409 research outputs found

    TeMA: A Tensorial Memetic Algorithm for Many-Objective Parallel Disassembly Sequence Planning in Product Refurbishment

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    The refurbishment market is rich in opportunities—the global refurbished smartphones market alone will be $38.9 billion by 2025. Refurbishing a product involves disassembling it to test the key parts and replacing those that are defective or worn. This restores the product to like-new conditions, so that it can be put on the market again at a lower price. Making this process quick and efficient is crucial. This paper presents a novel formulation of parallel disassembly problem that maximizes the degree of parallelism, the level of ergonomics, and how the workers' workload is balanced, while minimizing the disassembly time and the number of times the product has to be rotated. The problem is solved using the Tensorial Memetic Algorithm (TeMA), a novel two-stage many-objective (MaO) algorithm, which encodes parallel disassembly plans by using third-order tensors. TeMA first splits the objectives into primary and secondary on the basis of a decision-maker's preferences, and then finds Pareto-optimal compromises (seeds) of the primary objectives. In the second stage, TeMA performs a fine-grained local search that explores the objective space regions around the seeds, to improve the secondary objectives. TeMA was tested on two real-world refurbishment processes involving a smartphone and a washing machine. The experiments showed that, on average, TeMA is statistically more accurate than various efficient MaO algorithms in the decision-maker's area of preference

    UHF-RFID smart gate: Tag action classifier by artificial neural networks

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    The application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to discriminate tag actions in UHF-RFID gate is presented in this paper. By exploiting Received Signal Strength Indicator values acquired in a real experimental scenario, a multi-layer perceptron neural network is trained to distinguish among tags incoming, outgoing or passing the RFID gate. A 99% accuracy can be obtained in tag classification by employing only one reader antenna and independently from tag orientation and typology

    EMOGA: a hybrid genetic algorithm with extremal optimization core for multiobjective disassembly line balancing

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    In a world where products get obsolescent ever more quickly, discarded devices produce million tons of electronic waste. Improving how end-of-life products are dismantled helps reduce this waste, as resources are conserved and fed back into the supply chain, thereby promoting reuse and recycling. This paper presents the Extremal MultiObjective Genetic Algorithm (EMOGA), a hybrid nature-inspired optimization technique for a multiobjective version of the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem (DLBP). The aim is to minimize the number of workstations, and to maximize profit and disassembly depth, when dismounting products in disassembly lines. EMOGA is a Pareto-based genetic algorithm (GA) hybridized with a module based on extremal optimization (EO), which uses a tailored mutation operator and a continuous relaxation-based seeding technique. The experiments involved the disassembly of a hammer drill and a microwave oven. Performance evaluation was carried out by comparing EMOGA to various efficient algorithms. The results showed that EMOGA is faster or gets closer to the Pareto front, or both, in all comparisons

    Sequential bilateral cochlear implant: long-term speech perception results in children first implanted at an early age

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    Purpose: The study aims to assess the benefit of sequential bilateral cochlear implantation in children with congenital bilateral profound hearing loss, submitted to the first implant at an early age. Methods: We enrolled all the bilateral sequential cochlear implanted children who received the first implant within 48 months and the second within 12 years of age at our Institution. The children were submitted to disyllabic word recognition tests and Speech Reception Threshold (SRT) assessment using the OLSA matrix sentence test with the first implanted device (CI1), with the second implanted device (CI2), and with both devices (CIbil). Furthermore, we measured the datalogging of both devices. Then we calculated the binaural SRT gain (b-SRTgain) and checked the correlations between speech perception results and the b-SRTgain with the child’s age at CI1 and CI2, DELTA and the datalogging reports. Results: With the bilateral electric stimulation, we found a significant improvement in disyllabic word recognition scores and in SRT. Moreover, the datalogging showed no significant differences in the time of use of CI1 and CI2. We found significant negative correlations between speech perception abilities with CI2 and age at CI2 and DELTA, and between the SRT with CI1 and the b-SRTgain. Conclusions: From this study we can conclude that in a sequential CI procedure, even if a short inter-implant delay and lower ages at the second surgery can lead to better speech perception with CI2, children can benefit from bilateral stimulation independently of age at the second surgery and the DELTA

    Effects of systemic glucocorticosteroids on peripheral neutrophil functions in asthmatic subjects: an ex vivo study

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    In 21 asthmatic subjects, several functions of isolated peripheral neutrophils (chemokinesis and chemotaxis toward 10% E. coli; superoxide anion generation after PMA; leukotriene B4 (LTB4) release from whole blood and isolated neutrophtls, before and after different stimuli) were evaluated during an acute exacerbation of asthma, and after 14 – 54 days of treatment with systemic glucocorticosteroids (GCS). During acute exacerbation, superoxide anion generation was higher in asthmatics than in eleven normal subjects (39.2 ± 14.1 vs. 25.2 ± 7.3 nmol, p < 0.05); there was a significant correlation between FEV1 (% of predicted) and neutrophil chemotaxis (r = −0.52, p = 0.04). After treatment, there was no significant change in all neutrophil functions, except for a decrease in neutrophil chemotaxis in subjects who showed an FEV1 increase > 20% after GCS treatment (from 131 ± 18 to 117 ± 21 μm, p = 0.005). Chemokinesis sicantly decreased in all subjects, and the changes significantly correlated with an arbitrary score of the total administered dose of GCS (r = 0.57, p < 0.05). These data suggest that neutrophil activation plays a minor role in asthma, and that treatment with GCS is not able to modify most functions of peripheral neutrophils in asthmatic subjects; chemotaxis seems to be related only to the severity of the asthma and it could reflect the improvement of the disease

