7,399 research outputs found

    Language in social networks as a communication strategy: public administration, political parties and civil society

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    This paper studies the language of political actors on social networks from the concept of digital language with a communicative perspective. Attention is paid to tweets by political parties, public administrations and civil society related to Catalan politics over the last eight months. The main trends of digital language are confirmed for political language on Twitter, but are relativized by the majority use of a more formal register. In addition, the political language appears as hybrid, heterogeneous, multimodal, a continuation of the offline arena and with little narrative innovation. Within these general characteristics, the activation of innovative linguistic orthographic, lexical, syntactic or coherence elements draws specific strategies for each actor, without common features for the sectors but shows that they do converge at specific moments forming sociolects that seek to promote belonging to a community and protest against specific facts or the status quo.El artículo estudia el lenguaje de los actores políticos en redes sociales a partir del concepto de lenguaje digital desde una perspectiva comunicativa. Se examinan los tuits de los partidos políticos, las administraciones públicas y las organizaciones civiles relacionados con la política catalana durante los últimos ocho meses. Se confirman para el lenguaje político en Twitter la evolución general del lenguaje digital pero relativizado por el uso mayoritario de un registro formal. Además, el lenguaje político se perfila como híbrido, heterogéneo, multimodal, continuador de la temática off line y con escasa innovación narrativa. Los estilemas permiten detectar estrategias individualizadas e identidades lingüísticas con rasgos ortotipográficos, léxicos, uso de hashtag, iconos, enlaces o sintaxis propias de cada actor. No se detectan características comunes para cada uno de los tres sectores, únicamente algunos actores confluyen en momentos puntuales conformando sociolectos que buscan promover la pertenencia a una comunidad, la protesta contra hechos puntuales o contra el status quo

    The complex structure of HH 110 as revealed from Integral Field Spectroscopy

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    HH 110 is a rather peculiar Herbig-Haro object in Orion that originates due to the deflection of another jet (HH 270) by a dense molecular clump, instead of being directly ejected from a young stellar object. Here we present new results on the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 110 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy. The 3D spectral data cover the whole outflow extent (~4.5 arcmin, ~0.6 pc at a distance of 460 pc) in the spectral range 6500-7000 \AA. We built emission-line intensity maps of Hα\alpha, [NII] and [SII] and of their radial velocity channels. Furthermore, we analysed the spatial distribution of the excitation and electron density from [NII]/Hα\alpha, [SII]/Hα\alpha, and [SII] 6716/6731 integrated line-ratio maps, as well as their behaviour as a function of velocity, from line-ratio channel maps. Our results fully reproduce the morphology and kinematics obtained from previous imaging and long-slit data. In addition, the IFS data revealed, for the first time, the complex spatial distribution of the physical conditions (excitation and density) in the whole jet, and their behaviour as a function of the kinematics. The results here derived give further support to the more recent model simulations that involve deflection of a pulsed jet propagating in an inhomogeneous ambient medium. The IFS data give richer information than that provided by current model simulations or laboratory jet experiments. Hence, they could provide valuable clues to constrain the space parameters in future theoretical works.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures Accepted in MNRA

    Análisis del error sistemático en la sustracción

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    En este artículo presentamos resultados de investigación relacionados con la tipología, naturaleza y evolución de los errores en la sustracción. El objetivo principal de la investigación trata de indagar sobre si en nuestro contexto escolar se producen errores sistemáticos y si disminuyen a lo largo de la escolaridad. Asimismo, comparamos los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por autores de referencia en este campo de investigación. Para ello, efectuamos un análisis sobre 7.140 restas realizadas por niños/as escolarizados en 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de errores sistemáticos y tipología concreta de los mismos, hecho de indudable valor a la hora de programar didácticamente el proceso de enseñanza.In this article, we presented results related to the typology, nature and evolution of the errors in subtraction. The main aim, is to examine if in our school context systematic errors take place and if these decrease throughout schooling. Also, we compared our results with the ones contributed by authors of reference in this field of research. To do so, we carried out an analysis on 7140 subtractions made by children in our educational system. The results demonstrate the existence of systematic errors in our scholastic context, a fact of doubtless value when programming the learning process didactically

