1,324 research outputs found

    In vitro comparison of antiviral drugs against feline herpesvirus 1

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    BACKGROUND: Feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1) is a common cause of respiratory and ocular disease in cats. Especially in young kittens that have not yet reached the age of vaccination, but already lost maternal immunity, severe disease may occur. Therefore, there is a need for an effective antiviral treatment. In the present study, the efficacy of six antiviral drugs, i.e. acyclovir, ganciclovir, cidofovir, foscarnet, adefovir and 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)-2, 6-diaminopurine (PMEDAP), against FHV-1 was compared in Crandell-Rees feline kidney (CRFK) cells using reduction in plaque number and plaque size as parameters. RESULTS: The capacity to reduce the number of plaques was most pronounced for ganciclovir, PMEDAP and cidofovir. IC(50 (NUMBER) )values were 3.2 μg/ml (12.5 μM), 4.8 μg/ml (14.3 μM) and 6 μg/ml (21.5 μM), respectively. Adefovir and foscarnet were intermediately efficient with an IC(50 (NUMBER) )of 20 μg/ml (73.2 μM) and 27 μg/ml (140.6 μM), respectively. Acyclovir was least efficient (IC(50 (NUMBER) )of 56 μg/ml or 248.7 μM). All antiviral drugs were able to significantly reduce plaque size when compared with the untreated control. As observed for the reduction in plaque number, ganciclovir, PMEDAP and cidofovir were most potent in reducing plaque size. IC(50 (SIZE) )values were 0.4 μg/ml (1.7 μM), 0.9 μg/ml (2.7 μM) and 0.2 μg/ml (0.7 μM), respectively. Adefovir and foscarnet were intermediately potent, with an IC(50 (SIZE) )of 4 μg/ml (14.6 μM) and 7 μg/ml (36.4 μM), respectively. Acyclovir was least potent (IC(50 (SIZE) )of 15 μg/ml or 66.6 μM). The results demonstrate that the IC(50 (SIZE) )values were notably lower than the IC(50 (NUMBER) )values. The most remarkable effect was observed for cidofovir and ganciclovir. None of the products were toxic for CRFK cells at antiviral concentrations. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, measuring reduction in plaque number and plaque size are two valuable and complementary means of assessing the efficacy of an antiviral drug. By using these parameters for six selected antiviral drugs, we found that ganciclovir, PMEDAP, and cidofovir are the most potent inhibitors of FHV-1 replication in CRFK cells. Therefore, they may be valuable candidates for the treatment of FHV-1 infection in cats

    Waardevol - Indicatoren voor Valorisatie

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    Het rapport Waardevol – Indicatoren voor valorisatie biedt kennisinstellingen, wetenschapsfinanciers en kennisgebruikers een gemeenschappelijk kader voor valorisatie. De methode werkt met valorisatiekaarten waarmee betrokken organisaties systematisch kunnen monitoren hoe groot de valorisatie-inspanningen zijn, wat de opbrengsten zijn en welke mogelijkheden voor verbetering er zijn. Het gebruik van valorisatiekaarten zal helpen om het inzicht te vergroten in wat publieke kennisinstellingen, wetenschapsfinanciers en bedrijfsleven nu al doen aan valorisatie.

    Cosmological diagrammatic rules

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    A simple set of diagrammatic rules is formulated for perturbative evaluation of ``in-in" correlators, as is needed in cosmology and other nonequilibrium problems. These rules are both intuitive, and efficient for calculational purposes.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Low Motor Assessment: A Comparative Pilot Study with Young Children With and Without Motor Impairment

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    Most of the developmental instruments that measure cognitive development in children rely heavily on fine motor skills, especially for young children whose language skills are not yet well developed. This is problematic when evaluating the cognitive development of young children with motor impairment. The purpose of this study is to assess the need for a Low Motor adapation of a standardized instrument when testing children with motor impairment. To accomplish this, we have adapted the procedures, item instructions and play material of a widely used and standardized instrument, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-Second Edition (BSID-II, Bayley 1993). The Original and the Low Motor versions were administered to 20 children experiencing typical development and 19 children with motor impairment within a period of two weeks. Results showed that children with motor impairments scored significantly higher on the Low Motor version of the Bayley Mental Scale than on the Original version: a difference of between 5 and 10 points when the score is expressed in terms of a developmental index score. Results from children with typical development support the assumption that item content and difficulty remain unchanged in the Low Motor version

    Штанги для горизонтально направленного бурения

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    В статті наведено технічні дані про конструкцію та експлуатаційні вимоги до бурових штанг горизонтально спрямованого буріння свердловин

    Verstand op Veilig: de waarde van publieke kennisinstellingen voor de veiligheid van Nederland

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    Kennisinstellingen met een taak op het gebied van publieke veiligheid hebben de afgelopen jaren allerlei afgeleide activiteiten ontwikkeld. Dit leidt de aandacht af van hun kerntaken. Expertise waar weinig vraag naar is, dreigt te verdwijnen. De aandacht voor lange termijn-vraagstukken neemt af. Dat concludeert het Rathenau Instituut in het rapport “Verstand op Veilig”, over het KNMI, RIKILT, NFI en het NVI

    Early Transcriptome Response of Lactococcus lactis to Environmental Stresses Reveals Differentially Expressed Small Regulatory RNAs and tRNAs

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    Bacteria can deploy various mechanisms to combat environmental stresses. Many genes have previously been identified in Lactococcus lactis that are involved in sensing the stressors and those that are involved in regulating and mounting a defense against the stressful conditions. However, the expression of small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) during industrially relevant stress conditions has not been assessed yet in L. lactis, while sRNAs have been shown to be involved in many stress responses in other bacteria. We have previously reported the presence of hundreds of putative regulatory RNAs in L. lactis, and have used high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) in this study to assess their expression under six different stress conditions. The uniformly designed experimental set-up enabled a highly reliable comparison between the different stress responses and revealed that many sRNAs are differentially expressed under the conditions applied. The primary stress responses of L. lactis NCDO712 was benchmarked to earlier work and, for the first time, the differential expression was assessed of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and the genes from the six recently sequenced plasmids of NCDO712. Although, we only applied stresses for 5 min, the majority of the well-known specific stress-induced genes are already differentially expressed. We find that most tRNAs decrease after all stresses applied, except for a small number, which are increased upon cold stress. Starvation was shown to induce the highest differential response, both in terms of number and expression level of genes. Our data pinpoints many novel stress-related uncharacterized genes and sRNAs, which calls for further assessment of their molecular and cellular function. These insights furthermore could impact the way parameters are designed for bacterial culture production and milk fermentation, as we find that very short stress conditions already greatly alter gene expression

    The impact of roughness elements on sediment fluxes in coastal dunes and dune valleys: solving the puzzle for Spanjaards Duin

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    In 2009 a new dune area called Spanjaards Duin was constructed in front of the Delfland Coast. Spanjaards Duin was created as a compensation measure for the expected increase in nitrogen deposition from the expansion of the Rotterdam harbour (Maasvlakte 2). The predefined compensation goal is to reach 6 ha of moist dune slack vegetation and 10 ha of dry grey dune in 2033. This is pursued by creating favourable abiotic conditions for natural vegetation establishment (van der Meulen et al., 2014). Sediment fluxes affect establishment and growth of vegetation and shape the dune landscape. Therefore, there is need to know how sediment fluxes behave in Spanjaards Duin