7 research outputs found

    Eficiência do laser diodo 980 nm em comparação à da glicose a 75% na oclusão de veias da orelha de coelhos The efficiency of the diode laser 980 nm compared to glucose 75% in occlusion of the veins in rabbit ears

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    CONTEXTO: Por ser o laser um método novo no tratamento das varizes, há muitos mitos e dúvidas com relação à sua eficácia; assim, surgiu a necessidade de compará-lo a substância esclerosante mais utilizada em nosso meio (glicose hipertônica). OBJETIVO: Comparar a eficiência do laser diodo 980 nm à glicose 75% na oclusão de veias em orelha de coelho. MÉTODOS: Ensaio aleatório em animais de laboratório por 21 dias. A amostra consistiu de orelhas de coelhos machos adultos. Grupo L (laser): 15 orelhas tratadas com laser; grupo G (glicose 75%): 15 orelhas tratadas com glicose a 75%. Variáveis primárias: veias esclerosadas e/ou ocluídas. Variáveis complementares: volume da substância administrada, complicações e peso. O tamanho da amostra foi estimado em 30 orelhas. Foi realizado o teste exato de Fisher associado ao Risco Relativo (RR), calculando-se o intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% para as variáveis acima. RESULTADOS: A incidência de esclerose ou oclusão venosa no grupo G foi de 53% (8/15; IC95%: 27-79) e no grupo L, 20% (3/15; IC95%: 4-49). O p bicaudal foi de 0,1281, o RR usando a aproximação de Katz foi de 2,66; IC95%: 0,87-8,15. CONCLUSÃO: A eficiência do laser diodo 980 nm em comparação à da glicose 75% na oclusão de veias para o modelo experimental estudado foi equivalente.<br>BACKGROUND: The laser is a new treatment to varicose veins and there is several myths and doubts in relation to its efficacy; then, there is the need to compare it with the most commonly sclerosing solution (hypertonic glucose) used in our specialty. OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficiency of the diode laser 980nm to the glucose 75% in the occlusion of veins from the ear of rabbits. METHODS: Aleatory trial in laboratory animals during 21 days. The sample consisted of ears from male adult rabbits. Group L (laser): 15 ears treated with laser; group G (glucose 75%): 15 ears treated with glucose 75%. Primary variables: sclerotic and/or occluded veins. Complementary variables: volume of the managed substance, complications and weight of rabbit. The sample size was estimated in 30 ears. The statistical analysis was carried out by Fisher''s exact test associated to the Relative Risk (RR), calculating the confidence interval of 95% for the mentioned variables. RESULTS: The incidence of sclerosis or venous occlusion in group G was 53% (8/15; 95%CI: 27-79) and in group L was 20% (3/15; 95% CI: 4-49). Two-tailed p was 0.1281, RR using the approximation of Katz was 2.66; 95%CI: 0.87-8.15. CONCLUSION: The efficiency of the diode laser 980 nm in comparison to glucose 75% in occlusion of veins in this experimental model was equivalent

    Archaeology and Sclerochronology of Marine Bivalves

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    International audienceIn a rapidly changing world, maintenance of the good health of the marine environment requires a detailed understanding of its mechanisms of change, and the ability to detect early signals of a shift away from the equilibrium state that we assume characterized it before there was any significant human impact. Given that instrumental measurements of the oceans go back no further than a few decades, the only way in which we can assess the long-term baseline variability that characterizes the pre-perturbation equilibrium state of the marine environment is by the use of proxy records contained in stratified or layered natural archives such as corals, fish otoliths and bivalve mollusc shells.In this chapter we will look at the ways in which the environmental signals recorded in the shells of bivalve molluscs can be used to shed light on marine variability both in the present and over past centuries and millennia, and specifically how they can be used to study marine climate, the marine environment and the economic and cultural history of the relationship between humans and the oceans.The chapter is divided into two parts: section one describes the morphological, geochemical and crystallographic techniques that are used to obtain information from the shells, while section two covers the use of bivalve shells in a wide range of applications, including ecosystem services, environmental monitoring, archaeology, climate reconstruction, and climate modeling

    Demographic faultlines and creativity in diverse groups

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