2,178 research outputs found

    CMB map derived from the WMAP data through Harmonic Internal Linear Combination

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    We are presenting an Internal Linear Combination (ILC) CMB map, in which the foreground is reduced through harmonic variance minimization. We have derived our method by converting a general form of pixel-space approach into spherical harmonic space, maintaining full correspondence. By working in spherical harmonic space, spatial variability of linear weights is incorporated in a self-contained manner and our linear weights are continuous functions of position over the entire sky. The full correspondence to pixel-space approach enables straightforward physical interpretation on our approach. In variance minimization of a linear combination map, the existence of a cross term between residual foregrounds and CMB makes the linear combination of minimum variance differ from that of minimum foreground. We have developed an iterative foreground reduction method, where perturbative correction is made for the cross term. Our CMB map derived from the WMAP data is in better agreement with the WMAP best-fit Λ\LambdaCDM model than the WMAP team's Internal Linear Combination map. We find that our method's capacity to clean foreground is limited by the availability of enough spherical harmonic coefficients of good Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).Comment: The whole sky CMB map, which is derived from the WMAP 5 year data through our method, is available in HEALPix FITS format at http://www.nbi.dk/~jkim/hilc The paper with higher resolution images also available at http://www.nbi.dk/~jkim/hil

    Planck Observations of M33

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    We have performed a comprehensive investigation of the global integrated flux density of M33 from radio to ultraviolet wavelengths, finding that the data between ∼\sim100 GHz and 3 THz are accurately described by a single modified blackbody curve with a dust temperature of TdustT_\mathrm{dust} = 21.67±\pm0.30 K and an effective dust emissivity index of βeff\beta_\mathrm{eff} = 1.35±\pm0.10, with no indication of an excess of emission at millimeter/sub-millimeter wavelengths. However, sub-dividing M33 into three radial annuli, we found that the global emission curve is highly degenerate with the constituent curves representing the sub-regions of M33. We also found gradients in TdustT_\mathrm{dust} and βeff\beta_\mathrm{eff} across the disk of M33, with both quantities decreasing with increasing radius. Comparing the M33 dust emissivity with that of other Local Group members, we find that M33 resembles the Magellanic Clouds rather than the larger galaxies, i.e., the Milky Way and M31. In the Local Group sample, we find a clear correlation between global dust emissivity and metallicity, with dust emissivity increasing with metallicity. A major aspect of this analysis is the investigation into the impact of fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) on the integrated flux density spectrum of M33. We found that failing to account for these CMB fluctuations would result in a significant over-estimate of TdustT_\mathrm{dust} by ∼\sim5 K and an under-estimate of βeff\beta_\mathrm{eff} by ∼\sim0.4.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    \u3cem\u3eWest Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency\u3c/em\u3e: The Agency\u27s Climate Authority

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    On February 28, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the landmark West Virginia v. EPA case, involving the scope of powers delegated to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the Clean Air Act. The Court’s decision will affect administrative law, and could have major consequences for environmental law, particularly the Agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and take action on climate change. On March 1, the Environmental Law Institute hosted a panel of leading experts to discuss the case, the arguments, and what form the decision may take. Below, we present a transcript of that discussion, which has been edited for style, clarity, and space considerations

    Correlations, fluctuations and stability of a finite-size network of coupled oscillators

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    The incoherent state of the Kuramoto model of coupled oscillators exhibits marginal modes in mean field theory. We demonstrate that corrections due to finite size effects render these modes stable in the subcritical case, i.e. when the population is not synchronous. This demonstration is facilitated by the construction of a non-equilibrium statistical field theoretic formulation of a generic model of coupled oscillators. This theory is consistent with previous results. In the all-to-all case, the fluctuations in this theory are due completely to finite size corrections, which can be calculated in an expansion in 1/N, where N is the number of oscillators. The N -> infinity limit of this theory is what is traditionally called mean field theory for the Kuramoto model.Comment: 25 pages (2 column), 12 figures, modifications for resubmissio

    B polarization of the CMB from Faraday rotation

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    We study the effect of Faraday rotation due to a homogeneous magnetic field on the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Scalar fluctuations give rise only to parity-even E-type polarization of the CMB. However in the presence of a magnetic field, a non-vanishing parity-odd B-type polarization component is produced through Faraday rotation. We derive the exact solution for the E and B modes generated by scalar perturbations including the Faraday rotation effect of a uniform magnetic field, and evaluate their cross-correlations with temperature anisotropies. We compute the angular autocorrelation function of the B-modes in the limit that the Faraday rotation is small. We find that primordial magnetic fields of present strength around B0=10−9B_0=10^{-9}G rotate E-modes into B-modes with amplitude comparable to those due to the weak gravitational lensing effect at frequencies around ν=30\nu=30 GHz. The strength of B-modes produced by Faraday rotation scales as B0/ν2B_0/\nu^2. We evaluate also the depolarizing effect of Faraday rotation upon the cross correlation between temperature anisotropy and E-type polarization.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Minor changes to match the published versio

