairwise comparisons. Results: Of 79 eligible patients, 72 developed significant ALT elevation within 3 months of ART initiation (F (3, 76) = 6.4, p = 0.002, η2 = 0.193). Four 4 (5.6%) and 1 (1.38%) patient respectively developed grade 2 and grade 3 ALT elevation by month 3. There was no significant difference between mean ALT levels at baseline and month 6. A CD4 count of <350 cells/mm3; female gender and age over 40 years were the main factors associated with moderate or severe ALT elevation. Conclusions: First line ART commonly induces mild self-limiting liver enzyme elevation in Namibian HIV patients especially in the first 3 months. Consequently, there is a need to monitor ALT levels for at least 3 months after initiation mainly in high risk patients to reduce side-effect concerns. This is already happening

    The effects of rule changes in football-code team sports: a systematic review

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    Rule changes within football-code team sports aim to improve performance, enhance player welfare, increase competitiveness, and provide player development opportunities. This manuscript aimed to review research investigating the effects of rule changes in football-code team sports. A systematic search of electronic databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and SPORTDiscus) was performed to August 2023; keywords related to rule changes, football-code team sports, and activity type. Studies were excluded if they failed to investigate a football-code team sport, did not quantify the change of rule, or were review articles. Forty-six studies met the eligibility criteria. Four different football codes were reported: Australian rules football (n = 4), rugby league (n = 6), rugby union (n = 16), soccer (n = 20). The most common category was physical performance and match-play characteristics (n = 22). Evidence appears at a high risk of bias partly due to the quasi-experimental nature of included studies, which are inherently non-randomised, but also due to the lack of control for confounding factors within most studies included. Rule changes can result in unintended consequences to performance (e.g., longer breaks in play) and effect player behaviour (i.e., reduce tackler height in rugby) but might not achieve desired outcome (i.e., unchanged concussion incidence). Coaches and governing bodies should regularly and systematically investigate the effects of rule changes to understand their influence on performance and injury risk. It is imperative that future studies analysing rule changes within football codes account for confounding factors by implementing suitable study designs and statistical analysis techniques

    ‘We Need to Deploy Them Very Thoughtfully and Carefully’: Perceptions of Analytical Treatment Interruptions in HIV Cure Research in the United States – A Qualitative Inquiry

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    Strategies to control HIV in the absence of antiretroviral therapy are needed to cure HIV. However, such strategies will require analytical treatment interruptions (ATIs) to determine their efficacy. We investigated how U.S. stakeholders involved in HIV cure research perceive ATIs. We conducted 36 in-depth interviews with three groups of stakeholders: 12 people living with HIV, 11 clinician-researchers, and 13 policy-makers/bioethicists. Qualitative data revealed several themes. First, there was little consensus on when ATIs would be ethically warranted. Second, the most frequent perceived hypothetical motivators for participating in research on ATIs were advancing science and contributing to society. Third, risks related to viral rebound were the most prevalent concerns related to ATIs. Stakeholders suggested ways to minimize the risks of ATIs in HIV cure research. Increased cooperation between scientists and local communities may be useful for minimizing risk. Further ethics research is necessary

    Willingness to Participate in HIV Cure Research: Survey Results from 400 People Living with HIV in the United States

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    Introduction Participation in early-phase HIV cure studies includes clinical risks with little to no likelihood of clinical benefit. Examining the willingness of people living with HIV to participate is important to guide study design and informed consent. Our study examined the overall willingness of people living with HIV to participate in HIV cure research in the US, focusing on perceived risks and benefits of participation. Methods We undertook an online survey of adults living with HIV in the US. Survey questions were developed based on previous research and a scoping review of the literature. We quantitatively assessed individuals’ perceived risks and benefits of HIV cure-related research and respondents’ willingness to participate in different modalities of HIV cure studies. Results We recruited 409 study participants of whom 400 were eligible for the study and were included in the analysis (nine were not eligible due to self-declared HIV-negative status). We found >50% willingness to participate in 14 different types of HIV cure studies. Perceived clinical benefits and social benefits were important motivators, while personal clinical risks appeared to deter potential participation. Roughly two-thirds of survey respondents (68%) indicated that they were somewhat willing to stop treatment as part of HIV cure research. In the bivariate models, females, African Americans/blacks, Hispanics, individuals in the lowest income bracket, people living with HIV for longer periods of their lives, and people who were self-perceived ‘very healthy’ were less willing to participate in certain types of HIV cure studies than others. Multivariate results showed the perceived benefits (adjusted odds ratios >1) and perceived risks (adjusted odds ratios <1) acted as potential motivators and deterrents to participation, respectively. Conclusion Our study is the first attempt to quantify potential motivators and deterrents of participation in HIV cure research in the US using perceived risks and benefits. The results offer guidance to HIV cure researchers and developers of interventions about the beneficial and detrimental characteristics of HIV cure strategies that are most meaningful to people living with HIV. The study also highlights new potential lines of inquiry for further social science and ethics research

