168 research outputs found

    The far-ultraviolet main auroral emission at Jupiter – Part 2:vertical emission profile

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    The aurorae at Jupiter are made up of many different features associated with a variety of generation mechanisms. The main auroral emission, also known as the main oval, is the most prominent of them as it accounts for approximately half of the total power emitted by the aurorae in the ultraviolet range. The energy of the precipitating electrons is a crucial parameter to characterize the processes at play which give rise to these auroral emissions, and the altitude of the emissions directly depends on this energy. Here we make use of far-UV (FUV) images acquired with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on board the Hubble Space Telescope and spectra acquired with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph to measure the vertical profile of the main emissions. The altitude of the brightness peak as seen above the limb is ~ 400 km, which is significantly higher than the 250 km measured in the post-dusk sector by Galileo in the visible domain. However, a detailed analysis of the effect of hydrocarbon absorption, including both simulations and FUV spectral observations, indicates that FUV apparent vertical profiles should be considered with caution, as these observations are not incompatible with an emission peak located at 250 km. The analysis also calls for spectral observations to be carried out with an optimized geometry in order to remove observational ambiguities

    The far-ultraviolet main auroral emission at Jupiter - Part 1:dawn-dusk brightness asymmetries

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    The main auroral emission at Jupiter generally appears as a quasi-closed curtain centered around the magnetic pole. This auroral feature, which accounts for approximately half of the total power emitted by the aurorae in the ultraviolet range, is related to corotation enforcement currents in the middle magnetosphere. Early models for these currents assumed axisymmetry, but significant local time variability is obvious on any image of the Jovian aurorae. Here we use far-UV images from the Hubble Space Telescope to further characterize these variations on a statistical basis. We show that the dusk side sector is ~ 3 times brighter than the dawn side in the southern hemisphere and ~ 1.1 brighter in the northern hemisphere, where the magnetic anomaly complicates the interpretation of the measurements. We suggest that such an asymmetry between the dawn and the dusk sectors could be the result of a partial ring current in the nightside magnetosphere

    The 3-D extent of the Io UV footprint on Jupiter

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    The Io footprint (IFP) is the auroral signature of the electromagnetic interaction between Io and Jupiter's magnetosphere. It consists of several spots followed by an extended tail, which are located close to the feet of the magnetic field lines connecting Io to Jupiter. The size of the main spot is a controversial issue, and previously published values range from ~400 to ~8000 km. However, this question is crucial to understand the processes at play, since this quantity is expected to reflect the size of the interaction region at Io. The present study provides estimates of the size of the Io footprint on a much larger image sample than before, paying a particular attention to the differentiation of the spots and to their 3-D structure. The length of the Main Alfven Wing (MAW) spot and the length of the trans-hemispheric electron beam (TEB) spot along the footpath are similar to 850 km, while their width perpendicular to the footpath is < 200 km. Larger lengths are sometimes observed, but these configurations may be attributed to the overlaps of the different spots. The spot lengths are larger than the projected diameter of Io along unperturbed magnetic field lines, which is consistent with recent simulations. The narrowness of the IFP will need to be carefully accounted for in future studies of its brightness. Additionally, the peak altitudes of the MAW and the TEB spot are as high as 900 and 700 km, respectively, which seem to confirm their different origins

    Auroral evidence of radial transport at Jupiter during January 2014

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    We present Jovian auroral observations from the 2014 January Hubble Space Telescope (HST) campaign and investigate the auroral signatures of radial transport in the magnetosphere alongside contemporaneous radio and Hisaki EUV data. HST FUV auroral observations on day 11 show, for the first time, a significantly superrotating polar spot poleward of the main emission on the dawnside. The spot transitions from the polar to main emission region in the presence of a locally broad, bright dawnside main emission feature and two large equatorward emission features. Such a configuration of the main emission region is also unreported to date. We interpret the signatures as part of a sequence of inward radial transport processes. Hot plasma inflows from tail reconnection are thought to flow planetward and could generate the superrotating spot. The main emission feature could be the result of flow shears from prior hot inflows. Equatorward emissions are observed. These are evidence of hot plasma injections in the inner magnetosphere. The images are thought to be part of a prolonged period of reconnection. Radio emissions measured by Wind suggest that hectometric (HOM) and non-Io decametric (DAM) signatures are associated with the sequence of auroral signatures, which implies a global magnetospheric disturbance. The reconnection and injection interval can continue for several hours