    Dysphagia lusoria in children

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    Statistical Properties of Galactic Starlight Polarization

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    We present a statistical analysis of Galactic interstellar polarization from the largest compilation available of starlight data. The data comprises ~ 9300 stars of which we have selected ~ 5500 for our analysis. We find a nearly linear growth of mean polarization degree with extinction. The amplitude of this correlation shows that interstellar grains are not fully aligned with the Galactic magnetic field, which can be interpreted as the effect of a large random component of the field. In agreement with earlier studies of more limited scope, we estimate the ratio of the uniform to the random plane-of-the-sky components of the magnetic field to be B_u/B_r = 0.8. Moreover, a clear correlation exists between polarization degree and polarization angle what provides evidence that the magnetic field geometry follows Galactic structures on large-scales. The angular power spectrum C_l of the starlight polarization degree for Galactic plane data (|b| < 10 deg) is consistent with a power-law, C_l ~ l^{-1.5} (where l ~ 180 deg/\theta is the multipole order), for all angular scales \theta > 10 arcmin. An investigation of sparse and inhomogeneous sampling of the data shows that the starlight data analyzed traces an underlying polarized continuum that has the same power spectrum slope, C_l ~ l^{-1.5}. Our findings suggest that starlight data can be safely used for the modeling of Galactic polarized continuum emission at other wavelengths.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures. Minor corrections and some clarifications included. Matches version accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journa

    Photoperiod-Dependent Expression of MicroRNA in Drosophila.

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    Like many other insects in temperate regions, Drosophila melanogaster exploits the photoperiod shortening that occurs during the autumn as an important cue to trigger a seasonal response. Flies survive the winter by entering a state of reproductive arrest (diapause), which drives the relocation of resources from reproduction to survival. Here, we profiled the expression of microRNA (miRNA) in long and short photoperiods and identified seven differentially expressed miRNAs (dme-mir-2b, dme-mir-11, dme-mir-34, dme-mir-274, dme-mir-184, dme-mir-184*, and dme-mir-285). Misexpression of dme-mir-2b, dme-mir-184, and dme-mir-274 in pigment-dispersing, factor-expressing neurons largely disrupted the normal photoperiodic response, suggesting that these miRNAs play functional roles in photoperiodic timing. We also analyzed the targets of photoperiodic miRNA by both computational predication and by Argonaute-1-mediated immunoprecipitation of long- and short-day RNA samples. Together with global transcriptome profiling, our results expand existing data on other Drosophila species, identifying genes and pathways that are differentially regulated in different photoperiods and reproductive status. Our data suggest that post-transcriptional regulation by miRNA is an important facet of photoperiodic timing

    H2CO and CH3OH maps of the Orion Bar photodissociation region

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    A previous analysis of methanol and formaldehyde towards the Orion Bar concluded that the two molecular species may trace different physical components, methanol the clumpy material, and formaldehyde the interclump medium. To verify this hypothesis, we performed multi-line mapping observations of the two molecules to study their spatial distributions. The observations were performed with the IRAM-30m telescope at 218 and 241 GHz, with an angular resolution of ~11''. Additional data for H2CO from the Plateau de Bure array are also discussed. The data were analysed using an LVG approach. Both molecules are detected in our single-dish data. Our data show that CH3OH peaks towards the clumps of the Bar, but its intensity decreases below the detection threshold in the interclump material. When averaging over a large region of the interclump medium, the strongest CH3OH line is detected with a peak intensity of ~0.06K. Formaldehyde also peaks on the clumps, but it is also detected in the interclump gas. We verified that the weak intensity of CH3OH in the interclump medium is not caused by the different excitation conditions of the interclump material, but reflects a decrease in the column density of methanol. The abundance of CH3OH relative to H2CO decreases by at least one order of magnitude from the dense clumps to the interclump medium.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    CI observations in the CQ Tau proto-planetary disk: evidence for a very low gas-to-dust ratio ?

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    Gas and dust dissipation processes of proto-planetary disks are hardly known. Transition disks between Class II (proto-planetary disks) and Class III (debris disks) remain difficult to detect. We investigate the carbon chemistry of the peculiar CQ Tau gas disk. It is likely a transition disk because it exhibits weak CO emission with a relatively strong millimeter continuum, indicating that the disk might be currently dissipating its gas content. We used APEX to observe the two CI lines at 492GHz and 809 GHz in the disk orbiting CQ Tau. We compare the observations to several chemical model predictions. We focus our study on the influence of the stellar UV radiation shape and gas-to-dust ratio. We did not detect the CI lines. However, our upper limits are deep enough to exclude high-CI models. The only available models compatible with our limits imply very low gas-to-dust ratio, of the order of a few, only. These observations strengthen the hypothesis that CQ Tau is likely a transition disk and suggest that gas disappears before dust.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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