802 research outputs found

    Submicrometric Films of Surface-Attached Polymer Network with Temperature-Responsive Properties

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    Temperature-responsive properties of surface-attached poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) network films with well-controlled chemistry are investigated. The synthesis consists of cross-linking and grafting preformed ene-reactive polymer chains through thiol--ene click chemistry. The formation of surface-attached and cross-linked polymer films has the advantage of being wellcontrolled without any caution of no-oxygen atmosphere or addition of initiators. PNIPAM hydrogel films with same cross-link density are synthesized on a wide range of thickness, from nanometers to micrometers. The swelling-collapse transition with temperature is studied by using ellipsometry, neutron reflectivity, and atomic force microscopy as complementary surface-probing techniques. Sharp and high amplitude temperature-induced phase transition is observed for all submicrometric PNIPAM hydrogel films. For temperature above LCST, surface-attached PNIPAM hydrogels collapse similarly but without complete expulsion of water. For temperature below LCST, the swelling of PNIPAM hydrogels depends on the film thickness. It is shown that the swelling is strongly affected by the surface attachment for ultrathin films below \sim150 nm. For thicker films above 150 nm (to micrometers), surface-attached polymer networks with the same cross-link density swell equally. The density profile of the hydrogel films in the direction normal to the substrate is confronted with in-plane topography of the free surface. It results that the free interface width is much larger than the roughness of the hydrogel film, suggesting pendant chains at the free surface.Comment: in Langmuir, American Chemical Society, 2015, LANGMUIR, 31 (42), pp.11516-1152

    A Study of the Hoesch-Houben Synthesis in the Preparation of Aromatic Ketimines and Hydroxy-Phenyl Iminoesters

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    This synthesis involves the condensation of a phenol with a nitrile (aliphatic or aromatic). It is effected by the passage of dry hydrogen chloride through their solution in anhydrous ether, with or without the addition of dry zinc chloride. Anhydrous aluminum chloride was substituted for zinc chloride in some cases

    The Velocites of Hydrolysis of the Three Monomethoxy-Diphenyl Ketimines

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    The 2- and the 3-methoxy-diphenyl ketimines have been prepared employing the general method of Moureu and Mignonac. The 4-methoxy-diphenyl ketimine had been prepared previously

    Electron cotunneling transport in gold nanocrystal arrays

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    We describe current-voltage characteristics I(V) of alkyl-ligated gold nanocrystals 5nm\sim 5 nm arrays in long screening length limit. Arrays with different alkyl ligand lengths have been prepared to tune the electronic tunnel coupling between the nanocrystals. For long ligands, electronic diffusion occurs through sequential tunneling and follows activated laws, as function of temperature σeT0/T\sigma \propto e^{-T_0/T} and as function of electric field IeE0/EI \propto e^{-\mathcal{E}_0/\mathcal{E}}. For better conducting arrays, i.e. with small ligands, the transport properties crossover to the cotunneling regime and follows Efros-Shklovskii laws as function of temperature σe(TES/T)1/2\sigma \propto e^{-(T_{ES}/T)^{1/2}} and as function of electric field Ie(EES/E)1/2I \propto e^{-(\mathcal{E}_{ES}/\mathcal{E})^{1/2}}. The data shows that electronic transport in nanocrystal arrays can be tuned from the sequential tunneling to the cotunneling regime by increasing the tunnel barrier transparency

    The secondary eclipses of WASP-19b as seen by the ASTEP 400 telescope from Antarctica

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    The ASTEP (Antarctica Search for Transiting ExoPlanets) program was originally aimed at probing the quality of the Dome C, Antarctica for the discovery and characterization of exoplanets by photometry. In the first year of operation of the 40 cm ASTEP 400 telescope (austral winter 2010), we targeted the known transiting planet WASP-19b in order to try to detect its secondary transits in the visible. This is made possible by the excellent sub-millimagnitude precision of the binned data. The WASP-19 system was observed during 24 nights in May 2010. The photometric variability level due to starspots is about 1.8% (peak-to-peak), in line with the SuperWASP data from 2007 (1.4%) and larger than in 2008 (0.07%). We find a rotation period of WASP-19 of 10.7 +/- 0.5 days, in agreement with the SuperWASP determination of 10.5 +/- 0.2 days. Theoretical models show that this can only be explained if tidal dissipation in the star is weak, i.e. the tidal dissipation factor Q'star > 3.10^7. Separately, we find evidence for a secondary eclipse of depth 390 +/- 190 ppm with a 2.0 sigma significance, a phase consistent with a circular orbit and a 3% false positive probability. Given the wavelength range of the observations (420 to 950 nm), the secondary transit depth translates into a day side brightness temperature of 2690(-220/+150) K, in line with measurements in the z' and K bands. The day side emission observed in the visible could be due either to thermal emission of an extremely hot day side with very little redistribution of heat to the night side, or to direct reflection of stellar light with a maximum geometrical albedo Ag=0.27 +/- 0.13. We also report a low-frequency oscillation well in phase at the planet orbital period, but with a lower-limit amplitude that could not be attributed to the planet phase alone, and possibly contaminated with residual lightcurve trends.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 13 pages, 13 figure

    Group Key Exchange Enabling On-Demand Derivation of Peer-to-Peer Keys

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    Abstract. We enrich the classical notion of group key exchange (GKE) protocols by a new property that allows each pair of users to derive an independent peer-to-peer (p2p) key on-demand and without any subsequent communication; this, in addition to the classical group key shared amongst all the users. We show that GKE protocols enriched in this way impose new security challenges concerning the secrecy and independence of both key types. The special attention should be paid to possible collusion attacks aiming to break the secrecy of p2p keys possibly established between any two non-colluding users. In our constructions we utilize the well-known parallel Diffie-Hellman key exchange (PDHKE) technique in which each party uses the same exponent for the computation of p2p keys with its peers. First, we consider PDHKE in GKE protocols where parties securely transport their secrets for the establishment of the group key. For this we use an efficient multi-recipient ElGamal encryption scheme. Further, based on PDHKE we design a generic compiler for GKE protocols that extend the classical Diffie-Hellman method. Finally, we investigate possible optimizations of these protocols allowing parties to re-use their exponents to compute both group and p2p keys, and show that not all such GKE protocols can be optimized. Key words: group key exchange, peer-to-peer keys, on-demand derivation

    Dual-wavelength laser source for onboard atom interferometry

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    We present a compact and stable dual-wavelength laser source for onboard atom interferometry with two different atomic species. It is based on frequency-doubled telecom lasers locked on a femtosecond optical frequency comb. We take advantage of the maturity of fiber telecom technology to reduce the number of free-space optical components which are intrinsically less stable, and to make the setup immune to vibrations and thermal fluctuations. The source provides the frequency agility and phase stability required for atom interferometry and can easily be adapted to other cold atom experiments. We have shown its robustness by achieving the first dual-species K-Rb magneto optical trap in microgravity during parabolic flights