306 research outputs found

    Probing charge fluctuator correlations using quantum dot pairs

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    We study a pair of quantum dot exciton qubits interacting with a number of fluctuating charges that can induce a Stark shift of both exciton transition energies. We do this by solving the optical master equation using a numerical transfer matrix method. We find that the collective influence of the charge environment on the dots can be detected by measuring the correlation between the photons emitted when each dot is driven independently. Qubits in a common charge environment display photon bunching, if both dots are driven on resonance or if the driving laser detunings have the same sense for both qubits, and antibunching if the laser detunings have in opposite signs. We also show that it is possible to detect several charges fluctuating at different rates using this technique. Our findings expand the possibility of measuring qubit dynamics in order to investigate the fundamental physics of the environmental noise that causes decoherence.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Fermi edge singularity in a non-equilibrium system

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    We report exact results for the Fermi Edge Singularity in the absorption spectrum of an out-of-equilibrium tunnel junction. We consider two metals with chemical potential difference V separated by a tunneling barrier containing a defect, which exists in one of two states. When it is in its excited state, tunneling through the otherwise impermeable barrier is possible. We find that the lineshape not only depends on the total scattering phase shift as in the equilibrium case but also on the difference in the phase of the reflection amplitudes on the two sides of the barrier. The out-of-equilibrium spectrum extends below the original threshold as energy can be provided by the power source driving current across the barrier. Our results have a surprisingly simple interpretation in terms of known results for the equilibrium case but with (in general complex-valued) combinations of elements of the scattering matrix replacing the equilibrium phase shifts.Comment: 4 page

    Rectification in one--dimensional electronic systems

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    Asymmetric current--voltage (I(V)I(V)) curves, known as the diode or rectification effect, in one--dimensional electronic conductors can have their origin from scattering off a single asymmetric impurity in the system. We investigate this effect in the framework of the Tomonaga--Luttinger model for electrons with spin. We show that electron interactions strongly enhance the diode effect and lead to a pronounced current rectification even if the impurity potential is weak. For strongly interacting electrons and not too small voltages, the rectification current, Ir=[I(V)+I(−V)]/2I_r = [I(V)+I(-V)]/2, measuring the asymmetry in the current--voltage curve, has a power--law dependence on the voltage with a negative exponent, Ir∼V−∣z∣I_r \sim V^{-|z|}, leading to a bump in the current--voltage curve.Comment: 9 pages; 3 figure

    Intrinsic Metastabilities in the Charge Configuration of a Double Quantum Dot

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    We report a thermally activated metastability in a GaAs double quantum dot exhibiting real-time charge switching in diamond shaped regions of the charge stability diagram. Accidental charge traps and sensor back action are excluded as the origin of the switching. We present an extension of the canonical double dot theory based on an intrinsic, thermal electron exchange process through the reservoirs, giving excellent agreement with the experiment. The electron spin is randomized by the exchange process, thus facilitating fast, gate-controlled spin initialization. At the same time, this process sets an intrinsic upper limit to the spin relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (color

    Supercurrent-enabled Andreev reflection in a chiral quantum Hall edge state

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    Funding: ABM and TLS acknowledge support from the National Research Fund, Luxembourg under the grant ATTRACT, Grant No. A14/MS/7556175/MoMeSys. ABM and BB acknowledge support from St. Leonard’s European Inter-University Doctoral Scholarship of the University of St. Andrews. PR acknowledges financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) within the framework of Germany’s Excellence Strategy-EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers-390837967.A chiral quantum Hall (QH) edge state placed in proximity to an s-wave superconductor experiences induced superconducting correlations. Recent experiments have observed the effect of proximity coupling in QH edge states through signatures of the mediating process of Andreev reflection. We present the microscopic theory behind this effect by modeling the system with a many-body Hamiltonian, consisting of an s-wave superconductor, subject to spin-orbit coupling and a magnetic field, which is coupled by electron tunneling to an integer QH edge state. By integrating out the superconductor we obtain an effective pairing Hamiltonian in the QH edge state. We clarify the qualitative appearance of nonlocal superconducting correlations in a chiral edge state and analytically predict the suppression of electron-hole conversion at low energies (Pauli blocking) and negative resistance as experimental signatures of Andreev reflection in this setup. In particular, we show how two surface phenomena of the superconductor, namely, Rashba spin-orbit coupling and a supercurrent due to the Meissner effect, are essential for the Andreev reflection. Our work provides a promising pathway to the realization of Majorana zero modes and their parafermionic generalizations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Supercurrent-enabled Andreev reflection in a chiral quantum Hall edge state

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    A chiral quantum Hall (QH) edge state placed in proximity to an s-wave superconductor experiences induced superconducting correlations. Recent experiments have observed the effect of proximity-coupling in QH edge states through signatures of the mediating process of Andreev reflection. We present the microscopic theory behind this effect by modeling the system with a many-body Hamiltonian, consisting of an s-wave superconductor, subject to spin-orbit coupling and a magnetic field, which is coupled by electron tunneling to a QH edge state. By integrating out the superconductor we obtain an effective pairing Hamiltonian in the QH edge state. We clarify the qualitative appearance of nonlocal superconducting correlations in a chiral edge state and analytically predict the suppression of electron-hole conversion at low energies (Pauli blocking) and negative resistance as experimental signatures of Andreev reflection in this setup. In particular, we show how two surface phenomena of the superconductor, namely Rashba spin-orbit coupling and a supercurrent due to the Meissner effect, are essential for the Andreev reflection. Our work provides a promising pathway to the realization of Majorana zero-modes and their parafermionic generalizations.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Majorana single-charge transistor

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    We study transport through a Coulomb blockaded topologically nontrivial superconducting wire (with Majorana end states) contacted by metallic leads. An exact formula for the current through this interacting Majorana single-charge transistor is derived in terms of wire spectral functions. A comprehensive picture follows from three different approaches. We find Coulomb oscillations with universal halving of the finite-temperature peak conductance under strong blockade conditions, where the valley conductance mainly comes from elastic cotunneling. The nonlinear conductance exhibits finite-voltage sidebands due to anomalous tunneling involving Cooper pair splittingThis work was supported by the DFG (Grant No. EG-96/ 9-1 and SFB TR 12), by the EU network SE2ND, and by the Spanish MICINN under Contract FIS2008-0420
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