763 research outputs found

    Le cochon dans les listes lexicales: quelles logiques de classement?

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    International audienceÀ François Poplin, en témoignage amical de Michelion Dans une ferme un jour un cochon vadrouilla Dans la cuisine et l'écurie il se gouilla Fumier, déchets tripatouilla, L'eau grasse jusqu'aux oreilles il barbouilla, Et puis revint céans, Cochon comme devant… " Le porc " (III, 16) M. Colin. Fables de Krylov. Traduction et commentaire. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1978. Pp. 69–70. La place des suidés (la famille des cochons) dans les listes lexicales est complexe. Ces documents servaient d'abord à réfléchir sur les mots et les signes, mais ils révèlent aussi la perception du monde de ceux qui les ont élaborés. Ainsi, il a déjà été noté que le cochon, bien que domestiqué depuis le IX e millénaire av. J.-C. au Proche-Orient, est classé dans la version canonique d'ur 5-ra parmi les animaux sauvages. 1 L'examen des listes lexicales du II e et du I er millénaire met en évidence la place ambiguë des cochons, presque toujours classés parmi les espèces sauvages, mais traités parfois d'une façon qui les assimile aux animaux domestiques. Les suidés côtoient dans les listes des animaux très divers, comme les ours, les ron-* B. Lion, Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, et C. Michel, CNRS. ArScAn-HAROC, Maison René-Ginouvès Archéologie et Ethnologie. 1 Ayant travaillé avec plusieurs collègues sur les suidés à l'occasion d'un col-loque (Lion–Michel 2006), nous avons souhaité approfondir ce point. Et puisque les Pr. Kogan et Militarev ont consacré plusieurs publications aux noms d'ani-maux, la 53 e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale à Moscou et Saint-Péters-bourg nous a semblé une occasion tout indiquée (SED II)

    Thermomechanical material modelling based on a hybrid free energy density depending on pressure, isochoric deformation and temperature

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    AbstractIn order to represent temperature-dependent mechanical material properties in a thermomechanical consistent manner it is common practice to start with the definition of a model for the specific Helmholtz free energy. Its canonical independent variables are the Green strain tensor and the temperature. But to represent calorimetric material properties under isobaric conditions, for example the exothermal behaviour of a curing process or the dependence of the specific heat on the temperature history, the temperature and the pressure should be taken as independent variables. Thus, in the field of calorimetry the Gibbs free energy is usually used as thermodynamic potential whereas in continuum mechanics the Helmholtz free energy is normally applied. In order to simplify the representation of calorimetric phenomena in continuum mechanics a hybrid free energy density is introduced. Its canonical independent variables are the isochoric Green strain tensor, the pressure and the temperature. It is related to the Helmholtz free energy density by a Legendre transformation. In combination with the additive split of the stress power into the sum of isochoric and volumetric terms this approach leads to thermomechanical consistent constitutive models for large deformations. The article closes with applications of this approach to finite thermoelasticity, curing adhesives and the glass transition

    An algebra for interaction of cyber-physical components

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    Modeling and analysis of cyber-physical systems are still challenging. One reason is that cyber-physical systems involve many different parts (cyber or physical), of different nature (discrete or continuous), and in constant interaction via sensing and actuating.For instance, consider a group of robots, each running a program that takes decision based on the sequence of sensor readings. The sensors that equip a robot return the current position of the robot and the position of any adjacent obstacle. The interactionoccurring between each robot in the group cannot be derived solely from the specification of individual robots. If the field on which the robots roam changes its property, the same group of robots might sense different values, and therefore take different actions. Also, the time at which a robot acts and senses will affect the decision of each controller and will change the resulting collective behavior.This thesis proposes a compositional approach to the design and programming of interacting cyber-physical components. We present an algebra that provides a novel perspective on modeling interaction of cyber-physical components. Using our algebraic framework, one can design a complex cyber-physical system by first designing each part, and then specifying how the parts interact. We formalized the relation between our abstract semantic model and an implementation written in Maude, a programming language based on rewriting logic. We present some applications, including safety and liveness properties of a system consisting of a set of robots, each equipped with a battery, running on a shared field.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Non-classical Photon Statistics For Two-mode Optical Fields

