771 research outputs found

    Histopathology of Fusarium wilt of staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. callistephi race 3. III. Host cell and tissue reactions

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    Various cell reactions occurred in staghorn sumac plants inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. callistephi. Light and transmission electron microscopy observations and results of cytochemical tests showed: 1) increased laticifers and latex production in the phloem; 2) tylosis formation; 3) host cell wall modifications, including appositions or other cell wall thickenings; and 4) unusual cross wall formation in some cells, and cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Tylosis walls labelled for pectin and cellulose and many displayed inner suberin-like layers. These layers were also noted in cells of the medullary sheath and in many cells with dense content and thickened walls in the barrier zones that had formed. These zones also contained fibres with newly-formed gelatinous-like layers. In the vicinity of these cells, host cell walls were frequently altered, associated with opaque matter. Many small particles present in chains also occurred in some of these cells, which contained only remnants of host cytoplasm. Light microscopy observations showed that pronounced tissue proliferation and aberrant cells occurred in the outer xylem in the infected plants. Unusual neoplasmic tissue also formed from cells surrounding the pith and medullary sheath, and it spanned directly across the pre-existing xylem tissue and burst as large mounds on the stems.Diverses rĂ©actions cellulaires ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es chez des plants de vinaigrier inoculĂ©s par le Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. callistephi. Ces effets ont Ă©tĂ© notĂ©s au moyen de la microscopie photonique et Ă©lectronique Ă  transmission et par des tests cytochimiques. Ainsi, on a observĂ© la formation de nombreux canaux de latex dans le liber et de thylles dans les Ă©lĂ©ments de vaisseaux, des Ă©paississements ou autres modifications des parois cellulaires, des cloisons adventives dans certaines cellules et de l’hyperplasie et de l’hypertrophie cellulaires dans certains tissus. Les parois des thylles se sont marquĂ©es pour la pectine et la cellulose, sauf les couches lucides apparemment subĂ©risĂ©es prĂ©sentes dans plusieurs de ces thylles. Ces couches Ă©taient Ă©galement prĂ©sentes dans les cellules de la couche mĂ©dullaire ainsi que dans plusieurs cellules de parenchyme et mĂȘme des fibres. Des barriĂšres de protection se sont formĂ©es et elles Ă©taient composĂ©es de cellules de parenchyme avec des parois Ă©paissies et Ă  contenu de forte densitĂ© et de fibres avec des parois additionnelles dites gĂ©latineuses. Des altĂ©rations pariĂ©tales prononcĂ©es, reliĂ©es Ă  de la matiĂšre opaque, se trouvaient dans ces cellules ou dans les parois avoisinantes. Plusieurs particules interreliĂ©es occupaient certaines cellules infectĂ©es pourvues de seulement quelques traces de cytoplasme altĂ©rĂ©. Tel qu’observĂ©e en microscopie photonique, une zone de prolifĂ©ration de cellules plus ou moins bien diffĂ©renciĂ©es Ă©tait visible Ă  la marge extĂ©rieure du xylĂšme. Du cĂŽtĂ© de la moelle et de la couche mĂ©dullaire, une multiplication accrue de cellules provenant de ces tissus a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e. Ces masses tissulaires inusitĂ©es avaient dĂ©coupĂ© le xylĂšme, formant avec celui-ci un genre de muraille et Ă©mergeant en monticules sur la tige

    Final Draft of March Progress Report

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    Schiller attaches the final version of the March Progress Report, reflecting the changes Dauchy recommended earlier.https://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/documents_780/1083/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from Bolivia\u27s Ministry of Justice to M. Cherif Bassiouni

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    Response to M. Cherif Bassiouni\u27s invitation to the International Association of Penal Law\u27s XV International Congress of Penal Lawhttps://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/documents_780/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Histopathology of Fusarium wilt of staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. callistephi race 3. I. Modes of tissue colonization and pathogen peculiarities

