117 research outputs found


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    Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) adalah tanaman jenis sayuran yang termasuk keluarga Brassicaceae. Tumbuhan pakcoy masih memiliki kerabat dekat dengan sawi ,jadi pakcoy dan sawi merupakan satu genus, hanya varietasnya saja yang berbeda. Pakcoy layak diusahakan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen yang cukup tinggi dan peluang pasar internasional yang cukup besar, karena harga jual pakcoy lebih mahal daripada jenis sawi lainnya. Rasa dari sayuran ini mudah diterima oleh lidah sehingga sayuran ini berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Tujuan dari kegiatan Tugas Akhir ini adalah mengetahui cara budidaya pakcoy, mengetahui pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman pakcoy dari penerapan bebagai macam mulsa,dan mengetahui kelayakan usaha tani budidaya pakcoy melalui penggunaan mulsa. Metode dasar yang digunakan dalam kegiatan tugas akhir ini adalah Praktik Lapang, yaitu serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan mahasiswa dengan cara terjun langsung mengikuti kegiatan di Desa Bendo Rt 10 Rw 06 Kecamatan Bendo, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur. Terjun langsung ini bertujuan agar mahasiswa dapat mengetahui secara langsung kegiatan Budidaya Pakcoy dari awal tanam hingga akhir tanam. Proses penanaman pakcoy memerlukan teknik budidaya yang benar agar bisa mendapatkan hasil tanaman yang bagus dan berkualitas tinggi. Teknik budidaya tersebut meliputi persiapan lahan, pengadaan benih, persemaian, pemberian mulsa organik, penanaman, pemeliharaan (penyulaman, pengairan, pemupukan susulan dan pengendalian hama dan penyakit), pengamatan, serta pemanenan dan penanagan pasca panen. Penggunaan mulsa jerami, alang-alang, dan plastik berpengaruh terhadap hasil dan pertumbuhan pakcoy dengan menghasilkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun yang lebih banyak dibandingkan tanpa perlakuan. Penggunaan mulsa jerami, alang-alang, dan plastik berturut-turut menghasilkan berat 107 kg, 94 kg, dan 83 kg. Lebih berat dibandingkan tanpa perlakuan hanya 75 kg. R/C ratio untuk penggunaan mulsa jerami paling tinggi yaitu 1,43, mulsa alang-alang 1,26, mulsa plastik 1,03, dan tanpa perlakuan yaitu 1,00. Dari keempat R/C ratio yang didapat dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha budidaya pakcoy layak di jalankan karena R/C ratio lebih dari 1. Penerapan pemberian mulsa organik pada budidaya pakcoy sangat disarankan untuk peningkatan hasil, terlihat dari rata-rata pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat sampel dan berat keseluruhan) yang lebih baik dibanding lahan tanpa perlakuan. Yang terpenting adalah, penerapan pemberian mulsa organik pada budidaya pakcoy mampu menekan pertumbuhan gulma, menjaga tekstur tanah agar tetap lembab, dan erosi tanah akibat air hujan

    Public goods and decay in networks

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    We propose a simple behavioral model to analyze situations where (1) a group of agents repeatedly plays a public goods game within a network structure and (2) each agent only observes the past behavior of her neighbors, but is affected by the decisions of the whole group. The model assumes that agents are imperfect conditional cooperators, that they infer unobserved contributions assuming imperfect conditional cooperation by others, and that they have some degree of bounded rationality. We show that our model approximates quite accurately regularities derived from public goods game experiments

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Remaja Usia Produktif Melakukan Judi Sabung Ayam

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    The purpose of this research is to explain the factors that affect the productive age teenagers do the gamble cockfight, this research uses descriptive method quantitative sample with 65 people respondents, used is the percentage. Based on the analysis of the data revealed that family factor which belongs to the category high is 84,61%, belongs to the medium is 12,30%, and relatively low is 3.07%. The education factor which belongs to the category high is 33,84%, belongs to medium category is 53,84%, and classified as low is 12,30%. While the social environmental factors caused by the relatively high 26,15%, classified as medium, as well as 58,46% belong to the category of low-15.38%. So from the results of analysis it can be concluded that the influence factors of families occupying the highest positions followed, the education factor and social factors on the adolescent age of productive conducting cockfight gambling.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi remaja usia produktif melakukan judi sabung ayam, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan sampel 65 orang responden, analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase. Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui faktor keluarga yang tergolong kategori tinggi 84,61%, tergolong sedang 12,30%, dan tergolong rendah 3,07%. serta faktor pendidikan yang tergolong kategori tinggi 33,84%, tergolong sedang 53,84%, dan tergolong rendah 12,30%. Sedangkan yang disebabkan oleh faktor lingkungan sosial yang tergolong tinggi 26,15%, tergolong sedang sebanyak 58,46%, serta yang tergolong kategori rendah sebesar 15,38%. Sehingga dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh faktor keluarga menempati posisi tertinggi disusul, faktor pendidikan dan lingkungan sosial pada remaja usia produktif melakukan judi sabung ayam

    Communications and sensing of illumination contributions in a power led lighting system

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    Abstract — In recent years, LED technology emerged as a prime candidate for the future illumination light source, due to high energy efficiency and long life time. In addition, LEDs offer a superior flexibility in terms of colors and shapes, which leads to a potentially infinite variety of available light patterns. In order to create these patterns via easy user interaction, we need to sense the local light contribution of each LED. This measurement could be enabled through tagging of the light of each LED with unique embedded IDs. To this end, we propose a new modulation and multiple access scheme, named as codetime division multiple access- pulse position modulation (CTDMA-PPM): a form of PPM which is keyed according to a spreading sequence, and in which the duty cycle is subject to pulse width modulation (PWM) according to the required lighting setting. Our scheme considers illumination constraints in addition to the communication requirements and, to our best knowledge, it has not been addressed by other optical modulation methods. Based on the proposed modulation method and multiple access schemes, we develop a system structure, which includes illumination sources, a sensor receiver and a control system. Illumination sources illuminate the environment and transmit information, simultaneously. According to our theoretical analysis, this system structure could support a number of luminaries equal to the size of the CDMA codebook times the dimming range. I

    Modeling of a New Structure of Precision Air Conditioning System Using Secondary Condenser for Rh Regulation

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    A dynamic mathematical model for a new structure of precision air conditioning (PAC) has been developed. The proposed PAC uses an additional secondary condenser for relative humidity regulation compared to a basic refrigeration system. The work mechanism for this system and a vapour-compression cycle process of the system are illustrated using psychrometric chart and pressure-enthalpy diagram. A non-linear system model is derived based on the conservation of mass and energy balance principles and then linearized at steady state operating point for developing a 8th-order state space model suited for multivariable controller design. The quality of linearized model is analyzed in terms of transient response, controllability, observability, and interaction between input-output variables. The developed model is verified through simulation showing its ability for imitating the nonlinear behavior and the interaction of input-output variables

    IoT LoRa-Based Energy Management Information System with RAD Method and Laravel Frameworks

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    This work presents a design and implementation an information system called LoRa-Building Energy Management System (Lo-BEMS). This research proposes an engaging data transmission (read and write), that combines the HTTP and MQTT protocols using third party broker that has monitor and control features for energy usages. Data retrieving uses single LoRa modulation and delivery to the Application Programming Interface (API) in Laravel Framework will then be stopped by the system and stored in the database. The development of this system uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method and the Laravel Frameworks. The black-box, UAT, and performance validation test results showed that the information system was running properly and following the objectives