662 research outputs found

    Soft Bottom Molluscan Assemblages of the Bathyal Zone of the Sea of Marmara

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    The present study deals with the soft bottom molluscan species collected from the bathyal zone of the Sea of Marmara in 2013. Replicated samples were taken by a Box Core, sampling an area of 0.1 m2 at 31 stations at the two depth transects, 500 and 1000 m. A total of 1229 individuals belonging to 4 classes and 28 species were collected. Two species (Akritogyra conspicua and Liostomia hansgei) are new records for the marine molluscan fauna of Turkey and four species (Benthonella tenella, Odostomia silesui, Syrnola minuta and Crenilabium exile) are new records for the molluscan fauna of the Sea of Marmara. A relatively richer fauna was determined in 500 m (25 species) than in 1000 m (17 species). The most dominant species at 500 m and 1000 m depths were Crenilabium exile and Parthenina flexuosa, respectively. Number of species and number of individuals varied significantly only between depths while number of individuals changed significantly among basins (ANOVA test). A significant difference in species assemblages between the Tekirdağ and the Central Basins was detected (ANOSIM test). The multivariate analysis showed that the depth was the main factor influencing the molluscan assemblages in the area

    İnce Kirişlerin Elastik Davranışlarının NIY ve RNIY Yöntemleri İle İncelemesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada, ince kirişlerin elastik davranışlarının incelenmesi, ağsız yöntemlerden olan Noktasal İnterpolasyon (NİY) ve Radyal Noktasal İnterpolasyon (RNİY) yöntemleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her bir yöntemde, iki farklı integrasyon tekniği kullanılmıştır. Standard olarak kullanılan Gauss integrasyon tekniği, Taylor noktasal integrasyon tekniği ile karşılaştırılmış, NİY ve RNİY üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Noktasal direngenlik matrisinin elde edilmesi, Bernoulli-Euler kiriş teorisine göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Farklı etki alanı büyüklükleri ve farklı RNİY şekil parametrelerinin çözümler üzerine etkileri ayrıca ele alınmıştır. Bir ankastre kiriş problemi, serbest uca tekil yük uygulanarak çözülmüştür. Elde edilen çözümler, ANSYS paket programı kullanılarak sonlu elemanlar yöntemiyle kıyaslanmıştır.In this study, the point interpolation method (PIM) and radial point interpolation method (RPIM) solutions of elastic thin beams are compared by using standard Gaussian integration and a nodal integration based on Taylor series expansion. The effects of integration schemes, support domain sizes and RPIM shape parameters on the convergency are also investigated. Nodal stiffness matrices are obtained using Bernoulli-Euler beam theory. A cantilever beam problem with concentrated load applied on one end is solved and the results are compared with finite element solutions in ANSYS

    Anatomical and histological analysis of the salpinx and ovary in Anatolian wild goat (Capra aegagrus aegagrus)

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    Background: This study determined the anatomical and histological structure of the salpinx and ovary of the Anatolian wild goat (C. aegagrus aegagrus). Materials and methods: The salpinges and ovaries from four wild goats of similar ages were used. These goats were brought to the Kafkas University Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (Kars, Turkey) for various reasons such as traffic accidents or firearm injury, but either could not be saved or were euthanased. Results: The mean length of the ovary was 13.22 ± 1.27 mm, width was 8.46 ± 0.88 mm, thickness was 5.67 ± 0.79 mm, and weight was 0.59 ± 0.17 g. The mean length of the salpinx was 58.11 ± 14.02 mm, width was 0.80 ± 0.22 mm, thickness was 0.41 ± 0.01 mm, and weight was 0.30 ± 0.08 g. The salpinx consisted of three different regions (infundibulum, ampulla, and isthmus). These regions consisted of tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis, and tunica serosa. Prismatic epithelial cells were observed in the lamina epithelialis of the tunica mucosa in every region. Conclusions: The data resulting from this study regarding anatomical and histological structures of the salpinx and ovary in the genital system organs of Anatolian wild goat will support other studies seeking to improve reproductive efficiency and eliminate the danger of extinction of this species

    Effect of heparin in the intraocular irrigating solution on postoperative inflammation in the pediatric cataract surgery

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    Yelda B Özkurt, Arzu Taskiran, Nadire Erdogan, Baran Kandemir, Ömer K Dog?anDepartment of Ophthalmology, Kartal Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, TurkeyPurpose: To evaluate the influence of irrigation of the anterior chamber with heparin sodium on postoperative inflammation after pediatric cataract surgery. Setting: Kartal Training and Research Hospital, First Eye Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey.Design: Randomized prospective double-blind study.Methods: Fourteen consecutive eyes from 14 patients aged 8.9 ± 5.9 years, (range 3–18 years) (group 1) and 19 eyes from 19 patients aged 9.1 ± 5.2 (range 1.5–18 years) (group 2) underwent pediatric cataract surgery. Five patients in group 1 were between three and five years old. One patient was 1.5 years old and six patients in group 2 were between three and five years old. During the procedure, group 1 received anterior chamber irrigation with heparin sodium (5 IU/cc) and 1 ml of heparin sodium (concentration 10 IU/ml) added to the irrigating balanced salt solution (BSS Plus; Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX, USA) while group 2 received BSS without heparin sodium only. Cases aged under three years received anterior vitrectomy in addition to posterior capsulorrhexis. One eye received anterior vitrectomy in group 1 and two eyes received anterior vitrectomy in group 2. Cases with preoperative complications were not included in the study. Early and late postoperative inflammatory complications, including fibrin formation, anterior and posterior synechia, cyclitic and pupillary membrane formation were recorded and compared.Results: Mild anterior chamber reaction was observed in three patients in Group 1, while nine cases in group 2 experienced marked anterior chamber reaction. In four of nine patients from group 2, anterior chamber reaction was severe and resulted in pupillary membrane and synechia despite treatment in the postoperative 7th day, while in all three cases in group 1, reaction disappeared by the 7th day.Conclusion: Anterior chamber irrigation with heparin during pediatric cataract surgery may minimize early inflammatory reaction and decrease the number of postoperative inflammatory related complications.Keywords: pediatric, cataract, surgery, inflammatio