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    The non-classical property of subpoissonian photon statistics is extended from one to two-mode electromagnetic fields, incorporating the physically motivated property of invariance under passive unitary transformations. Applications to squeezed coherent states, squeezed thermal states, and superposition of coherent states are given. Dependences of extent of non-classical behaviour on the independent squeezing parameters are graphically displayed.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 5 figures, available by sending email to [email protected]

    How Intrapersonal Diversity Enhances Creativity: Leonardo da Vinci

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    Leonardo da Vinci died 500 years ago in 1519. One of the greatest polymaths in human history, in many ways he embodied a kind of diversity that contributed mightily to his creativity in areas integral to medicine, including anatomy, physiology, and pathology. To begin to understand and cultivate such diversity and creativity, we first need to contrast them with another understanding of diversity

    From symbolic constraint automata to Promela

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    In this paper, we study a subclass of constraint automata with local variables. The fragment denotes an executable subset of constraint automata for which synchronization and data constraints are expressed in an imperative guarded command style, instead of a denotational style as in the coordination language Reo. To demonstrate the executability property, we provide a translation scheme from symbolic constraint automata to Promela, the language of the model checker Spin. As a proof of concept, we model in Reo a software defined network circuit, and use the Spin model checker to verify that our model satisfies some temporal properties. (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    A semantic model for interacting cyber-physical systems

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    We propose a component-based semantic model for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) wherein the notion of a component abstracts the internal details of both cyber and physical processes, to expose a uniform semantic model of their externally observable behaviors expressed as sets of sequences of observations. We introduce algebraic operations on such sequences to model different kinds of component composition. These composition operators yield the externally observable behavior of their resulting composite components through specifications of interactions of the behaviors of their constituent components, as they, e.g., synchronize with or mutually exclude each other’s alternative behaviors. Our framework is expressive enough to allow articulation of properties that coordinate desired interactions among composed components within the framework, also as component behavior. We demonstrate the usefulness of our formalism through examples of coordination properties in a CPS consisting of two robots interacting through shared physical resources

    The Real Symplectic Groups in Quantum Mechanics and Optics

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    text of abstract (We present a utilitarian review of the family of matrix groups Sp(2n,)Sp(2n,\Re), in a form suited to various applications both in optics and quantum mechanics. We contrast these groups and their geometry with the much more familiar Euclidean and unitary geometries. Both the properties of finite group elements and of the Lie algebra are studied, and special attention is paid to the so-called unitary metaplectic representation of Sp(2n,)Sp(2n,\Re). Global decomposition theorems, interesting subgroups and their generators are described. Turning to nn-mode quantum systems, we define and study their variance matrices in general states, the implications of the Heisenberg uncertainty principles, and develop a U(n)-invariant squeezing criterion. The particular properties of Wigner distributions and Gaussian pure state wavefunctions under Sp(2n,)Sp(2n,\Re) action are delineated.)Comment: Review article 43 pages, revtex, no figures, replaced because somefonts were giving problem in autometic ps generatio

    Electrospray Micromixer Chip for On-Line Derivatization and Kinetic Studies

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    An electrospray microchip for mass spectrometry comprising an integrated passive mixer to carry out on-chip chemical derivatizations is described. The microchip fabricated using UV-photoablation is composed of two microchannels linked together by a liquid junction. Downstream of this liquid junction, a mixing unit made of parallel oblique grooves is integrated to the microchannel in order to create flow perturbations. Several mixer designs are evaluated. The mixer efficiency is investigated both by fluorescence study and mass spectrometric monitoring of the tagging reaction of cysteinyl peptides with 1,4-benzoquinone. The comparisons with a microchip without a mixing unit and a kinetic model are used to assess the efficiency of the mixer showing tagging kinetics close to that of bulk reactions in an ideally mixed reactor. As an ultimate application, the electrospray micromixer is implemented in a LC-MS workflow. Online derivatization of albumin tryptic peptides after a reversed-phase separation and counting of their cysteines drastically enhance the protein identification