    Integral Field Spectroscopy of HH 262: The Spectral Atlas

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    HH 262 is a group of emitting knots displaying an "hour-glass" morphology in the Halpha and [SII] lines, located 3.5' to the northeast of the young stellar object L1551-IRS5, in Taurus. We present new results of the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 262 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy covering a field of 1.5'x3', which includes all the bright knots in HH 262. These data show complex kinematics and significant variations in physical conditions over the mapped region of HH 262 on a spatial scale of <3". A new result derived from the IFS data is the weakness of the [NII] emission (below detection limit in most of the mapped region of HH 262), including the brightest central knots. Our data reinforce the association of HH 262 with the redshifted lobe of the evolved molecular outflow L1551-IRS5. The interaction of this outflow with a younger one, powered by L1551 NE, around the position of HH 262 could give rise to the complex morphology and kinematics of HH 262.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Estudio de viabilidad de la reutilización de baños de tintura textil

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    En este trabajo se hace un estudio de viabilidad técnica y económica de la integración de un tratamiento de decoloración de baños agotados de tintura a un proceso de tintura téxtil convencional con el objetivo de reutilizar el agua tratada y en especial, de aprovechar la sal necesaria para realizar la tintura. El tratamiento de decoloración se lleva a cabo en una celula electroquímica asistida por luz ultravioleta y el agua decolorada es almacenada en un deposito para su posterior reutilización en el proceso de tintura. La implementación de este sistema de tratamiento y reutilización permite ahorrar el 70% de agua y el 60% de la sal necesarios para preparar los banos de tintura. Lo que aparte de reportar una horro económico directo, también supone un ahorro en el cánon de vertido de aguas residuales. Por el contrario, si se quiere hacer un proceso ininterrumpido de sucesivas reutilizaciones, en algunas ocasiones y en función del color requerido, debe aumentarse la cantidad de colorante respecto de la fórmula inicial para evitar una merma en la calidad de las tinturas y precisamente por ello es importante la realización del estudio económico para demostrar su viabilidad

    Integral Field Spectroscopy Of The Brightest Knots Of Hh 223 In L723

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    HH 223 is the optical counterpart of a larger scale H2 outflow, driven by the protostellar source VLA 2A, in L723. Its poorly collimated and rather chaotic morphology suggested the Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) as an appropriate option to map the emission for deriving the physical conditions and the kinematics. Here we present new results based on the IFS observations made with the INTEGRAL system at the WHT. The brightest knots of HH 223 (\sim16 arcsec, 0.02 pc at a distance of 300 pc) were mapped with a single pointing in the spectral range 6200-7700 A. We obtained the emission-line intensity maps for Halpha, [NII] 6584 A and [SII] 6716, 6731 A, and explored the distribution of the excitation and electron density from [NII]/Halpha, [SII]/Halpha, and [SII] 6716/6731 line-ratio maps. Maps of the radial velocity field were obtained. We analysed the 3D-kinematics by combining the knot radial velocities, derived from IFS data, with the knot proper motions derived from multi-epoch, narrow-band images. The intensity maps built from IFS data reproduced well the morphology found in the narrow-band images. We checked the results obtained from previous long-slit observations with those derived from IFS spectra extracted with a similar spatial sampling. At the positions intersected by the slit, the physical conditions and kinematics derived from IFS are compatible with those derived from long-slit data. In contrast, significant discrepancies were found when the results from long-slit data were compared with the ones derived from IFS spectra extracted at positions shifted a few arcsec from those intersected by the slit. This clearly revealed IFS observations as the best choice to get a reliable picture of the HH emission properties.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; Accepted for MNRA