    Progress in marine geoconservation in Scotland’s seas : assessment of key interests and their contribution to Marine Protected Area network planning

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    This study was part-funded by Marine Scotland and was undertaken as part of the Scottish Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Programme, a joint initiative between Marine Scotland, Historic Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).Geoconservation in the marine environment has been largely overlooked, despite a wealth of accumulated information on marine geology and geomorphology and clear links between many terrestrial and marine features. As part of the wider characterisation of Scotland’s seas, this study developed criteria and a methodology that follow the established principles of the terrestrial, Great Britain-wide geoconservation audit, the Geological Conservation Review, to assess geodiversity key areas on the seabed. Using an expert judgement approach, eight geodiversity feature categories were identified to represent the geological and geomorphological processes that have influenced the evolution and present-day morphology of the Scottish seabed: Quaternary of Scotland; Submarine Mass Movement; Marine Geomorphology of the Scottish Deep-Ocean Seabed; Seabed Fluid and Gas Seep; Cenozoic Structures of the Atlantic Margin; Marine Geomorphology of the Scottish Shelf Seabed; Coastal Geomorphology of Scotland; and Biogenic Structures of the Scottish Seabed. Within these categories, 35 key areas were prioritised for their scientific value. Specific interests range from large-scale landforms (e.g. submarine landslides, sea-mounts and trenches) to fine-scale dynamic features (e.g. sand waves). Although these geodiversity interests provided supporting evidence for the identification and selection of a suite of Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) containing important marine natural features, they are only partially represented in these MPAs and existing protected areas. Nevertheless, a pragmatic approach is emerging to integrate as far as possible the conservation management of marine geodiversity with that of biodiversity and based on evidence of the sensitivity and vulnerability geological and geomorphological features on the seabed.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Longitudinal changes in Super League match locomotor and event characteristics: A league-wide investigation over three seasons in rugby league

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    The 2019 and 2020 Super League (SL) seasons included several competition rule changes. This study aimed to quantify the difference between the 2018, 2019 and 2020 SL seasons for duration, locomotor and event characteristics of matches. Microtechnology and match event data were analysed from 11 SL teams, comprising 124 players, from 416 competitive matches across a three-year data collection period. Due to an enforced suspension of league competition as a consequence of COVID-19 restrictions, and subsequent rule changes upon return to play, season 2020 was divided into season 2020a (i.e. Pre-COVID suspension) and season 2020b (i.e. Post-COVID suspension). Duration, locomotor variables, and match events were analysed per whole-match and ball-in-play (BIP) periods with differences between seasons determined using mixed-effects models. There were significant (ρ ≤ 0.05) reductions in whole-match and BIP durations for adjustables and backs in 2019 when compared to 2018; albeit the magnitude of reduction was less during BIP analyses. Despite reduced duration, adjustables reported an increased average speed suggesting reduced recovery time between bouts. Both forwards and adjustables also experienced an increase in missed tackles between 2018 and 2019 seasons. When comparing 2019 to 2020a, adjustables and backs increased their average speed and distance whilst all positional groups increased average acceleration both for whole-match and BIP analyses. When comparing 2020a to 2020b, all positional groups experienced reduced average speed and average acceleration for both whole-match and BIP analyses. Forwards experienced an increased number of tackles and carries, adjustables experienced an increased number of carries, and backs experienced an increased number of missed tackles when comparing these variables between season 2020a and 2020b. Rule changes have a greater effect on whole-match duration and locomotor characteristics than those reported during BIP periods which suggests the implemented rule changes have removed stagnant time from matches. Amendments to tackle related rules within matches (e.g., introduction of the 'six-again' rule) increases the number of collision related events such as carries and tackles

    Successful Establishment of Oversown Chicory and Plantain on Uncultivatable Hill Country

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    All-year grazing of livestock on steep, non-arable hill country (\u3e 20o slope angle, \u3c 1,000 m elevation) is a significant feature of New Zealand agriculture. Hill country pastures are in various states of improvement depending on factors such as extent of subdivision, fertiliser inputs, plant species introduction, and grazing management. Numerous introduced grass, legume and herb species are available to match the many micro-sites in steep hill country (Kemp et al. 1999). There has been increasing use of the perennial herbs chicory (Chicorium intybus L.) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) in seed mixtures used on a range of topographies, mostly flat to undulating terrain. Advantages of these species include tolerance of drought and high summer temperatures, highly palatable foliage, enhanced mineral content, and high animal growth rates (Stewart 1996; Li and Kemp 2005). Farmers have sown these species on hill country but there is negligible information on their establishment in such landscapes. As part of a large, New Zealand-wide programme to increase pasture productivity on non-arable hill country through new germplasm introduction, chicory and plantain were included in a seed mixture broadcast-sown at a range of sites. This paper reports on the seedling establishment of these two species