117 research outputs found

    Environmental Noise and Nonlinear Relaxation in Biological Systems

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    We analyse the effects of environmental noise in three different biological systems: (i) mating behaviour of individuals of \emph{Nezara viridula} (L.) (Heteroptera Pentatomidae); (ii) polymer translocation in crowded solution; (iii) an ecosystem described by a Verhulst model with a multiplicative L\'{e}vy noise.Comment: 32 pages; In "Ecological Modeling" by Ed. Wen-Jun Zhang. ISBN: 978-1-61324-567-5. - Nova Science Publishers, New York, 201

    Early Observations of the Type Ia Supernova iPTF 16abc: A Case of Interaction with Nearby, Unbound Material and/or Strong Ejecta Mixing

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    Early observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) provide a unique probe of their progenitor systems and explosion physics. Here we report the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) discovery of an extraordinarily young SN Ia, iPTF 16abc. By fitting a power law to our early light curve, we infer that first light for the SN, that is when the SN could have first been detected by our survey, occurred only 0.15±\pm_{0.07}^{0.15} days before our first detection. In the \sim24 hr after discovery, iPTF 16abc rose by \sim2 mag, featuring a near-linear rise in flux for \gtrsim3 days. Early spectra show strong C II absorption, which disappears after \sim7 days. Unlike the extensivelyobserved SN Ia SN 2011fe, the (BV)0(B-V)_0 colors of iPTF 16abc are blue and nearly constant in the days after explosion. We show that our early observations of iPTF 16abc cannot be explained by either SN shock breakout and the associated, subsequent cooling or the SN ejecta colliding with a stellar companion. Instead, we argue that the early characteristics of iPTF 16abc, including (i) the rapid, near-linear rise, (ii) the nonevolving blue colors, and (iii) the strong C II absorption, are the result of either ejecta interaction with nearby, unbound material or vigorous mixing of radioactive 56^{56}Ni in the SN ejecta, or a combination of the two. In the next few years, dozens of very young \textit{normal} SNe Ia will be discovered, and observations similar to those presented here will constrain the white dwarf explosion mechanism.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Ap

    Effects of a localized beam on the dynamics of excitable cavity solitons

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    We study the dynamical behavior of dissipative solitons in an optical cavity filled with a Kerr medium when a localized beam is applied on top of the homogeneous pumping. In particular, we report on the excitability regime that cavity solitons exhibits which is emergent property since the system is not locally excitable. The resulting scenario differs in an important way from the case of a purely homogeneous pump and now two different excitable regimes, both Class I, are shown. The whole scenario is presented and discussed, showing that it is organized by three codimension-2 points. Moreover, the localized beam can be used to control important features, such as the excitable threshold, improving the possibilities for the experimental observation of this phenomenon.Comment: 9 Pages, 12 figure

    iPTF16fnl: A Faint and Fast Tidal Disruption Event in an E+A Galaxy

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    We present ground-based and Swift observations of iPTF16fnl, a likely tidal disruption event (TDE) discovered by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) survey at 66.6 Mpc. The light curve of the object peaked at an absolute mag M_g =- 17.2. The maximum bolometric luminosity (from optical and UV) was L_p ≃ (1.0 ± 0.15) x 10^(43) erg s^(−1), an order of magnitude fainter than any other optical TDE discovered so far. The luminosity in the first 60 days is consistent with an exponential decay, with L ∝ e^(-(t-t_0)/τ, where t_0 = 57631.0 (MJD) and τ ≃ 15 days. The X-ray shows a marginal detection at L_X = 2.4_(-1.1)^(1.9) x 10^(39) erg s^(−1) (Swift X-ray Telescope). No radio counterpart was detected down to 3σ, providing upper limits for monochromatic radio luminosities of vL_v < 2.3 x 10^(36) erg s^(−1) and vL_v < 1.7 x 10^(37) erg s^(−1) (Very Large Array, 6.1 and 22 GHz). The blackbody temperature, obtained from combined Swift UV and optical photometry, shows a constant value of 19,000 K. The transient spectrum at peak is characterized by broad He ii and Hα emission lines, with FWHMs of about 14,000 km s^(−1) and 10,000 km s^(−1), respectively. He i lines are also detected at λλ 5875 and 6678. The spectrum of the host is dominated by strong Balmer absorption lines, which are consistent with a post-starburst (E+A) galaxy with an age of ~650 Myr and solar metallicity. The characteristics of iPTF16fnl make it an outlier on both luminosity and decay timescales, as compared to other optically selected TDEs. The discovery of such a faint optical event suggests a higher rate of tidal disruptions, as low-luminosity events may have gone unnoticed in previous searches

