1,046 research outputs found

    Variability of Jovian ion winds: an upper limit for enhanced Joule heating

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    It has been proposed that short-timescale fluctuations about the mean electric field can significantly increase the upper atmospheric energy inputs at Jupiter, which may help to explain the high observed thermospheric temperatures. We present data from the first attempt to detect such variations in the Jovian ionosphere. Line-of-sight ionospheric velocity profiles in the Southern Jovian auroral/polar region are shown, derived from the Doppler shifting of H<sub>3</sub><sup>+</sup> infrared emission spectra. These data were recently obtained from the high-resolution CSHELL spectrometer at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. We find that there is no variability within this data set on timescales of the order of one minute and spatial scales of 640 km, putting upper limits on the timescales of fluctuations that would be needed to enhance Joule heating

    Density-functional studies of tungsten trioxide, tungsten bronzes, and related systems

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    Tungsten trioxide adopts a variety of structures which can be intercalated with charged species to alter the electronic properties, thus forming `tungsten bronzes'. Similar optical effects are observed upon removing oxygen from WO_3, although the electronic properties are slightly different. Here we present a computational study of cubic and hexagonal alkali bronzes and examine the effects on cell size and band structure as the size of the intercalated ion is increased. With the exception of hydrogen (which is predicted to be unstable as an intercalate), the behaviour of the bronzes are relatively consistent. NaWO_3 is the most stable of the cubic systems, although in the hexagonal system the larger ions are more stable. The band structures are identical, with the intercalated atom donating its single electron to the tungsten 5d valence band. Next, this was extended to a study of fractional doping in the Na_xWO_3 system (0 < x < 1). A linear variation in cell parameter, and a systematic change in the position of the Fermi level up into the valence band was observed with increasing x. In the underdoped WO_3-x system however, the Fermi level undergoes a sudden jump into the conduction band at around x = 0.2. Lastly, three compounds of a layered WO_4&#215;a,wdiaminoalkane hybrid series were studied and found to be insulating, with features in the band structure similar to those of the parent WO_3 compound which relate well to experimental UV-visible spectroscopy results.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Comparative Network Analysis of Preterm vs. Full-Term Infant-Mother Interactions

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    Several studies have reported that interactions of mothers with preterm infants show differential characteristics compared to that of mothers with full-term infants. Interaction of preterm dyads is often reported as less harmonious. However, observations and explanations concerning the underlying mechanisms are inconsistent. In this work 30 preterm and 42 full-term mother-infant dyads were observed at one year of age. Free play interactions were videotaped and coded using a micro-analytic coding system. The video records were coded at one second resolution and studied by a novel approach using network analysis tools. The advantage of our approach is that it reveals the patterns of behavioral transitions in the interactions. We found that the most frequent behavioral transitions are the same in the two groups. However, we have identified several high and lower frequency transitions which occur significantly more often in the preterm or full-term group. Our analysis also suggests that the variability of behavioral transitions is significantly higher in the preterm group. This higher variability is mostly resulted from the diversity of transitions involving non-harmonious behaviors. We have identified a maladaptive pattern in the maternal behavior in the preterm group, involving intrusiveness and disengagement. Application of the approach reported in this paper to longitudinal data could elucidate whether these maladaptive maternal behavioral changes place the infant at risk for later emotional, cognitive and behavioral disturbance

    High growth rate 4H-SiC epitaxial growth using dichlorosilane in a hot-wall CVD reactor

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    Thick, high quality 4H-SiC epilayers have been grown in a vertical hot-wall chemical vapor deposition system at a high growth rate on (0001) 80 off-axis substrates. We discuss the use of dichlorosilane as the Si-precursor for 4H-SiC epitaxial growth as it provides the most direct decomposition route into SiCl2, which is the predominant growth species in chlorinated chemistries. A specular surface morphology was attained by limiting the hydrogen etch rate until the system was equilibrated at the desired growth temperature. The RMS roughness of the grown films ranged from 0.5-2.0 nm with very few morphological defects (carrots, triangular defects, etc.) being introduced, while enabling growth rates of 30-100 \mum/hr, 5-15 times higher than most conventional growths. Site-competition epitaxy was observed over a wide range of C/Si ratios, with doping concentrations < 1x1014 cm-3 being recorded. X-ray rocking curves indicated that the epilayers were of high crystallinity, with linewidths as narrow as 7.8 arcsec being observed, while microwave photoconductive decay (\muPCD) measurements indicated that these films had high injection (ambipolar) carrier lifetimes in the range of 2 \mus

