184 research outputs found

    Landscape planning as an instrument of spatial development of Serbia

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    Проблем дефинисања основе на којој се гради концепт планирања предела као инструмента просторног развоја Србије је централно питање којим се аутор бави у овом раду. Да идеје на којима почива постојеће планирање предела (у Србији посебно) више нису идеје времена у ком живимо, основна је теза која је покренула ово истраживање. Глобални процеси су створили нови амбијент у ком се данас планира: планирање за предео је превазиђено. Данашња теоријска парадигма мења тежиште, односно просторни концепт. Предео није више само резерват културне и природне баштине који треба конзервирати у затеченој слици, већ је холистички, хибридни, ентитет природних, културних и социјалних вредности који се мења и развија. Као такав он постаје предмет истраживања. Овим радом су понуђени елементи за грађу другачијег концепта планирања - планирања кроз предео. Настао је као модел примене нове парадигме којом су дефинисани просторни концепт и планерски принципи. Парадигма интегрише научнe принципe: предеоне екологије, естетике предела као система и принципе комуникативног планирања у оквирима предела (као просторног концепта). У хеуристичком смислу, обједињена је дескриптивна и прескриптивна теорија планирања, а решавање научних проблема и задатака заснива се на: концепту предела као целине, трансдисциплинарности у истраживачком приступу и карактеру предела као новој вредности (јавно добро)у систему планирања. У интерпретацији новог концепта планирања, питања просторног развоја воде ка опредељењу за тип односно карактер будућег предела, који је јавно добро и јавни интерес, у који су уграђени циљеви свих сектора (становања, индустрије, пољопривреде, шумарства, енергетике, заштите животне средине, природног и културног наслеђа...). Степен интегративности и холизма нас може определити у закључку да се понуђени односно могући концепт умногоме разликује од постојећег. А да ли је и основа за планирање бољих и лепших предела питање је непредвидљивости будућег развоја планирања уопште. С обзиром на искуства вечите потраге за моделом интегралног планирања, као и неизвесности у ком се планирање креће, отворена су нова питања и дилеме...The problem of defining the basis to the concept of landscape planning as an instrument of spatial development in Serbia is the central issue that this thesis deals with. The basic thesis that initiated this study consideres that the ideas underlying the existing landscape planning (especially in Serbia) are not the ideas valid at the present time any more. Global processes have created a new environment for nowadays planning: planning for landscape is outdated. The current theoretical paradigm changes the focus or spatial concept. The landscape is no longer only a reserve of cultural and natural heritage that should be preserved in the same state, but it is a holistic, hybrid entity of natural, cultural and social values, which has been changing and evolving through time, and as such, becomes the subject of research. This paper provides elements for creating a different concept of planning through landscape, as an application model of the new paradigm that defines the spatial concept and planning principles. It integrates the application of scientific principles: landscape ecology, landscape aesthetics as a system and principles of communicative planning within the landscape as a spatial concept. In heuristic terms, descriptive and prescriptive theories of planning are unified, and solving scientific problems and tasks is based on: the concept of landscape as a whole, transdisciplinarity in research approach and landscape character as a new value in the planning system but also in an integral interpretation of knowledge about landscape. Spatial development issues in the interpretation of the new concept of planning, lead to the determination of type and character of the future landscape, which is public benefit and public interest, and where the objectives of all sectors are incorporated (housing, industry, agriculture, forestry, energy, environmental protection, natural and cultural heritage, ...). Level of integration and holism can prompt us towards the conclusion that offered or possible concept veries significantly from the existing one. And whether that concept is the basis for better planning and more beautiful landscapes, is the question of unpredictability of future development of planning in general. New questions and dilemmas have been raised, as it could have been predicted, given the experiences of the eternal search of an integrated planning model as well as the uncertainty of the planning itself..