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    Light and transmission electron microscope studies of naturally infected or inoculated staghorn sumac plants by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. callistephi race 3 are reported. Diverse extrinsic material (including latex in some instances) or elements occurred in vessel lumina. Some of this material labelled for pectin, often in association with tyloses, as did other opaque matter in paratracheal cells, related to alterations of their protective layer. Pronounced alterations of pit membranes of bordered pits occurred, with their outer portions disrupted into bodies of opaque matter, strongly labelled for cellulose, and their middle portions as unlabelled shreds. Similarly labelled opaque bodies occasionally occurred on vessel walls and lumina. Direct penetration of host cell secondary walls by the pathogen occurred, but these were degraded to any extent only following intramural invasion. Vessel walls, at all stages of infection, were lined with variously structured matter: in their thinnest forms, by single or paired, equidistant or widely spaced opaque bands, and in their thickest forms as alternating opaque and less opaque layers. Other thin elements, often enclosing opaque material, vesicular structures, or occasionally particles of ribosomal appearance were also delineated by similar but frequently infolded bands. These elements were sometimes observed to be confluent with fungal cells and to label for chitin. Many fungal elements were bound by only a thin or defective lucent wall layer, practically unlabelled for chitin, or by a locally thickened, labelled one; labelling for this substrate was also frequently associated with the fungal cell outer opaque wall layer or with some outer extracellular matter. Fine filamentous structures, connected to fungal cells, to the vessel lining matter, and to these other elements, extended into host walls. The lining itself generally did not label for cellulose or chitin. These observations are discussed in comparison with similar observations made regarding other wilt diseases that we have studied.Nous rapportons des observations microscopiques et ultrastructurales de l’infection par le F. oxysporum f. sp. callistephi race 3 de plants de vinaigrier inoculĂ©s ou infectĂ©s naturellement. Des structures ou du matĂ©riel Ă©trangers aux Ă©lĂ©ments vasculaires ont Ă©tĂ© illustrĂ©s. Ce matĂ©riel ainsi que la matiĂšre liĂ©e Ă  l’altĂ©ration de la couche dite protectrice des cellules de parenchyme se sont marquĂ©s pour la pectine. Des corps opaques apposĂ©s aux parois des vaisseaux, prĂ©sents dans leur lumiĂšre ou dans les cellules de parenchyme voisines, ont rĂ©agi pour la cellulose. La partie mitoyenne des membranes de ponctuation arĂ©olĂ©es Ă©tait altĂ©rĂ©e en lambeaux non marquĂ©s pour la cellulose et leur partie externe en corps opaques marquĂ©s. La pĂ©nĂ©tration des parois secondaires des cellules hĂŽtes par le champignon a eu lieu, mais ces parois Ă©taient fortement altĂ©rĂ©es seulement une fois colonisĂ©es de façon intralamellaire. Les parois vasculaires, Ă  tous les stades de la maladie, Ă©taient recouvertes de matiĂšre Ă©trangĂšre : dans les cas les plus prononcĂ©s, de couches de diverses Ă©paisseurs, formĂ©es de strates d’opacitĂ© diffĂ©rente, et, dans leur plus simple expression, de lamelles opaques, simples ou jumelĂ©es mais souvent divergentes; des Ă©lĂ©ments, encadrĂ©s de lamelles semblables et souvent incurvĂ©es, et contenant de la matiĂšre opaque, des structures vĂ©siculaires ou occasionnellement des particules semblables Ă  des ribosomes garnissaient Ă©galement les parois vasculaires. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments, inĂ©galement marquĂ©s pour la chitine, Ă©taient Ă  l’occasion liĂ©s Ă  des cellules du champignon. La couche translucide de ces cellules Ă©tait souvent mince ou absente, pratiquement non marquĂ©e pour ce substrat, ou localement Ă©paissie et alors fortement marquĂ©e, comme aussi occasionnellement leur couche pariĂ©tale externe et la matiĂšre extracellulaire semblable. Des structures filamenteuses rattachĂ©es aux cellules du champignon, comme au recouvrement des parois vasculaires et aux autres Ă©lĂ©ments, piquaient les parois cellulaires de l’hĂŽte. Ces recouvrements ne se sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement pas marquĂ©s pour la cellulose ou la chitine. Ces observations se comparent avantageusement Ă  celles concernant les autres maladies Ă  flĂ©trissement que nous avons Ă©tudiĂ©es

    Estudios ultraestructurales y citoquĂ­micos de huĂ©spedes y patĂłgenos en algunas enfermedades de marchitamiento fĂșngicas: una retro e introspeciĂłn dirigida al mejor entendimiento de DED

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    This report presents a survey of previous and more recent ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations of disease development in elm, caused by Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, with results of some comparative studies of other wilt diseases caused by f.spp., of Fusarium oxysporum and of Verticillium sp. For cytochemical studies, probes complexed to colloidal gold to detect cellulose, pectin, chitin, and DNA were used. Thus, the formation of tyloses, pit membrane alterations, and the disease effect on parenchyma cells in mature as well as in young tissue were characterized. Vessel lumina in these plants, in diverse situations, contained heterogeneous matter, among which occurred masses of opaque matter and in certain instances pectin fibrils secreted by parenchyma cells and tyloses. Numerous globoid, opaque bodies of regular sizes, which have been mostly overlooked previously, abounded in vessel elements of U. americana and U. glabra, including trees injected with glucose solutions prior to inoculation. Coarser fibrillar material was also noted in vessel lumina, but mostly shortly after inoculation. Other peculiar forms of O. novo-ulmi are also described. The possible role of the components under study is discussed, and a model for DED is proposed in which hindrance to vessel invasion, including downward spread of the pathogen, and reactions of parenchyma cells are complementary and considered to be conducive to defence mechanisms, including compartmentalization of the invaded xylem.En este informe se presenta una revisión de los más recientes estudios sobre la ultraestructura y la citoquímica del desarrollo infectivo causado por Ophiostoma novo-ulmi en el olmo, y su comparación con otras enfermedades vasculares causada por hongos como Fusarium oxysporum y Verticillium sp. En los estudios citoquímicos se usaron inmunolocalizadores de oro coloidal para la detección de celulosa, pectina, quitina y ADN. De esta manera se caracterizó la formación de tilosas, las alteraciones en las punteaduras, y los efectos de la infección en las células parenquimáticas, tanto en tejidos adultos como jóvenes. En estas plantas, el interior de los elementos conductores contiene, en diversas ocasiones, sustancias heterogéneas en las que aparecen masas de sustancias opacas, así como, en ciertas ocasiones, fibrillas de pectina segregadas por células parenquimáticas y por tilosas. Numerosos cuerpos opacos globulares de tamaño medio, que previamente habían pasado en gran medida inadvertidos, eran abundantes en los elementos conductores de U. americana y U. glabra, incluyendo árboles a los que se inyectó soluciones de glucosa antes de la inoculación. También se detectó la presencia, en el interior de los vasos, de material fibrilar de mayor diámetro, sobre todo al poco de la inoculación. También se describen otras formas peculiares de O. novo-ulmi. Se discute el posible papel de los componentes en estudio, y se propone un modelo para la grafiosis en el cual los obstáculos para la invasión del vaso, incluidas la transmisión corriente abajo del patógeno y la reacción de células parenquimáticas, son complementarios, considerándose que son conducentes a la aparición de mecanismos de defensa, incluida la compartimentación del xilema invadido

