535 research outputs found

    Ligand Similarity Complements Sequence, Physical Interaction, and Co-Expression for Gene Function Prediction

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    The expansion of protein-ligand annotation databases has enabled large-scale networking of proteins by ligand similarity. These ligand-based protein networks, which implicitly predict the ability of neighboring proteins to bind related ligands, may complement biologically-oriented gene networks, which are used to predict functional or disease relevance. To quantify the degree to which such ligand-based protein associations might complement functional genomic associations, including sequence similarity, physical protein-protein interactions, co-expression, and disease gene annotations, we calculated a network based on the Similarity Ensemble Approach (SEA: sea.docking.org), where protein neighbors reflect the similarity of their ligands. We also measured the similarity with functional genomic networks over a common set of 1,131 genes, and found that the networks had only small overlaps, which were significant only due to the large scale of the data. Consistent with the view that the networks contain different information, combining them substantially improved Molecular Function prediction within GO (from AUROC~0.63-0.75 for the individual data modalities to AUROC~0.8 in the aggregate). We investigated the boost in guilt-by-association gene function prediction when the networks are combined and describe underlying properties that can be further exploited

    Identifying mechanism-of-action targets for drugs and probes

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    Notwithstanding their key roles in therapy and as biological probes, 7% of approved drugs are purported to have no known primary target, and up to 18% lack a well-defined mechanism of action. Using a chemoinformatics approach, we sought to “de-orphanize” drugs that lack primary targets. Surprisingly, targets could be easily predicted for many: Whereas these targets were not known to us nor to the common databases, most could be confirmed by literature search, leaving only 13 Food and Drug Administration—approved drugs with unknown targets; the number of drugs without molecular targets likely is far fewer than reported. The number of worldwide drugs without reasonable molecular targets similarly dropped, from 352 (25%) to 44 (4%). Nevertheless, there remained at least seven drugs for which reasonable mechanism-of-action targets were unknown but could be predicted, including the antitussives clemastine, cloperastine, and nepinalone; the antiemetic benzquinamide; the muscle relaxant cyclobenzaprine; the analgesic nefopam; and the immunomodulator lobenzarit. For each, predicted targets were confirmed experimentally, with affinities within their physiological concentration ranges. Turning this question on its head, we next asked which drugs were specific enough to act as chemical probes. Over 100 drugs met the standard criteria for probes, and 40 did so by more stringent criteria. A chemical information approach to drug-target association can guide therapeutic development and reveal applications to probe biology, a focus of much current interest

    Defective Synapse Maturation and Enhanced Synaptic Plasticity in Shank2 Δex7-/- Mice

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental disorders with a strong genetic etiology. Since mutations in human SHANK genes have been found in patients with autism, genetic mouse models are used for a mechanistic understanding of ASDs and the development of therapeutic strategies. SHANKs are scaffold proteins in the postsynaptic density of mammalian excitatory synapses with proposed functions in synaptogenesis, regulation of dendritic spine morphology, and instruction of structural synaptic plasticity. In contrast to all studies so far on the function of SHANK proteins, we have previously observed enhanced synaptic plasticity in Shank2 Δex7-/- mice. In a series of experiments, we now reproduce these results, further explore the synaptic phenotype, and directly compare our model to the independently generated Shank2 Δex6-7-/- mice. Minimal stimulation experiments reveal that Shank2 Δex7-/- mice possess an excessive fraction of silent (i.e., α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, short, AMPA receptor lacking) synapses. The synaptic maturation deficit emerges during the third postnatal week and constitutes a plausible mechanistic explanation for the mutants' increased capacity for long-term potentiation, both in vivo and in vitro. A direct comparison with Shank2 Δex6-7-/- mice adds weight to the hypothesis that both mouse models show a different set of synaptic phenotypes, possibly due to differences in their genetic background. These findings add to the diversity of synaptic phenotypes in neurodevelopmental disorders and further support the supposed existence of "modifier genes" in the expression and inheritance of ASDs

    Structure-inspired design of β-arrestin-biased ligands for aminergic GPCRs

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    Development of biased ligands targeting G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is a promising approach for current drug discovery. Although structure-based drug design of biased agonists remains challenging even with an abundance of GPCR crystal structures, we present an approach for translating GPCR structural data into β-arrestin-biased ligands for aminergic GPCRs. We identified specific amino acid-ligand contacts at transmembrane helix 5 (TM5) and extracellular loop 2 (EL2) responsible for Gi/o and β-arrestin signaling, respectively, and targeted those residues to develop biased ligands. For these ligands, we found that bias is conserved at other aminergic GPCRs that retain similar residues at TM5 and EL2. Our approach provides a template for generating arrestin-biased ligands by modifying predicted ligand interactions that block TM5 interactions and promote EL2 interactions. This strategy may facilitate the structure-guided design of arrestin-biased ligands at other GPCRs, including polypharmacological biased ligands

    The synaptic scaffold protein MPP2 interacts with GABA(A) receptors at the periphery of the postsynaptic density of glutamatergic synapses