    Feasibility of identifying amyloid and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with the use of computerized quantitative texture analysis of clinical echocardiographic data

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    AbstractUltrasound tissue characterization, the evaluation of certain physical properties of a tissue based on its acoustic properties, is an evolving application in echocardiography. The ability to identify acutely and chronically injured tissue has been demonstrated in a number of animal studies, but data in humans are limited. The present study tested the hypothesis that quantitative echocardiographic texture analysis, a method of evaluating the spatial pattern of echoes in echocardiographic images, would differentiate amyloid and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from normal myocardium. Routine clinical echocardiographic data were obtained on 34 subjects at the Mayo Clinic (10 normal subjects, 10 patients with amyloid heart disease, 8 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 6 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy due to hypertension). Standard videotape recordings of these echocardiograms were analyzed at the University of Iowa.Echocardiographic data were digitized with use of a calibrated, 256 gray level digitization system. Quantitative texture analysis was performed on data from the ventricular septum and posterior left ventricular wall in end-diastolic and end-systolic, short-axis and long-axis echocardiographic images. The gray level run length texture variables were able to discriminate hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and amyloid heart disease from normal myocardium and from each other (p < 0.0083 for comparisons of the quantitative texture features of amyloid versus hypertrophic cardiomyopathy versus normal by multivariate analysis of variance). The texture of the myocardium in hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy not associated with amyloid or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was in general not significantly different from that of normal myocardium.On the basis of these data, it was concluded that quantitative texture analysis of clinical echocardiographic data has the potential to identify amyloid and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; false positive results occur rarely in left ventricular hypertrophy due to hypertension. Further prospective studies of this technique are needed to establish its utility in identifying the etiology of clinical cardiomyopathies

    Вплив екологічного стану Донецького регіону на його демографічний розвиток

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    В статті розглянуто важливу проблему впливу забрудненості навколишнього природного середовища на захворюваність та смертність в регіоні. Визначено кореляційну залежність між обсягом викидів забруднюючих речовин та окремими видами захворюваності, а також ступінь їх впливу, побудовано функції, що описують їх.В статье рассмотрена важная проблема влияния загрязненности окружающей естественной среды на заболеваемость и смертность в регионе. Определена корреляционная зависимость между объемом выбросов загрязняющих веществ и отдельными видами заболеваемости, а также степень их влияния, построены функции, которые описывают их.In the article the important problem of influence of muddiness of natural environment is considered on morbidity and death rate in a region. Certainly cross-correlation dependence between the volume of extrass of contaminents and separate types of morbidity, and also degree of their influence, functions which describe them are built. Keywords: environment

    Baseline Q-Wave Surpasses Time From Symptom Onset as a Prognostic Marker in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Treated With Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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    ObjectivesWe assessed the incremental value of baseline Q waves over time from symptom onset as a marker of clinical outcome in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).BackgroundTime from symptom onset is a central focus in STEMI patients. The presence of Q waves on the baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) has been suggested to be of incremental value to time from symptom onset in evaluating clinical outcomes.MethodsWe evaluated baseline Q waves and ST-segment resolution 30 min after primary percutaneous intervention (PCI) ECGs in 4,530 STEMI patients without prior infarction. Additionally, peak biomarkers; 90-day mortality; and the composite of death, congestive heart failure (CHF), or cardiogenic shock were assessed.ResultsFifty-six percent of patients had baseline Q waves: they were older, more frequently male and diabetic, and had a more advanced Killip class. Patients with baseline Q waves had greater mortality and a higher composite rate of death, CHF, and shock versus patients without baseline Q waves at 90 days (5.3% vs. 2.1% and 12.1% vs. 4.8%, respectively, both p < 0.001). Complete ST-segment resolution was highest, whereas 90-day mortality and the composite outcome were lowest among those randomized ≤3 h without baseline Q waves. After multivariable adjustment, baseline Q-wave but not time from symptom onset was significantly associated with a 78% relative increase in the hazard of 90-day mortality and a 90% relative increase in the hazard of death, shock, and CHF.ConclusionsBaseline Q waves in STEMI patients treated with primary PCI provide an independent prognostic marker of clinical outcome. These data might be useful in designing future clinical trials as well as in evaluating patients for triage and potential transfer for planned primary PCI. (Pexelizumab in Conjunction With Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction [APEX-AMI]; NCT00091637