19 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Kualitas Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah

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    : Management of local natural resources should be able to increase the opportunities for targeted area and an attractive investment destination. By GDRP of Central Java, the sectors that has high contributions are manufacturing sector and agricultural sector. In the industrial activities, the distribution of the resulting production of vehicles requiring any contribution of economic activity (especially industry) will lead to an increase in the number of motor vehicles. These conditions it will increase the amount of emissions produced from vehicle related to air pollution. This study aims at identifying the relationship between economic growth in Central Java Province with the quality of the environment through people perception. The method used in this study is using descriptive statistical analysis in identifying the level of economic growth and environmental degradation. Some of the findings and conclusions as follows: 1 ) Most people are not bothered by the decline in the quality of the environment, especially air quality so that the use of vehicles is increasing. 2) Low public participation in managing the environment around where they live , especially for people who are directly affected economy activities 3 ) Laboratory test results show the water is very polluted conditions with allegations of some industries that dump waste into the river

    The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a participative community singing programme as a health promotion initiative for older people: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background The growth in numbers of older people represents a considerable cost to health and social care services in the United Kingdom. There is an acknowledged need to address issues of social exclusion and both the physicial and mental health of this age group. In recent years there has been much interest in the potential contribution of the arts to the health of communities and individuals. There is some evidence that participative singing may be of benefit to older people, however studies to date are limited in number and have lacked rigour. There is therefore a need to build on this knowledge base to provide more quantifiable evidence of both effectiveness and cost efffectness of singing as a health intervention of this population group. Methods The proposed study is a pragmatic randomised controlled trial with two parallel arms. The primary hypothesis is that singing groups for older people improve both physical and mental aspects of qualaity of life when compared to usual activities. Potential participants will be volunteers over 60 years living in the community and recruited through publicity. Eligible and consenting participants will be randomized to either a singing group or a control group. Singing groups will take part in a twelve week planned programme of singing and control groups will continue with usual activities. The primary outcome measure will be the York SF-12, a health related quality of life measure which will be administered at baseline, three and six months after baseline. The study will evaluate both effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Discussion This study proposes to add to the exisiting body of evidence on the value of singing for older people by using a rigorous methodological design, which includes a power calucation, a standardised intervention and assessment of cost-effectiveness. It should be regarded as a stage in a progressive programme of studies in this area. If group singing is found to be effective and cost-effective it may offer an alternative means to maintaining the health of people in later life


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    <p class="IsiAbstract">The aims of this study are to analyze the causal relationship of public service provision (infrastructure), economic growth and tax inIndonesiaand to formulate the policy implications of causal link and infrastructure inIndonesia’s economic growth. The data used was time series data, from 1987 up to 2009. They were from many sources such as Government Expenditure (APBN), Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the International Financial Statistics (IFS). The method used is a causal analysis approach or the Granger causality. The findings of this study is that there is a direct relationship between GDP to infrastructure and the GDP to tax revenue. The conclusions of this study are Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can lead the availability of infrastructure (for example road length) in Indonesia,there is a causal connection between the economic growth and the tax revenue in Indonesia, andthe increased tax revenue will increase the availability of infrastructure, especially road.</p

    Asphyxie positionnelle: une cause de décès insuffisamment connue [Positional asphyxia, a cause of death insufficiently known].

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    Positional asphyxia (AP) is a fatal condition arising because of the adoption of particular body positions, causing mechanical interference. Consequences are important alveolar hypoventilation and cardiac hyperexcitability due to respiratory acidosis in combination with extensive liberation of catecholamine occurring in attracted individuals sustaining physical restrain. This syndrome can occur in various circumstances and is mostly observed in situations with physical restraint and in combination with excited delirium (ED). The diagnosis is essentially based on three criteria: body position obstructing normal breathable air exchange, impossibility to move to another position and exclusion of other causes of natural or violent death

    Asphyxie positionnelle: une cause de décès insuffisamment connue

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    L'asphyxie positionnelle (AP) est une entité fatale consistant en une entrave mécanique des mouvements respiratoires, due à la position du corps. Les conséquences en sont une hypoventilation alvéolaire importante et, le cas échéant, une hyperexcitabilité cardiaque. Cette dernière se produit en raison d'une acidose respiratoire associée à une libération massive de catécholamines lorsqu'un individu est entravé et soumis à une contrainte physique. Ainsi, ce syndrome, qui peut se produire lors de diverses circonstances, est surtout observé lors de contraintes physiques et en association avec un Excited delirium (ED). Le diagnostic de l'AP se base essentiellement sur trois critères : une position corporelle entravant l'échange normal de gaz, l'impossibilité de se libérer de cette position et l'exclusion d'autres causes possibles de décès

    Ruptured pseudo-aneurysm of a femoral artery in a drug abuser revealed by post-mortem CT angiography.

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    A 35-year-old drug addict was found dead in a public toilet with a ruptured groin, which was later diagnosed to be a leaking pseudo-aneurysm. Investigation at the scene revealed impressive external hemorrhage related to a groin wound. Post-mortem computed tomography angiography demonstrated an aneurysm of the right femoral artery with leak of contrast liquid. Signs of blood loss were evident at autopsy, and histological examination revealed necrosis and rupture of the pseudo-aneurysm. Toxicological analyses were positive for methadone, cocaine, citalopram, and benzodiazepines. This is the first case report in the literature of a ruptured femoral pseudo-aneurysm with a post-mortem radiological diagnosis