    Patterns in the Fermion Mixing Matrix, a bottom-up approach

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    We first obtain the most general and compact parametrization of the unitary transformation diagonalizing any 3 by 3 hermitian matrix H, as a function of its elements and eigenvalues. We then study a special class of fermion mass matrices, defined by the requirement that all of the diagonalizing unitary matrices (in the up, down, charged lepton and neutrino sectors) contain at least one mixing angle much smaller than the other two. Our new parametrization allows us to quickly extract information on the patterns and predictions emerging from this scheme. In particular we find that the phase difference between two elements of the two mass matrices (of the sector in question) controls the generic size of one of the observable fermion mixing angles: i.e. just fixing that particular phase difference will "predict" the generic value of one of the mixing angles, irrespective of the value of anything else.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, references added, to appear in PR

    In-hospital worsening heart failure: a clinically relevant endpoint?

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    Outcome measures used for the clinical evaluation of patients with acute heart failure differ between studies and may neither adequately address the characteristic presenting symptoms and signs nor reflect the pathophysiological processes involved. In‐hospital worsening of heart failure (WHF) is associated with poor outcomes and thus a potential endpoint conveying clinically meaningful prognostic information.Current definitions of WHF are based on the combination of worsening symptoms and signs and the intensification of treatment during admission. Definitions vary across studies and do not fully account for baseline therapy or circumstances in which there is failure to respond to treatment. Further, there are limited data to inform healthcare professionals as to which patients are most at risk of developing in‐hospital WHF.In this opinion piece, we review the definitions for WHF used in recent and ongoing clinical trials and propose a novel definition, which captures failure to respond to treatment as well as clinical worsening (deterioration of symptoms and signs) of the patient's condition. Such a definition, applied consistently across studies, would help clarify the characteristics of patients likely to develop in‐hospital WHF, allow comparative assessments of the effectiveness of interventions, and help guide appropriate patient management in order to improve outcomes

    Gamma-D crystallin gene (CRYGD) mutation causes autosomal dominant congenital cerulean cataracts

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    Congenital cataracts are a major cause of bilateral visual impairment in childhood. We mapped the gene responsible for autosomal congenital cerulean cataracts to chromosome 2q33-35 in a four generation family of Moroccan descent. The maximum lod score (7.19 at recombination fraction theta=0) was obtained for marker D2S2208 near the g-crystallin gene (CRYG) cluster. Sequencing of the coding regions of the CRYGA, B, C, and D genes showed the presence of a heterozygous C>A transversion in exon 2 of CRYGD that is associated with cataracts in this family. This mutation resulted in a proline to threonine substitution at amino acid 23 of the protein in the first of the four Greek key motifs that characterise this protein. We show that although the x ray crystallography modelling does not indicate any change of the backbone conformation, the mutation affects a region of the Greek key motif that is important for determining the topology of this protein fold. Our data suggest strongly that the proline to threonine substitution may alter the protein folding or decrease the thermodynamic stability or solubility of the protein. Furthermore, this is the first report of a mutation in this gene resulting in autosomal dominant congenital cerulean cataracts

    Nonlinear optical properties of selected natural pigments extracted from spinach: Carotenoids

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    They are report here, for the first time in authors knowledge, results on third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities from a series of natural pigments extracted from spinach. The measurements were performed in-situ at 532 nm wavelength using degenerate four wave mixing technique (DFWM). For comparison third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities of the same pigments were also evaluated using third harmonic generation (THG) set up at 1064 nm. The electronic contribution to the observed properties was also deduced. The measurements were performed on thin films deposited on a thick glass substrate. These pigments were also identified by UV–VIS spectral analysis. All these results were in good agreement with the literature data
