800 research outputs found

    Multiphoton Dissociation of HeH+ below the He+(1s) + H(1s) Threshold

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    We discuss the strong-field dynamics of HeH+, the simplest stable heteronuclear molecule, focusing on identifying a laser regime for which there is a sufficient dissociation signal for experimental measurement. We numerically solve the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation to obtain total dissociation probabilities, kinetic energy release spectra, and momentum distributions for wavelengths from 800 nm to 2400 nm. The suitability of this simple system as a prototype for understanding the strong-field nuclear dynamics of heteronuclear dissociation is discussed

    Enhancing the intense field control of molecular fragmentation

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    We describe a pump-probe scheme with which the spatial asymmetry of dissociating molecular fragments --- as controlled by the carrier-envelope phase of an intense few-cycle laser pulse --- can be enhanced by an order of magnitude or more. We illustrate the scheme using extensive, full-dimensional calculations for dissociation of H2+_2^+ and include the averaging necessary for comparison with experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figue

    Stabilization of carbon nanotubes by filling with inner tubes: An optical spectroscopy study on double-walled carbon nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure

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    The stabilization of carbon nanotubes via the filling with inner tubes is demonstrated by probing the optical transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles under hydrostatic pressure with optical spectroscopy. Double-walled carbon nanotube films were prepared from fullerene peapods and characterized by HRTEM and optical spectroscopy. In comparison to single-walled carbon nanotubes, the pressure-induced redshifts of the optical transitions in the outer tubes are significantly smaller below ∼\sim10 GPa, demonstrating the enhanced mechanical stability due to the inner tube already at low pressures. Anomalies at the critical pressure Pd_d≈\approx12 GPa signal the onset of the pressure-induced deformation of the tubular cross-sections. The value of Pd_d is in very good agreement with theoretical predictions of the pressure-induced structural transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles with similar average diameters.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Factors Affecting the Farmer’s Response to the Development of Soybean Farming in East Java Indonesia

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    The research was conducted to find out (1) factors influencing farmer\u27s decision to cultivate soybean, and (2)the opportunity level of farmer response to soybean farming in Jember and Sampang. Research location was determined through purposive method and sampling conducted through simple random sampling method. Data analysis method used was logit regression model where the dependent variable (Y) was dummy variable with value of 1 (response) and 0 (non-response). Research result found G value of 130.198 (p-value = 0.0001) indicating that logistic regression model, as a whole, could explain farmers\u27 decision in their response to soybean farming. Factors influencing farmers\u27 response to soybean farming were acreage, education, income, and area status

    Penegakan Hukum Pidana di Bidang Illegal Logging Bagi Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup dan Upaya Penanggulangannya

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    Criminal Law Enforcement in the Field of Illegal Logging for environmental sustainability has not been completed properly, In fact the government was impressed as if keen to eradicate illegal logging, while the court would release him diligently. development of environmental law in Indonesia. Constraints, the Indonesian legal system is still associated with the pattern of claims with losses that are real. Future losses can not be applied in real terms, therefore losses are not yet occurred, is still a problems of law in Indonesia. Illegal logging is highly impact on the state of ecosystems in Indonesia. Logging provides a very adverse impact surrounding communities, and even the world community. Losses caused by forest destruction is not only the economic value of damage, loss of lung Indonesia and the world, global warming, will be followed by climate change such as increased rainfall in some parts of the world, catastrophic floods and landslides, but instead in another hemisphere experiencing a prolonged drought

    On utilizing weak estimators to achieve the online classification of data streams

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).Available from 03/09/2021.acceptedVersio


