1,683 research outputs found

    Developmental Changes in the Structure of Affect: Is the Tripartite Model Equally Valid for Younger and Older Children?

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    Many studies investigating the validity of the Tripartite model of affect in children have been supportive of the model. However, few studies have examined if older and younger children structure affect similarly. The current study used confirmatory factor analytic techniques (SEM) to test the validity of the tripartite model in two developmentally distinct populations of children (third and sixth grade). Confirmatory factor analytic methods examined one-factor, two-factor correlated, and two-factor uncorrelated models. Furthermore, the pattern of correlations between positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), and dependent measures of anxiety and depression was calculated. The results indicated the two-factor correlated and two-factor uncorrelated models demonstrated adequate fit across samples. However, in the younger sample the correlation between NA and PA was larger and statistically significant compared to the older sample, thus supporting the hypothesis that older and younger children structure affect differently. Limitations of the study and clinical/developmental implications are discussed

    Does Teaching Problem-Solving Skills Matter?: An Evaluation of Problem-Solving Skills Training for the Treatment of Social and Behavioral Problems in Children

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    Parent training combined with problem solving skills training has been proposed as a comprehensive treatment for childhood oppositional behaviors, poor child social skills, and parental stress . The current study compared Parent Training + Problem Solving Skills Training with a Parent Training + nondirective condition. Parents of 32 children first attended Parent Training . After the parents completed Parent Training, children were randomly assigned to individual therapy in either a Problem Solving Skills Training condition or a nondirective condition. Data comparisons between the groups were made at postindividual therapy and at 6-week follow-up. Results indicated that children in the Problem Solving Skills Training condition improved more than their counterparts regarding parent-reported, parent-observed, and child-reported social skills. Children in the Problem Solving Skills Training condition also improved more than children in the nondirective condition on parent-observed oppositional behaviors ; however , children in the non-directive condition demonstrated more improvement than their Problem Solving Skills Training counterparts on parent-reported measures of oppositional behaviors . There were no differences between the groups regarding parental stress. The clinical implications and limitations of these findings are discussed

    ALLY: An operator's associate for satellite ground control systems

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    The key characteristics of an intelligent advisory system is explored. A central feature is that human-machine cooperation should be based on a metaphor of human-to-human cooperation. ALLY, a computer-based operator's associate which is based on a preliminary theory of human-to-human cooperation, is discussed. ALLY assists the operator in carrying out the supervisory control functions for a simulated NASA ground control system. Experimental evaluation of ALLY indicates that operators using ALLY performed at least as well as they did when using a human associate and in some cases even better

    Effect of Various Chlorides and Calcium Carbonate on Calcium Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium and Chloride Balance and Their Relationship to Urinary Calculi in Lambs

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    Various salts have been used in ruminant rations in attempts to reduce the incidence of urinary calculi. The relative effectiveness of 0.5 and 1.5% levels of ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride and calcium carbonate for the prevention of urinary calculi in sheep has been reported previously (South Dakota Sheep Field Day Reports, 1965). The studies reported herein were conducted to further determine the edegree of protection afforded sheep against urinary calculi by the feeding of various salts, and to determine their effect on excretion and retention of the minerals

    Explanation for Anomalous Shock Temperatures Measured by Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy

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    Neutron resonance spectrometry (NRS) has been used to measure the temperature inside Mo samples during shock loading. The temperatures obtained were significantly higher than predicted assuming ideal hydrodynamic loading. The effect of plastic flow and non-ideal projectile behavior were assessed. Plastic flow was calculated self-consistently with the shock jump conditions: this is necessary for a rigorous estimate of the locus of shock states accessible. Plastic flow was estimated to contribute a temperature rise of 53K compared with hydrodynamic flow. Simulations were performed of the operation of the explosively-driven projectile system used to induce the shock in the Mo sample. The simulations predicted that the projectile was significantly curved on impact, and still accelerating. The resulting spatial variations in load, including radial components of velocity, were predicted to increase the apparent temperature that would be deduced from the width of the neutron resonance by 160K. These corrections are sufficient to reconcile the apparent temperatures deduced using NRS with the accepted properties of Mo, in particular its equation of state.Comment: near-final version, waiting for final consent from an autho

    Acute caffeine intake increases performance in the 15-s Wingate test during the menstrual cycle.

