976 research outputs found

    Self-diffusion in two-dimensional hard ellipsoid suspensions

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    We studied the self-diffusion of colloidal ellipsoids in a monolayer near a flat wall by video microscopy. The image processing algorithm can track the positions and orientations of ellipsoids with sub-pixel resolution. The translational and rotational diffusions were measured in both the lab frame and the body frame along the long and short axes. The long-time and short-time diffusion coefficients of translational and rotational motions were measured as functions of the particle concentration. We observed sub-diffusive behavior in the intermediate time regime due to the caging of neighboring particles. Both the beginning and the ending times of the intermediate regime exhibit power-law dependence on concentration. The long-time and short-time diffusion anisotropies change non-monotonically with concentration and reach minima in the semi-dilute regime because the motions along long axes are caged at lower concentrations than the motions along short axes. The effective diffusion coefficients change with time t as a linear function of (lnt)/t for the translational and rotational diffusions at various particle densities. This indicates that their relaxation functions decay according to 1/t which provides new challenges in theory. The effects of coupling between rotational and translational Brownian motions were demonstrated and the two time scales corresponding to anisotropic particle shape and anisotropic neighboring environment were measured

    No many-scallop theorem: Collective locomotion of reciprocal swimmers

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    To achieve propulsion at low Reynolds number, a swimmer must deform in a way that is not invariant under time-reversal symmetry; this result is known as the scallop theorem. We show here that there is no many-scallop theorem. We demonstrate that two active particles undergoing reciprocal deformations can swim collectively; moreover, polar particles also experience effective long-range interactions. These results are derived for a minimal dimers model, and generalized to more complex geometries on the basis of symmetry and scaling arguments. We explain how such cooperative locomotion can be realized experimentally by shaking a collection of soft particles with a homogeneous external field

    Settling of an asymmetric dumbbell in a quiescent fluid

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    We compute the hydrodynamic torque on a dumbbell (two spheres linked by a massless rigid rod) settling in a quiescent fluid at small but finite Reynolds number. The spheres have the same mass densities but different sizes. When the sizes are quite different the dumbbell settles vertically, aligned with the direction of gravity, the largest sphere first. But when the size difference is sufficiently small then its steady-state angle is determined by a competition between the size difference and the Reynolds number. When the sizes of the spheres are exactly equal then fluid inertia causes the dumbbell to settle in a horizontal orientation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, as publishe

    Spatiotemporal and Wavenumber Resolved Bicoherence at the Low to High Confinement Transition in the TJ-II Stellarator

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    Plasma turbulence is studied using Doppler reflectometry at the TJ-II stellarator. By scanning the tilt angle of the probing beam, different values of the perpendicular wave numbers are probed at the reflection layer. In this way, the interaction between zonal flows and turbulence is reported with (a) spatial, (b) temporal, and (c) wavenumber resolution for the first time in any magnetic confinement fusion device. We report measurements of the bicoherence across the Low to High (L--H) confinement transition at TJ-II. We examine both fast transitions and slow transitions characterized by an intermediate (I) phase. The bicoherence, understood to reflect the non-linear coupling between the perpendicular velocity (zonal flow) and turbulence amplitude, is significantly enhanced in a time window of several tens of ms around the time of the L--H transition. It is found to peak at a specific radial position (slightly inward from the radial electric field shear layer in H mode), and is associated with a specific perpendicular wave number (k612k_\perp \simeq 6-12 cm1^{-1}, kρs0.82k_\perp \rho_s \simeq 0.8-2). In all cases, the bicoherence is due to the interaction between high frequencies (1\simeq 1 MHz) and a rather low frequency (50\lesssim 50 kHz), as expected for a zonal flow.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Multidimensional optical fractionation with holographic verification

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    The trajectories of colloidal particles driven through a periodic potential energy landscape can become kinetically locked in to directions dictated by the landscape's symmetries. When the landscape is realized with forces exerted by a structured light field, the path a given particle follows has been predicted to depend exquisitely sensitively on such properties as the particle's size and refractive index These predictions, however, have not been tested experimentally. Here, we describe measurements of colloidal silica spheres' transport through arrays of holographic optical traps that use holographic video microscopy to track individual spheres' motions in three dimensions and simultaneously to measure each sphere's radius and refractive index with part-per-thousand resolution. These measurements confirm previously untested predictions for the threshold of kinetically locked-in transport, and demonstrate the ability of optical fractionation to sort colloidal spheres with part-per-thousand resolution on multiple characteristics simultaneously.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The short-time self-diffusion coefficient of a sphere in a suspension of rigid rods