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    Kota Semarang adalah salah satu dari sepuluh kota terbesar di Indonesia yang juga ibukota provinsi jawa tengah,apabila dilihat dari jumlah penduduk kota semarang merupakan kota besar no 8, dengan jumlah penduduk 1.750.369 jiwa, hampir 303.839 diantaranya adalah kaum muda dengan rentang usia 15 –24 tahun, dengan jumlah penduduk kaum muda lebih dari 300 ribu jiwa kebutuhan akan hiburan,rekreasi dan interaksi sosial adalah hal yang penting di jaman kemajuan teknologi yang pesat,karena hal tersebut adalah hal – hal yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan diri mereka utamanya perkembangan jiwa sosial di dalam diri mereka, salah satu caranya adalah dengan mereka mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang berbau seni terutama seni kontemporer. Seni Kontemporer adalah perkembangan seni yang terpengaruh dampak modernisasi dan digunakan sebagai istilah umum sejak istilah Contemporary Art berkembang di Barat sebagai produk seni yang dibuat sejak Perang Dunia II. Istilah ini berkembang di Indonesia seiring makin beragamnya teknik dan medium yang digunakan untuk memproduksi suatu karya seni, juga karena telah terjadi suatu percampuran antara praktik dari disiplin yang berbeda, pilihan artistik, dan pilihan presentasi karya yang tidak terikat batas-batas ruang dan waktu. Pada perkembangannya, istilah kontemporer bukan hanya merujuk pada seni patung. Seni lukis yang menggunakan aliran-aliran baru juga menggunakan istilah tersebut sebagai perwujudan dari ide dan kebaruan yang diangkat. Sejalan dengan kemajuan zaman, seni rupa kontemporer juga memunculkan beragam varian seni baru. Di antara seni tersebut antara lain seni lingkungan, seni pertunjukan, seni fotografi, seni arsitektur, dan seni video. Keberagaman dalam penggunakan teknik dan medium inilah yang kemudian menjadi daya tarik bagi seniman untuk mendalami seni kontemporer, terutama dikalangan anak muda. Namun perkembangan seni kontemporer di Kota Semarang secara kualitas dan kuantitas tidak didukung oleh sarana yang memadai. Sering kali produk dari seni konteporer berupa pertunjukkan diselenggarakan pada tempat yang fungsi utamanya bukan di peruntukkan untuk itu, seperti di selenggarakan di halaman gubernuran, stadion olah raga , ball room hotel dan masih banyak lagi. Saat ini menurutnya satu-satunya gedung yang representatif hanyalah Auditorium RRI pada kenyataannya gedung tersebut sering kali tidak digunakan karena masalah fasilitas yang kurang representative. Produk lain dari seni konteporer berupa pameran juga mengalami hal yang sama. Dan jika kita lihat lagi di Kota Semarang hanya terdapat satu galeri seni yang bergengsi, yakni Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery, itupun dengan kapasitas ruang yang kecil. Oleh karena itu Gedung Pertunjukan dan Galeri Seni Semarang (GRAHASANI) sebagai badan seni swasta yang bertujuan untuk mewadahi kebutuhan seniman untuk berekpresi dengan fasilitas yang lebih memadai, sebagai ruang berkumpul antara pegiat seni maupun khalayak umum, menyebarkan kekayaan artistik dan intelektual, dan apresiasi serta pendokumentasian kesenian dan kreativitas

    Ultracold Three-body Recombination in Two Dimensions

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    We study three-body recombination in two dimensions for systems interacting via short-range two-body interactions in the regime of large scattering lengths. Using the adiabatic hyperspherical representation, we derive semi-analytical formulas for three-body recombination in both weakly and deeply bound diatom states. Our results demonstrate the importance of long-range corrections to the three-body potentials by showing how they alter the low-energy and scattering length dependence of the recombination rate for both bosonic and fermionic systems, which exhibit suppressed recombination if compared to the three-dimensional case. We verify these results through numerical calculations of recombination for systems with finite-range interactions and supporting a few two-body bound states. We also study finite-range effects for the energies of the universal three-identical-bosons states and found a slow approach to universal predictions as a function of the scattering length.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure


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    The obligations of the Special Mining Business License (IUPK) holders to the Government are only given without the active participation of the DGT and the central and local governments to test IUPK compliance as taxpayers. These obligations have the potential to ignore Article 33 and Article 23A of the 1945 Constitution. Based on the normative juridical study using the access to justice and the sustainable development approach, two conclusions are drawn. First, the enactment of several regulations shows that the IUPK's obligation to pay 4% to the Central Government and 6% to the Regional Government from net profits is only given, based on financial reports that have been audited by a public accountant. Second, Article 129 of the Minerba Law, Article 4 (1), Article 6 (1), and Article 9 (1) of the Income Tax Law, as well as Article 15 (3) of PP No. 37 of 2018 must be implemented through monitoring, evaluation, and regular audits of net profits before taxable income on the actual self-assessment reporting conducted by IUPK. It is proposed to make joint audit rules in testing compliance with good mining practice and IUPK obligations, as well as compliance of filling and actual payment of taxes owed
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