528 research outputs found

    Economy and Ecology: Encounters and Interweaving

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    In this editorial text, we point to the importance and development of disciplines that closely link economic sciences with ecology. Drawing on the most important literature in these fields, we have highlighted the trends that are popular today in both fields (double eco features)

    Symmetry Based Properties of the Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanotubes

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    The full geometrical symmetry groups (the line groups) of the monolayered, 2Hb and 3R polytypes of the inorganic MoS2 and WS2 micro- and nanotubes of arbitrary chirality are found. This is used to find the coordinates of the representative atoms sufficient to determine completely geometrical structure of tubes. Then some physical properties which can be deduced from the symmetry are discussed: electron band degeneracies, selection rules, general forms of the second rank tensors and potentials, phonon spectra.Comment: 6 pages 1 figur

    Urban forestry

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    In the article the author investigate the urban forestry education in the world. As the results of the research he conclude that, new programs and approaches such as landscape ecology and management, sustainable land use, urban ecology, and urban agriculture all take a more integrative perspective on different land uses, land covers and ecosystems. Also he found out the in Russia urban forestry education is not presented and can be prospective for development.Исследуется образование в сфере городского лесного хозяйства в мире. По результатам исследования автор пришел к выводу, что новые программы и подходы, такие как ландшафтная экология и управление, устойчивое землепользование, городская экология и городское сельское хозяйство, имеют отношение к различным видам землепользования, земельным покровам и экосистемам. Показано, что в России образование в сфере городских лесов не представлено и может быть перспективным

    Residents’ perceptions of wine tourism on the rural destinations development

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of wine tourism on rural destination development. Consequently, this study attempts to develop contemporary insights on this under-researched area such as residents’ perceptions of wine tourism and its impact on the rural destination development. Design/methodology/approach – In this study, the authors used a structured survey questionnaire from a random sample of 318 respondents based on the Fruška Gora Mountain in Serbia. Research also used structural equational modeling for empirical econometric testing in this data sample. This technique is appropriate for multivariate analysis. Findings – Personal resident benefit associated with wineries is positively related to resident perceived economic impact (H1) R2 ¼ 0.624; socio-cultural impact (H2) R2 ¼ 0.685 and environmental impact (H3) R2 ¼ 0.716 of wineries on local communities. Looking at the path diagram, the authors concluded that personal resident benefit associated with wineries is strongly related to resident perceived impact of wineries on local communities as regression weights are higher. Other findings relate those residents’ positive perceptions of wine tourism to increases in sales revenue, environmental protection, intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. Research limitations/implications – The positive attitude of the local population is an essential link of development. Such understanding of residents’ perceptions optimizes destination management in the future and, more importantly, local sustainable development. This has high policy implications. Originality/value – The present study contributes to the scientific circles by connecting perception research with wine tourism

    The role of human resources on the economy: a study of the Balkan eu member states

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    In this paper we analyze the impact of the quality of human capital on the main economic indicators of South-Eastern Europe countries [SEE] at the NUTS 2 level. The subjects of this research are the human capital indicators of regional competitiveness. The quality of human capital depends largely on the age structure of the population and the quality of education. Those regions, which have the highest percentage of the working-age population and highly educated people, are able to achieve higher productivity and gain a competitive advantage over other regions. As main indicators of the quality of human capital we identified: population; persons aged 25-64 with tertiary education attainment; students in tertiary education and participation of adults aged 25-64 in education and training and human resources in science and technology. As main economic indicators, we identified: regional gross domestic product; employment and income of households. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a correlation between the indicators of the quality of human capital and economic indicators. As a main methodology we have used the correlation coefficient which shows interdependence of the analyzed indicators. As part of our analysis, we consider only EU member states that belong to the SEE countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. We conclude that in all countries there is a high multiple correlation coefficient between the indicators human resources in science and technology, number of students and employment.This paper is the result of the project No. 47007 III funded by the Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia

    Visual perception specifics of children with asd as a determinant for educational environment outlinetimes

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    The idea of inclusive education raises the question of security of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It is the imperative of the time to create teaching materials that promote the effective implementation of educational curriculum. However, we have to stress the fact that most of the evaluable nowadays teaching materials have been created spontaneously, without any reliable criteria. Our primary hypothesis is that children with ASD have specific features of visual perception that do not depend on the state of their intelligence, which is confirmed by empirical data obtained by the authors. Our secondary hypothesis, specified in the process of research, stipulates that children with ASD will differently perceive different graphic images executed in different styles. These findings are further confirmed by empirical data collected by the authors in the study of perception and understanding of different graphic images by children with ASD and mental retardation. On the basis of theoretical and empirical data we specified the criteria for graphic design products which play a pivotal role in the formation of school educational environment. In this respect we focus on the criteria for design materials (including design criteria provisions, formulated by Norman, which he addressed to practicing designers)

    The Dollar Exchange Rate, Adjustment to the Purchasing Power Parity, and the Interest Rate Differential

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    This study applies a Markov switching error correction model to describe the single most important real exchange rate (Deutsche mark versus US dollar) over the flexible exchange rates period from 1973 to 2004. We show an alternative way of modelling non-linear adjustment to the purchasing power parity (PPP) besides standard threshold models. The model merges the two possible sources of non-linearity by additionally allowing the probability of a mean-reverting regime to increase with the distance from PPP. The interest rate differential as an additional determinant of real exchange rate behaviour in a Markov switching framework is introduced in the model. The study finds that the real dollar exchange rate during the post-Bretton Woods era is well described by a Markov switching error correction model with (PPP) as long-run equilibrium. There is one mean reversion regime where PPP and the interest parity condition are valid. Contrary, the second regime is characterised by persistent mean aversion, where a regime switch does not become more likely with increasing distance from PPP. The unconditional half-life of shocks is about 1.5 years

    Visual perception specifics of children with ASD as a determinant for educational environment outlinetimes

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    The idea of inclusive education raises the question of security of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It is the imperative of the time to create teaching materials that promote the effective implementation of educational curriculum. However, we have to stress the fact that most of the evaluable nowadays teaching materials have been created spontaneously, without any reliable criteria. Our primary hypothesis is that children with ASD have specific features of visual perception that do not depend on the state of their intelligence, which is confirmed by empirical data obtained by the authors. Our secondary hypothesis, specified in the process of research, stipulates that children with ASD will differently perceive different graphic images executed in different styles. These findings are further confirmed by empirical data collected by the authors in the study of perception and understanding of different graphic images by children with ASD and mental retardation. On the basis of theoretical and empirical data we specified the criteria for graphic design products which play a pivotal role in the formation of school educational environment. In this respect we focus on the criteria for design materials (including design criteria provisions, formulated by Norman, which he addressed to practicing designers). © 2017 IJCRSEE. All Right Reserved

    Statistical territorial units with purpose of measuring level of development of regions in Serbia

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    Дан общий обзор существующей классификации статистических территориальных единиц в соответствии с классификацией NSTJ в Сербии. Цель работы - изучить и проанализировать классификации NSTJ в Сербии и определить, соответствует ли она классификации в ЕС. Сформирован перечень возможных мер, которые государство должно предпринять для того, чтобы выровнять степень развития регионов. Рассмотрены возможности использования имеющихся ресурсов. Установлено, что Сербия не имеет региональной политики, целью которой было бы выравнивание регионов и управление их более равномерным развитием в Сербии, как это предусмотрено Конституцией. После распада Югославии в 1991 году Сербия становится одной из европейских стран с крупнейшимими различиями в развитии регионов