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    The short--time self diffusion coefficient of a sphere in a suspension of rigid rods is calculated in first order in the rod volume fraction. For low rod concentrations the correction to the Einstein diffusion constant of the sphere is a linear function of the rod volume fraction with the slope proportional to the equilibrium averaged mobility diminution trace of the sphere interacting with a single freely translating and rotating rod. The two--body hydrodynamic interactions are calculated using the so--called bead model in which the rod is replaced by a stiff linear chain of touching spheres. The interactions between spheres are calculated numerically using the multipole method. Also an analytical expression for the diffusion coefficient as a function of the rod aspect ratio is derived in the limit of very long rods. We show that in this limit the correction to the Einstein diffusion constant does not depend on the size of the tracer sphere. The higher order corrections depending on the applied model are computed numerically. An approximate expression is provided, valid for a wide range of aspect ratios.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Influence of flow confinement on the drag force on a static cylinder

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    The influence of confinement on the drag force FF on a static cylinder in a viscous flow inside a rectangular slit of aperture h0h_0 has been investigated from experimental measurements and numerical simulations. At low enough Reynolds numbers, FF varies linearly with the mean velocity and the viscosity, allowing for the precise determination of drag coefficients λ\lambda_{||} and λ\lambda_{\bot} corresponding respectively to a mean flow parallel and perpendicular to the cylinder length LL. In the parallel configuration, the variation of λ\lambda_{||} with the normalized diameter β=d/h0\beta = d/h_0 of the cylinder is close to that for a 2D flow invariant in the direction of the cylinder axis and does not diverge when β=1\beta = 1. The variation of λ\lambda_{||} with the distance from the midplane of the model reflects the parabolic Poiseuille profile between the plates for β1\beta \ll 1 while it remains almost constant for β1\beta \sim 1. In the perpendicular configuration, the value of λ\lambda_{\bot} is close to that corresponding to a 2D system only if β1\beta \ll 1 and/or if the clearance between the ends of the cylinder and the side walls is very small: in that latter case, λ\lambda_{\bot} diverges as β1\beta \to 1 due to the blockage of the flow. In other cases, the side flow between the ends of the cylinder and the side walls plays an important part to reduce λ\lambda_{\bot}: a full 3D description of the flow is needed to account for these effects

    On Berenstein-Douglas-Seiberg Duality

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    I review the proposal of Berenstein-Douglas for a completely general definition of Seiberg duality. To give evidence for their conjecture I present the first example of a physical dual pair and explicitly check that it satisfies the requirements. Then I explicitly show that a pair of toric dual quivers is also dual according to their proposal. All these computations go beyond tilting modules, and really work in the derived category. I introduce all necessary mathematics where needed.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Dynamics of non-equilibrium membrane bud formation

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    The dynamical response of a lipid membrane to a local perturbation of its molecular symmetry is investigated theoretically. A density asymmetry between the two membrane leaflets is predominantly released by in-plane lipid diffusion or membrane curvature, depending upon the spatial extent of the perturbation. It may result in the formation of non-equilibrium structures (buds), for which a dynamical size selection is observed. A preferred size in the micrometer range is predicted, as a signature of the crossover between membrane and solvent dominated dynamical membrane response.Comment: 7 pages 3 figure

    First-order virial expansion of short-time diffusion and sedimentation coefficients of permeable particles suspensions

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    For suspensions of permeable particles, the short-time translational and rotational self-diffusion coefficients, and collective diffusion and sedimentation coefficients are evaluated theoretically. An individual particle is modeled as a uniformly permeable sphere of a given permeability, with the internal solvent flow described by the Debye-Bueche-Brinkman equation. The particles are assumed to interact non-hydrodynamically by their excluded volumes. The virial expansion of the transport properties in powers of the volume fraction is performed up to the two-particle level. The first-order virial coefficients corresponding to two-body hydrodynamic interactions are evaluated with very high accuracy by the series expansion in inverse powers of the inter-particle distance. Results are obtained and discussed for a wide range of the ratio, x, of the particle radius to the hydrodynamic screening length inside a permeable sphere. It is shown that for x >= 10, the virial coefficients of the transport properties are well-approximated by the hydrodynamic radius (annulus) model developed by us earlier for the effective viscosity of porous-particle suspensions