    A Statistical Survey of Low‐Frequency Magnetic Fluctuations at Saturn

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    Low‐frequency waves are closely related to magnetospheric energy dissipation processes. The Cassini spacecraft explored Saturn's magnetosphere for over 13 years, until September 2017, covering a period of more than a complete solar cycle. Using this rich heritage dataset, we systematically investigated key physical parameters of low‐frequency waves in Saturn's magnetosphere, including their local time distribution and the dependence on solar activity. We found that the wave activity peaked in the near noon sector. For the nightside, the wave intensity also appeared to peak pre and post‐midnight. Due to the limited local time coverage for each solar phase, we were not able to draw a firm conclusion on the wave's dependence on solar activity. In general, the wave power showed a monotonically decreasing trend towards larger distances in nightside sectors especially during the declining phase, which implied that low‐frequency waves mainly originate from the relatively inner regions of the magnetosphere. On the dayside, stronger waves were mostly located at/within ∼25 Rs, near the magnetopause. The study shows a global picture of low‐frequency waves in Saturn's magnetosphere, providing important implications for how magnetospheric energy dissipates into Saturn's polar ionosphere and atmosphere

    On the Relation Between Jupiter's Aurora and the Dawnside Current Sheet

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    Jupiter's auroral emission is a spectacular phenomenon that provides insight into energy release processes related to the coupling of its magnetosphere and ionosphere. This energy release is influenced by solar wind conditions. Using joint observations from Juno and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), we statistically investigate the relationship between auroral power and current sheet variations under different solar wind conditions. In this study, we reveal that during global main auroral brightening events that are closely connected to solar wind compressions, the dawn side current sheet is substantially thinner than during times when a quiet auroral morphology is present. Furthermore, the total current intensity in the current sheet is found to increase under solar wind compression conditions compared to the quiet period. These findings provide important observational evidence for how magnetospheric dynamics driven by solar wind behavior affect auroral activity, deepening our understanding of the coupling between Jupiter's magnetosphere and ionosphere

    Similarity of the Jovian satellite footprints:spots multiplicity and dynamics

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    In the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, the intense interaction of the satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede and Enceladus with their surrounding plasma environment leaves a signature in the aurora of the planet. Called satellite footprints, these auroral features appear either as a single spot (Europa and Enceladus) or as multiple spots (Io and Ganymede). Moreover, they can be followed by extended trailing tails in the case of Io and Europa, while no tail has been reported for Ganymede and Enceladus, yet. Here we show that all Jovian footprints can be made of several spots. Furthermore, the footprints all experience brightness variations on timescale of 2–3 min. We also demonstrate that the satellite location relative to the plasma sheet is not the only driver for the footprint brightness, but that the plasma environment and the magnetic field strength also play a role. These new findings demonstrate that the Europa and Ganymede footprints are very similar to the Io footprint. As a consequence, the processes expected to take place at Io, such as the bi-directional electron acceleration by Alfvén waves or the partial reflection of these waves on plasma density gradients, can most likely be extended to the other footprints, suggesting that they are indeed universal processes

    Weakening of Jupiter's main auroral emission during January 2014

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    In January 2014 Jupiter's FUV main auroral oval decreased its emitted power by 70% and shifted equatorward by ∼1°. Intense, low-latitude features were also detected. The decrease in emitted power is attributed to a decrease in auroral current density rather than electron energy. This could be caused by a decrease in the source electron density, an order of magnitude increase in the source electron thermal energy, or a combination of these. Both can be explained either by expansion of the magnetosphere or by an increase in the inward transport of hot plasma through the middle magnetosphere and its interchange with cold flux tubes moving outward. In the latter case the hot plasma could have increased the electron temperature in the source region and produced the intense, low-latitude features, while the increased cold plasma transport rate produced the shift of the main oval

    Dawn Auroral Breakup at Saturn Initiated by Auroral Arcs:UVIS/Cassini Beginning of Grand Finale Phase

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    We present Cassini auroral observations obtained on 11 November 2016 with the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph at the beginning of the F-ring orbits and the Grand Finale phase of the mission. The spacecraft made a close approach to Saturn's southern pole and offered a remarkable view of the dayside and nightside aurora. With this sequence we identify, for the first time, the presence of dusk/midnight arcs, which are azimuthally spread from high to low latitudes, suggesting that their source region extends from the outer to middle/inner magnetosphere. The observed arcs could be auroral manifestations of plasma flows propagating toward the planet from the magnetotail, similar to terrestrial “auroral streamers.” During the sequence the dawn auroral region brightens and expands poleward. We suggest that the dawn auroral breakup results from a combination of plasma instability and global-scale magnetic field reconfiguration, which is initiated by plasma flows propagating toward the planet. Alternatively, the dawn auroral enhancement could be triggered by tail magnetic reconnection