4,254 research outputs found

    Improved Contrast Sensitivity DVS and its Application to Event-Driven Stereo Vision

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    This paper presents a new DVS sensor with one order of magnitude improved contrast sensitivity over previous reported DVSs. This sensor has been applied to a bio-inspired event-based binocular system that performs 3D event-driven reconstruction of a scene. Events from two DVS sensors are matched by using precise timing information of their ocurrence. To improve matching reliability, satisfaction of epipolar geometry constraint is required, and simultaneously available information on the orientation is used as an additional matching constraint.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PRI-PIMCHI-2011-0768Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2009-10639-C04-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-609

    Hierarchy of inequalities for quantitative duality

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    We derive different relations quantifying duality in a generic two-way interferometer. These relations set different upper bounds to the visibility V of the fringes measured at the output port of the interferometer. A hierarchy of inequalities is presented which exhibits the influence of the availability to the experimenter of different sources of which-way information contributing to the total distinguishability D of the ways. For mixed states and unbalanced interferometers an inequality is derived, V^2+ Xi^2 \leq 1, which can be more stringent than the one associated with the distinguishability (V^2+ D^2 \leq 1).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Nietzsche i l'escepticisme : assaig d'aclariment d'una pretesa contradicció

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    S'ha afirmat sovint que en matèria de teoria del coneixement, Nietzsche és un escèptic. En aquest article es fa un acurat repàs de l'obra nietzscheana a la cerca de les sentències en pro o en contra de l'escepticisme, on les posicions en contra d'aquest són especialment abundoses en contradicció amb aquelles interpretacions. En el curs d'aquest recorregut s'esbossa el concepte nietzscheà de filosofia i la diferència entre aquesta i la ciència. La tesi final és que Nietzsche considera l'escepticisme una condició necessària, però no suficient, de la vertadera filosofia, la filosofia sobirana i disciplinadora de la cultura. Així es dissoldrà la contradicció entre les interpretacions de l'autor com un escèptic i les que el consideren un antiescèptic.It has often been said that on the subject of the theory of knowledge Nietzsche was a sceptic. This article provides a careful review of Nietzsche's work, a search for statements both for and against scepticism which finds abundant evidence of a stance against it wich would thus conrradict this frequent interpretation. Nictzschean philosophy is outlined in the course of the paper and the differcnce between it and science is established. The final thesis is that Nietzsche considered scepticism to he a necessary but insufficient condition of true philosophy, the supremme and disciplinary philosophy of culture. Thus the contradiction between interpretations of the author as a sceptic or as an anti-sceptic will be dispelled

    Live Demonstration: Multiplexing AER Asynchronous Channels over LVDS Links with Flow-Control and Clock- Correction for Scalable Neuromorphic Systems

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    In this live demonstration we exploit the use of a serial link for fast asynchronous communication in massively parallel processing platforms connected to a DVS for realtime implementation of bio-inspired vision processing on spiking neural networks

    Coupling Between Thermal Oscillations in the Surface of a Micro-Cylinder and Vortex Shedding

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    his article studies the coupling between prescribed thermal oscillations in the surface of a micro-cylinder and vortex shedding. We deal with the unsteady, laminar, compressible flow regime where the aerodynamics forces have a periodic behavior. It is shown that appropriate spatial and time-dependent temperature oscillations on the surface of the micro-cylinder create a resonance that controls the amplitude and frequency of both lift and drag coefficients. In practice, what we study is a mechanism to modulate the amplitude and frequency of mechanical loads of aerodynamics origin in a micro-structure by using surface temperature fluctuations as the control parameter

    Experimental violation of a spin-1 Bell inequality using maximally-entangled four-photon states

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    We demonstrate the first experimental violation of a spin-1 Bell inequality. The spin-1 inequality is a calculation based on the Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt formalism. For entangled spin-1 particles the maximum quantum mechanical prediction is 2.552 as opposed to a maximum of 2, predicted using local hidden variables. We obtained an experimental value of 2.27 ±0.02\pm 0.02 using the four-photon state generated by pulsed, type-II, stimulated parametric down-conversion. This is a violation of the spin-1 Bell inequality by more than 13 standard deviations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Revtex4. Problem with figures resolve

    Quality of a Which-Way Detector

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    We introduce a measure Q of the "quality" of a quantum which-way detector, which characterizes its intrinsic ability to extract which-way information in an asymmetric two-way interferometer. The "quality" Q allows one to separate the contribution to the distinguishability of the ways arising from the quantum properties of the detector from the contribution stemming from a-priori which-way knowledge available to the experimenter, which can be quantified by a predictability parameter P. We provide an inequality relating these two sources of which-way information to the value of the fringe visibility displayed by the interferometer. We show that this inequality is an expression of duality, allowing one to trace the loss of coherence to the two reservoirs of which-way information represented by Q and P. Finally, we illustrate the formalism with the use of a quantum logic gate: the Symmetric Quanton-Detecton System (SQDS). The SQDS can be regarded as two qubits trying to acquire which way information about each other. The SQDS will provide an illustrating example of the reciprocal effects induced by duality between system and which-way detector.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Brane world corrections to scalar vacuum force in RSII-p

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    Vacuum force is an interesting low energy test for brane worlds due to its dependence on field's modes and its role in submillimeter gravity experiments. In this work we generalize a previous model example: the scalar field vacuum force between two parallel plates lying in the brane of a Randall-Sundrum scenario extended by pp compact dimensions (RSII-pp). Upon use of Green's function technique, for the massless scalar field, the 4D force is obtained from a zero mode while corrections turn out attractive and depend on the separation between plates as l(6+p)l^{-(6+p)}. For the massive scalar field a quasilocalized mode yields the 4D force with attractive corrections behaving like l(10+p)l^{-(10+p)}. Corrections are negligible w.r.t. 4D force for AdS(5+p)AdS_{(5+p)} radius less than 106\sim 10^{-6}m. Although the p=0p=0 case is not physically viable due to the different behavior in regard to localization for the massless scalar and electromagnetic fields it yields an useful comparison between the dimensional regularization and Green's function techniques as we describe in the discussion.Comment: 14 pages, v2: discussion clarified, reference adde