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    Aims: In male athletes, caffeine is considered an ergogenic aid to increase anaerobic performance during the Wingate anaerobic test (WANT). However, information about the effect of caffeine on WANT performance in female athletes is contradictory. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the ergogenicity of caffeine is present during all the phases of the menstrual cycle. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of caffeine intake on WANT performance during 3 phases of the menstrual cycle. Methods: Thirteen well-trained eumenorrhoeic triathletes participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over experimental trial. On 2 different days in each phase, and in randomized order, participants ingested caffeine (3 mg kg−1 ) or a placebo (cellulose). The menstrual cycle phases were individually characterized as follows: (i) early follicular; (ii) preovulatory; and (iii) midluteal. In each trial, participants performed a 15-s adapted version of the WANT. Results: In comparison to the placebo, caffeine increased peak power during the WANT in the early follicular (8.6 ± 0.8 vs 8.9 ± 0.9 W/kg, P = .04; effect size [d] = 0.45), preovulatory (8.6 ± 0.9 vs 8.9 ± 0.9 W/kg, P = .04; d = 0.23) and mid-luteal phases (8.6 ± 0.8 vs 8.9 ± 0.9 W/kg, P < .01; d = 0.52). Conclusion: The ergogenic effect of caffeine on WANT peak cycling power was of a similar magnitude in the follicular, preovulatory, and mid-luteal phases. These results suggest that caffeine increases performance in the 15-s Wingate test in women athletes and it might be considered an ergogenic aid to increase anaerobic performance in eumenorrhoeic women during their menstrual cycle.post-print486 K

    What makes narcissists bloom? A framework for research on the etiology and development of narcissism

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    Narcissism is a dynamic form of personality characterized by a pervasive sense of grandiosity and self-importance, and by a need to obtain continuous self-validation from others. Very little is known about its etiology and development. What factors (e.g., temperament, parenting experiences) and processes (e.g., transactions between these factors over time) cause some children to become more narcissistic than others? When does narcissism first emerge, and how does narcissism develop over time? This article describes a framework for research on the etiology and development of narcissism, and recommends ten research priorities. This research should yield fundamental knowledge and should inform intervention efforts to minimize the negative impact narcissistic individuals have on themselves and on others. © 2009 Cambridge University Press

    Risk Factors Associated with Running Related Injuries in Physically Active Young Men

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    Please refer to the pdf version of the abstract located adjacent to the title

    Using Common Gardens and AFLP Analyses to Identify Metapopulations of Indigenous Plant Materials for Rangeland Revegetation in Western USA

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    Past mismanagement, overgrazing, invasive weedy species, wildfires, marginal crop production, mineral and energy extraction, recreation and global climate change are challenges currently facing rangelands (Pierson et al. 2011). These disturbances may lead to long-term reductions in biodiversity, altered nutrient and water cycling, diminished forage production for livestock and wildlife, increased wildfire frequency and increased soil erosion and stream sedimentation (Sheley et al. 2008). Rangeland revegetation with desirable plant materials may be required to improve degraded conditions, speed recovery, and prevent further erosion and degradation. There is a critical need for plant materials to restore and revegetate rangeland ecosystems. Legumes indigenous to western North America are of particular interest for revegetation because they provide biologically fixed nitrogen, increase plant production, enhance forage quality and provide food sources for grazing animals and pollinators. Some land managers in the USA are concerned with the genetic identity of populations used for revegetation. To balance concerns of genetic identity, ecological adaptation, and economical seed production, we assessed genetic variation and its phenotypic expression in Astragalus filipes Torr. ex A. Gray (basalt milkvetch), Dalea ornata (Douglas) Eaton & Wright (western prairie clover) and D. searlsiae (A. Gray) Barneby (Searls’ prairie clover) using common-garden and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) techniques. These data were used to define population structures (genetically differentiated groups) within each species, which served as a basis for commercial release and rangeland revegetation (Johnson et al. 2012)
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