    53BP1 promotes non-homologous end joining of telomeres by increasing chromatin mobility

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    Double-strand breaks activate the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase, which promotes the accumulation of DNA damage factors in the chromatin surrounding the break. The functional significance of the resulting DNA damage foci is poorly understood. Here we show that 53BP1 (also known as TRP53BP1), a component of DNA damage foci, changes the dynamic behaviour of chromatin to promote DNA repair. We used conditional deletion of the shelterin component TRF2 (also known as TERF2) from mouse cells (TRF2fl/-) to deprotect telomeres, which, like double-strand breaks, activate the ATM kinase, accumulate 53BP1 and are processed by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Deletion of TRF2 from 53BP1-deficient cells established that NHEJ of dysfunctional telomeres is strongly dependent on the binding of 53BP1 to damaged chromosome ends. To address the mechanism by which 53BP1 promotes NHEJ, we used time-lapse microscopy to measure telomere dynamics before and after their deprotection. Imaging showed that deprotected telomeres are more mobile and sample larger territories within the nucleus. This change in chromatin dynamics was dependent on 53BP1 and ATM but did not require a functional NHEJ pathway. We propose that the binding of 53BP1 near DNA breaks changes the dynamic behaviour of the local chromatin, thereby facilitating NHEJ repair reactions that involve distant sites, including joining of dysfunctional telomeres and AID (also known as AICDA)-induced breaks in immunoglobulin class-switch recombination

    Accesso alla tecnologia. Access To Technologies (H.E.A.R.I.N.G. package of interventions, WHO 2021)

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    In Italia, lo Stato interviene con il Servizio Sanitario per l’assegnazione, agli aventi diritto, della tecnologia audiologica. La materia è regolata da una normativa specifica, spesso completata da provvedimenti regionali. Si ricorda che una normativa particolare è prevista per gli invalidi del lavoro ai quali, in caso di ipoacusia professionale, le prestazioni sono fornite dall’INAIL con procedure dedicate. Per i non aventi diritto la prescrizione medica è sempre necessaria, ma rispetto alle forniture pubbliche, non sono previste ulteriori valutazioni obbligatorie di controllo. Per le forniture pubbliche agli invalidi civili, i provvedimenti di interesse nazionale sono riportati nei Nomenclatori Tariffari del 1990 e del 1999 e nel provvedimento ad hoc sugli impianti cocleari del 2007. Oggi tutta la normativa ambulatoriale è stata sostituita dai LEA del 2017 (D.P.C.M 12 gennaio 2017) approvati, ma non ancora operativi, e che riuniscono tutti i principali argomenti in un unico documento eccetto le forniture chirurgiche. Distingueremo pertanto i LEA ambulatoriali, dai LEA chirurgici regolati da DRG. È importante sottolineare che l’atto legislativo dei LEA prevede il suo aggiornamento annuale da parte delle Societa Scientifiche, facoltà che, fino ad ora, non è mai stata esercitata

    Quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care around the time of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey investigating maternal perspectives in 12 countries of the WHO European Region

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    Background Multi-country studies assessing the quality of maternal and newborn care (QMNC) during the COVID-19 pandemic, as defined by WHO Standards, are lacking. Methods Women who gave birth in 12 countries of the WHO European Region from March 1, 2020 - March 15, 2021 answered an online questionnaire, including 40 WHO Standard-based Quality Measures. Findings 21,027 mothers were included in the analysis. Among those who experienced labour (N=18,063), 41·8% (26·1%- 63·5%) experienced difficulties in accessing antenatal care, 62% (12·6%-99·0%) were not allowed a companion of choice, 31·1% (16·5%-56·9%) received inadequate breastfeeding support, 34·4% (5·2%-64·8%) reported that health workers were not always using protective personal equipment, and 31·8% (17·8%-53·1%) rated the health workers’ number as “insufficient”. Episiotomy was performed in 20·1% (6·1%-66·0%) of spontaneous vaginal births and fundal pressure applied in 41·2% (11·5% -100%) of instrumental vaginal births. In addition, 23·9% women felt they were not treated with dignity (12·8%-59·8%), 12·5% (7·0%-23·4%) suffered abuse, and 2·4% (0·1%-26·2%) made informal payments. Most findings were significantly worse among women with prelabour caesarean birth (N=2,964). Multivariate analyses confirmed significant differences among countries, with Croatia, Romania, Serbia showing significant lower QMNC Indexes and Luxemburg showing a significantly higher QMNC Index than the total sample. Younger women and those with operative births also reported significantly lower QMNC Indexes. Interpretation Mothers reports revealed large inequities in QMNC across countries of the WHO European Region. Quality improvement initiatives to reduce these inequities and promote evidence-based, patient-centred respectful care for all mothers and newborns during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond are urgently needed. Funding The study was financially supported by the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy. Study registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04847336This research was funded by the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste Italy