    Plasma and Sol-Gel Technology for Creating Nanostructured Surfaces of Fibrous Polymers

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    For a modification of natural and synthetic fibrous polymers low-pressure ICRF plasma and liquid repellent sol-gel fluoroalkyl-functional siloxane precursor were used. Plasma induced surface chemical and morphological changes on fluorinated poly(ethylene terephthalate) and cellulose were analysed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Wettability properties of sol-gel functionalized polymers were determined by the goniometric water contact angles and water sliding angle measurements. After plasma treatment the oxygen content on the surface of both polymers increased (increase of O/C ratio) and a nanostructured surface roughness appeared. Plasma ablation caused partially defluorinated nanostructured surface of fluorinated poly(ethylene terephthalate) polymer and increased its hydrophilicity. Plasma activation and etching of cellulose polymer contributed to the creation of highly adhesive and wash resistant sol-gel coating with superhydrophobic, oleophobic and self-cleaning properties. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3539

    Effect of Mineral Nutrition on Red Clover Leaf Area Index

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    The legume red clover (Trifolium pratense) fixes its own nitrogen (N), but requires P and K fertilisation. There are no recent reliable data in the domestic literature, on the amounts of P and K recommended to farmers; present recommendations are often either inadequate or excessive. Red clover mineral nutrition is significantly affected by soil and weather conditions (Taylor & Quesenberry, 1996). The objective of our twoyear study was to enable rational fertiliser application in accordance with soil type and agro ecological conditions

    Agronomic Characteristics of Novi Sad Winter Vetch Cultivars

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    Genus Vicia. contains important annual food and forage species such as field bean, V. faba., narbon vetch, V. narbonensis, and common vetch, V. sativa (Maxted, 1995), while Hungarian V. pannonica Crantz and hairy vetch V. villosa also play an important role in the Balkans. Winter vetches are excellent forage catch crops useful for sustainable agriculture and organic farming (Ċupina et al., 2004). Our study was aimed at determining the agronomic characteristics of the winter vetch cultivars developed in Novi Sad, assessing thus their ability for successful growing in the prevailing conditions of Serbia and Montenegro

    Dilatometer as a scientific tool

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    Dilatometry is defined as the dimensional change of a solid specimen recorded during temperature schedule. Set of data obtained in such a manner are known as dilatogram. Dilatograms for different sort of materials represent an important trace for deduction of other materials properties than volume. Property parameters directly appointable from the dilatogram graph are: thermal expansion coefficient for the temperature interval, glass transition temperature, phasetransition temperature, sintering shrinkage and sintering temperature for maximal shrinkage rate, crystallization point temperature for amorphous bulk metallic glasses, defect annealing temperature. From dilatometric data we can also calculate more complex values such as the sintering activation energy, deduce sintering kinetic mechanisms, for the phase transition kinetic parameters and phase composition, defect concentration, materials thermal expansion coefficient at a particular temperature, solid state reaction kinetic parameters. Dilatometric devices regarding the construction are divided into contact and non contact ones, for they physically exert force on the specimen or not. Furthermore, contact dilatometric devices can be ascribed due to their construction as vertical and horizontal. This categorization leads to different and changeable contact force on the specimen. Vertical dilatometers usually use higher and temporarily changeable forces applied on the specimen. They can be, with suitable equipment, used for other mechanical properties determination than expansion, such as compressibility, tension or inflection. Non contact devices are divided into interferometric and optical. Interferometric ones use a two laser beams construction where for the length change measuring they count the number of wave lengths that are formed as a path difference between two beams. Optical devices, however, uses monochromatic light projected on the specimen that forms shadow recorded on an optical sensor. Obtained images are then analyzed for the specimen`s dimensional change

    Hemijski sastav lišća i stabljika divergentnih sorti lucerke

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    Alfalfa is a perennial crop that provides a higher yield of proteins per unit area than any field crop, which makes it highly desirable for the production of hay and feed for domestic animals (especially ruminants). The objective of this study was to determine the dry matter chemical composition in the whole plant, leaves and stems of five divergent alfalfa cultivars. Variations were found in the contents of proteins, hemicellulose, NDF, ADF, ADL, cellulose, and minerals depending on genotype and plant part. Significant differences existed between the cultivars in quality parameters, indicating that breeding for high alfalfa quality is justifiable.Lucerka je višegodišnja vrsta koja daje veći prinos proteina po jedinici površine od bilo koje ratarske kulture, pa je zbog toga veoma poželjna za proizvodnju sena i u ishrani domaćih životinja (posebno preživara). Cilj rada je bio da se odredi hemijski sastav suve materije lucerke kod pet divergentenih sorti lucerke u celoj biljci kao i u listu i stabljikama. Lucerka varira u sadržaju proteina, celuloze, hemiceluloze, NDF, ADF, ADL, i mineralnih materija u zavisnosti od genotipa i biljnog dela. Postoje značajne razlike u komponentama hranljive vrednosti lucerke između sorti što ukazuje da oplemenjivanje na veći kvalitet lucerke ima smisla