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    Recent advances in imaging technology have highlighted that scaffold proteins and receptors are arranged in subsynaptic nanodomains. The synaptic membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffold protein membrane protein palmitoylated 2 (MPP2) is a component of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor-associated protein complexes and also binds to the synaptic cell adhesion molecule SynCAM 1. Using superresolution imaging, we show that-like SynCAM 1-MPP2 is situated at the periphery of the postsynaptic density (PSD). In order to explore MPP2-associated protein complexes, we used a quantitative comparative proteomics approach and identified multiple γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(A) receptor subunits among novel synaptic MPP2 interactors. In line with a scaffold function for MPP2 in the assembly and/or modulation of intact GABA(A) receptors, manipulating MPP2 expression had effects on inhibitory synaptic transmission. We further show that GABA(A) receptors are found together with MPP2 in a subset of dendritic spines and thus highlight MPP2 as a scaffold that serves as an adaptor molecule, linking peripheral synaptic elements critical for inhibitory regulation to central structures at the PSD of glutamatergic synapses

    Combinatorial Computational Approaches to Identify Tetracycline Derivatives as Flavivirus Inhibitors

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    Limited structural information of drug targets, cellular toxicity possessed by lead compounds, and large amounts of potential leads are the major issues facing the design-oriented approach of discovering new leads. In an attempt to tackle these issues, we have developed a process of virtual screening based on the observation that conformational rearrangements of the dengue virus envelope protein are essential for the mediation of viral entry into host cells via membrane fusion. Screening was based solely on the structural information of the Dengue virus envelope protein and was focused on a target site that is presumably important for the conformational rearrangements necessary for viral entry. To circumvent the issue of lead compound toxicity, we performed screening based on molecular docking using structural databases of medical compounds. To enhance the identification of hits, we further categorized and selected candidates according to their novel structural characteristics. Finally, the selected candidates were subjected to a biological validation assay to assess inhibition of Dengue virus propagation in mammalian host cells using a plaque formation assay. Among the 10 compounds examined, rolitetracycline and doxycycline significantly inhibited plaque formation, demonstrating their inhibitory effect on dengue virus propagation. Both compounds were tetracycline derivatives with IC(50)s estimated to be 67.1 µM and 55.6 µM, respectively. Their docked conformations displayed common hydrophobic interactions with critical residues that affected membrane fusion during viral entry. These interactions will therefore position the tetracyclic ring moieties of both inhibitors to bind firmly to the target and, subsequently, disrupt conformational rearrangement and block viral entry. This process can be applied to other drug targets in which conformational rearrangement is critical to function

    Stability of Self-Assembled Polymeric Micelles in Serum

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    The stability of polymeric nanoparticles in serum is critical to their use in drug delivery where dilution after intravenous injection often results in nanoparticle disassembly and drug unloading; however, few investigate this in biologically relevant media. To gain greater insight into nanoparticle stability in blood, the stability of self-assembled polymeric micelles of poly(d,l-lactide-co-2-methyl-2-carboxytrimethylene carbonate)-g-poly(ethylene glycol), P(LA-co-TMCC)-g-PEG, were tested in both serum and individual serum protein solutions. By encapsulating Förster resonance energy transfer pairs and following their release by fluorescence, these micelles demonstrated excellent thermodynamic and kinetic stability in the presence of serum. Further analyses by fast protein liquid chromatography and dynamic light scattering confirmed these data. Moreover, these micelles are compatible with red blood cells, as shown by a hemolysis assay. The stability and compatibility demonstrated in blood suggest that these micelles may be stable in vivo, which is critical for intravenous drug delivery applications. This comprehensive approach to understanding micelle stability and compatibility is broadly applicable

    Complementarity Between a Docking and a High-Throughput Screen in Discovering New Cruzain Inhibitors†

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    Virtual and high-throughput screens (HTS) should have complementary strengths and weaknesses, but studies that prospectively and comprehensively compare them are rare. We undertook a parallel docking and HTS screen of 197861 compounds against cruzain, a thiol protease target for Chagas disease, looking for reversible, competitive inhibitors. On workup, 99 % of the hits were eliminated as false positives, yielding 146 well-behaved, competitive ligands. These fell into five chemotypes: two were prioritized by scoring among the top 0.1 % of the docking-ranked library, two were prioritized by behavior in the HTS and by clustering, and one chemotype was prioritized by both approaches. Determination of an inhibitor/cruzain crystal structure and comparison of the high-scoring docking hits to experiment illuminated the origins of docking false-negatives and false-positives. Prioritizing molecules that are both predicted by docking and are HTS-active yields well-behaved molecules, relatively unobscured by the false-positives to which both techniques are individually prone

    Structure-Based Discovery of A2A Adenosine Receptor Ligands

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    The recent determination of X-ray structures of pharmacologically relevant GPCRs has made these targets accessible to structure-based ligand discovery. Here we explore whether novel chemotypes may be discovered for the A(2A) adenosine receptor, based on complementarity to its recently determined structure. The A(2A) adenosine receptor signals in the periphery and the CNS, with agonists explored as anti-inflammatory drugs and antagonists explored for neurodegenerative diseases. We used molecular docking to screen a 1.4 million compound database against the X-ray structure computationally and tested 20 high-ranking, previously unknown molecules experimentally. Of these 35% showed substantial activity with affinities between 200 nM and 9 microM. For the most potent of these new inhibitors, over 50-fold specificity was observed for the A(2A) versus the related A(1) and A(3) subtypes. These high hit rates and affinities at least partly reflect the bias of commercial libraries toward GPCR-like chemotypes, an issue that we attempt to investigate quantitatively. Despite this bias, many of the most potent new ligands were novel, dissimilar from known ligands, providing new lead structures for modulation of this medically important target