    iPTF16fnl: a faint and fast tidal disruption event in an E+A galaxy

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    We present ground-based and \textit{Swift} observations of iPTF16fnl, a likely tidal disruption event (TDE) discovered by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) survey at 66.6 Mpc. The lightcurve of the object peaked at absolute Mg=17.2M_g=-17.2 mag. The maximum bolometric luminosity (from optical and UV) was Lp  (1.0±0.15)×1043L_p~\simeq~(1.0\,\pm\,0.15) \times 10^{43} erg/s, an order of magnitude fainter than any other optical TDE discovered so far. The luminosity in the first 60 days is consistent with an exponential decay, with Le(tt0)/τL \propto e^{-(t-t_0)/\tau}, where t0t_0=~57631.0 (MJD) and τ15\tau\simeq 15 days. The X-ray shows a marginal detection at LX=×1039L_X=2.4^{1.9}_{-1.1}\times 10^{39} erg/s (\textit{Swift} X-ray Telescope). No radio counterpart was detected down to 3σ\sigma, providing upper limits for monochromatic radio luminosity of νLν<2.3×1036\nu L_{\nu} < 2.3\times10^{36} erg/s and νLν<1.7×1037\nu L_{\nu}<1.7\times 10^{37} erg/s (VLA, 6.1 and 22 GHz). The blackbody temperature, obtained from combined \textit{Swift} UV and optical photometry, shows a constant value of 19,000 K. The transient spectrum at peak is characterized by broad He II and Hα\alpha emission lines, with an FWHM of about 14,000 km/s and 10,000 km/s respectively. He I lines are also detected at λλ\lambda\lambda 5875 and 6678. The spectrum of the host is dominated by strong Balmer absorption lines, which are consistent with a post-starburst (E+A) galaxy with an age of \sim650 Myr and solar metallicity. The characteristics of iPTF16fnl make it an outlier on both luminosity and decay timescales, as compared to other optically selected TDEs. The discovery of such a faint optical event suggests a higher rate of tidal disruptions, as low luminosity events may have gone unnoticed in previous searches.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Neural network radiative transfer for imaging spectroscopy

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    Visible–shortwave infrared imaging spectroscopy provides valuable remote measurements of Earth's surface and atmospheric properties. These measurements generally rely on inversions of computationally intensive radiative transfer models (RTMs). RTMs' computational expense makes them difficult to use with high-volume imaging spectrometers, and forces approximations such as lookup table interpolation and surface–atmosphere decoupling. These compromises limit the accuracy and flexibility of the remote retrieval; dramatic speed improvements in radiative transfer models could significantly improve the utility and interpretability of remote spectroscopy for Earth science. This study demonstrates that nonparametric function approximation with neural networks can replicate radiative transfer calculations and generate accurate radiance spectra at multiple wavelengths over a diverse range of surface and atmosphere state parameters. We also demonstrate such models can act as surrogate forward models for atmospheric correction procedures. Incorporating physical knowledge into the network structure provides improved interpretability and model efficiency. We evaluate the approach in atmospheric correction of data from the PRISM airborne imaging spectrometer, and demonstrate accurate emulation of radiative transfer calculations, which run several orders of magnitude faster than first-principles models. These results are particularly amenable to iterative spectrum fitting approaches, providing analytical benefits including statistically rigorous treatment of uncertainty and the potential to recover information on spectrally broad signals.</p

    California’s methane super-emitters

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    Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and is targeted for emissions mitigation by the US state of California and other jurisdictions worldwide. Unique opportunities for mitigation are presented by point-source emitters—surface features or infrastructure components that are typically less than 10 metres in diameter and emit plumes of highly concentrated methane. However, data on point-source emissions are sparse and typically lack sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to guide their mitigation and to accurately assess their magnitude4. Here we survey more than 272,000 infrastructure elements in California using an airborne imaging spectrometer that can rapidly map methane plumes. We conduct five campaigns over several months from 2016 to 2018, spanning the oil and gas, manure-management and waste-management sectors, resulting in the detection, geolocation and quantification of emissions from 564 strong methane point sources. Our remote sensing approach enables the rapid and repeated assessment of large areas at high spatial resolution for a poorly characterized population of methane emitters that often appear intermittently and stochastically. We estimate net methane point-source emissions in California to be 0.618 teragrams per year (95 per cent confidence interval 0.523–0.725), equivalent to 34–46 per cent of the state’s methane inventory for 2016. Methane ‘super-emitter’ activity occurs in every sector surveyed, with 10 per cent of point sources contributing roughly 60 per cent of point-source emissions—consistent with a study of the US Four Corners region that had a different sectoral mix. The largest methane emitters in California are a subset of landfills, which exhibit persistent anomalous activity. Methane point-source emissions in California are dominated by landfills (41 per cent), followed by dairies (26 per cent) and the oil and gas sector (26 per cent). Our data have enabled the identification of the 0.2 per cent of California’s infrastructure that is responsible for these emissions. Sharing these data with collaborating infrastructure operators has led to the mitigation of anomalous methane-emission activity

    Strong Ultraviolet Pulse From a Newborn Type Ia Supernova

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    Type Ia supernovae are destructive explosions of carbon oxygen white dwarfs. Although they are used empirically to measure cosmological distances, the nature of their progenitors remains mysterious, One of the leading progenitor models, called the single degenerate channel, hypothesizes that a white dwarf accretes matter from a companion star and the resulting increase in its central pressure and temperature ignites thermonuclear explosion. Here we report observations of strong but declining ultraviolet emission from a Type Ia supernova within four days of its explosion. This emission is consistent with theoretical expectations of collision between material ejected by the supernova and a companion star, and therefore provides evidence that some Type Ia supernovae arise from the single degenerate channel.Comment: Accepted for publication on the 21 May 2015 issue of Natur