    Nickel Manganite-Sodium Alginate Nano-Biocomposite for Temperature Sensing

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    Nanocrystalline nickel manganite (NiMn2O4) powder with a pure cubic spinel phase structure was synthesized via sol-gel combustion and characterized with XRD, FT-IR, XPS and SEM. The powder was mixed with sodium alginate gel to form a nano-biocomposite gel, dried at room temperature to form a thick film and characterized with FT-IR and SEM. DC resistance and AC impedance of sensor test structures obtained by drop casting the nano-biocomposite gel onto test interdigitated PdAg electrodes on an alumina substrate were measured in the temperature range of 20-50 degrees C at a constant relative humidity (RH) of 50% and at room temperature (25 degrees C) in the RH range of 40-90%. The material constant obtained from the measured decrease in resistance with temperature was determined to be 4523 K, while the temperature sensitivity at room temperature (25 degrees C) was -5.09%/K. Analysis of the complex impedance plots showed a dominant influence of grains. The decrease in complex impedance with increase in temperature confirmed the negative temperature coefficient effect. The grain resistance and grain relaxation frequency were determined using an equivalent circuit. The activation energy for conduction was determined as 0.45 eV from the temperature dependence of the grain resistance according to the small polaron hopping model, while the activation energy for relaxation was 0.43 eV determined from the Arrhenius dependence of the grain relaxation frequency on temperature

    The effect of pH on visible-light photocatalytic properties of pseudobrookite nanoparticles

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    In this study, pseudobrookite (Fe2TiO5) nanoparticles were fabricated by a modified sol-gel method using Fe(NO3)39H2O and Ti(OC3H7)4 as starting reagents and ethanol as solvent. Oxalic acid was used as a chelating agent while cetyltrimethyammonium bromide (CTAB) and citric monohydrate were used as surfactants. Structral and morphological characterization using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) analysis confirmed the formation of pseudobrookite nanoparticles. As synthetized Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles were utilized as photocatalysts for decolorisation of Methylene blue (MB) under visible light irradiation. It was observed that the adsorption of MB onto Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles is strongly dependent on the solution pH. Maximum decolorozation was observed for Fe2TiO5 nanoparticles prepared with CTAB under alcaline conditions (pH=10.5)

    Nanocrystalline iron-manganite (FeMnO3) applied for humidity sensing

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    Nanocrystalline iron manganite was synthesized using a sol-gel self-combustion method with glycine as fuel, followed by calcination at 900 °C for 8 hours. Structural characterization was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). It confirmed the formation of nanocrystalline iron-manganite with a perovskite structure. Humidity sensing properties of bulk and thick film samples of the obtained nanocrystalline iron manganite powder were analyzed. Organic vehicles were added to the powder to form a thick film paste that was screen printed on alumina substrate with test PdAg interdigitated electrodes. Impedance response of bulk and thick film samples was analyzed in a humidity chamber in the relative humidity range 30-90% in the frequency range 42 Hz to 1 MHz in view of applying iron-manganite for humidity sensing applications

    Far-infrared spectroscopy of PbTe doped with iron

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    Far infrared reflection spectra, at room and liquid nitrogen temperature, of PbTe single crystals doped with iron are presented. Plasma minima were observed at about 160 cm–1 and 180 cm–1 for room and liquid nitrogen temperature, respectively. Using the reflectivity diagrams and their minima the values of the hole concentrations and their mobility at both temperatures were calculated and compared with galvanomagnetic measurements. All these results indicated that when PbTe is doped with a small concentration of Fe, the hole concentration is reduced by one order of magnitude and the free carrier mobility is larger when compared to pure PbTe