10,428 research outputs found

    Safey in Transportation: The Role of Government

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    The Defense of Entrapment in the Federal Courts

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    Since 1932, the defense of entrapment has been firmly established in the federal courts; however, the doctrine itself is replete with basic confusion. In recent years, this underlying confusion has prompted the development of disparate rules governing the scope and application of the defense

    Pleadings and Motions before Trial in Federal Criminal Procedure

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    Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure gave the Supreme Court Advisory Committee more drafting problems than any other rule. Professor Orfield, a member of the Advisory Committee, traces the rule\u27s development through its drafting stages, analyzes the case law which preceded it, and studies the courts\u27 treatment of the rule since its enactment

    Safey in Transportation: The Role of Government

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    Stora samhÀllsförÀndringar och ökande komplexitet inom vÀlfÀrdsomrÄdet stÀller allt högre krav pÄ verksamhets- och kunskapsutveckling. Denna utveckling tillsammans med krav frÄn staten om samverkan mellan forskning och samhÀlle (Högskoleverket 2003; Statskontoret 2011) medför ett ökande behov av att tydligare knyta samman forskning och praktik. Kapitlets syfte Àr dels att argumentera för behovet av att knyta samman forskning inom vÀlfÀrdsomrÄdet med utvecklingsarbete i kommunernas verksamheter och dels att diskutera hur den internationellt etablerade forskningstraditionen praktikforskning kan erbjuda ett förhÄllningssÀtt och ett verktyg i detta arbete. Texten utgör ett exempel pÄ kommunstrategisk forskning med fokus pÄ socialtjÀnstens omrÄde, men resonemanget torde vara relevant för stora delar av vÀlfÀrdsomrÄdet

    The Hearsay Rule in Federal Criminal Cases - Part Two

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    Active Facilitation: What Do Specialists Need to Know and How Might They Learn It?

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    Sustained, innovative professional development is now widely acknowledged as essential to the improvement of mathematics instruction in the nation’s schools. In recent years, this recognition has prompted the production of a variety of materials designed to support new teacher development programs. However, with the availability of such materials, serious concerns arise as to the kinds of knowledge required of professional development providers, often teachers who have been assigned Mathematics Specialist roles, and the means by which this knowledge is to be acquired. The authors of this paper address such questions in the context of one professional development seminar, Developing Mathematical Ideas [1]. Our paper builds on the research of Remillard and Geist who identify the potential for learning in those moments of discontinuity—“openings in the curriculum —in which the beliefs, knowledge, and commitments of seminar participants diverge from those of facilitators or materials developers [2]. By looking closely at several such moments. we establish how successful facilitation entails deep content knowledge, awareness of seminar goals, and appreciation of the beliefs and understandings of seminar participants. We then describe the kinds of supports available to DMI facilitators to help them cultivate the skills and knowledge needed to exploit these openings productively. While the paper focuses particularly on professional development seminars. we suggest that our conclusions apply to Mathematics Specialists‘ tasks more generally

    The development of the professional accreditation of conservator-restorers: a form of professional systems architecture.

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    The Professional Accreditation of Conservator-Restorers (PACR) is a practice-based professional qualifying framework developed by three United Kingdom associations representing practitioners in the conservation of cultural heritage. The author acted as project consultant for the development and implementation of PACR. To date, the PACR project has consisted of three cycles. The first established the basic principles of the framework through background research and consultation, and produced and trialled a provisional scheme. The second put the scheme into operation, gathered feedback, and made operational improvements. The third gathered further feedback from implementation, and included a small-scale evaluation to gauge initial impact and identify strategic issues. PACR represents a successful initiative by a small occupation to establish a robust and potentially respected credential, reinforcing its claim to be a credible profession. It has prompted a need for greater clarity about the nature and boundaries of the profession and routes into it, and is being followed up by work with the aim of creating a single conservation institute. Beyond conservation, it raises issues of access, qualification and continuing development that are relevant to other professions and professionalising occupations. As a practice-based assessment system it also offers some learning points relevant to the design and operation of UK National and Scottish Vocational Qualifications. The PACR project illustrates a form of systems architecture in which a structure is developed to set the parameters for future action. It has provided a vehicle for the author's development as a systems architect in the educational field, and contributed to his commitment to a particular style of consultancy, based on realisation systems and on development work as a source of knowledge and authority. This approach is well suited to a wide range of applications, ranging from learner support systems through to areas such as national qualification frameworks and lifelong learning policy

    Spherically symmetric model stellar atmospheres and limb darkening II: limb-darkening laws, gravity-darkening coefficients and angular diameter corrections for FGK dwarf stars

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    Limb darkening is a fundamental ingredient for interpreting observations of planetary transits, eclipsing binaries, optical/infrared interferometry and microlensing events. However, this modeling traditionally represents limb darkening by a simple law having one or two coefficients that have been derived from plane-parallel model stellar atmospheres, which has been done by many researchers. More recently, researchers have gone beyond plane-parallel models and considered other geometries. We previously studied the limb-darkening coefficients from spherically symmetric and plane-parallel model stellar atmospheres for cool giant and supergiant stars, and in this investigation we apply the same techniques to FGK dwarf stars. We present limb-darkening coefficients, gravity-darkening coefficients and interferometric angular diameter corrections from Atlas and SAtlas model stellar atmospheres. We find that sphericity is important even for dwarf model atmospheres, leading to significant differences in the predicted coefficients.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Weighing wimps with kinks at colliders: invisible particle mass measurements from endpoints

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    We consider the application of endpoint techniques to the problem of mass determination for new particles produced at a hadron collider, where these particles decay to an invisible particle of unknown mass and one or more visible particles of known mass. We also consider decays of these types for pair-produced particles and in each case consider situations both with and without initial state radiation. We prove that, in most (but not all) cases, the endpoint of an appropriate transverse mass observable, considered as a function of the unknown mass of the invisible particle, has a kink at the true value of the invisible particle mass. The co-ordinates of the kink yield the masses of the decaying particle and the invisible particle. We discuss the prospects for implementing this method at the LHC