    Liquid Metal Feeding Through Dendritic Region in Ni-Hard White Iron

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    ABSTRACT Liquid permeability in the dendritic regions is one of the factors that determine porosity formation and macro segregation in castings. Permeability in the dendritic structure of Ni-Hard white iron was measured as a function of temperature. Effect of microstructural coarsening on the permeability was also investigated. Permeability increased with coarsening dendritic structure in Ni-Hard white iron

    Autekologi dan Fisiologi Percambahan Centaurea kilaea Boiss. dari Turki

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    In this study germination requirements, plant-soil interactions and population biology of Centaurea kilaea was studied. The plant and soil samples were collected from Sofular Village (Sile District) and shore of Çatalca District (Istanbul) in Turkey by using standard methods. Methods like Scheibler, Wetdigestion, Kjeldahl and Olsen were employed for measurement of soil texture, structure and other physical and chemical characteristics (pH, total protein and electrical conductivity) using spectrophotometer, flame photometer, calcimeter and ICP. The results showed that ranges of different elements in the soil were 0.007-0.2% for N, 0.0007-0.001% for P, 0.001-0.01% for K, 0.0001-0.0002 % for Na. N, P, K and Na values in the plants were 2.17, 0.005, 0.1 and 0.006%, respectively. The data revealed that germination success of the seeds was influenced by the environmental factors such as pH, germination season and temperature.Dalam kajian ini keperluan percambahan, saling tindakan tumbuhan-tanih dan biologi populasi Centaurea kilaea telah dilakukan. Sampel tumbuhan dan tanih telah dikumpul dari Kampung Sofular (Daerah Şile) dan pantai Daerah Çatalca (Istanbul) di Turki dengan menggunakan kaedah piawai. Kaedah seperti Scheibler, Wetdigestion, Kjeldahl dan Olsen telah digunakan bagi pengukuran tekstur tanih, struktur dan sifat fizikal dan kimia lain (pH, jumlah protein dan kekonduksian elektrik) menggunakan spektrofotometer, fotometer api, kalsimeter dan ICP. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa julat unsur berbeza dalam tanih ialah 0.007-0.2% bagi N, 0.0007-0.001% bagi P, 0.001-0.01% bagi K, 0.0001-0.0002% bagi Na. N, P, K dan nilai Na dalam tumbuhan ialah masing-masing 2.17, 0.005, 0.1 dan 0.006%. Data menunjukkan kejayaan percambahan bagi biji benih telah dipengaruhi faktor persekitaran seperti pH, musim percambahan dan suhu


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    Fourteen lentil genotypes were tested for grain yield in Southeastern Anatolia ecological conditions, over our consecutive years to classify these cultivars for yield stability. Seed yield ranged from 1.903 t/ha to 1.367 t/ha. RM76, RM601 and RM152 showed regression coeffi cient above 1.00, but RM76 among these lines was consistently produced the highest yields. The unstable cultivars, RM601 and RM152 had the highest S2 values and high C.V. for grain yield

    Final structure & design parameters of TARLA RF system

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    Doğan, Mehmet Sinan (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2014; International Congress Center DresdenDresden; Germany; 15 June 2014 through 20 June 2014Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory in Ankara (TARLA) is an oscillator mode IR-FEL facility which is under construction since 2011. ELBE licensed superconducting modules housing TESLA RF cavities have been manufacturing for one year and the first module will be delivered in 2015. He Cryogenic System has also started to be manufacturing at similar time with the accelerator structures. It will be delivered in 2014. High Power RF amplifiers are started to tender procedures and delivery time is planning as 2015. The installation of high power transmission lines have to be completed at the same time with the delivery date of HPRF amplifiers to test the cavities and amplifiers. In this study, the final structural design of high power RF transmission lines and design parameters of RF amplifiers for TARLA is discussed

    Excitonic fine structure and recombination dynamics in single-crystalline ZnO

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    The optical properties of a high quality bulk ZnO, thermally post treated in a forming gas environment are investigated by temperature dependent continuous wave and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Several bound and free exciton transitions along with their first excited states have been observed at low temperatures, with the main neutral-donor-bound exciton peak at 3.3605 eV having a linewidth of 0.7 meV and dominating the PL spectrum at 10 K. This bound exciton transition was visible only below 150 K, whereas the A-free exciton transition at 3.3771 eV persisted up to room temperature. A-free exciton binding energy of 60 meV is obtained from the position of the excited states of the free excitons. Additional intrinsic and extrinsic fine structures such as polariton, two-electron satellites, donor-acceptor pair transitions, and longitudinal optical-phonon replicas have also been observed and investigated in detail. Time-resolved PL measurements at room temperature reveal a biexponential decay behavior with typical decay constants of similar to170 and similar to864 ps for the as-grown sample. Thermal treatment is observed to increase the carrier lifetimes when performed in a forming gas environment