81 research outputs found

    Relativity principles in 1+1 dimensions and differential aging reversal

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    We study the behavior of clocks in 1+1 spacetime assuming the relativity principle, the principle of constancy of the speed of light and the clock hypothesis. These requirements are satisfied by a class of Finslerian theories parametrized by a real coefficient β\beta, special relativity being recovered for β=0\beta=0. The effect of differential aging is studied for the different values of β\beta. Below the critical values β=1/c|\beta| =1/c the differential aging has the usual direction - after a round trip the accelerated observer returns younger than the twin at rest in the inertial frame - while above the critical values the differential aging changes sign. The non-relativistic case is treated by introducing a formal analogy with thermodynamics.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Previous title "Parity violating terms in clocks' behavior and differential aging reversal". v2: shortened introduction, some sections removed, pointed out the relation with Finsler metrics. Submitted to Found. Phys. Let

    Specific Features of Carbon Nanoparticle Formation Under the Influence of a Laser Operating in a Double-Pulse Generation Mode

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    This study investigates the morphology of carbon nanoparticles generated through the ablation of an MPG-6 carbon target in an aqueous environment. The ablation process utilized an LS-2134D aluminum yttrium garnet laser (wavelength: 1064 nm) operating in a double-pulse mode (pulse separation: 3 μs, pulse duration: 10 ns, pulse repetition rate: 10 Hz, single pulse energy: ~0.05 J). The results demonstrate the formation of a diverse range of carbon nanoparticles with varying sizes and shapes during laser ablation. Additionally, the study showcases the ability to control the ablation process and subsequent synthesis of carbon nanoparticles, achieving efficient generation of nanoparticles suitable for various applications

    Особенности течения туберкулеза у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста

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    The objective: to identify specific features of the clinical course of tuberculosis in elderly and senile patients under the current epidemic situation.The specific clinical course of tuberculosis was analyzed in 54 patients at the age of 61 years and older and compared with the course of 234 patients at the age from 18 to 39 years selected by the continuous sampling of all 472 patients discharged from hospital in 2018. The following features were found to be typical of patients of 61 years and older: more frequent chronic forms of the disease (37.0%) and complications (35.2%), the major complication was chronic cor pulmonale (33.3%); more frequent concurrent chronic nonspecific lung diseases (13.0%) and coronary heart disease/arterial hypertension (14.8%); more frequent deaths (31.5%), mainly due to pulmonary heart disease; less frequent generalization of tuberculosis (5.5%) and concurrent HIV infection (7.4%).Цель исследования: выявить особенности клинического течения туберкулеза у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста в современных эпидемических условиях.Проанализированы особенности клинического течения туберкулеза ‒ у 54 больных в возрасте 61 года и старше в сравнении с 234 пациентами 18-39 лет, отобранных сплошной выборкой из всех 472 больных, выписанных в 2018 г. Выявлено, что у лиц в возрасте 61 года и старше: более частая хронизация процесса (37,0%) и осложненное (35,2%), в основном хроническим легочным сердцем (33,3%), течение; более частые сопутствующие хронические неспецифические заболевания легких (13,0%) и ишемическая болезнь сердца/артериальная гипертония (14,8%); более частые летальные исходы (31,5%), преимущественно за счет легочно-сердечной недостаточности; более редки генерализация туберкулеза (5,5%) и сопутствующая ВИЧ-инфекция (7,4%)

    Normal families of functions and groups of pseudoconformal diffeomorphisms of quaternion and octonion variables

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    This paper is devoted to the specific class of pseudoconformal mappings of quaternion and octonion variables. Normal families of functions are defined and investigated. Four criteria of a family being normal are proven. Then groups of pseudoconformal diffeomorphisms of quaternion and octonion manifolds are investigated. It is proven, that they are finite dimensional Lie groups for compact manifolds. Their examples are given. Many charactersitic features are found in comparison with commutative geometry over R\bf R or C\bf C.Comment: 55 pages, 53 reference

    Measurement of CNGS muon neutrino speed with Borexino

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    We have measured the speed of muon neutrinos with the Borexino detector using short-bunch CNGS beams. The final result for the difference in time-of-flight between a =17 GeV muon neutrino and a particle moving at the speed of light in vacuum is {\delta}t = 0.8 \pm 0.7stat \pm 2.9sys ns, well consistent with zero.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal Decomposition of Co-Doped Calcium Tartrate and Use of the Products for Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes.

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    Thermal decomposition of Co-doped calcium tartrate in an inert atmosphere or air was studied using thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. It was shown that the powder substance containing 4 at.% of cobalt completely decomposes within 650-730 °C, depending on the environment, and the formation of Co clusters does not proceed before 470 °C. The products of decomposition were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, XAFS, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Surfaceoxidized Co metal nanoparticles as large as ∼5.6 ( 1.2 nm were found to form in an inert atmosphere, while the annealing in air led to a wide distribution of diameters of the nanoparticles, with the largest nanoparticles (30-50 nm) mainly present as a Co3O4 phase. It was found that the former nanoparticles catalyze the growth of CNTs from alcohol while a reducing atmosphere is required for activation of the latter nanoparticles. We propose the scheme of formation of CaO-supported catalyst from Co-doped tartrate, depending on the thermal decomposition conditions

    Bromination of double-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) synthesized by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) have been functionalized by bromine vapor at room temperature. At least two different bromine species were detected in the product using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and thermal gravimetric analysis. The primary form is negatively charged Br2 molecules exhibiting an intense resonance at ∼238 cm−1 in the Raman spectrum. The electron transfer from the nanotubes to the adsorbed molecules is detected from C 1s XPS and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectra. The optical absorption spectra reveal that although the metallic nanotubes are more reactive to Br2, the outer semiconducting nanotubes also readily interact with Br2 adsorbates. The secondary bromine form is attributed to covalent C-Br bonding, and its possible sources are discussed in the light of quantum-chemical calculations. Analysis of the XPS, Raman, and optical absorption spectra of the Br-DWCNTs annealed at 100-170 ° C indicates preservation of a part of bromine molecules in samples that affects the electronic and vibration properties of nanotubes